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Everything posted by Cynster

  1. :thumbsup: Why not play a sexy adventurer girl - I would think that a lot of guys would just to get the latest skimpy mods and have some eye candy when they play... Or maybe a realistic girl character with her own story, like you would a guy. I don't see what the issue is :)
  2. Grateful for the housecoat to cover herself, she quickly slipped it on and followed the woman to the warm bath. Is this what young ladies of class did? Escorted to the bath by the house-maid? She felt like she was outside her body, looking from the outside in at a complete stranger. She dipped her toes into the bath cautiously, before sinking in. Had she been tricked? He had promised her training... not pampering... it made her stomach churn queasily. Would she be his prisoner here? This was a new type of jail. A jail for rich young ladies to train them to be rich young wives perhaps. Her eyes studied the decorated walls and upscale furniture around her. This had to be a joke or a dream. Had she really taken a bite of that kidney and died?
  3. :unsure: I took a look in CK - You've probably already looked at the WICrafting quests - they extend WorldInteractionsScript - I would wonder if that command might be located in that psc file. I don't have anything to open it though.
  4. "mm.." she mumbled, still not feeling quite right without her old robe. She closed her eyes an imagined herself in another setting... where the breeze was tossing the loose strands of her hair about. All alone.... in solitude.... Her heart slowed considerably to match her slow deep breathing. In moments she wasn't even there anymore....
  5. Kiterin slipped off her drenched robes, revealing broken and battered skin, the nicks, scabs and dirt caked in. She had a womanly figure, but you wouldn't have been able to tell with the over-sized robes. She held the robes around her body modestly, not wanting to part with them until absolutely necessary. Somewhere inside she was still the shy farm-girl. Reluctantly, she handed them over, scarlet red in the face. Please, hurry... she screamed in her mind. She wanted to shut the door as soon as possible and cover herself.
  6. That's interesting - personally I think it'd be cool as kind of an extra addition to what they already say/sound like - kind of like a bit of a surprise, but that's just me :) But the sounds sound good. I don't play that race, but I think it's a nifty idea.
  7. I like this idea, and I'd be willing to do the voice of a soft spoken female character if you've got one :)
  8. I'd have to say the flesh eating quest was one of my character's worst moments :P especially when people mentioned after with her having bad breath :facepalm:
  9. Yeah he tricked me too! I was like "omg after all this, this is how you repay me?!" and then I was like "d'awwwww got me!" Thank you :)
  10. "A..wash..." None of this felt right to Kiterin. Her neck was straining, feet dragging against the ground as she approached the motherly woman. She was hesitant to take this plunge into respected society. She cleared her throat, "very well.." Perhaps this is what she needed. A little structure. It would make her a better assassin, would it not? To be able to blend in with the prey around her. Her icy eyes dulled in serenity as she approached, leaving nothing back. "Might she make a lady of me?" she cooed softly to herself, with just a slight smirk curving at the corner of her right cheek.
  11. What's funny is if you let him live, he plays a joke on you like he really will stab you in the back because he wants to be Listener :P
  12. He's not happy to have you dead :P He likes the listener - he respects the position - the only thing he did against the player was try to defend himself when he was hiding out in the new sanctuary. Even while you are fighting to get to him, you can hear him complaining about how it's so wrong that the listener/keeper have to kill one or the other.
  13. Curious blue eyes rested on the extravagant woman grasping the arm of the Jarl. His wife perhaps? Kiterin, a young woman herself, was hardly any competition to be worried over, which was confirmed by the woman's expression as she looked at Kiterin. It was new to her to be noticed, let alone sized up by two people in one day. It was so interesting... The Jarl seemed harder to manipulate to her. She wasn't sure if he was able to read her mind, but if he was - then at least half the fun was taken out. Luckily for everyone, her path was chaotic, her mind a fluttering moth. Even she had trouble predicting what she would do next. That made it so much more interesting... As for the woman, now smiling kindly - as a mother might...perhaps? What was her story? She seemed much easier to play with - though it would be horrible manners to do so now. Too easy. Too boring! It would not do at all! Her lips formed a short pout. She needed something to do; an assignment. Kiterin's hands were twitching a little. She felt antsy and less in control when she wasn't given busy-work. "mmm sounds good...I appreciate the kindness... I wasn't expecting it." she said to the Jarl, before quickly adding to his companion, "Dresses for me? I'm afraid I would dirty them... I appreciate the thought - if you were willing to part with one perhaps, in a dark....." She paused. "Sorry... In a dark color.... a dress... that would do... That's all I would want... something dark....I don't like drawing attention to myself... if it's not too much trouble.." Had they taken pity on her? Pity wasn't exactly what she was going for, but it was something new, something she hadn't experienced before. Certainly not needed, but certainly not unwelcome. Her mind raveled around the thought of the situation she found herself in. She would rebel if they wanted to force her to be normal. She would leave them both in a pool- Enough of that. She tried to keep her thoughts guarded, just in case. No use thinking of death on a day like today. No, today was a special day...
  14. He's a cool (and powerful) follower too. The only issue I have is how much he talks - I wish it would be a little bit less, but that's easy to fix and sometime I might get around to fixing that :)
  15. Kiterin sized up the Jarl before her as he spoke. A man who could tell fact from fiction... shine light in the shadows... She wanted to test him. But how... And certainly not now while he was offering to help her. As he produced the skeleton, her eyes flicked to it and back to him with mild interest. To her, the summoning of a skeleton looked simple, but she took him at his word that he was a great necromancer. As a great necromancer, he probably knew something behind the scenes that she didn't, so she decided not to say anything. "Food and clothing sounds like a good idea.." she said, her current outfit drenched in water. It looked like today she would make an investment and spend her gold on a tactical friendship with the Jarl. Admittedly it sounded good to think someone could bring her back on balance, return her focus. She pulled herself up from behind the waterfall, slipping slightly and catching herself on the wall behind her. Her heart raced as she stared down at the long drop. Carefully she pulled herself back onto the street. Clack, Clack, Clack, Clack Like a wild woman, her head whipped around to the stranger in heels. She hadn't noticed her hand fall to the hilt of her dagger hanging from her belt. It was just a woman in a long fur coat.... Her chest heaved in small silent gasps of air, as she tried to calm herself down. She would need to be much less jumpy if she wanted to live in the city. Her whole body was trembling, perhaps from the fatigue of hunger or paranoia - she wasn't exactly sure.
  16. I let him live too :) He's always been nice to the player, he respects the old ways of the dark brotherhood - and you can't just kill the keeper! :P Plus, when it came around to it - he was already hurt - that's like kicking someone while they are down - and while they are begging to live? :armscrossed: Plus he's awesome. My favorite NPC.
  17. Feeling drained, she rubbed her soft eyelid with the side of her hand. "A bit peckish..." she answered, truthfully, "oh.. you saw that..." Her words melded together, flowing as if she wasn't speaking them. She was tired. Had she been less drained she would have been angry or embarrassed with herself. Instead she let it go, forgetting her foolish mistake: not being more aware of her surroundings when she was about to commit a crime. In a dizzy motion, she brought her slender finger to the roof of her mouth, gagging herself before heaving the small pouch of gold. She tucked it away and wiped the saliva from her mouth with her arm. "That's better, then..." she cooed. Her mind was too numb to think of an excuse for her behavior earlier. "To be quite honest, you said to be honest, so I will...." she said plainly, much...much too plainly for her taste, "I think there is something not quite right with me in the head, you know? I wasn't quite myself, perhaps too much of myself.... Too much then, and I lost a little of my control. It was a weak moment, and I hope you forgive me." Besides her clear insanity and lack of manners, little or great as it may have been, she was somewhat charming. She said the things she knew most people would want to hear. She knew her speechcraft. "My... business.... in Markarth..." Her eyes flicked to his with a sudden sting before she whetted her lips, trying to think, "..residency... I want to live here... I'm going to be honest, as you told me to, I'm an assassin with the dark brotherhood, and I know a fair bit of necromancy. I'd like to train here, if there is such a place to do that. I figured the city would hold a bit more potential than the outskirts of the Reach..." She'd either just blown it and was about to get kicked out of the city or finally get somewhere in this town other than her chaotic path taking her where it will. Either way it would be interesting. And that's what it was all about! A sly grin crept from under her vivid eyes.
  18. $7.25 an hour is the norm here in Ohio for a min wage job... At least you get hours - many of my friends are having trouble getting the hours they need - stuck with like 10 hours a week on min wage.
  19. Did you kill Cicero during the dark brotherhood quest or decide to let him live? And what was your reasoning behind the choice? :)
  20. My dream mod would be an expansion back like Shivering Isles was where the player can do multiple quests and eventually get to a point where they are in a good position of power.
  21. I really want to see some interactive features in a player home mod - where the player can push buttons to control things, like lights, expandable furniture, real true customization stuff. If you did that, I bet it would be really popular :) especially as a castle.
  22. That's pretty cool! Thanks for the links :) I swap characters a LOT
  23. That's what I love about this game. It never ends :)
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