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Everything posted by AnkhAscendant

  1. Something similar was actually requested this morning. ^^ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/779348-race-specific-werebeasts/ I agree with the idea myself...
  2. I'm not an expert, but I actually had heard of timescale mods breaking NPC AI, and I saw you have one there. I'm not saying it is the problem, I'm a pretty noobish noob ^^; , but I use the SkyRealism timescale adjuster because it specifically mentions resetting the timescale to default in places where it has to so that NPCs function properly. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21552
  3. I can't actually give you what you're looking for, but if you're inteerested you can stop the vampire attacks altogether while you're waiting for a revival mod. (Or something that makes vendors and quest npcs Protected, which might work to avert the problem.) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21615
  4. "The gods chose me to be the dragonborn because they knew I'd be in the right place at the right time at this one moment twenty-x or thirty-x years down the road" does not sit well with my inner Dovahkiin ^^; Ignore the game, I prefer to have a little backstory myself. Granted, I mostly made it up as I went along my first playthrough. That actually may be why I didn't care as much about Oblivion. I really was playing it as a "right place at he right time" character. A lot less involving.
  5. For me, my character is a modern version of Red Eagle. ^^ If I'm recalling correctly the book says that Red Eagle sold his soul (in a very general manner of speaking) to the Hagravens for the power to defend his people in the Reach, and my Arnandre is sort of echoing that. Of course, it's Daedra and Dragons, but hey, it's on a bigger scale. The Dovahkiin-ness is from mystical Reachman blood. :P The game does not play to my plot so well, since I can't actually be the saviour of the Forsworn or the Falmer, but I am imagining it letting me anyway.
  6. The official hi-res was the only thing I've downloaded that consistently makes my game crash. :l I think I'll live with the original textures myself.
  7. I believe that was a feature in Dawnguard. Sorry. (Someone correct my if I'm wrong ^^; )
  8. Tee hee! I'm officially a modder!
  9. You're right, it is a pretty massive project... Actually I think it would probably have to be 17 separate mods, at least at first ^^; Thank you! I wouldn't mind some help, but unfortunately I don't even have all the ideas yet, and I do have kind of a control-freak streak ^^; And I'd feel bad asking for help when I can't even contribute much at this point. I need to learn my way around dialogue and quest-making, which is almost all this is. :l
  10. I couldn't find it on the Nexus, but on Steam there's a mod for opposite gender animations. I think it does what you want (although I'm not entirely sure). http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=15878 I think that this mod changes the character animation in the sense, animation male is given to the female character, and the animation is given to female than male. I'm sorry, I thought that was what you wanted.
  11. I couldn't find it on the Nexus, but on Steam there's a mod for opposite gender animations. I think it does what you want (although I'm not entirely sure). http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=15878
  12. I use Frostfall, Scenic Carriages, ICMN rather than the Total Realism basic needs mod, and the guard dialogue overhaul (now they actually call me Thane! It's awesome.) I had an NPC adding mod - SIM - but I ended up turning most of it off because it was making the game too easy with random bad guys spawning and dropping loot. (Also even the good ones were slaughtering all my added wlidlife, which I added for my own use, thankyouverymuch.) I kept the NPC werewolves, though. (As a bonus, Frostfall already includes camping gear, so no need for an extra mod for that. ;) ) I also got Enhanced Dynamic Weather System, plus Deeper Snow, and More Rain, just for more immersive weather. And Height Adjusted Races because it's pretty impressive when the giants are actually so big I don't quite reach their knees. Those aren't really big immersion things, though... just some background stuff. I think you already saw the kinds of things I would want. ^^ Unfortunately I haven't really found any of my wishlist. -A piety meter that makes you actually have to practice your religion would be awesome. (For a place that's fighting over religion, basically no one in Skyrim actually seems to observe their faith... Most of the 8 don't even have any temples aside from the multipurpose one in Solitude, and I seriously doubt everyone in Whiterun wants to go worship Kynareth every week...) -A cleanliness mod with penalties for ignoring it. -Stress and relaxation (and make use of Adult mods in conjunction with more innocent stress relievers? I would be impressed and amused). -Addiction mods. -I would like to say I would draw the line at a 'bladder' meter, but honestly I think if someone did it seriously I'd probably even use that. -Jobs and a reason to do them ;) -Responsibilities for my houses or the holds where I am Thane or factions I am a part of. Not just get-and-forget titles and houses. And you're really right about the dialogue options. I do have a Speech Tree mod that makes it possible to actually give and accept yields rather than just murdering everyone, but a serious and deep disposition overhaul with reasons to actually be a good (or bad) person would be great. That's just a dream though, because even if someone did it I don't think it would really respect the vanilla game as much as I would want. I guess I want to play Sims in Skyrim ^^;
  13. (Edit: Now with more Promiser!) This is going to be very very long, so bear with me. For me, the Daedra quests have always been some of the more interesting things you can do, but there just isn't enough. You go around collecting all of their artifacts and then they forget about you. It's disappointing and frankly not very realistic. for the most part these are supreme beings who enjoy meddling with mortals, and their current champion would be an excellent tool, you would think. I want to expand the Daedra into something more like a faction each, rather than a single quest point. Note that this doesn't mean I want to change any of their quests or their rewards unless it seems really reasonable, because I don't like actually changing what was intended to be there, I just want to add more to it, to make it how it should have been to start with. I have three specific things that I think would accomplish this: Flesh out their original quests, if they need it. Have the Daedra give you ongoing quests on a monthly or so basis, so that you continue to do their bidding. Give you a reward if you come and visit their shrines on their special Summoning Days. (( Edited while writing - there should be a fourth option: the ability to lose your chosen status. Sometimes you might give it away, other times it might be stripped, other times it might be stolen. These options should be independent of the quests, I just haven't written in any independent parts. )) I'm very open to any ideas or suggestions anyone has. I'm looking for things that are supremely lore-friendly... not what might be cool, but what the Daedra would actually do. Of course, since the Daedra are generally beings of massive extremism, any consequences they have will be very serious. This will not make the game any easier, it will just make it more fun. ;) These are the mechanics I had thought of for the ongoing quests and bonuses, though I'm not sure if they're all actually possible: Edit 9-16: Any and all Daedra bonuses can be cleared by doing penitence quests for Stendarr. This is all or nothing - the Divines don't exactly pick and choose when it comes to Daedra. If you want to get rid of Sheogorath's madness (for example), you have to get rid of all of the others as well. Below are the plans I have for each Daedra: :happy: indicates significant input from (and thanks to!) Promiser. Meridia - most well-developed and first one I thought of months ago Boethiah - needs work - small edit 9-13 Sheogorath - is not something any sane person would want Mephala - is a lot of work - updated 9-16 Malacath - few ideas - small update 9-16 :happy: Nocturnal - stealing things - edited 9-13 Namira - depends on other mods :happy:Molag Bal - TBA - updated 9-11-12 Mehrunes Dagon - TBA - need to look up specific difference between MD and MB :happy:Vaermina - TBA - small edit 9-16 :happy:Clavicus Vile - TBA - update 9-16 Hircine - Werewolves and TBA Azura - TBA Hermaeus Mora - TBA - small update 9-16 Sanguine - TBA - small edit 9-16 :happy:Peryite - so many options :happy: Jyggalag - Let's show the world why he's to be feared. - major undertaking - updated 9-11-12 As you see, some of them I really have no ideas... and also I'm up way past my bedtime and I can't think much right now. I am really, really interested to hear any feedback or ideas, though. Of course, I thought originally that quests and dialogue would be some of the easier things to do in the CK, but I find it's actually the least-intuitive part, so anything ths massive is probably more like a wishlist than anything I can accomplish. Still. And I admit I'm not quite an expert, so if you see any flaws and can point them out civilly I readily accept that too. ;)
  14. If anyone else has this problem, I believe the SkyUI readme tells you exactly which file you deleted to cause this and has a link to one to replace it :)
  15. If you have Frostfall you don't actually need to have the fast travel disabler, since that's one of the options you can configure (and which is disabled by default on the Hardcore mode, which is the only way to play ;) ) And I can't believe I forgot to mention the Armor Disguises! I love, at least, the idea of it, though I haven't gotten to use it yet. If you have ICMN you probably want a time scale modifier, and this is the one I use, since it's nice enough to reset the timescale to default where it needs to be so NPCs don't break: SkyRealism Time & Travel And I also use this, which makes people look for you longer, so it's a little harder to sneak, if you want some more difficulty. SkyRealism sneak detection. (I saw another one which made it almost realistically impossible and I've forgotten what it was >> ) Some of the comments on the murder investigation one turned me off, because it basically said that having a high sneak skill made the mod pointless, so I didn't think it would be worth it. Do you have a link for the Miss Skyrim etc? I can't seem to find it. I can't answer for sure about the home building, but the good news is that you can survive for several days without food, water, and sleep, so once your house is built just go inside and gorge yourself, then sleep for a few days. ;)
  16. As long as you don't save over your previous save files your other character is safe.
  17. Is it possible to make the jobs for Alchemy and Enchanting something like "Bring me X amount of Healing Potions/Daggers with Flame enchantment", rather than trying to make them have you do a specific potion for them? Theoretically you could still buy or find said potions/daggers, but if you do that then your character is a cheater anyway. Sorry if I misunderstood the problem you were having.
  18. Cloth all the way. I don't let myself wear so much as a pair of boots or gloves with an armor stat. Honestly this is kind of because I'm lazy and it gives me one less thing to have to worry about. When you're always wearing robes, you don't have to worry about which robes have better armor or repairing or upgrading your robes... and I feel like if I start wearing armor then the game will force me into wearing things I don't think my character should wear just because they're better than what he does an I'd be stupid not to. So I avoid the issue. I also want to say I don't use any magic mods or anything to make a more sensibly unarmored mage ^^; (and shields/ward are a waste of magicka.) I just do a lot of dodging and running backward while casting.
  19. I think that it actually means that whenever anyone else kills a dragon in body, it revives or reincarnates or something, thus never truly 'dying', but when the Dragonborn eats its soul it is now truly dead. It's not the killing in body that kills it, it's the souldrinking,and you on't have to take its soul to kill its body, just to make sure it doesn't come back... so technically, you are the one ultimately killing them, no matter who knocks it down, because you are the one taking its soul. Although I do agree that it's weird how everyone knows that fact.
  20. Sweet! That doesn't accurately express my excitement, but I am excited ^-^
  21. Well geeze, I'm not planning to go around slaughtering everyone in charge. :P I just got a mod that removes the essential status from people except for when they're essential for a specific quest, so I realized (after said quests were done) I could kill them if I wanted. I kinda figured I would be underwhelmed. I echo everything Goodfellow says... How open the world is really just highlights all the places where it isn't. There should be an inheritance hierarchy. Oh well.
  22. On the subject of Alduin not landing, that's not caused by mods, because I got that (twice) on my last-started character before I ever installed a mod. It was disturbing that Alduin wanted me to die :P I think someone should give people in Helgen more dialogue options just in case they do manage to survive like that. ^^ But that would be close to - gasp! - storytelling.
  23. And back on subject :P I think it would be great, especially to have a few really big projects instead of littler ones that clash :< Although I haven't myself done anything that changes any perk trees except for a speech tree mod that allows people to actually yield. I'm a little iffy about breaking vanilla ^^;
  24. I'm glad you brought up the potions. It makes sense to me that health, magicka, and stamina potions don't work well but I've also noticed that potions that let you carry more for 300 seconds don't work, either. Does that mean blacksmithing, enchanting, resist, fortify, etc potions don't work, either? D: I think that actually makes sense, since you should have to 'digest' the potions to get the benefits, and vampires don't digest much of anything once they're dead.
  25. I wanted to agree that the Windhelm butcher quest was one of the better ones - pretty much anything were you have to think is nice. But no, for the most part even where there are multiple options, the stupid journal tells you about everything. Like Faendal/Sven... did the journal actually have to give you the option of going and telling the other one? But I digress. There is one skeever-infested cellar bit, in the first Thieves Guild quest. ;) Of course your job isn't to clear it out, but you do have to get through it. As far as killing things goes, at least Boethiah's quest made killing things interesting (although I'm pretty sure the quest doesn't fail if you're detected, I still challenged myself to restart every time I was... with a 94 in sneak or so it wasn't that challenging, but still.) I think the reason so many people like the DB is that it actually takes some skill, not just a strong sword-arm, unless you don't care about bounties. Then I think you might be playing an assassin wrong :P
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