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Everything posted by VikingofTamriel

  1. I am unable to change the e-mail in my account settings. I type in the password and the e-mail I want to change to, and press "verify email" but nothing happens...
  2. Here you go - > http://www.filedropper.com/hamskarclassic4096xtextures Re-archived with 7zip Thanks heaps!!!
  3. I need the "Ham Skar (Classic) 4096x textures" from http://mw.modhistory.com/download-55-6854?fbclid=IwAR3GIb2mcitW6cFFmeI2z8AG9Uv_LgBuXB3lIzV1Qhh5aYOhJ_TQWEwuRqY (filename HAM_Skar_Classic_4096x_textures.rar). The downloadlink on modhistory.com only gives an .xml error. Does anyone already have this downloaded and able to e-mail it or put it on dropbox or something?
  4. The original Silgrad Modding website seems to have been gone for some time, and the Nexus only points you there to download, it doesn't contain the actual mod... Is there still a legit way to get the Oblivion version of the Silgrad Towers mod v4, or am I s.o.l.? (I have a "for personal use only" mod that converts all the Imperial armours to the ones used in the Silgrad Towers mod, but after reinstalling Oblivion on a new computer it looks like I didn't save the original downloaded files for Silgrad Towers...)
  5. BOSS should be used for Oblivion, apparently LOOT can cause crashing upon launch
  6. As it says in the post title: is there any mod that fixes the really bad clipping when carrying a 2H weapon idle (i.e. on the back)? It looks kinda creepy to press 'F* and have it look like my character has impaled himself on his Claymore...
  7. I don't have Oblivion installed ATM, otherwise I might be signing up.
  8. Do you need to remove world borders so you can walk straight to Black Marsh? Or is there some other solution for accessing the landmass?
  9. Looking at the modder's profile, you see: Offline Last Active Jun 04 2012 08:21 AM I think that answers Your question.
  10. I always use BOSS to set load order. I had previously removed mods, but had saved/reloaded once before already. Did try Wrye Bash but without effect, ended up having to restart from scratch...
  11. Each time I try to load my current save, the game crashes. Naturally I deleted all the other savegames but this one.... :-/ Is there any mod/utility that can check/repair savegames, or do I have to start over? :-/
  12. It seems to me that the vanilla Leather armour is actually really supposed to be Thieves' Guild armour - it is called 'thief' in the construction set, and also, the thieves guild armour in Skyrim is extremely similar to the Oblivion Leather armour...
  13. I guess such a request was bound to happen.... :-/
  14. I am familiar With those mods, but I find it hard to believe that all those keys are quest items (i.e. keys to open locked portals in Ayleid ruins, house keys taken from dead/killed NPCs such as Seridur or Agarmir, etc)
  15. I am pretty certain I'm not the only one that is a bit tired of having Your Inventory full of dozens upon dozens of key late in the game, that there is no longer any use for, and that you can't sell - is there a mod anywhere that makes keys disappear after they've been used (perhaps With the exception of house keys, it seems fairly realistic to keep that in one's Inventory)?
  16. Yes it seems to be a system-wide issue - at least for those who don't have paid Access... Don't expect it to be fixed anytime soon, last time it took almost a week...
  17. I don't think it has, unfortunately. You might be able to find out more in the official wiki for Nehrim: http://nehrim.wikia.com/wiki/Nehrim_Wiki
  18. Better Cities has a Ranger's Guild Faction that looks like it might be just along your alley. I don't think the questline for it is fully completed yet, though.
  19. It also adds the Rangers Guild faction and questline, although that may not be Complete (yet)
  20. Could be a load order issue. Get BOSS - that will sort your .esp so that there will be minimal conflicts (I already see one potential problem in that you have .esp files loaded before the Unoffocial Oblivion Patch).
  21. I thought of having it changed so i could use the same nickname on all the TES-related forums, but not too big a deal.
  22. I didn't say the lack of voiceovers were a break of lore, I said they might break immersion in some people's eyes. As for names, there's an established naming Convention for TES races, see here (and its sub-pages) - in short one can say that Imperial names tend to be Latin/Italian, Breton names are French/Celtic, Nord names tend to be Norse/Scandinavian/Germanic inspired, With elven names being more inspired by LoTR and Khajiit names kinda Persian/Middle Eastern-inspired. Named NPCs in Better Cities are listed here. The majority of names are fine, although there are a few that can be seen as "problematic" in comparison With the Conventions, such as Imperials, Bretons and Dunmer not having surnames, or Orcs lacking the typical hyphenated middle/surnames. This may well be left over from the early days of the mod, long before the current People responsible for it took over. Also, the descriptions of the cities given e.g. by guards and shopkeepers (such as Phintias saying that the First Edition is the only bookstore in the Imperial City, or the naming of all Inns/hotels in the city) becomes of not contradicted then a bit lacking in info With the extra stuff added to the cities. Of course, changing Vanilla dialogue is kinda hard, so this is not really something that can be done anything about, but might be seen as slightly problematic by some "lore purists".
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