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About MrJoseCuervo

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    Roadwar 2000

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  1. Humans natural state is barbarism. Civilization is the construct or as some see it, a gilded cage. Greed is merely the prehistoric part of our brain doing what it has for millennia. Keeping you alive. We are meant to live in small (150 peeps) communities. Keeping what you have hunted and gathered was important to keep your family alive, and I am sure it will again the day this sh!t house goes up in flames. If Ayn Rand wrote Imagine. Imagine there's no taxes It's easy to conceive No fiscal burdens to oppress us Just freedom to achieve Imagine all the people Living off their own means... Imagine there's no central banks It isn't hard to do No monetary manipulation And financial freedom's true Imagine all the people Trading with Bitcoin... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not alone in this I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live in bliss Imagine no property tax I wonder if you can No more need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Truly owning their land... You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one
  2. Our leaders are very stupid. They should have used a secret proxy to fund all of Tesla's needs and wants in exchange for patents.. which would go to the government.
  3. Every game I have ever played is biased for stealth. Until game AI gets better it will always be. You could make a mod that make a Good Character playthrough viable. I mean, that's why we are here..
  4. Want to ruin something? Bring money into it. Want money? Get a job. Free Mods forever.
  5. This is why Russia wants Ukraine. Hard times are coming.
  6. China has major issues. Their mismanaged population control has doomed them.
  7. Our leaders are dumb and greedy and have no idea how to tame this beast. They see a large conflict with 2 great positives for them. Population reduction and they look at the boom after WW2 and think it will save the US economy. Sadly they moved all manufacturing out so not sure how that will work out. If a Neo-Con / Neo-Liberal gets into office here, things will be very very bad.
  8. Global Economic Collapse = It has begun. Next year will be brutal Unemployment will skyrocket = Next Year Evictions will be higher than the 2008 housing crisis = Next year POTUS will not see 2024 = I still think this will happen There will be large scale violence and martial law or curfews will be enacted in at least one us City. = Thankfully I was wrong here China will take advantage of the wests feckless leadership and engage Taiwan = China has too many problems right now. Russia will use a Nuke in Ukraine = Elon prevented his Russia / Ukraine conflict will spread to other nations forcing NATOs hand = Elon Prevented this Trump will be overly aggressive and be surpassed by Ron DeSantis in popularity. = Trump 2024. Turns out Desantis has no personality A military draft will be seriously talked about. = There is a bill in the Senate to make womwn eligible for the draft. Equality! Bitcoin will drop below 10k = Perhaps after the ETF gets rejected.
  9. None of it is a "problem" Like I said, heavy metals are a problem, sure. These gases occur naturally and the planet has mechanisms in place to address them. The "cure" may mean a culling of the species on this planet.. but this has happened many times.
  10. I'm glad you think so. Truly.
  11. I think it's an important question. Any kids reading should know it is not a good way to live.
  12. Do you find it hard having social interactions? Don't you feel a sense of emptiness? I guess you can't miss what you never had.. but man, you're missing a lot of what life is all about.
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