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Everything posted by Herolegend

  1. I'm trying to look for something that changes your own health bars and magic into numbers and percentage, also breath bar and to be able to move it off the screen when I'm in the water its too big and smack in front of me, also how do you display all the names on the map without having to highlight them with the mouse, looking for places is annoying if they aren't all showing on the map.
  2. what mod adds http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up15101.jpg party health numbers and colours
  3. Stockings look like the ones in Diano Armor 2 Dcup or Hcup for HGEC http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19172 do you know whats funny about that, I downloaded Diano armor 2 a while back, I got to learn how to test out the mods I install, but its hard when you haven't started and after installing up to 34gig game directory mainly armor and weapons lol still thanks for the heads up on the whereabouts of the stockings, on side note anyone know where to get the hair rose mod? I doesn't appear to be part of Diano armor
  4. nice try House, but think this slightly different pic http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up15222.jpg is well it looks like its for a hgec body, and the stockings so far is unrivaled in both design and a very complex pattern Iv never seen so detailed, its like something amazing or rather real life like, don't get me wrong though UFF Alleane outfits and nightweave is cool, just not the same. thanks for trying though, lol the Rose is a nice touch.
  5. ok I'm not really a perv lol but the design of the stockings are too stylish and would go exceptionally well combined with some more clothes if anyone knows what this lingerie is called http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up15223.jpg and the rose in the hair.
  6. maybe this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12722 and http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15494 however Umpa disco for your dance mod
  7. travel guide voice mod for companions ? you mean to set your companions with unique voices? if so there is one i know about called http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13329 Companion Sound Sets. although i should warn you i cant personally get the mod to fully work and the reason still eludes me hah, but someday I will maybe it will work for you though. oh that armor is very new http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19022 Diano try not to stare so much you will square out your eyes ;)
  8. yep eAZaku it looks similar to pose 2 but really don't get why the head is static looking down, and iv asked around for the pose showed by SkeletonK but so far i get nothing and its probably due to it being some static pose, I think someone should branch off the pose and make it into an idle one handed sword animation it reminds me of the pose in Champions of Norrath.
  9. whats the mod called that adds those kind of ears here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1218428856.jpg I'm sure one of the pages had it but I don't think anyone would go through 100 or so pages to find out so I'm asking again ;)
  10. These new weapons http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18619 adds animated staffs they do look very good.
  11. I hope you don't plan on using all the body mods together Hgec- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15802 and textures http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17445 EC- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10168 BAB- I don't know much about any other body except Exnem and Hgec http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12536 UFF- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12073 if anyone else answered this sorry i need my eyes checked.
  12. that dress is pretty goth cool for a vampire I wouldn't mind finding that either, answering my own question a few posts back as I couldn't find a reply, i was lucky to come across these 2 cool weapons http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17167 http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16662 The Sanwas weapons, amazing shine detail and size i love it , now all thats left is that goth style dress, it reminds me of that blonde chicks outfit from Death note a bit. If i find it i will let this thread know.
  13. I cant be sure I'm going to try this out for myself later but it might be http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12214 Coloured Local Map Instructions. currently I'm using http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16055 High Res Color Map by _Nite_ I'm not sure why maybe its the best colour map available, not checked on the net, but guessing the local colour map is the left tab map so maybe the above mod is what your looking for again will test this out, while your on a map hunt I'm going to try this out you might like it too http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7103 AddMapMarkers mod Thank you! It was pretty simple. I thought it was a mod, but it's just an .ini setting. :P Thanks again! your welcome yeah heh i just tried this out today too, the default setting in ini is set to 1 for disabling local colour map's odd, who wouldn't want it set to 0 for a coloured local map as default. I guess it must take some memory to use so its safe mode default to off, but come on its just a map :biggrin:
  14. I cant be sure I'm going to try this out for myself later but it might be http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12214 Coloured Local Map Instructions. currently I'm using http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16055 High Res Color Map by _Nite_ I'm not sure why maybe its the best colour map available, not checked on the net, but guessing the local colour map is the left tab map so maybe the above mod is what your looking for again will test this out, while your on a map hunt I'm going to try this out you might like it too http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7103 AddMapMarkers mod
  15. Whats the biggest and coolest sword? is it the one in this pic http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1215224059.jpg where can we find it? and maybe if anyone has any other cool insanely large swords/weapons please give uz a link.
  16. Thats odd, i click on the link and it works fine for me, its all silver very reflective armor almost skin tight from warning adult content if your a minor close your browser you've been warned http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/upload.php?vi...mage&page=3 still have problems maybe try fire fox web browser google it. this armor is way too flashy to pass up id really like to download it edit: just read your post nice one you found it thanks
  17. anyone seen this mod around http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up12073.jpg that silver armor is cool
  18. aww darn there's no way around this? wtb Japanese to English mod translator well thanks anyways think i have to stick to BP2.7 then why couldn't they update beautiful people 2.7 to include all these hairs thats what i don't get cant they include credits of the authors of BP2ch and then update Beautiful people 2.7 with 2ch content
  19. sites back up menrhunes, yeah the golden locks is pretty cool very rare, so is the Agrias pony tail thanks for the links sexyboy. hopefully they will be released somewhere, its like a collecting hobby for me just gotta collect it lol, you wouldn't happen to know if this new beautiful people 2ch version conflicts with beautiful people 2.7 maybe what the issues are with it or any other mod if any? edit: Just downloaded all those files so to install its copy Beautiful People 2ch-Ed v1.5 over first then overwrite with Beautiful People 2ch-Ed v1.5.4 ?
  20. anyone know where to get these hair styles and how to install them? http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up11880.jpg << that ones cool http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up11863.jpg and another pic of it, seen it before somewhere but this one looks realistic maybe due to a hair animation http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up11864.jpg and the long pony tail http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up11884.jpg phew all taken from http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/upload.php?view=image&page=
  21. actually this vampire mod is cool http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12284 scorns vampirism, theres only one problem its not compatible with "whoosh" the mod i use to keep up with in game frames and the author wont fix it bah
  22. hey add a profile pic
  23. you should setup a member profile pic and fill in personal info. Some people might not reply to you otherwise. hope this helps and hope you enjoy your visit. if you plan on staying welcome to the forum Annri
  24. quite simple Chingun go here http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/image.php?id=6339 and either comment and ask or click the author and message them don't forget to give them the link of the picture your talking about and i'm sure if you ask nicely they will tell you, from what iv read now its you don't want the hair shiny, thought you wanted it shiny before lol
  25. Was not referring to that, look at this image, look at her hair. It looks much more realistic and shinier. What is the mod in that picture for the hair ? yep I was right some magic effect the person who uploaded the pic said Nope not using any hair shine mods. Thats problbly from her ring enchantments. its just temporary gloss on the hair sorry :/
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