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Everything posted by VikingofTamriel

  1. Thanks for the tip, Lanceor. Will add a few more to the list. Possibly this could be made sticky, if there's an interest for it?
  2. Thanks, added to the list. Shame Bladesong no longer seems to be available... :-/
  3. OK, I promise this will be my last post... Which partially/fully-voiced mods are there? The ones I know of: Fully voiced -Lost Spires -Anduril Reforged -Knights of the Nine: Revelations -Giskard's Origins of the Mages Guild -Viking Village(?) -Bladesong (Withdrawn) (thanks Oromish) -Thievery in the Imperial City (thanks Oromish) -Nehrim: At Fate's Edge - voiced in German, English subtitles -Bartholm -Blood & Mud: Dirt Deluxe Anglais -Daggerfall Memories: The Liberation of Cybiades -Verona House: Bloodlines -An-Arane Cey: Lost Sword of the Ayleids -Et in Arkay Ego(?) -Daedric Recon(?) -Dexwood's Hideout -The Fight for Castle Ravenpride(?) -Gift of Kynareth(?) -Let the People drink -The Storyteller's Brother(?) -The Sentient Weapon II(?) Partially voiced -Heart of the Dead - NPCs added by the MOD are fully-voiced, dialogue added to existing NPCs not -Red Rose Manor - NPCs added by the MOD are fully-voiced, dialogue added to existing NPCs not -Companion Vilja - Vilja and other added NPCs are fully-voiced, dialogue added to existing NPCs not -Companion Viconia deVir -Better Cities - apparently only a very small number of NPCs voiced -Malevolent -AFK Weye -Reclaiming Sancre Tor I am sure there are others? (Will add to the list as new titles are given) (EDIT: Added a few, reformatted)
  4. Many quest mods seem geared towards high-level characters (e.g. both Heart of the Dead and Lost Spires coming with recommendations to be at level 15+). Are there any quest mods out there that are more geared towards any level (i.e. can be played even with a starting character)?
  5. I've been on the lookout for an alternate start mod that lets you skip the Oblivion main quest completely (for testing mods, mostly) but still allows the official DLC quests to appear. I've been using this one, but that one does not give you the quests for all the DLC - it only allows you to play Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles, but the other DLC quests do not appear, probably because it cuts off the starting dungeon completely, and those quest pop-ups are scripted to appear within that dungeon... Are there any alternate start mods that have been able to work around this (i.e. that skips the tutorial dungeon and main quest altoghether, but still enables you to get the Horse Armour, Mehrunes' Razor, Thieves' Den etc quests)? (Yes, I know you can disable the relevant .esps, save and then reload the .esps, but when using the unofficial patches + custom loading order that becomes a bit more of a hassle than with a 'plain' install)
  6. With the amount of great mods available, have anyone made any research into which mods can be said to be most lore-friendly? Not only in respecting established Tamriel/Cyrodiil lore in the main general setting (i.e. tying in with the main Oblivion/Cyrodiil setting, story and era) but also with regards to things like having proper NPC scheduling (i.e. shopkeepers closing their shops at night, NPCs taking breaks to sleep/eat, so on) and not to mention following established lore when it comes to NPC's names (i.e. Roman/Italian names for Imperials, Norse/Scandinavian names for Nords, Francophone names for Bretons, etc)? I've tried many otherwise good mods where the immersion has been somewhat broken by characters just standing around in the same place all day long, Imperials/Nords having modern-day English names (or Imperials having obivously fake Monthy Python-style names like Smellus Butticus and so on)...
  7. Well, kinda... Why does almost all the female clothing Mods have to be so skimpy, almost slutty-looking though? Sometimes one almost get the impression that virtually all modders doing outfits are 14-year old boys...
  8. Thanks. It's a start, I guess... I really was looking at more like normal, traditional clothing though...
  9. Hi. I've recently been modding my Oblivion install quite a bit, to create some more variety in clothing and so on (getting a bit tired of seeing the same clothes over and over again...) - it is mostly for my own use, at least at the moment... I was wondering though, as in Skyrim and the upcoming TES Online, Bethesda have changed the Redguards from being kinda Caribbean inspired (dreads, pirates, stuff) to being more Arab/North-African (kinda Bedouin like with shemaghs, scimitars, etc) , I'd like to dress up some of the Redguard characters in proper themed clothing. Is there any North African (think Moroccan/Algerian - kinda Bedouin/Tuareg style - or stuff that looks like the Redguard stuff in Skyrim) available anywhere for Oblivion?
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