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Upcoming AMA with Elianora


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In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920 are all replies on the same post.

Kevin843 wrote: I love your mods, just wish you were a little nicer in the comments
RaffTheSweetling wrote: I agree. Talent and arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand sometimes.
LanceHolland90 wrote: Shes a very popular modder and is constantly barraged by stupid questions. Over the years it has taken it's toll - and the result is what you experience today.

I am no fanboy, but I respect her work, and as you have so eloquently put, talent and arrogance do often go hand in hand.
Kastrenzo wrote: Nah, that's no excuse to be arrogant with everyone, Make mention of her attitude and she presses the safe space button and bans you from her content.

I guess it's too bad for her that you can only do it to someone once, Someone's on a power trip.

It's refreshing to see that so many others, whether just snide comments or genuine distaste for the person, acknowledge what she is.
Ombragine wrote: Indeed

I have experimented this with her. I posted a comment about her attitude because her answer to someone was very harsh and sadly i got a ban from her content.

This is not a good way.
Viorotica wrote: Yeah she's like a less dickish version of DDProductions, and we all know what EVENTUALLY happened to him.

But whatever, no excuses for a bad attitude really, just because some people act like bellends doesn't mean you should treat anyone with even any slightly negativity like one.
Kastrenzo wrote: In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Thats what's always kind of astonished me about Elinora, first off was how completely hostile she is to the slightest bit of criticism, and how she takes advantage of The Nexus' complete lack of involvement and interference with individual bans from an authors content,

in other words. An author can choose to ban individuals from their stuff. and Nexus won't do anything about it, and they say you have to sort it out with them. She takes full advantage of that and bounces anyone who even so much as breathes funny on her it seems.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

I'm just really surprised to see that she is STILL doing it.
Purgey wrote: I'm liking some of the people here :)
jim_uk wrote: @Kastrenzo You are not a customer or consumer, she's willingly sharing something she created for free, she is under no obligation to put up with people making demands, whining and generally being arsehats. As for bans, the mods belong to the author and if they don't want an certain individual having access to their mods then that is their right.
Ethreon wrote: Whether you like the modder or not, best would be to not start a huge argument here about it. Eh?
Dark0ne wrote: If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.

In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Elianora isn't selling anything, so your analogy is completely moot. The Nexus is not a storefront. It's not a seller/consumer environment -- at all. If it was then yes, of course, there would need to be some accountability and I'm sure Elianora and others would understand that and revise how they choose to respond to the more negative elements of the community more accordingly. But it's not, so there's no point even discussing that line of thought.

Relevant analogies to the Nexus are free content distribution platforms. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on. Guess what they all have in common with the Nexus? They provide the original authors of content with the tools to moderate their own content how they see fit.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

If you don't care about her content, how did you even manage to get a ban? What were you doing on her pages in the first place? Seems really silly to me. Why waste your time if you don't care? That's a rhetorical question, really. You obviously do care, else you wouldn't be mentioning it here trying to "out" her. So lets just move on, and stop being silly.

"If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it." A rule that only applies to users and not authors. I don't understand why authors are given a free pass and are allowed to be assholes to their users while the users are the ones to get punished. There's no reason authors can't be a little more respectful and less rude to their users. If "you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it" should be reminded to anyone, be sure to remind the authors too. No reason for the rudeness, if the users get on their nerves it isn't hard to ignore them or delete the comment. You'd think they would be more kind and helpful, it's unfortunate that finding a kind and helpful author here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

I suppose the most simple solution for common users is to not engage with people here anymore, just get your mods and run - because no matter what, it will always be their fault. Sad to see this is where we're at now.

Then again, no one can really do anything here. Authors will continue to be arrogant asses, users will continue to be ignorant asses. Just a shame the users get a punch in the face for something harmless while authors are given a trophy for being pricks.

*Not applied to all authors. Sadly the popular and arrogant authors have given the reputation for all mod authors (or popular users) to be arrogant assholes too. Which not all of us are!
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She's a great modder I'll give her that and she can be rather helpful when helping other modders. Her fans though on other hand can be insufferable and by fans I mean the ones that jump up and down for attention or recognition. Combine that with people comparing other house esq mods to Elinorra's its enough to drive someone away from publishing mods. That said I'm only speaking for myself and my experiences.
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In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420 are all replies on the same post.

Kevin843 wrote: I love your mods, just wish you were a little nicer in the comments
RaffTheSweetling wrote: I agree. Talent and arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand sometimes.
LanceHolland90 wrote: Shes a very popular modder and is constantly barraged by stupid questions. Over the years it has taken it's toll - and the result is what you experience today.

I am no fanboy, but I respect her work, and as you have so eloquently put, talent and arrogance do often go hand in hand.
Kastrenzo wrote: Nah, that's no excuse to be arrogant with everyone, Make mention of her attitude and she presses the safe space button and bans you from her content.

I guess it's too bad for her that you can only do it to someone once, Someone's on a power trip.

It's refreshing to see that so many others, whether just snide comments or genuine distaste for the person, acknowledge what she is.
Ombragine wrote: Indeed

I have experimented this with her. I posted a comment about her attitude because her answer to someone was very harsh and sadly i got a ban from her content.

This is not a good way.
Viorotica wrote: Yeah she's like a less dickish version of DDProductions, and we all know what EVENTUALLY happened to him.

But whatever, no excuses for a bad attitude really, just because some people act like bellends doesn't mean you should treat anyone with even any slightly negativity like one.
Kastrenzo wrote: In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Thats what's always kind of astonished me about Elinora, first off was how completely hostile she is to the slightest bit of criticism, and how she takes advantage of The Nexus' complete lack of involvement and interference with individual bans from an authors content,

in other words. An author can choose to ban individuals from their stuff. and Nexus won't do anything about it, and they say you have to sort it out with them. She takes full advantage of that and bounces anyone who even so much as breathes funny on her it seems.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

I'm just really surprised to see that she is STILL doing it.
Purgey wrote: I'm liking some of the people here :)
jim_uk wrote: @Kastrenzo You are not a customer or consumer, she's willingly sharing something she created for free, she is under no obligation to put up with people making demands, whining and generally being arsehats. As for bans, the mods belong to the author and if they don't want an certain individual having access to their mods then that is their right.
Ethreon wrote: Whether you like the modder or not, best would be to not start a huge argument here about it. Eh?
Dark0ne wrote: If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.

In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Elianora isn't selling anything, so your analogy is completely moot. The Nexus is not a storefront. It's not a seller/consumer environment -- at all. If it was then yes, of course, there would need to be some accountability and I'm sure Elianora and others would understand that and revise how they choose to respond to the more negative elements of the community more accordingly. But it's not, so there's no point even discussing that line of thought.

Relevant analogies to the Nexus are free content distribution platforms. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on. Guess what they all have in common with the Nexus? They provide the original authors of content with the tools to moderate their own content how they see fit.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

If you don't care about her content, how did you even manage to get a ban? What were you doing on her pages in the first place? Seems really silly to me. Why waste your time if you don't care? That's a rhetorical question, really. You obviously do care, else you wouldn't be mentioning it here trying to "out" her. So lets just move on, and stop being silly.
LethalThreat wrote: "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it." A rule that only applies to users and not authors. I don't understand why authors are given a free pass and are allowed to be assholes to their users while the users are the ones to get punished. There's no reason authors can't be a little more respectful and less rude to their users. If "you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it" should be reminded to anyone, be sure to remind the authors too. No reason for the rudeness, if the users get on their nerves it isn't hard to ignore them or delete the comment. You'd think they would be more kind and helpful, it's unfortunate that finding a kind and helpful author here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

I suppose the most simple solution for common users is to not engage with people here anymore, just get your mods and run - because no matter what, it will always be their fault. Sad to see this is where we're at now.

Then again, no one can really do anything here. Authors will continue to be arrogant asses, users will continue to be ignorant asses. Just a shame the users get a punch in the face for something harmless while authors are given a trophy for being pricks.

*Not applied to all authors. Sadly the popular and arrogant authors have given the reputation for all mod authors (or popular users) to be arrogant assholes too. Which not all of us are!

Not applying to 95% of the userbase here, author or user. Trying to generalize further involves a lot of ignorance from the person generalizing.
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In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285 are all replies on the same post.

Kevin843 wrote: I love your mods, just wish you were a little nicer in the comments
RaffTheSweetling wrote: I agree. Talent and arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand sometimes.
LanceHolland90 wrote: Shes a very popular modder and is constantly barraged by stupid questions. Over the years it has taken it's toll - and the result is what you experience today.

I am no fanboy, but I respect her work, and as you have so eloquently put, talent and arrogance do often go hand in hand.
Kastrenzo wrote: Nah, that's no excuse to be arrogant with everyone, Make mention of her attitude and she presses the safe space button and bans you from her content.

I guess it's too bad for her that you can only do it to someone once, Someone's on a power trip.

It's refreshing to see that so many others, whether just snide comments or genuine distaste for the person, acknowledge what she is.
Ombragine wrote: Indeed

I have experimented this with her. I posted a comment about her attitude because her answer to someone was very harsh and sadly i got a ban from her content.

This is not a good way.
Viorotica wrote: Yeah she's like a less dickish version of DDProductions, and we all know what EVENTUALLY happened to him.

But whatever, no excuses for a bad attitude really, just because some people act like bellends doesn't mean you should treat anyone with even any slightly negativity like one.
Kastrenzo wrote: In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Thats what's always kind of astonished me about Elinora, first off was how completely hostile she is to the slightest bit of criticism, and how she takes advantage of The Nexus' complete lack of involvement and interference with individual bans from an authors content,

in other words. An author can choose to ban individuals from their stuff. and Nexus won't do anything about it, and they say you have to sort it out with them. She takes full advantage of that and bounces anyone who even so much as breathes funny on her it seems.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

I'm just really surprised to see that she is STILL doing it.
Purgey wrote: I'm liking some of the people here :)
jim_uk wrote: @Kastrenzo You are not a customer or consumer, she's willingly sharing something she created for free, she is under no obligation to put up with people making demands, whining and generally being arsehats. As for bans, the mods belong to the author and if they don't want an certain individual having access to their mods then that is their right.
Ethreon wrote: Whether you like the modder or not, best would be to not start a huge argument here about it. Eh?
Dark0ne wrote: If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.

In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Elianora isn't selling anything, so your analogy is completely moot. The Nexus is not a storefront. It's not a seller/consumer environment -- at all. If it was then yes, of course, there would need to be some accountability and I'm sure Elianora and others would understand that and revise how they choose to respond to the more negative elements of the community more accordingly. But it's not, so there's no point even discussing that line of thought.

Relevant analogies to the Nexus are free content distribution platforms. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on. Guess what they all have in common with the Nexus? They provide the original authors of content with the tools to moderate their own content how they see fit.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

If you don't care about her content, how did you even manage to get a ban? What were you doing on her pages in the first place? Seems really silly to me. Why waste your time if you don't care? That's a rhetorical question, really. You obviously do care, else you wouldn't be mentioning it here trying to "out" her. So lets just move on, and stop being silly.
LethalThreat wrote: "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it." A rule that only applies to users and not authors. I don't understand why authors are given a free pass and are allowed to be assholes to their users while the users are the ones to get punished. There's no reason authors can't be a little more respectful and less rude to their users. If "you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it" should be reminded to anyone, be sure to remind the authors too. No reason for the rudeness, if the users get on their nerves it isn't hard to ignore them or delete the comment. You'd think they would be more kind and helpful, it's unfortunate that finding a kind and helpful author here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

I suppose the most simple solution for common users is to not engage with people here anymore, just get your mods and run - because no matter what, it will always be their fault. Sad to see this is where we're at now.

Then again, no one can really do anything here. Authors will continue to be arrogant asses, users will continue to be ignorant asses. Just a shame the users get a punch in the face for something harmless while authors are given a trophy for being pricks.

*Not applied to all authors. Sadly the popular and arrogant authors have given the reputation for all mod authors (or popular users) to be arrogant assholes too. Which not all of us are!
Ethreon wrote: Not applying to 95% of the userbase here, author or user. Trying to generalize further involves a lot of ignorance from the person generalizing.

Mod authors are human beings, they're not machines who can keep ignoring all the crap some have to put up with.

Someone puts days, weeks or even months into making a mod, hundreds of hours of unpaid work could have gone into it, they upload it and what do they get? I want this, I want that, I don't like this, I don't like that, do this, do that, questions from idiots who haven't read the readme or those so thick they have to call customer services to get instructions on how to turn their PCs on.

Most of us will only get annoying comments under our files once in a blue moon and it's easy to deal with that, the major modders get a lot more and it's enough wear anyone down.

The rise of automated tools like NMM have seen a decline in the knowledge of the average user, they don't have to learn so they don't bother, they shove more and more stuff into their games until it breaks, then they blame the modders. There was a time when users could make simple adjustments to mods or fix mods themselves, these days they throw a hissy fit at the author and demand the author does it.
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In response to post #46364080. #46364325, #46367235, #46368205, #46369815, #46369930, #46370390, #46374095, #46374390, #46374475, #46374920, #46376420, #46377285, #46378940 are all replies on the same post.

Kevin843 wrote: I love your mods, just wish you were a little nicer in the comments
RaffTheSweetling wrote: I agree. Talent and arrogance seem to go hand-in-hand sometimes.
LanceHolland90 wrote: Shes a very popular modder and is constantly barraged by stupid questions. Over the years it has taken it's toll - and the result is what you experience today.

I am no fanboy, but I respect her work, and as you have so eloquently put, talent and arrogance do often go hand in hand.
Kastrenzo wrote: Nah, that's no excuse to be arrogant with everyone, Make mention of her attitude and she presses the safe space button and bans you from her content.

I guess it's too bad for her that you can only do it to someone once, Someone's on a power trip.

It's refreshing to see that so many others, whether just snide comments or genuine distaste for the person, acknowledge what she is.
Ombragine wrote: Indeed

I have experimented this with her. I posted a comment about her attitude because her answer to someone was very harsh and sadly i got a ban from her content.

This is not a good way.
Viorotica wrote: Yeah she's like a less dickish version of DDProductions, and we all know what EVENTUALLY happened to him.

But whatever, no excuses for a bad attitude really, just because some people act like bellends doesn't mean you should treat anyone with even any slightly negativity like one.
Kastrenzo wrote: In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Thats what's always kind of astonished me about Elinora, first off was how completely hostile she is to the slightest bit of criticism, and how she takes advantage of The Nexus' complete lack of involvement and interference with individual bans from an authors content,

in other words. An author can choose to ban individuals from their stuff. and Nexus won't do anything about it, and they say you have to sort it out with them. She takes full advantage of that and bounces anyone who even so much as breathes funny on her it seems.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

I'm just really surprised to see that she is STILL doing it.
Purgey wrote: I'm liking some of the people here :)
jim_uk wrote: @Kastrenzo You are not a customer or consumer, she's willingly sharing something she created for free, she is under no obligation to put up with people making demands, whining and generally being arsehats. As for bans, the mods belong to the author and if they don't want an certain individual having access to their mods then that is their right.
Ethreon wrote: Whether you like the modder or not, best would be to not start a huge argument here about it. Eh?
Dark0ne wrote: If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.

In most other mediums on the internet, like a store front for example, like ebay. when the customers or consumers are being harrassed and insulted, the seller, provider, creator, whatever, normally gets punished.

Elianora isn't selling anything, so your analogy is completely moot. The Nexus is not a storefront. It's not a seller/consumer environment -- at all. If it was then yes, of course, there would need to be some accountability and I'm sure Elianora and others would understand that and revise how they choose to respond to the more negative elements of the community more accordingly. But it's not, so there's no point even discussing that line of thought.

Relevant analogies to the Nexus are free content distribution platforms. YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and so on. Guess what they all have in common with the Nexus? They provide the original authors of content with the tools to moderate their own content how they see fit.

And, I'm not grumbling about getting my ban, I really could care less. There's never been anything she's made that ever remotely interested me, and I'll gladly take a personal ban if it means higlighting some extremley cancerous behaivor from a "top modder"

If you don't care about her content, how did you even manage to get a ban? What were you doing on her pages in the first place? Seems really silly to me. Why waste your time if you don't care? That's a rhetorical question, really. You obviously do care, else you wouldn't be mentioning it here trying to "out" her. So lets just move on, and stop being silly.
LethalThreat wrote: "If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it." A rule that only applies to users and not authors. I don't understand why authors are given a free pass and are allowed to be assholes to their users while the users are the ones to get punished. There's no reason authors can't be a little more respectful and less rude to their users. If "you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it" should be reminded to anyone, be sure to remind the authors too. No reason for the rudeness, if the users get on their nerves it isn't hard to ignore them or delete the comment. You'd think they would be more kind and helpful, it's unfortunate that finding a kind and helpful author here is like finding a needle in a haystack.

I suppose the most simple solution for common users is to not engage with people here anymore, just get your mods and run - because no matter what, it will always be their fault. Sad to see this is where we're at now.

Then again, no one can really do anything here. Authors will continue to be arrogant asses, users will continue to be ignorant asses. Just a shame the users get a punch in the face for something harmless while authors are given a trophy for being pricks.

*Not applied to all authors. Sadly the popular and arrogant authors have given the reputation for all mod authors (or popular users) to be arrogant assholes too. Which not all of us are!
Ethreon wrote: Not applying to 95% of the userbase here, author or user. Trying to generalize further involves a lot of ignorance from the person generalizing.
jim_uk wrote: Mod authors are human beings, they're not machines who can keep ignoring all the crap some have to put up with.

Someone puts days, weeks or even months into making a mod, hundreds of hours of unpaid work could have gone into it, they upload it and what do they get? I want this, I want that, I don't like this, I don't like that, do this, do that, questions from idiots who haven't read the readme or those so thick they have to call customer services to get instructions on how to turn their PCs on.

Most of us will only get annoying comments under our files once in a blue moon and it's easy to deal with that, the major modders get a lot more and it's enough wear anyone down.

The rise of automated tools like NMM have seen a decline in the knowledge of the average user, they don't have to learn so they don't bother, they shove more and more stuff into their games until it breaks, then they blame the modders. There was a time when users could make simple adjustments to mods or fix mods themselves, these days they throw a hissy fit at the author and demand the author does it.

A lot of users are not assholes and a lot of authors are really kindly and are doing their best to enhance experience with all what they do for end users.

This is apply to a small part, always same people i like to say and it is really fun to see that this applies between authors themself too.

And, sadly, she is inside. A good way will be for her to change all her mod pages and remove agressive contains, disclamers, etc.

Look yourself : http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2829/? and it is not the only one.

It only gives a bad picture for both, authors and users. Is it good to be like that ?

Edited by Ombragine
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If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Basically the founding principle of the Nexus. Some of you guys seem to have forgotten that. I'll be moderating these comments as necessary.


My thought is more on the basis that the more the modder is popular, the more he will have a lenient treatment.

As said above, there is no excuse. Same rules should apply to modders too.

I like to think that a modder's popularity also comes from his reaction to his community.

And doing such comments (yeah I kinda agree there are more polite ways) is a reflect/appreciation of the modder's work. And definitely a critic that could lead to improvement. :thumbsup:


Anyway, I'm still glad to have Elianora in this community. Some of her mods are must-have ! :happy:

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In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750 are all replies on the same post.

EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
its not harsh...

Its called FED UP...
mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.

Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;) Edited by Brandoman
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In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340 are all replies on the same post.

EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
its not harsh...

Its called FED UP...
mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)

It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability! Edited by LenaMarie
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In response to post #46355360. #46355735, #46357775, #46358530, #46359735, #46362070, #46363695, #46368255, #46371045, #46381315, #46381750, #46382340, #46383075 are all replies on the same post.

EmikoSaka wrote: Let's hope she's nicer than her comments make her seem.
sydney666 wrote: ...no need to be like that.
Ombragine wrote: Sourire.

Clear even she is really a great modder and has a real talent to create nice things, may be like some others here, i'm dislike her communication. It is a personnal feeling.

Anyway, nice to see her to have this AMA ;-)
OrcLivesMatter wrote: After so many years in the modding community a person can get a little harsh.
jim_uk wrote: You try dealing with the nonsense the more popular modders have to put up with, she's more polite than I'd be.
greekrage wrote: @ OrcLivesMatter
its not harsh...

Its called FED UP...
mrmcphister wrote: I'm sorry, don't get it. Can think if quite a few ground breaking modders, who have made real contributions to the game. I mean houses are great and all, everyone needs to live somewhere, but have also found her to be overly rude and arrogant.
Kastrenzo wrote: Or you can just, not reply to stupid questions. Rather than being a spiteful and bitter ****
ZZZ02 wrote: *facepalm*
OrcLivesMatter wrote: @greekrage That too.
StupidAnswer wrote: Her mods are just interiors filled with unlorefriendly generic stuff. Cluttering until it looks good leaving you with unmemorable boring houses that you may use to sleep or store your s#*! but not beyond that.
Brandoman wrote: Oh boy... if I could tell you all my experience with her all of your jaws would drop in shock. Out of respect for a fellow modder and content creator I won't talk about it on here.

Excellent content she creates though, so if you enjoy it and have questions about it, be respectful and nice! ;)
LenaMarie wrote: It might just be a cultural thing, and not necessarily her fault. In Finland, they tend to really dislike people from other nations. Finnish people are often rude and stand offish, its how they are taught, generationally.

Im not trying to be insulting, but if you google this, you'll see its a well known fact about Finnish Culture. I love her mods though, doesnt diminish her ability!

Lena that's the most stupid and racist thing I ever heard in Nexus.
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