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Posts posted by Dimensionlord1

  1. Alrighty I was working on creating a follower mod to which I was intending to put a lot of effort into, however when I was editing the Conditions in the AI packages they didn't seem to save. I've heard some people saying something about text being minimized or something. I dunno. All I know is I can't see or select the conditions that I add to the AI packages. Either that or it never actually saved. I'm not actually sure what to do here and am at a loss. I gave up on the mod, but hopefully can start back up if I can find a way to fix this annoying issue.

  2. Okay seeing as Aliens are obviously lore friendly to the fallout universe on account of the aliens and Riddick being in Fallout Tactics it would be awesome if someone could create a mod that adds Necromonger armor from The Chronicles of Riddick. Maybe differant versions of the armor such as the armor worn by basic Necromonger soldiers/infantry, the Lord Marshal, or possibly even the robes worn by the Purifier.


    Gravity pistols and rifles could also be implemented using the mesmetron style energy weapon effect if that is in Fallout New Vegas already. Though all I'm asking for here is the armor, but if someone wants to make this mod and add the gravity weapons then more power to you!


    To gain the armor and possibly weapons (If someone wanted to make the weapons too.) I'd say instead of just placing them in Doc Mitchels house have several Necromongers spread out through the wastes with the armor and again possible weapons. Now by several I don't mean an entire faction of Necromongers, I mean maybe 2-4 Necromongers. Maybe to add a little backstory say their ship crashed and they're looking for a way to contact the Necromonger empire and get off world.

  3. Now I'm wondering if it would be possible for someone to actually create a new shout similar to the Vile Vapors shout used by the Afflicted during the Peryite quest, however using the game's texture for blood thus making your character spew blood. This would definitely be very cool for vampire characters or maybe necromancers. If anyone could make this mod a reality that would be great.

  4. Okay whenever I try to post something on the forums here it always says "Sorry, you don't have permission for that!" and right under that it will say something like "The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 47 seconds before replying or posting a new topic." This seems to happen all the time for some reason. Though despite this it seems my posts still appear on the forums, so I really don't know what's going on here.

  5. It would be awesome if someone could create a saurian mask that fits all races. (static.wixstatic.com/media/ce0ec5_e29cc5cb7703488e83d332cd3ca16553.jpg_srb_p_410_272_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srb) Now the second thing would be making the vile vapors shout used by the afflicted during the Peryite quest to actually be usable by the player. As soon as I saw people vomiting poison I immediately thought "I hope someone makes a mod for this" A bit surprising I've never seen it made playable before.

  6. This is a request for a mod that I'm a bit surprised hasn't already been done from what I've seen. Basically it's a request to be able to pick up the heads of your enemies once you successfully decapitate them. Now instead of just having a generic skull, or something I want the heads to be pretty much the same looking as when they were still attached to the person's body. I mean how cool would it be to have a collection of unique trophies from your slain enemies?


    And maybe even as a little extra be able to say... mount the severed heads on your wall perhaps? After all home is where you hang your enemy's head.

  7. Okay so I just got skyrim and have been experiencing no end to troubles with the game. Just when I thought I had everything right all the mods I download from the nexus become useless due to data files in the launcher now unselectable. Here's a rundown of what happened.


    1. I run steam in offline mode.

    2. I see that the data files selection in the skyrim launcher have been changed to skyrim workshop keeping me from activating mods I downloaded from the nexus.

    3. I turn steam back to online mode thinking it will fix the problem.

    4. The skyrim workshop is still there keeping me from activing downloaded mods.


    Now I don't know why the skyrim workshop suddenly decided to appear and block me from activating mods, but I would like to find a way to get rid of it, or at least go back to allowing me to select mods NOT from the workshop.

  8. Now the idea of actual suits of real historical armor from medieval times is actually pretty awesome and would be able to easily added to the game without breaking the lore. If someone were to make a suit of armor, which I'm surprised hasn't already been done they could add it to the museum of history. Now this isn't really a request just more of an idea for people to possibly consider.



  9. We've seen the dead skeletal remains of people scattered about the wastes. Now what I'm thinking is that someone could take the mesh for the skeleton and rig it, so that it can be worn as armor or clothing. With or without clothes that some of them have on the ingame models I don't care which. The reason I'm asking someone to do this is because I would like to make a mod which expands upon the Point Lookout quest involving the Krivbeknih and I need skeletons that I can make into enemies.


    And yes I know that this is likely to not be done as I understand that many modders here are preoccupied with their own projects and what not. Though if anyone here can help me out I'll appreciate it.


    Anyway, thank you if you bothered to read this.

  10. Okay I don't know if this question has been asked before, but I'm going to ask it. I've seen that there was at some point a fallout 3 Predator mod. Now what I'm wondering is where is this mod at? I've been looking everywhere and I can not find it anywhere.

  11. I have been wondering if there is a console command that can allow you to change an NPC's race in game and no I do not want to edit NPC race via the construction set.

    I've already tried example: changerace Khajiit

    No luck though if anyone could help me it would be much appreciated.

  12. Okay so I've been thinking and I was like hmmm.... I wonder if anyone has ever though of making a mod that replaces ogres with Shrek?

    Now seeing as there are no mods like this I was wondering if anyone could make this a mod.

    There are ogres already in game so all someone would have to do is color them green give them Shrek's ears and maybe make the face look more like Shrek.

    If anyone could make this idea a mod I'd be thankful and I'm sure the ogre lord would be as well. Lol

  13. I was just wondering if anyone could create some armor from characters in mortal kombat. Like Shao Kahn, Scorpion, and Sub Zero.





  14. So I heard it was possible to have the newest version of the construction set installed with the older version that allows for the generation of .lip files on the same computer. What I was wondering is how do you do this? Because I find it annoying to have to uninstall and reinstall so that I can generate .lip files.


    So does anyone know how to install 2 different versions on the same computer?

  15. Okay so I created some voice files for some of my mods and was disappointed when after all my hard work they didnt play in game. I had the .lip files and the .mp3 files in the right places and they wouldnt work.


    Now I dont know whats wrong with the files it could be a file converter I used, or something else but, Im asking anyone if they know what the problem could be and any possible solutions.

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