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Everything posted by kungfubellydancer

  1. Thank you everyone for the nice comments! Here's a few more. Antigone, the past wife of Vaedryn (see above post). http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs27/f/2009/249/c/f/Character_Photos__Antigone_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg Credits for that one is here Chelsea Blanchard, the brother of Jeanette (see above post please) http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs46/f/2009/249/a/9/Character_Photos__Chelsea_2_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg Credits for this one is here
  2. Kisses from Ohio!

    My birthday is in one week!

  3. I'm fine, thanks....though, a ho I am not. A rake, maybe, but no ho.


  4. Hello....I know I've popped in and vanished recently, like always, and I admit I've been incredibly busy. But to make it up to you all I'll post three recent pictures I did. They are Photo-Manipulations using an array of various stock photos (from Deviantart). I just started this photo-manipulation stuff (two days ago), and its really fun and quite addicting! This is Gwen (aka Guinevere), an Imperial, and a nun who lives in an Abbey following the goddess Mara and the Nine. http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs27/f/2009/247/1/0/Character_Photos__Gwen_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg This is Vaedryn Lyalvin, a noble of House Hlaalu and associated with Outlanders (notice his outlander-style clothing). Despite his looks he is not a villain, at least, not any more. He is half-Dunmer. http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs26/f/2009/247/7/0/Character_Photos__Vaedryn_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg This is Jeanette Blanchard, a Breton, who by some strange thread of events, managed to wed an Ashlander Gulakhan (An Ashlander marrying an outlander? Don't ask. I won't spoil the story.) http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs22/f/2009/246/1/7/Character_Photos__Jeanette_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg Credits for Gwen: Peasant (Grass): http://magikstock.deviantart.com/art/medie...ant-6-113924614 Willow (sunset): http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com/art...ree-02-90787215 Butterflies: http://Shoofly-Stock.deviantart.com/art/Bu...ock-09-92092922 Dove (alighting): http://rewston-stock.deviantart.com/art/Wi...tock-9-55600307 Dove (standing): http://EstelDreamingStock.deviantart.com/art/Dove-45916119 White rose (hand): http://cathy-halo.deviantart.com/art/white...ock-2-116429134 white rose (hair): http://fetishfaerie-stock.deviantart.com/a...Rose-V-52673326 white roses (bush): http://Mithgariel-stock.deviantart.com/art/Roses-3-104024698 white flowers (bush): http://cloudburst-stock.deviantart.com/art/Path-120539437 wavy hair: http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs44/f/2009/082...othicSelene.png Credits for Vaedryn: Man (ponder) : http://fiori-di-ofelia.deviantart.com/art/...ple-VII-5772632 face: http://Falln-Stock.deviantart.com/art/Ashk...rest-2-33503042 fog lake: http://BBs-Brushes.deviantart.com/art/Fog-Lake-III-33198043 stormy clouds: http://night-fate-stock.deviantart.com/art/storm-07-97587321 clouds texture: http://sheisprettystock.deviantart.com/art/Stormy-72507522 Credits for Jeanette: Go to the DA page, I lost the credits file and I don't feel like copying and pasting all the links here. http://kungfubellydancer.deviantart.com/ar...nette-135777971
  5. Hey, I meant to ask, have you published any of your works? If so I'd love to pick up a few.
  6. Always looking forward to see new things from you.
  7. lol Thanks! I didn't realize anyone went to it.
  8. Yes, the one I used for my bodies. An animal cage/aquarium?
  9. Added you as a friend :3
  10. Thank you, you're too kind. My list of sexy guys would go on to infinity if I wanted it to XD
  11. Yes, apart from my 20 some pairs, there are my husband's, my son's, my mom's (that my son threw down the stairs) my sisters' (because they steal clothes from me and leave stuff in there) I pretty much have shoes from every household member in my room. Anime or fantasy figurines/action figures?
  12. Wish granted but you wished you may not. I wish I was not on the nexus right now because I haven't completed my task yet! OH SO DISTRACTED
  13. No, my husband hates zippos and sticks to his bic brand. Sex?
  14. Ban Monolithic because he needs a pair of glasses! >_< it is, isn't it.
  15. Well, welcome, Facebag! I see you have nice interests. Since you like sarcasm, I will say that my interests include belly dance, kung fu, and good grammar. :sick: :ninja: :wallbash: :whistling: :biggrin: I hope you enjoy your stay here! You sind very welcome here.
  16. Ban Floggingmolly for having an inspirational signature.
  17. Welcome to the forum! I see a new member has had the misfortune to come across this site. Say goodbye to your life as you know it, for you will now be glued to the screen waiting for people to respond to your posts. :biggrin: Here's mustache me! :ninja: http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/112/l_81ce744ca08247118b75e376c7697135.jpg
  18. He's the only one who can get things done around here without fooling around, not to mention his super ninja skills (last seen: - - -) I think he deserves all the kudos he gets tenfold. And if he came around my house, that's it, we're eloping. What's sexier than a bot who gets the task done?
  19. I'm too sure I understand how this is meant to be played. Then again, I don't hang out in forums enough to be familiar with games.
  20. WOW I did not know they wree going to come out so Huge! HELP I can't edit them, my browser isn't large enough!
  21. Here are a few recent ones I've done. This one was done in march or april, but I haven't completed the background yet. http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs46/f/2009/229/e/4/Al_Nawari_Elf_WIP_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg I don't do any often but here's anime Gwen. Note that in reality she doesn't wear such slutty clothes, and when shes does get glass armor, its a full set. http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs49/f/2009/229/c/7/Anime_Gwen_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg Vaedryn Lyalvin, Gwen's "Guardian Angel" as she sees him. I HATE the way his face turned out, so don't use this picture as reference for him. But the last time Idid water colors was when I was 8 or 9 (gradeschool stuff) http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs46/f/2009/229/b/6/The_Truth_by_kungfubellydancer.jpg
  22. No, I'm 294 but 1910 is the oldest age available XD
  23. Wish granted, except you were A fly, and he murdered you with a fly swatter or used Raid on you. I wish I can do better world-accents when voice-acting (play voice acting. Don't ask me what I'm in because I'm not in anything lol)
  24. Wish granted but cost $12,000 each and weight 225 lbs, and only have about 3MB of space available, and no warrantee.
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