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Everything posted by Cynster

  1. |||Master of Souls||| Your Voice calls the dead, stirring them from their eternal slumber. ================================================================ TA Call (raises the dead for 30 seconds) NUL Wake (raises the dead for 60 seconds) FEH Rise (raises the dead until they are killed)
  2. I am having the same issue with 2 of my mods, too.
  3. Took some hunting but I found that dialogue. I just need to test it tonight and then I'll host it for you :)
  4. That's a really good idea. I'm curious if there is something like this out there too :) I have lots of characters and I always have to hover to find the one I feel like playing at the moment.
  5. I have actually seen a "thief" roaming around robbing a home and robbing people on the side of the road. I don't know if he has ever tried to steal from me - he's very sneaky and I don't notice him right away. :psyduck: I do think the creatures are a bit too foolhardy - especially in the case of the wolves. But even the creatures, I've noticed they kind of come out of nowhere at me sometimes, especially the sabers - they seem to be crouching in the grass/forest before coming out of nowhere - unless I see them uphill. Maybe they can tell when they have been detected? Maybe the "player" has a line of sight similar to NPCs and the times when we see them kind of go after us without even trying to sneak, it's because they are already in our line of sight. I don't know if it's that detailed, but Actors seem to be a lot smarter in Skyrim. Most of them are probably the way they are because it doesn't make sense that most NPCs would get incredibly skilled if their job was a farmer/shop owner. Most of them seem to shy away from dungeons and looking for a fight. But anyway I'll check it out :) It would be cool to have -some- competition with some masters of the perks - I don't know about a whole lot of them, but at least a few would provide a seasoned player some sort of challenge by that point.
  6. So I have 2 computers with Skyrim on steam that I switch back and forth because one's for modding, one's for gameplay. My modding one, I added "participate in beta" to get the beta update - however, on my gaming computer, it had already been checked so immediately when I started my game, it complained about needing to update - however! I don't know how to update it now because it thinks it is up to date and updates automatically. So I chalked it up to that and I'm waiting on the next update so it figures out it's not up to date. I didn't install any new mods or do anything differently - it started up after the beta update (or lack of beta update with a save with the beta update)
  7. I have had problems at various forums before (not a trouble-maker or anything just preference) but never the Nexus. Not years ago, not now. There is only one thing I have noticed, and it's just an observation... Sometimes the anti-piracy questioning of members that ask shady questions (where you suspect that they are probably a pirate) seems to me like a little bit of a witch hunt. And maybe it is that mentality that is upsetting the apple cart with people who tolerate pirating. But in my opinion, even though it may seem heavy handed, it really isn't. Some day it may be a site owner's obligation to report pirates to a government/group by law. A ban from a website is nothing compared to being fined for the property you have stolen and having it on your record anytime you are applying for a job. I think the sooner the pirates wake up from this dream of entitlement because it's on the internet, the better off they will be, and if it takes a ban from a website they like, it's a good thing in the long run if that shakes them up enough to stop. Also the mods don't seem to tolerate the type of members that like to rile people up on purpose and be mean to get their internet kicks. And I guess those members that weren't well received here are probably contributing to the complaints on other forums. But anyway the mentality of honesty and being considerate to others is why I like it here. It makes me proud to be a member here. I don't really care if it upsets people who don't come here anymore - it's probably better off we go our separate ways :) Edit: For the record, about the witch hunt comment - because I don't want it taken the wrong way. I have absolutely no problem with pirates getting banned, I think they should, and I've reported them myself. As a personal preference, I don't try to get them to tell me they have pirated. I don't have a problem with the method of getting them to admit they pirated, but I think pirates do because they think they have been tricked. And I think that could possibly be adding to the complaints is all. But they shouldn't have pirated in the first place, so they have no leg to stand on :P I just didn't want anyone getting the impression that I was against it or anything >.> -stops digging-
  8. I have had this issue too. Anytime I get close to killing someone in close range, they seem to turn off the kill move camera and get a hit in, not taking any damage. I did this for a long time (repeatedly getting cut off kill-moves) with a hagraven until randomly she died at a point when I did not hit her - it was like she wasn't processing for 5 minutes and then finally realized I killed her 3-5 times over and died.
  9. I think it'd be cool if there was a modding resource out there to split up all of the building kits for the option of creating your own unique build (especially for exteriors). I'd also be happy with someone pointing me in the right direction to do it myself too :thumbsup: Thanks :)
  10. Done - here you go: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=17870
  11. Working on a quest...
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. BaldurAnthology


      Know what that's like, it ain't pleasant...
    3. Cynster


      yikes that would scare me :O
    4. BaldurAnthology


      Not so much scary as depressing
  12. I agree :) I think it'd be cool to add this kind of stuff. It just takes time to do it :)
  13. I have not encountered zombie Skjor yet, but that does sound creepy - and entertaining.
  14. Thank you! I will try that :) EDIT: That did it! Thank you so so much! I have spent all day on this. :psyduck: If you were here I'd buy you a drink xD
  15. I have gotten to a point in my quest (a really simple quest) where the player needs to find an item in a chest. The quest marker goes to the chest the item spawns in (using Created in... ) in the quest aliases - however, when the player picks up the item, even though there is a script attached to the item in the item's alias: Scriptname KynarethRobes extends ReferenceAlias Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) If akNewContainer == Game.GetPlayer() If AEL02.GetStage() == 20 AEL02.SetStage(40) Else AEL02.SetStage(15) EndIf EndIf EndEvent Quest Property AEL02 Auto After testing in-game, I picked up the item and checked the stage of the quest using the console and it was still 20. Is there something else I need to set somewhere to advance the quest stage when something is picked up by the player? This is the second time I have started from scratch trying to get this to work and I am getting absolutely nowhere. I really appreciate any help anyone can give me.
  16. It shouldn't be watermarked - but I haven't used it in a long time.
  17. What about trying out a trial if you plan on using it for just a bit?
  18. I have been looking for any type of tutorials or clues of where to start if I wanted to add a custom menu to the game, but I can't find anything. Could anyone please point me in the right direction?
  19. Thanks so much! Sku11m0nkey and I have been mulling this over all week and that seems to be the best option :)
  20. Why would navmeshing and finalizing a cell cause crashes? I do that all the time and I ha e never crashed - plus you need to finalize for NPCs to cross cells
  21. You might be able to change it via the creation kit but I haven't really looked into it. I would assume that is where the music is defined, something to do with starting combat with the player. You could change it to an explore music.
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