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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Everything posted by CaptainPatch

  1. It seems to me that you could actually blend your intro with the existing intro. From Paarthurnax saying, "And our only hope lies under the axe, for a crime unknown, and unarmed" you could start to transition to the current opening with the PC reviving in the execution cart. End with Paar's "Rise Dovakiin! Take your place among the legends of Tamriel, and slay Alduin! So is written in the Kel, the Elder Scrolls." and pick up with Rolaf's opening comment.
  2. I had trouble with that door initially. On the horizontal cuts, place your cursor on the groove, left-click-and-hold and then press and hold either A or D (doesn't matter which). The vertical cuts are simply left-click-and-hold while dragging the cursor along the groove.
  3. Since I often get CTDs and freezes, I got to check load times a fair bit. It's actually kind of erratic, ranging from about 1 minute to occasionally more than two. And it's only for FNV and none of my other Steam games. I'm inclined to believe that the lag time has to do with the fact that I have @25 mods installed, and that one or more of them creates some kind of pre-launch delay. But I can't understand just why it would delay the appearance of the FNV launcher, rather than making the Load after hitting "Play" on the launcher to be longer. (Time to start after hitting "Play" is pretty consistent time-wise.)
  4. Unlike games in the past (including FNV), lately when I click on the FNV shortcut to start the game, it takes several minutes before the FNV launcher pops up. Anyone else notice anything similar lately? (Within the last two weeks.) I should add that my ISP connection is currently running at.... 57.69 Mbps.
  5. New info, probably related: I've noticed that I get game freezes often when changing location maps (fast travel or going through a portal to a different map). HOWEVER, if I am presently in an off-World map mod (and probably the off-map DLCs, remains to be seen), I don't have _any_ freezes. The frequent freezing resumes once I return to the primary FNV World map.
  6. Yup, that solved the problem. Thanks for letting me know the coding format and where to get the item IDs.
  7. 1) That's part of the problem; that guy does NOT appear, anywhere. And the other guy (avoiding spoilers) tells where _he/NCR_ wants things to go, but doesn't provide the required item. I'll try the moveto and see if that works. 2) Likewise for Cook Cook. THANKS! ADDENDA: For both of those "player.additem ______" commands, I'm getting "Missing parameter Count" error messages. Found the FNV wiki. useful tool, that.
  8. I'm pretty certain something about my mod mix glitched several of the vanilla quests. Anyone able to help me out with these?
  9. I'm surprised at how pleased I am at being wrong about something. Thanks for setting me straight. Always thought aspect controlled the shape of the window rather than its size.
  10. Aren't aspect ratio and resolution measured in pixels per square inch rather than window size? That is, you can adjust those, but they only affect the graphics _within_ the window, rather than making any size changes to the window itself.
  11. Okay, I installed that and read what there was on the mod page. But I don't see anywhere where it tells how to resize the window the game is in. It seems to be meant for more smoothly Alt-Tabbing between open windows than it is for scaling the game window.
  12. UPDATE: By switching to Windowed mode (rather than full screen), the frequency of crashes of any sort went way, way down. Not entirely gone, but at least I'm not crashing 90% of the time when I fast travel or change locations. Sure would be nice if that window was scalable to fill up most of my large-ish monitor. Makes me squint a lot, because it uses only @1/3rd of the screen. Also makes the graphics a LOT darker, even when I have Brightness set to max.
  13. Not sure what that is or how to activate/deactivate it or what it does. And I agree that it sounds like out-of-memory errors to me too -- which is why I'm wondering how that can be with 8Gb of RAM. Even OOM errors with 4 Gb seems odd. [Remember the Bad Ol' Days when we used to have to partition a portion of ONE Mb to be used as RAM?]
  14. UPDATE: I've been able to ascertain that if I get the Loading-forever spinning roulette wheel, If I reboot the PC, then once I'm up and running again, I can Load that exact same Save and it will go through. This is also the case for game freezes that occur when trying to change locations either by fast traveling or going through a portal. In the past, that kind of fixit indicated that the program was having trouble flushing the RAM cache. Full cache, game crashes the next time the program tries to stuff more data into an already-full RAM cache. But I can't see how that can be the case for a system that has 8 Gb of RAM. Especially when the crash sometimes occurs only less than 10 minutes into the game.
  15. Ah. I also use NMM, but I have been avoiding mods that must be "Download Manually". [My Windows Directory looks like spaghetti, the way related things are scattered all over the place. I really miss XP's simple and easy to understand Windows Explorer. So much more easy to track things down, compared to Win 7's "intuitive Directory Library system.] Thanks for that link! It has been quite... educational.
  16. To be clear, I already had the initial Save I had made before exiting the first time. I had to go back to that Save and make the "Go to Doc Mitchell's" choice. [bummer about the connectivity between Project Brazil and FNV. Standing at the Vault 18 exit, I had a party of four followers and I was carrying about 2300 pounds of Inventory, which included a full spread of weapons and armor. When I arrived at Doc Mitchell's, I was practically naked. I didn't even have my Mercenary Pack equipment. And of the five followers, the only one to carry over was the Protectron stuck in Follow Mode. Still, it was like starting FNV at 6th level with the full selection of Perks and Attribute boosts already in place. (Translation: Goodsprings was a cakewalk.)]
  17. (Sorry about the double post, but I want this to appear as a new post for people to look at.) I've gone back to Vault 18 and gone in. But when I exit I do NOT get the "Stay here or go to Doc Mitchell's?" choice. The game just continues in Project Brazil normally. I get the feeling the "Go to Doc Mitchell's?" option won't appear again until the player completes Project Brazil. (Which apparently won't be for quite awhile.)
  18. Thanks! Annoying to have to find an invisible door. But once inside, well worth the trip!
  19. Didn't notice any current Project Brazil threads. 1) Exiting Vault 18, the first quest is to get to the Pinehaven safehouse. Got there, stood directly on the map quest marker even, but nothing happens. 2) How do you get inside Fort Daggerpoint? There's no method to opening the front door from the outside and I haven't been able to find anything like a backdoor.
  20. -make a manual save before you exit i have had the ctd on exit before and it causes this same issue 90% of the time, so i no longer give NV the chance to crash, do a manual save, then go to the escape menu. then CTRL ALT DEL and open the task manager, then go to the processes tab, find FalloutNV.exe, right click and terminate process. ************************** I religiously make Saves before Quitting or going through portals. I'll give the Task Manager approach and see how that works out. THANKS!
  21. How did you determine the order in which files should load? And what is the manner in which to move a given file from #X to #Y? My mod mix could probably benefit from doing something like that.
  22. Quit before Loading any Saved game. Basically, usually if the game can make it to the Main Menu (Continue all the way down to Quit), the mod mix is mostly okay. But then I discovered that some mods cause CTDs after having Quit the game. Just to be on the safe side I turn those off as well. This method WILL reduce in-game problems, but not entirely. Some mod combinations are like landmines waiting to be stepped on. Like having two mods use the exact same map coordinates, each for their own purposes. Have your character step on those coordinates and you get a CTD.
  23. Notice that you have the .esm files at the top = master files. The .esp files are subordinate to the .esm files; i.e., they require certain .esm files to be present and active, or else you get a CTD. Left-click on each .esp file in the list, starting at the bottom. In the right panel will appear a list of which specific .esm files need to be present for that .esp to work properly. If an .esp shows an .esm that is NOT installed, uncheck theat .esp's box. I think odds favor that you have at least one >esp that is missing its corresponding .esm file. On a side note, if you start the game and then immediately Quit, do you get a CTD or freeze as you are exitting?
  24. The game was working well and stable for several hours. I Saved and then Quit the game. That's when the game decided to CTD, _after_ I quit. I figured that since I Saved before Quitting, I should have no problems. But when I Load that Saved game, the roulette wheel just keeps spinning and goes nowhere. The same 3-4 cached sequence of tip splash screens keep playing in the background in an endless loop. If I Alt-Ctrl-Del to bring up Task Manager, it says that FNV is "not responding", letting me know I'm wasting my time. Any suggestions on how to push past this roadblock? [dxdiag.txt attached] ADDENDA: _ALL_ of the Saves I had made before Quitting do this.
  25. From my limited experience, CTDs at game start usually means there is something missing in your file load sequence. Something like an .esp mod file that's missing the controlling .esm file. Assuming you have the Nexus Mod Manager, a pretty good (but time consuming) process is uncheck all the plugins below LonesomeRoad.esm. The one by one, check the next file box. (Probably a mod .esm file.) Start the game. If it doesn't CTD immediately, when you get to the Main Menu, Quit. If it _did_ CTD, uncheck that file box under Plugins. Either way, check the next file, start the game and see if that one causes a CTD. Work your way all the way through the Plugins list. It's time-consuming, but it's an easy way to spot uncooperative mods. When you're done, you will have a few unchecked boxes, but the rest should work okay. More importantly, you will actually be able to start the game. NOTE: I have noted that _some_ mods don't CTD during the initial load. Instead they crash after you Quit the game. Those also need to be unchecked in the Plugins lineup.
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