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Everything posted by Cynster

  1. It's simple - but someone would have to voice act the new lines for the girl in her voice, and you'd probably need a professional voice actor since she's a kid and she's already got lines so the voice would have to be matched.
  2. I could see this being done - You would need to go into the spouse quest and see how they set the spouse's home and add a copy of that script/function into the follower quest so that followers could use it.
  3. I think it is probably a simple script change - but it might take a lot of time going through every actor to make this change to implement it.
  4. That is a very easy fix :) I can take a look into it for you, if you like.
  5. Keep an eye out for Tytanis's mod - he is about to release a mod involving the larger ships, having your own crew, fighting other ships, lots of features - I'm pretty sure, but you'd have to look at his mods for more info.
  6. I think there are quite a few voice types that are not set up to be followers. Even less with the spouse dialogue. But depending on how unique the character is, you might be able to mod their voice type if your heart is set on a specific NPC for a quick follower fix :) same if you've already done their quest/don't care what they have to say from then on - or disable the esp once you are finished with your spouse and want the original dialogue again. Just a guess! :)
  7. The best thing for you to do would be to write a comment on the mod's page asking those specific questions. Then the mod author or the fans/followers can tailor an answer specific to these mods. I have used both of them, but to be honest I don't know which versions/types I installed.
  8. Could you please include what gender this person is, the type of voice you expect them to have, a little background info on this person? I think you'll get more bites that way :)
  9. I agree - kissing is in order :P I have a mod that has a moment where a kiss would be just perfect, but alas..
  10. It might be possible, but probably not in the -exact- same way as enchantment since I believe it is built into the game. But someone could add a mod where you can name it -after- you make it. EDIT: I'll take a crack at this tomorrow :)
  11. I think it's more realistic to have it kind of lopsided one way or another depending on the culture. I'm not offended :P
  12. I have apachi sky hair and I don't have it in my pack - unless it's like a new update or something o.o EDIT: I took a look at the mod's pictures and did not see that hair in the pack. I could be wrong but I don't think it is in that mod.
  13. Thanks :D I'll keep an eye out for the hair for you - but I don't download a lot of mods. But if I do see it, I'll post it here.
  14. If you find out where the blindfold is from, I'd love to know :) I haven't seen the other items though. The last picture looks like a variation of hide armor to me but I could be wrong (and I probably am - I don't pay a lot of attention to armor)
  15. If you go into the Skyrim nexus - search for mods by category, and click "quests and adventures" you should see a few. Sort by endorsements/downloads for the popular ones that a lot of people use.
  16. Sure - I'm also going to have more in the future - I'm building a faction, but it's not going to be released until October, so I haven't written the lines yet.
  17. A lot of the soul gem functionality appears to be built into the engine. I'll take a look for you to see if there are actually editable scripts that change when you trap a soul (like removing the empty soul gem, replacing the filled soul gem).
  18. Sure TardisGirl :) I'll send you a PM
  19. Gonna bump this in case there's a female voice out there that would like to play Kynareth :)
  20. I'm interested in this too. I think actual classes at the winterhold college is an idea a lot of people have been talking about and I wouldn't be surprised if there is something either already out there for it or currently in the works.
  21. Then you need to make your interior a world space and add a sky. It would work the same way as an interior - just add the interior statics to your worldspace above the ground.
  22. Very cool :) Good luck with it :) I'm very interested to see the new spell effects and it would be neat to be able to walk around the castle if the whole thing could be recreated :)
  23. Well good thing there are mods then :) someone could easily fix a lot of the problems you are mentioning. Also - in real life you don't always have the option to take a different path. In a way, its almost realistic to be limited in what you can do.
  24. Does anyone know how to reset the movement in an actor after having them do an animation? The actor is stuck in one place and sometimes can move in one place or sometimes not move at all. Same thing happens when I use NPCName.Resurrect() - Is there something I am supposed to do to return them to their normal movement? Thanks!
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