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Everything posted by Cynster

  1. Soulless icy eyes shone from behind the water frozen in time. A red smear left over from her hand was plastered on her cheekbone. She looked more animal than human, like a feline trapped in a corner. Her mind wrapped around the words being spoken to her, and she straightened herself out. Her long delicate fingers tweaked with her hair to put it back in order before she bowed her head in reverence, thinking it was the most appropriate greeting for a Jarl when found in this position. "I am perfectly alright, my Jarl," she said, fumbling on how to appropriately address him, "I simply took a bit of a tumble on the wet rocks." She didn't know whether the lie would be believable, but her expression was sincere. If she was going to -move- to this city, she would need to learn to get along with the citizens. The best way would be to rub shoulders with the man in charge. A simple stroll across town accompanied by the Jarl would earn her a citizen's respect. She decided to keep her ambitions low for the time being. "My name is Kiterin," she said finally, after a long pause to consider her options, "I'm new to Markarth - I just moved here. I'm still trying to figure out where everything is and what my place would be here..." Other than jail, she thought. She giggled a little to herself, forgetting where she was. Suddenly remembering her manners, she rose her eyes to the Jarl, holding an expression of seriousness or perhaps intensity. She wasn't exactly staring, but giving a subtle warning that she wasn't exactly what she seemed. Whether she was aware she was giving herself away or not was another story.
  2. [You do not have to have a character sheet to join in, but please look over the OOC thread for the rules, setting, etc. - thanks. No limit to people joining, no time limit to join. No commitment to stay either. Come and go as you please] http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k515/cynnipoo/allInMyMind-1.png It wasn't long since Tsutai had succeeded her brother to rule over Esparta. She was a petite, fair skinned young woman, wearing a long empire style dress drenched in turquoise. She wore a traditional silver beaded choker around her neck. Her hair was put up into two tight buns fitted with turquoise fabric with silver beads along the edge. Her eyes were a dull blue, fading into the rest of her outfit. Standing over her balcony and looking into the fading day, it reminded her of that late afternoon funeral for the late ruler. She closed her eyes... and she was there... The funeral home was already filled with advisers and representatives of each of the towns. Because it was such a small country, they were a tight-knit community. The entire country was mourning the loss of their great leader. There were huge displays of loss in the form of flowers and gifts to deteriorate with time, symbolic of his passing. Tsutai walked into the main room where her brother's body rested. A priestess was giving a long emotional speech, crying out in grief, when at the wrong moment, his successor was standing before them. The looks on their faces cut through her like a knife through butter. Emotionless, she took her seat in the second row, leaving the front row empty out of respect for his place. Her grief was the deepest, but she was not allowed to show it. Even if it were acceptable to be grieving in public as a leader, she was taking his place, and her people not only wanted him alone, but knew she was too young to lead their country. At the age of 15 she would be forced into power, because she was all they had... That night she did not sleep. She spent all that terrible night sobbing in silence, begging to be spared this great responsibility and spare her people from their sure fate of being conquered by their neighbor, Teyla. She was older and wiser now, but not by much. She was 19 and had many systems in place to help protect her people. She was required to rule because she was created to rule in a way. At a very young age, children had been chosen to be rulers depending on how they answered certain questions and behaved. To enhance their decision-making, the children grew up with nano-chips inserted into their brains. This tradition was fading away, and Tsutai was the last of these children. The public was disgusted with her, but they had created her, so they put up with the young leader. No one was more aware of this than Tsutai herself. She looked out into the city just as evening was approaching, reflecting on her four years of rule. The fact they were still there was at least some type of success. Suddenly, she noticed specks in the sky drifting down from the clouds. She squinted a little, brushing away her brown bangs out of the way to see them more clearly. She couldn't determine what they were... They didn't look threatening, so she casually stepped away from her balcony. Sitting down to a hot drink, she had nearly forgotten about those distant particles that had now drifted gently into her room from the open balcony door. Noticing the white speckles scattering in her room, she stood up to go shut the door, when she began to feel funny. Pressing her hand to her stomach, the last thing she could hear was a rolling wave of panicked screams before she fell to the floor, out cold.
  3. http://i1113.photobucket.com/albums/k515/cynnipoo/allInMyMind-1.png >>>>>RP Thread Here<<<< Blue eyes gazed into the vast evening sky above, the clouds moving eerily over the city. Were they raindrops falling from the eternal depth or something more sinister? Tilting her head, she was unable to take her eyes off the gentle particles. Something so beautiful as the evening rain descending so peacefully would never reveal exactly what they were. The residents gazed from their windows to see their world twist and curl away with the touch of gentle petals falling from the sky. Storyline: Two small countries neighboring each other have been at war with each other for the entirety of their history. After much bloodshed over the years, the two have been living in tense peace up until now. One country [Teyla] has basically chemical bombed the other country [Esparta] with hallucinogens, and when the particles contaminated the water supply, it ensured a constant state of hallucination. Though the two leaders of the countries are still "friendly" because tradition requires them to be that way, the two really are on the brink of war again. The citizens of the country that had been contaminated are going up in arms because they believe their leader is no longer capable in her condition (though they aren't necessarily more capable). So revolution is breaking out in small pockets. Your role You can play up to 2 characters, limit one per side. You can roleplay however you want but this is going to be somewhat near modern time and somewhat realistic - sci-fi-esque stuff is ok if you don't go overboard. Fantasy is ok IF you keep it incredibly subtle. For example, say someone is a "vampire" - no one will really believe that you are. And if you go around trying to suck blood or whatever, people are just going to think your are insane. Instead you can give hints, which are always welcome Esparta: A traditional society that is incredibly technologically advanced. The streets are under constant surveillance and papers (passports) are checked frequently. They are extremely mistrusting of foreigners. Especially now that they've been carpet bombed basically. Their leader has a computer chip installed in her brain to help her make decisions, but it's seen as a ritual sort of thing. And it's going out of style. Her brain is wired with the city because she is so paranoid - and she downloads information from various propaganda posters around the city. Citizens are very technologically savvy, themselves. Teyla: A military society a little more like a modern country but not crazy with the technology. They have almost an open door policy and an incredibly transparent government that fluctuates with power-hungry generals. The current leader is a strategist and would like to conquer the neighboring country once and for all to bring peace to his country. He is required by tradition to visit the neighboring country and take part in social rituals (such as certain gatherings and pretending to be friendly). Citizens of this country are extremely variable. Some are technologically savvy but they just don't have some of the type of networking advances their neighbor has. They are slightly behind. Some are extremely loyal and act as if they are in the military even though they are civilians. Pick a side. Pick your sanity. I'm reserving the 2 leaders to direct the roleplay in the general direction I have planned out. The hallucination: If your character is from Esparta, you are at least a -little- bit affected by the hallucinogens - it's up to you to decide how affected your character will be. Characters visiting from Teyla are well aware of the conditions and have access to preventative medicine to block the effects if you should choose to use it. No character sheets required, but if you want to post a picture of your character in OOC or add any information strangers would know upon seeing your character feel free to put it in this thread. Traditionally, I'd like to keep most of the description in your introductory post and during your interactions with other characters, like you'd read in a book. This may or may not be a fast paced roleplay. There is no minimum length of time between posts (unless you're being ridiculous and trying to mess with the rp or something). People can jump in and drop out whenever. You don't need to notify everyone either - but if you do, obviously you need to use the OOC thread, don't spam the RP. Since it's a city setting, it makes sense for people to appear, disappear now and then. You might want to give the person you are interacting with the courtesy to rp your way out of the scene though. This is going to be incredibly laid back. There is no min or max paragraph length - other than the forum rules. Just rp how you fancy. I just want everyone to have fun, no elitism/hand-holding stuff - just some structured rules so everyone can have a good time. OOC Specific Information! Just to clarify for the tl;dr crowd 1. You can join in at any time, you do not need to be approved 2. You may be kicked out if you are disturbing the rp on purpose 3. You may leave or take a break at any time and return at any time 4. Character sheets can be posted in OOC if you want, but they are not required. 5. You may have up to 2 characters, 1 character per country 6. There is no min or max paragraph length 7. You can do anything or be anything you want HOWEVER - there are consequences to what you do in both countries and some NPC interactions with your character might happen 8. No killing off other characters without permission from the character's owner and no godmodding - please don't do it. :down: 9. No sex. Take it to PMs - Kissing, hand holding, hugging, all okay. Anything you wouldn't do in public in front of your grandmother should be taken to PM. 10. You do not control other characters - you control you and only you - in actions and thoughts. If you try to control someone else's character in any way, the other person has full authority to completely ignore your post. As we all will. So please follow the forum rules!
  4. Long pale fingers flickered to her chest, feeling her heart beat rapidly as she took in the sight of the city. Kiterin cast her cool eyes to the market stands a few feet away. The stench of the meat baking in the sun was to die for. Sure... she had plenty of money. She kept every piece of gold she had earned from her contracts... every piece. Her long arm shuffled through her pockets, removing a small pouch. And down the hatch it went. Kiterin gulped her life savings, keeping it safe in the pit of her stomach, true premeditation. She didn't care who saw her. She'd been to the Cidna Mine before. Something was wrenching her to be incarcerated again. In a sudden motion, she grabbed a goat kidney from the stand, holding it up like some kind of prize, staring directly into the eyes of the vendor. Why did she always have to do this? What compelled her to be dragged to jail..... for nothing? Her hand quavered, slowly lowering the meat back down to the table. "Erm.. I....must have forgotten my change...." she breathed, "....s-sorry....." Her trembling bloodstained hand inched away, slowly returning back to her pocket. Her raven black hair almost hissed as she whipped around to turn on her heel and bolt in the opposite direction. Her bare feet patted against the hard stoned streets, echoing down the alleys. Her bloodied hand wiped her cheek numbly, becoming damp. Crying... why was she crying?... She hurried to take shelter near the waterfalls at the keep. Huddled behind the veil of the water and muffled by the noise, she wept.
  5. Aww thanks! :)
  6. A rough breeze caught a young woman's black hair, whipping it about wildly over the dull Reach landscape. Arms grasping at each other to stay warm, Kiterin trudged her way through the thickets and dead brush, a shortcut to Markarth. Her icy blue eyes scanned the terrain wearily. The city would be a much needed change of atmosphere. Sure, she'd been in the city jail (Cidna Mine, what a joke - cheap bastards), but she'd never really walked through the city. She had always been escorted by two guards on each shoulder, bare feet usually dragging against the cold stones. It made her twitchy. She grinned, "Lovelies, I'm home..." she cooed to no one in particular. She expected no reception at all. Except maybe a guard recognizing her. When she killed, it was alone in the dead of the night. Save the corpse bleeding in front of her. No one knew her name - she wasn't particularly infamous or worthy of conversation. People died in this harsh world. And all of the credit went to the dark brotherhood. She began to lose some of her balance, legs swaying and buckling as she strode up the long steep stairs to the city entrance. She wanted a surprise, something interesting to happen. But she knew it was her duty to listen and follow orders and not be cheeky about them. She could laugh in her mind at all of the delights she thought of. Survival required her to keep a straight face, and what she wanted most was to continue to live - as much as she hated to admit it. Death was so interesting. To be a part of that dance someday... but it would be the end of all dances. So bittersweet. Two guards nodded to her as she opened the gates into the city. "Home." she said flatly, looking about.
  7. Thank you for the welcome, and thank you for approving me :)
  8. May I join please? :ohdear: =================== Character form below:
  9. What house are you using? I bet you could do that by removing the navmesh :biggrin:
  10. I like the idea of framing people :) Not sure about the vampires though - maybe poison their food with vampire blood/venom - like a specific very religious person where being undead is worse than death for them.
  11. That actually just made it more confusing to me - but thanks for the extra information :)
  12. Where did you read that? Do you have a link? (I'm just curious and want to read more about it, not trying to be argumentative or debate here - I simply haven't heard that mentioned before)
  13. They can - I've done it with my own mods, where I've had landscape clipping etc.
  14. I don't think anyone is a "good guy" in the war. :armscrossed: None of the groups (stormcloak, forsworn, empire, thalmor) seem to justify what they do - kill/torture/harass innocent people for their cause. At least the Dark Brotherhood kills indiscriminately - and they don't pretend they are good.
  15. I definitely want to do the dead horse thing in someone's bed xD And planting things sound cool - I like all those ideas :) Thank you
  16. Well it will have to be a girl because I'm going to do the voice acting for her (as it is a lot faster and I can do all of the dialogue directly, get exactly the right tone etc. without having to coach on anything)
  17. All very great ideas! Thank you!
  18. That's true - I could reuse some of the thieves guild dialogue for things like that. :) I'd like to do something more than what the thieves guild offers though. Something different... I just don't know exactly what yet haha I think one interesting thing would be "protection" where you follow a person or group and escort them through a tough situation. Maybe standing guard at a house for a night to ward off a known assassin.
  19. It's an easy change - except one thing - if they have -any- dialogue at all that is somewhat unique, it will be lost during the sex change OR they will continue to sound like a man. Unless you redo all of the dialogue - which makes it a much more complicated change.
  20. Hey all! I am planning on adding a Consigliere (or advice-giver) for Maven - a custom NPC that you can go to for doing the BlackBriar's family business. And really I'm just looking for ideas for tasks you would want to do for them :) It's going to be a really simple mod - just the addition of one NPC with voiced dialogue - and a few short quests to complete (like tasks). So far I'm thinking: * People to be offed/killed * Items to be stolen * Loot to be transported safely What do you think? :) And is there anything you would like to do as a task?
  21. Have you tried using the Horse Call/Horse Whistle mod? That looks pretty cool.
  22. 1) Name: Kiterin 2) http://i1248.photobucket.com/albums/hh493/cynsterStar/Kiterin.png (mug shot) 3) Short: Psychopathic killer set off by very small actions. Very bloodthirsty and without mercy. She jumped at a chance to complete an unofficial contract for the dark brotherhood before being asked to join the family. It was there she met Cicero - the maniacal jester, and there where her insanity grew exponentially. At the end of everything, they were married and began their true adventure. The two travel Skyrim, she on horseback, he on foot - Cicero ever speaking, Kiterin ever listening... woe to those that cross their path Long: An imperial soldier caught Kiterin slaying a courier near the boarder of Skyrim. Bound by the wrists, the soldier thought she had been dealt with. He made a fatal mistake. Kiterin jumped over the soldier, lying face down in the mud, and ran for her freedom, but as luck would have it, an ambush nearby of Imperial soldiers on Jarl Ulfric and his stormcloaks botched the escape attempt. Already bound, they took her as a criminal with the rest of the stormcloaks to be sent to the chopping block. Lady luck smiled on her and sent a dragon to rescue her. Escaping with the stormcloaks, she made her way. She giggled to herself thinking of the terror she had just seen. A dragon in Skyrim... how delightful! Happening on another bound prisoner with a group of imperial soldiers, she slaughtered them all in vengeance. The soldiers for being affiliated with those trying to kill her. The prisoner for being a stormcloak - affiliated with the people that botched her escape. She would join neither side of this irritating war. The recent kills whetted her appetite for bloodshed. Her eyes traced to a Whiterun guard on her travels. The guard got the better of her and just when she thought she was about to be slain, a jester near a cart ran to her aid and brought the man down. The both were silent as they went their separate ways. Little did she know she would meet this man again in very different circumstances. She became very much a jail bird after that incident. Frequently killing and serving her time in jail, escaping if she could. The guards grew irritated at the giggling from her cell, the soft whispers of a broken lady cooing the skeevers crawling between the cells. She was on a path of complete chaos, little regard for others and little regard for her own path... until she was brought to the dark brotherhood. There she met the jester, Cicero, once more. Through the drama of the Dark Brotherhood, the two both managed to survive - and in return, she saved his life. Once things had settled down, they decided to marry. He laughs, she cries. He smiles, she sighs. She had the Laughter now to calm her. And he had the Voice. And Skyrim received a psychotic couple, a dangerous pair that separately could have been handled, but together grew more sadistic and powerful, bouncing their ideas and moods off of each other.
  23. I would make both mods seperately - and then at the end, save your house mod as it is (for people not using your plant mod) and then make another version by checking the plant mod as a plugin house mod as active - make any changes needed - and save that as a version for people using both mods
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