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Everything posted by Herolegend

  1. Yo long time no speak lol

  2. Look at all us on Nexus from back in 2007 back then I was 28 years old, I think this maybe the end of the road for me, I wish you all the very best, and hope you are all alive and doing well 2023 16 years have passed, where has the time gone.. Take care all and if anyone has died RIP thanks for everything, sorry for everything.
  3. I've been around for some years now, wondering how everyone that knew me is doing.... Have not spoken to anyone here in perhaps over 11 years now.
  4. Hi, First let me say its been 11 years since I last signed in my last activity was Elder Scrolls Oblivion, I left because I got a job and lost it 5 years ago and covid19 started up well anyways, I have a request for a mod that maybe rare I'm not sure and I hope this is the right place to ask, if anyone knows where to find this mod Jill is wearing and or body type (The blue ripped dress and body type maybe from dead or alive?) https://youtu.be/UELswFPNFGI?t=67 some of the other outfits in the vid are here in the nexus mods. by the way if I did anything wrong you'll have to forgive me its been 11 years since I last used this place edit- They took the video down here's another link outfit appear at 1:10 Body type unknown https://www.dropbox.com/s/r9w5joy9l9urdq1/Resident%20Evil%203%20Remake%20-%20All%20Sexy%20Jill%20Costumes%20%28Beauty%20Jill%29.mp4?dl=0
  5. 11 years have passed since I last visited this place..../sigh how nostalgic
  6. good, miss playing oblivion though wish my pc was good enough to play it properly but with bad economy and no jobs around hard to make enough money to pay for bills and upgrade on pc, my oblivion data used to be over 400gb but i deleted it for space, I often wonder why people still mod the game after so many years lol
  7. yep, nice to hear from you Mur, so hows everyone? Have not checked Tesnexus in such a long time I bet I missed out on like 1000 cool mods lol
  8. lol so now Tesnexus turned into like facebook
  9. Life shits on us too often too much.. Time to fight back!
  10. yo dude I always pictured Moscow to be cold practically snowy place lol
  11. but I'm fine thanks sorry took me long to reply I spent 1month and 1 day in Cyprus ^_^ I am planning on leaving England forever, people are just too cold here and very difficult to find jobs, and law is getting crazy strict, pretty much everything about England sucks now. I'm also sick of the weather, but its the people that make you want to stay in a country or not
  12. After I started my job I had such very little time for this tesnexus, what with no time for video games too, I came back to check on a mod a friend linked me on nexus and thus I'm posting here lol so i worked for 6 months, after i got laid off I went on holiday to Cyprus to heal my wounds since my work involved heavy lifting and a lot of stress I hurt myself, remember if you use it you lose it
  13. sup meeps hows it going.
  14. so hows it going anyhow?
  15. hey DFSL looks like Nexus had a make over, wonder what makes member title hmm
  16. Everyone should know this by now if your new then listen up if an armor looks either perfect or that good 95% chance you know its a rip lol if you have a good eye you could instantly tell its a rip, sometimes you can catch rips on Asian websites. Its unlikely that they will share unfortunately.
  17. Hey Meeps whats up, we are good thanks and you?
  18. someone should rip Beautiful people 2ch hair mods for English release
  19. Hello and thank you for your uploads
  20. It's from Code Geass an Anime with 2 Seasons 25 episodes each its a really good anime with unpredictable character development and circumstances.
  21. I believe thats also a few custom parts added on put together, sorry its best to give up on these outfits hentai the author will never release them ever, authors usually don't release these kinds of mods eg/ his friend made it and he was told not to upload it, or he doesn't want to lose community respect due to modding impurities in his work or the fact its copyrighted etc.. So like everyone else sorry its best to just give up on it.
  22. the armor is pretty cool http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?act=at...ost&id=6139 because of the quality shiny gems and hair piece it looks like a rip to me but from what game I'm not sure yet, however names and links of mods can help find rare armor do you have anything like clues? detectives can take years to find something unless they have clues. At the very least we can find out if its been released or not to the Japanese or Chinese community.
  23. I'd say change your race, overall character appearance maybe demon race? new quests helps they are available through the tag search system http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/tags/search.php its very easy just tick quests or w/e you think might impact a new game play. Off the top of my head I could only think of changing race to perhaps a demon i found this interesting as you can fly with flame or choice etc.. This is one of the coolest races Iv ever used http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14528 helps make the game new to me when I was using elf before, I hardly play this game though so I can't give you too much detail what to use but textures that re-do the game help a lot such as http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18498 Qarl's Texture pack but you will lose a lot of frames.
  24. Do you have any pictures of the Red Queen mod with this DMCstylish4 sword?
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