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Everything posted by Herolegend

  1. This is a bit late but thought you'd like to know that the armor in the link here http://i37.tinypic.com/23kq638.jpg"]http://i37.tinypic.com/23kq638.jpg I spoke to the Author of this armor, The armor is unfinished and is yet to be released it could get released but may never get released, its upto him Sorry.
  2. Actually i lied, a friend of mine was kind enough to give me valuable information regarding that picture, and it seems its most likely real and not photoshop 97% probability, he said and i quote "it's not photoshop work as there is vanilla flame mesh of the same shape. It can be easily made into a "torch" to have it in left hand, though the other hand animation needed." Unfortunately I do not know where to get the mod from it could be a personal mod someone made. If i find it i will post on this thread for you.
  3. nah thats photoshop work, would be cool to see a mod that does that though.
  4. I believe your looking for this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16476 as for the other post got any video links to help find your mod?
  5. I'm sure people don't care wether you have make up on or not, right guys?
  6. Now I see why you make sexy mods, girl or woman it matters not ;) careful though your emitting some high levels of sexual pheromones lolcough am I allowed to say adult words on comment? ^^; oops ahem so according to my calculations the mesh ish wish, nothing lol
  7. for some reason http://www.leiawen.net/ceedee/BabSite/html/addons.html he / she took them down and hasn't come back don't know why. check the Sinblood’s Pure Fantasy Mage Outfits thats what the clothes are called.
  8. I'm personally using http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18125 Mur Zik's Sexywalk whilst holding weapon out, but only 1 handed sword so far. I think its cool.
  9. hey you should get a profile pic ;) thanks for your uploads too.
  10. no comments? then let me be the first to say nice profile pic ^_^
  11. sorry m8 think that this thread is for people that know a mod exists but cant find them. Don't worry iv made that mistake before with sword mods ^_^ if you find a mod via description or preferably pictures you can request it to be found here but your not guaranteed to get an answer its what this is all about but its better than nothing ;)
  12. get a profile pic guys so it makes my profile page colourful lol
  13. so in other words I received these pictures not the mods haha
  14. lol don't be silly they are just pictures i wish i had the mods ;)
  15. yep I did that with the void http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1220831605.jpg and trying for the ragons elf black dress matsuda_sempai can you do your uploaded link, I'm uber busy these days training for police officer so hard work >.< Ragon's elf Black dress though I can't find the uploader where do we go to search for a member? I'm going through each page till i find it there are 880+ pages haha
  16. a void armor http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/images/1...-1220831605.jpg ? Jee another one to look for http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/...-1220024382.jpg so many cool armor's and outfits lately that are not being shared with the community, also that black dress us lot been searching for is there in that chocolate elves mod but i don't think its in the actual mod itself, I believe they call it Ragon's but I wouldn't pay for an oblivion mod it should be free. There should be a nexus law from now on if you post armor/clothes pics on nexus you have to upload the mod ;) I've been searching a lot and personally I can't find any of them, which probably means Asians or whoever share it through emails and just upload pictures. to show off their characters or mods lol sorry to disappoint some people I couldn't get any links to the mods. I'm still searching though but I fear it will be fruitless again.
  17. I see, well least its something to go on Lineage 2 Armor for Oblivion ^_^ check this out, i received this picture from someone who has good taste in armor ;) http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up16373.jpg It must be nice to be born Asian. lol /sigh The Valkyrie's helm... I'm not drooling ^^v actually all of that image is from another world how can such fine art exist and not share, maybe in time it will be released and spread to Nexus.
  18. check this armor i received from a fellow who loves these as much has i do http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up16373.jpg
  19. Its a bit difficult finding armor and weapons here, http://home.51.com/photo.php?user=fengyf8701 3rd tab from left it seems so far I know its Chinese probably made, and based off Lineage 2 gear if anyone finds them send me a message, there is a reward lol
  20. I'm still searching for that stylish black frilly dress with very little clues to go on If I had the name I might be able to ask my Chinese friend about it otherwise makes it too hard to find :/ check this out http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up16183.jpg is that a fly mod or a pose i wonder?
  21. i'm pretty sure it is Nicos Scimitars http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16204 nice those Scimitars look really cool thanks, yep you were right Buddah. damn Davidheat id have to say I want that too how cool is that, its original too iv not seen anything like it so its rare and unique omg a rare mod must find :closedeyes: ok check these out some rare mods I'm searching for are same ones, I even joined a Chinese dating service accidentally just to find these mods lol http://home.51.com/photo.php?user=fengyf8701 and translated http://www.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%...zh-CN&tl=en 3rd Tab from left [Albums] the pictures of those armors, summoned creatures Wings, weapons are really out of this world and those that know me know that I try to obtain the really hard cool mods but these are proving to be a little stubborn if anyone wants to help me find these that would be cool. these are really sassy outfits/armors/weapons. *is learning Chinese* I understand why the previous post way above wanted these so bad, they are really something else. http://home.51.com/photo.view.php?user=fen...11276#100080750 sassy silver with matching sword http://home.51.com/photo.view.php?user=fen...11276#100081074 pirate's Dream http://home.51.com/photo.view.php?user=fen...11276#100080717 looks like real soul calibur weapons http://home.51.com/photo.view.php?user=fen...11276#100080313 cool armor and wings http://home.51.com/photo.view.php?user=fen...11276#100080156 ditto pic http://home.51.com/photo.view.php?user=fen...11276#100080472 some kind of metal shell armor matching beast armor similarity is found here http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18446 so if anyone wants to help me find these please go ahead lemme know if you find anything I gotta go I have a date with a Chinese girl lol
  22. Iv got my hands full searching for some rare mod,s and came across this pic http://up-load.ddo.jp/upload/data/up16094.jpg not the oufit cause i believe thats konoichi set or something like that, but the weapons look pretty suave.
  23. nah been to busy started watching One piece it starts off a bit immature and slow but i hear it gets a lot better later on so hopefully its something to look forward too, oh and I'm only on episode 19 out of 300+ lol
  24. damn Davidheat id have to say I want that too how cool is that, its original too iv not seen anything like it so its rare and unique omg a rare mod must find :closedeyes:
  25. Just happened across a reference to this on an obscure and somewhat unknown site, but there is a download link that I can post: English translation of the title is Health Area http://www.4shared.com/file/52150275/b1967...scouter031.html Requires OBSE 14 or higher. For the display/position/size, take a look at this one Immersive Interface: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4109 Highly configurable and it may give you what you are after. Buddah ouu nice one m8 thanks
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