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Everything posted by VikingofTamriel

  1. Is it possible to change one's nickname here?
  2. Generally, I'd say yes, it really makes the cities come alive. However, for those who want to roleplay and follow only 'established' lore, it might be an immersion braker with the lack of voiceovers, and the add-ons to many of the cities contradicting what the guards tell you when asking for directions (cities having added more inns, more bookstores in the IC, etc), and unfortunately some added characters having non-lore friendly names.
  3. AFAIK you only start With the main cities + Weynon Priory, none of the smaller villages. And I don't see what would be immersion breaking With that, I'd see it as rather realistic that a map would already have the most important cities marked, whether you'd visited them or not...
  4. Given that the post is a year and a half old, there has not been any follow-up posts, nor any upload, I think it is pretty certain that the answer to your question will be a two-letter word starting in 'n'.
  5. I don't have much knowledge about making quests, but have amassed quite a bit of knowledge With the Construction kit - so if you need anyone to check on spelling, clean up NPC inventories, etc, I could probably give it a go.
  6. I have all the TWMP stuff installed - but when fast travelling to Stirk, I end up floating in the deep sea, and all the terrain of Stirk is gone! (there's only the chapel floating in mid-air...)? Is Stirk no longer compatible With the TWMP stuff??
  7. Gah, unable to edit anymore... :-( But add one more: Artifacts of the Ancestors
  8. Considering we were promised an updated Version by June 1st, and instead the existing Version was pulled everywhere, and there has been no communication whatsoever from the mod Author (that I can see), I think People can probably do the Maths themselves...
  9. Having recently done a full reinstall of my system, a full reinstall of Oblivion is in planning. I am planning to use HGEC female and Robert's male body replacers. I know there are certain minor Things With these that conflict, so is there a recommended way to install them (i.e. installing them in a particular order) or are they so minor that it doesn't really matter which one you install first?
  10. They're still available at Planet Elder Scrolls, at least: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=User.EntriesListing&id=420151
  11. Apparently been so for 12 hours plus... Guess they pulled the plug on us...
  12. So, since my Oblivion install was having lots of residue from old deleted mods floating around the data files, plus various other issues, I have decided to completely wipe it off the computer and do a full reinstall. I have the GOTY version from Steam - i.e. the one with SI and all the other official DLC: 1. I use Robert's male/female body replacers - with the male replacer being the most updated, my guess is, the best thing would be to first install the female replacer, and then the male one? 2. As both the body replacers and UOP does contain various fixed versions of vanilla clothing/armour, should the body replacers be put in place before the UOP/USIP?
  13. Have you installed any body replacers?
  14. Sorry, should've read the whole post first. Looks like an impressive MOD, wonder if it'll be possible to make it so that you can actually see a ship being built from the keel up?
  15. Also, added yet one more: Red Rose Manor
  16. Also added explanations to the level of voicing to the partially-voiced mods, where this is known
  17. Hmm, wouldn't this be something to integrate with Better Cities?
  18. OK, added one more, Reclaiming Sancre Tor, as from the mod description it is at least partially voiced as of the most recent version.
  19. I'll look into editing the list you mentioned
  20. AFAIK Kvatch rebuilt let you do that (but that mod is no longer available)
  21. OK, have added to the list based on the link Lanceor gave, plus a couple of other sources. Where there is a question mark in parenthesis, means that I am not sure whether the mod in question is fully or only partially voiced, so they may be moved between the lists depending on what is found out.
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