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  1. I would like a Vampire mod like Lithians nature of the beast for Oblivion. Here is a video, the intro is a bit long winded but you can see what I mean after a minute or so: For me that is a great mod so I'm hoping Lithian or someone else will make a similar one for Skyrim so I can actually feel like a bad ass vampire. It does make you a little over powered but that is the whole point for me with being a vampire. I have my other characters for regular play throughs.
  2. As mentioned try the 4GB mod, it helped reduce my crashes to almost non existent. Also if your using an Nvidia card try their latest beta drivers as both the mod and drivers seemed to stop the missing texture issue on my PC. It also allows you to use ambient occlusion to improve shadow quality. It should also kill any lag your getting, but this also depends on how powerful your PC is and the settings your using obviously.
  3. http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/8.jpg Paladin apparently although I would say Im more a warrior, but I usually have an assassin type and a mage type too. I like to try everything :biggrin:
  4. Play Morrowind then. If its so perfect you wont miss anything that Skyrim offers anyway. And Skyrim isnt a bad game like you make out, thats just your opinion. My opinion is its probably the best game ive ever played (including morrowind which I didnt even like that much), and has a load more potential with mods. Im not sure why everyone who doesnt like the game, feels the need to tell the rest of us though. Its as if you want those of us who do like it to suddenly change our minds and hate it. Its kinda annoying really.
  5. This is one of my main issues really. I feel that every guild I join, all I have to do is a few quests and suddenly I'm in charge, which doesnt actually change anything other than make me run out of storyline :tongue: The DB should be broken up a bit more so you get ranked up based on how many assassinations you make and how cleanly you make them. I mean really, would they trust a new assassin to take on the biggest mission they have ever done just because they discovered it. Eventually you should get that mission but you should have to do a lot of assassinations to prove yourself and rank up in the guild. Its the same with the theives guild. Im now the leader but I've not really stolen that much. Surely I should have had to rob a few houses and targets such as the treasury in Markarth, as well as bring in a load of money and rare items before becoming the leader. It kind of makes it feel like everyone else in the guilds are under achievers and have never done anything significant for the guild. Some of the things I do don't necessarily mean I should be the leader. How can I possibly lead all these guilds anyway, and if I am the leader then why does nobody really acknowledge it. If the arch mage walks into town people should take note. If the leader of the DB does then people should be nervous, and the leader of the Thieves guild should be under constant surveillance by everyone. Fair enough I understand that the DB and theives guild are secretive so people may not know who the leader is, but that doesnt change the arch mage. It should also have an implication when joining the legion or stormcloaks. To them the arch mage or a highly skilled assassin would be a great resource but they dont even acknowledge it. Anyway on topic, I am going to give the game a rest for a couple of days. I have around 150 hours in now and have loved nearly everyone of them, but I need to have a break. After that Im sure I will be back on it. I really can't wait for the big mods to come. The game is brilliant but definitely has its flaws.
  6. Yeah! thats it! youre right, you got us! we elitist superrich PC-Gamers are the 1%! we control America and the rest of the world and our goal is to enslave the console players once and for all! PC forever brothers you all know our secret agenda! i dont think you are getting what im saying. im saying it as human nature. the person with more money/more power/etc always thinks themselves to be better than everyone that dont have what they have. whether its concious or subconcious, that natural/primal power heirarchy is always there. If people can buy new consoles each time it comes out they can afford a nice computer that lasts longer than those two consoles.It´s not a matter of being rich or poor, it´s a matter of choice. no because a pc is open platform and can be modded at will to keep up with new technology. a consol isnt and gets outdated fast it costs a lot of money to keep yur computer up to date with todays technology and to be able to play all games on ultra settings for the best experience. my pc rig > my ps3 by far I wouldnt say it costs a lot to keep a PC up to date. In total upgrading my PC to a far superior machine cost me about £400, 2 and a half years ago and still runs everything on max settings perfectly fine. I can see it lasting another year easily with the current trend as the CPU still has more room for further overclocking as does the GFX card. Plus it has 16GB of high performance RAM in it so thats not going to run out any time soon. I know thats way more than I need for gaming by the way, but I record music as well on my system and use a lot of VST instruments so RAM is essential. Games generally arent pushing graphical boundaries anymore, so I think my system will last till the next generation of consoles. The worst case scenario is that I will have to lower a couple of settings which probably wont make much difference anyway. I used to be the kind of gamer who would always go for the best hardware, but there really isn't any point at the moment. Mid range cards and CPUs run everything on max anyway so the only reason to buy a high end system is either for bragging rights or if you want it to last you a long time. I could have even chosen to keep my system as it was and it would still have run all the new games fine just not on max settings. So I dont agree that you HAVE to upgrade all the time like a lot of people seem to think. Also if I want to upgrade something simple like a hard drive, I spend ~£40 on a 1TB drive and stick it in. On a console you have to buy a brand new console and only get about 40GB or something ridiculous. As well as it being a slow hard drive as proven by the endless load times on a lot of console games. Im guessing it is possible to upgrade a hardrive on a console without buying the whole thing, but the majority of console owners buy consoles so they dont have to do that kind of thing, so would more than likely opted for the option to buy the whole system. The remark about PC gamers having loads of money is quite ridiculous as well. Taking into account the cost of console games over PC games it actually doesnt work out that much cheaper to use a console. In fact if you bought a lot of games it would probably be more expensive.
  7. I don't have anything against console players and I agree with you. There is a lot of negativity and elitism in the PC gaming community with consoles. I guess its because were just better than you :biggrin: just kidding. I find it very annoying when people make console gamers out to be stupid and say that consoles are just for kids. To me its just an easy access gaming route for people who don't want the hassle a PC might bring. I honestly see why people buy consoles and if I had the money I would probably have one myself for all the games that don't come to PC. I've always preferred PCs though so would always pick that over a console. Personally I think too much focus is given to what platform everyone plays on by other gamers. If your happy then why care if someone prefers a pad or a mouse, or if they would rather have an Xbox, PC or PS3. In a lot of ways consoles do hold games back in terms of things like graphics, effects and physics. But I also believe they have their place and do in fact help in a lot of ways too. For a start they rake in money and make gaming more popular and less thought of as a geeky hobby, which has some negatives, but in general is very positive for the industry and future games. They also force devolopers to think more on gameplay rather than selling a game because it uses some random DX11 feature. I do believe that developers should develop on PC first and foremost for cross platform games. That way they can make a game to the highest quality available at the time and scale it down for consoles and lower end PCs. It just seems like the logical choice to me from a gaming perspective. Unfortunately though its ran through a business perspective, so the developers and publishers aim for whoever they believe will make them the most money.
  8. I enjoy using the unrelenting force one its good fun throwing enemies around. Its also useful if you aim it so they go into a nearby wall. That way you can get to them and hit them before they get up. Or you can just throw them off of cliffs or castle walls which is also fun. The fire breath isnt brilliant but I only have the level 1 version of that so I have no idea what the later levels are like. Become ethereal is useful if I want to jump off a mountain to get down quicker and Ive have fun with the ice one too. Someone was chasing me and I turned them into a block of ice and they ended up going over a cliff :biggrin: The marked for death came in useful as well when I was out numbered by hags. Ive also used it on a couple of dragons. To be honest I can probably find a use for them all, but the damage ones dont do a lot of damage like you say. The one I have found least useful is the frost one (not the freeze one).
  9. My assassin is around level 25 and I am finding that stealth is becoming a bit too easy as well. Especially when I do a sneak attack from the front with a sword in the light. It just seems silly that they cant see me standing at the other side of the room under a light let alone right in there face about to stab them. I also agree about the alert status. Its bad enough when you shoot and kill their friend but what about when they have an arrow in their own neck and are saying it must have been my imagination :tongue: I hope someone tweaks this. Sneaking shouldnt make you invisible you should still have to avoid line of sight and stick to shadows. It should just make you harder to see and harder to hear but not impossible. If I have master sneak and knock a load of plates off a shelf people should have a raised alert status for a bit. If I kill someone then they should look until they find me or go and get backup. Im hoping someone fixes this with a mod. Bethesda are great at making these big games and think of lots of details and yet always seem to let this kind of stuff slip by like its got 100 sneak :tongue:
  10. While I find the battle cries add immersion, they also take it away when their repeated over and over again. If they're in they should make loads of them and really space out the time they are repeated. I did like some of the ones from Oblivion that you mentioned. I doubt a mod could be done for it though as it would mean either using the voices from Oblivion or recording your own. In either case the NPC would end up having 2 voices so it would be like playing Oblivion again in that sense :biggrin: One that is really irritating me is when you get the ability to summon a certain ghost in the DB. He just never shuts up. Even when Im talking to other NPCs I can hear him in the background. Sometimes I even get him killed on purpose for some peace and quiet and I only ever use him if I really need some help.
  11. Since when do "Recommended specs" mean "This is what you need to play it with maxed settings"? It never has :huh: More like "This is what you need to play it with good-enough-settings". This ^^ I reckon I should be able to play on Ultra looking at these. I kinda expected that anyway even though my PC is only really mid range.
  12. Thanks for this I hadn't seen it before. The player doesnt look like hes very good :tongue:
  13. Thanks for these they are immense. Is that on the 360 as well? If it is then hats off to Bethesda they have done a cracking job :thumbsup: It looks a lot better than I expected it to, I really cant wait for this game :dance:
  14. This ^^ Skyrim also took an hour longer than Fallout 3 too. This is just focusing on the main quest as well. I know personally I will be on the main quest and get distracted by other things and wander off for a bit doing my own thing. These players have also been testing the game for a while from what Ive heard, so they will know the main quest inside out by now. I actually think its a very clever thing for Bethesda to do. It gives them an idea of how long their main quest is in comparison to other games, and lets them see that even rushed through as fast as possible. There is still more gameplay in their mainquest than the whole of other big titles, such as Half Life 2 which was about an hour for the whole game. I bet they couldnt complete it that fast if it was their first playthrough. Dont worry about it :thumbsup:
  15. Depending on what happens with the execution escape at the start, I might try to track down the people who tried to have me executed and teach them a lesson, hopefully gaining membership to the Dark Brotherhood. Or I will just explore the first dungeon I come across. :dance: I havent decided whether im going good evil or neutral yet though. Normally I just play as I would if it was me the first time round. So I tend to help people out and stuff.
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