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Everything posted by Sarus31

  1. I would love to continue writing for this mod, thank you! If you need anything else written for the races (or anything else for that matter) Let me know.
  2. Thank you this and the other Redguard material I posted yesterday, was my first real effort to write something big. I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, feel free to cut down on anything (I tend to get carried away with my imaginings and creativity lol)
  3. I would propose making the Redguards into formidable one-handed, light armored warriors, with enough room to make decent offensive mages, thieves, rouges and formidable Assassins. I would also think the Redguards should be faster than other humans and start with a small stamina boost. Also they could have a reistance to disease and poison, but to stop the Redguards being to overpowered, perhaps they could have a weakness to magic (as opposed to the Orc resistance to magic) But I'm just throwing ideas out their, what do you think?
  4. Okay, this is my Redguard build... Hope you like it. The Redguards are a race of tall, lean men with gaunt frames and finely tone physiques. The Redguards are amongst the hardiest of all human races, with only the Nords resistance to cold and lightning surpassing them. The Redguards are blessed with hardy constitutions and high endurance, a healthy resistance to disease, an ability to shrug off all but the most potent poisions. The lean Redguards are also some of the quickest of all human races and have good stamina for Redguards can keep running, even in the scorching deserts and plains of Hammerfell for hours at a time. Although the Redguards are fluent and proficient in a number in many armor styles, weapons and martial art styles, the Redguards tend to forsake heavy armor for light armor, for ease of movement and to stay cool in their native Hammerfell. Redguard children in Hammerfell, are taught from childhood to be proficient in many armor and weapon styles. This is very useful, as aside from a few knightly orders and some semi-organised militias, Hammerfell has no standing army. So by making sure the Redguard peasantry can look after themselves is a good thing, it has kept their race alive since their exodus from Yokuda and for settling the frontiers of ancient Hammerfell. Redguards born in Hammerfell are also raised at birth to be free spirited, individualistic, self disciplined and to make their own choices in life. By contrast, Redguards that settle other parts of Tamriel, tend to adapt to the estabilished culture, religion, customs, accents and even languages, of their host nations. Most Redguards in Hammerfell have a deep distrust of magic, although magic is controversial to say the Nords, most Redguards in Hammerfell despise magic. This is understandable seeing as their homeland Yokuda, was destroyed by some very powerful magics. The Redguards have also been plagued by the horrors that the magic wielding, necromantic, grotesque slug-like Sload have terrorised the islands and shores of Hammerfell for generations, any Sload sighted must be destroyed before it can spread it's wickedness. The schools that are hated most are Conjuration, Which has the ability to raise the honoured Yokudan dead and to summon horrific creatures from the planes of Oblivion. Illusion is second most hated form of magic, because it tampers with the mind and can turn brother against brother. Many Redguards say magic is for the "wicked" and the "weak" and best left to warlocks and savages. This puts them at odds with the Bretons. Reachmen, Orcs (who use some shamanic magics) but particularly with the various Elven races of Tamriel. However despite their prejudice for magic and it's wielders, Redguards do make an exception for the healing arts of Restoration and the devastating powers of Destruction (which suits the fiery personalities of the Redguards greatly) A lot of Redguards value stealth, which is great for hunters, scouts, the nomadic Dunedwellers and for warriors planning strategy and ambushes. However this opens the door for Bandits, Pirates, cut throats and marauders. Redguards can also make decent thieves, though theft is greatly frowned upon for mist Redguards regard thieves as little better than animals. Redguards however make much better Assassins than thieves, due to the Redguards martial and combative nature, make them quite formidable as Assassins. Though Assassins earn a degree of respect (seeing as they can be formidable fighters) A lot of Redguards regard thieves, bandits and any shadowy figures as nothing but cowards skulking about in the shadows.
  5. There you go, that's all in regards to history... Hope you like it. Tomorrow i'll try and think of some play styles for the Redguards.
  6. Chapter 4 With the coming of the 4th era of Tamriel, the Great War fought between the Empire and the newly reformed Aldmeri Dominion erupted. After numerous victories, the Dominions forces marched upon the White-Gold Tower, determined to deliver Tamriel back into the hands of the Elves. Even with the support of the other provinces, Emperor Titus Mede II proved weak and in his cowardice, signed the White-Gold Concordat with the Dominion. As part of the peace treaty, southern Hammerfell was given to the Dominion. This was the ultimate betrayal to the whole of Hammerfell, Which had given so much to empire over the centuries and spilled so much blood to defend it. The Dominions armies marched on Hammerfell in force, to claim the land gifted to them by Titus Mede II, this was a challenge the Redguards would surely answer... Just like the destruction of Yokuda all those millennia ago, the Redguard race was once again, in mortal danger. The redguards put aside their differences and internal conflicts and banded together as one, solid, unified force. In the end, the heroic Redguards did battle with the Dominions armies on the battlefields of southern Hammerfell, for six long years the Redguards fought on alone. But with ferocity, determination and blood they single handedly brought the Dominions forces to a stand still. In 4E 180, the second Stros M'kai treaty was written to officially decree that Dominion forces were to be withdrawn from Hammerfell. Though they lost a lot of people and southern Hammerfell was utterly devastated by six long years of war, which would take many long years to repair, something unprecedented happened. The centuries long rivalry, jealously, tension and feuding between the Crowns and Forebears was over. In the face of total annihilation their would be no Crowns or Forebears, instead they became one unified Redguard culture. The Redguards haven't had such unity, since they first fled Yokuda and settled Hammerfell together as one people. In their unity, the Redguards started to feel strong and confident again. The Redguards, like the Argonians and Dunmer, were completely independent from either the Empire or the Dominion. But whilst Morrowind is still recovering from the eruption of Red Mountain and Argonian invasion and Black Marsh is largely undeveloped. Hammerfell by comparison, is far more developed and self sufficient then either Argonia and Morowind and Hammerfell is steadily becoming more prosperous. The Redguards say their successful rebellion, proves that the White-Gold concordat was a mistake. If the coward Titus Mede II kept his nerve, the Aldmeri Dominion could have been truly defeated by the combined forces of Hammerfell and the rest of the Empire. But Titus did not keep his nerve and although Hammerfell proved strong to resist the Dominion, the rest of the Empire grows weaker, with each passing day. With Hammerfell now an independent country, it has once again become a world power in it's own right. What the future has in store for Hammerfell nobody knows, but the future looks bright for the Redguards, the children of Yokuda...
  7. Chapter 3 In 3E 249, a pretender to the Camoran throne , called Camoran the Usurper, freed Valenwood of Septim Empire control. After gaining control over Valenwood, Camoran the Usurper marched northward seizing control of any land he could conquer. In 3E 253, the Redguard cities Rihad and Taneth sent an urgent and desperate call for help to the Crowns city of Elinhir to the north. the Crowns decided to spite the Forebears, by not answering their pleas. The Forebears understandably were very bitter and sore about the incident for generations to come. Later rather than being the better side, it was the Forebears turn to spite the Crowns. Because of the Crowns treachery, Forebear cities would not come to the aid Crown citied and settlements that were overrun by the invading Nords during the the war of Bend'r Mahk. Even though the Forebears martial prowess, speed, ferocity, and overwhelming numbers would have annihilated the much bulkier Nords. The Forebears instead, decided to spite the crowns for past grievances. The Redguards of eastern Hammerfell long held a grudge towards Nords of Skyrim and continued to try and regain lost during the war of Bend'r Mahk without the Forebears help. This continued throughout the end of the 3rd Era. Redguards were also embroiled in another conflict, this time with the Bretons. The conflict was over a small island called Betony, the war of Betony was waged between the Breton city of Daggerfall and the Redguard city of Sentinel. During the conflict the king of Sentinel was killed, the aftermath of war led to increased tensions between Bretons and Redguards in Iliac Bay area and tensions between the Crowns and Forebears where growing as well. As a result of the wars fought with the Nords and Bretons, Hammerfell was losing land, power and influence under the Empire, which in turn sowed seeds of doubt in every Redguard of Hammerfell. The Redguards are still the mighty warrior race their ancestor where, but they are scattered, divided, weak, surrounded by numerous enemies and rife with internal conflict. All the Redguards lacked was unity as a people...
  8. Most of it is official lore, but I put my own spin on existing lore (Don't worry I haven't made anything up lol) In other words, I did write this bit it's lore friendly. Also, there is a bit more were that came from, would you like me to continue?
  9. In 3e 417, The Warp In The West (also known as the "Miracle of Peace") occurred in the Iliac Bay area, The Forbear Kingdom of Sentinel grew to encompass the entirety of the northern coast of Hammerfell. Which shifted the balance of power, making Hammerfell even more Imperial in the coming centuries further limiting the Crowns influence. Hammerfells people were adapting more and more each day. But in classic Yokudan tradition, this growth would not come without blood.
  10. Chapter 2 As the centuries passed, Redguard society split into two distinct cultures, the Crowns and the Forebears. The Crowns wished to follow in the footsteps of the royal Na-Totambu and strived to hold onto traditional Yokudan culture, arts, theatre, religion, language and society. They wer thoroughly against change and outside influences, they were also down right racist to any and all foreigners they encountered, who they deemed "inferior", "Weak" and as "Underminers" to traditional Yokudan culture. The Crowns maintaim most of their strongholds, in the north of Hammerfell. The Forebears are descendants of the infamous and fearsome Ra Gada, they are by comparision tough, hardy, blunt and very martial. The Forebears live mostly in the south, the west and the border regions of neighbouring provinces and as a result, they tend to be more open minded, are more tolerant of foreigners and more tolerant of foreign ideas, philosophy, customs and influences. The Forebears have learned a lot from their and many enlist as mercenaries, sailors and adventurers. Most Forebears wish to fully assimilate into the wider Tamrielic community for purposes of commerce and politics. However the two Redguard cultures disliked eachother intensely for various reasons, which would eventually lead to a devastating civil war. During the on-going civil war, the Redguard king Thassad II was killed. His son, A'Tor , would go on to lead the crowns war effort, but ultimately the Forebears, back by the Imperial Empire, won the war. Hammerfell was absorbed in the Septim Empire, although some concessions where made after a successful revolt in Stros M'kai. The Forebears greatly benefited from the Empire, with new trading opportunities with rest of Empire. Their was also plenty of opportunities as sailors, merchant guards, sellswords and adventurers, many Forebears also joined the legion in huge numbers. Forebear warriors learned a lot from the Legion and taught many of things they learned on return to Hammerfell, thus strengthening Hammerfells military. Redguard society remained split for a vast amount of time, with northern Hammerfell keeping with Yokudan traditions, dress and personality. Whilst southern and western Hammerfell was both progressive and more open to the rest of Tamriel.
  11. To understand the Redguards, one must look at their history... Chapter 1 The Redguards originally came to Tamriel from their original homeland of Yokuda, which was utterly destroyed and sunk by unknown and terrible magics. The Yokudans fled east and eventually landed on the shores of Hammerfell, which by that point was being heavily settled by Elves, Bretons, Colovians, Orcs and Nords. Hammerfells interior was also home to many terrible and ferocious creatures and monsters, as well as the ruins of countless civilisations and Dwemer ruins. The Yokudans had only two options to either fight, or die. Whilst most of the refugees would stay on the island of Herne, a large group of warrior Yokudans known as the Ra Gada (literally translated as "Warrior Wave") The Ra Gada travelled to the shores of Hammerfell and swept over the coast like a tidal wave, annihilating anyone they could find. They massacred many of the Elven, Nordic, Bretonic, Colovian and Orcish inhabitants and within a few months, the Ra Gada had captured the whole coastline of Hammerfell. Whilst the Ra Gada pushed further inland, the Yokudan peasantry had begun settling the coastline, building on top of the ruins left behind by the Ra Gada. Where ever the Ra Gada went, new settlements and cities sprung up. The Yokudan nobility where next to arrive, to govern the peasantry. Eventually the Yokudan Royal family known as the Na-Totambu, felt confident enough to land on Hammerfells shores. Meanwhile the Ra Gada continued to do battle with Bretons, Colovians, Nords and Orcs and they kept pushing on until they reached the borders of High Rock, Cyrodiil and Skyrim. The name Redguard is thought to have been an Imperial corruption of the Yokudan word "Ra Gada" which became Redguard and so the name has stuck ever since. By conquering so much land and combating so many races and terrible creatures, cemented the Redguards status as some the greatest warriors Tamriel has ever seen. However the Redguards had nothing but contempt for anyone that couldn't defend themselves, so for the most part the Redguards kept to themselves, save for the near constant border skirmishes. Only when the Redguards shared a common enemy in the orcs of Orsinium , did they begin trade with High Rock. After thirty long years, the Siege of Orsinium was finally over Orsinium was completely destroyed and cemented a redguard and Breton victory. The Redguards had begun to respect the Bretons, for both Bretons and redguards died in the fighting. The Redguards also respected the Orcs for their strength, determination and for the fact that Orcs held out for thirty long years. The Redguards relations with the Bretons was growing, their main language was eventually replaced because of a need to easily communicate with their neighbours and create trading opportunities. But the language is not lost, it is still spoken by some (notably the rural community and the nomadic Dunedwellers)
  12. Hello Chris, I've been thinking about the Redguards and I'd like your opinion on what I've written..
  13. Oh don't worry about the Reachmen description I'm fine with you using it, I'm grateful actually.
  14. I've already cast my vote, I think it should +10 One-handed considering their warrior culture and history. Nah what I meant was... I wrote my suggestion for the Reachmen thinking you'd do your own thing with it, that's why was surprised is all. I once again thank you for including it.
  15. I just read the updated wiki, I love that you brought back magic resistance from Morrowind and oblivion for the Orcs. (magic was always my Achilles heel for my orcish characters lol) And I also like the "built tough" trait as well. Oh my goodness, you used my suggestion for the racial description of the Reachmen! I don't know what to say... I'm honoured, thank you.
  16. Thank you, I wanted to make them different to the Nords (They are both warrior races after all) But I didn't want them to simply be clones skillwise.
  17. Now in regards to Orc traits let me think, how about... +10 smithing +5 Two-handed +5 Heavy armor +5 Block +5 One-handed +5 Enchanting There, what do you think?
  18. I'm glad you like the build Chris, I thought you'd like it. I'd do the Reachmen just like you did the Imperials (separate Nibenese and Colovian Builds)
  19. Fantastic! I'll check them out when I can. Oh Chris btw, I've been thinking about another build for you. You know how you have two separate builds for Colovians and Nibenese, I have some ideas for a possible Reachman build. Right, here I go. The Reachmen are not just mere Bretons, they are a mixed people and have Elvish, Bretonic and even a bit of Nordic blood in them. The Reachmen like the Bretons, are descended from Nedic settlers that emigrated to Tamriel. The Reachmen are a slightly built, hardy and rogue-ish people that inhabit an area known as the Reach, which straddles the borders of Western Skyrim, Eastern Highrock and northern Hamerfell. The Reach can be a harsh place for the uninitiated, so the Reachmen have adepted as good hunters and warriors. However being of a slight build, the Reachmen must rely on speed, stealth, poison, potions and witchcraft, rather than brute strength. This helps them to overcome the bulkier Nords and Orcs and to best the more martial Redguards, This has bred the Reachmen into ferocious, cruel and efficient warriors of the Reach. The Reachmen get almost everything they need from the wilds their clothing, weapons, shelters, ingredients and food all come from the wild, which has made the Reachmen good hunters, crafters and alchemists. The Reachmen are described as "Witchmen of the Reach" and there is some truth to that, they revere Hagravens and practise the same sort of vile magics as them, they also learned a lot of their magic from their Orcish neighbours that also live in the Reach. This has made the Reachmen into infamous Hedge wizards, practicing many heathen and banned magics. To distinguish them from the Bretons, I think the Reachmen would make good hunters, rogues and rangers (They could have bonuses to stealth, marksman and also benefit from duel wielder perks) Also given the Reachmen's skill with magic (including many heathen Hagraven and Orcish magics) You could role play as a semi-combative voodoo priest, who is skilled in Conjuration (for summoning Daedra or raising the dead) Destruction magic, Alteration and alchemy for potions and poison You don't have to use it, just doing a bit of brainstorming is all.
  20. Thank you, I'm honoured to be quoted as a source. Ahh.. I see, trying keep things unbiased is tricky lol can't wait to have a look, Keep up the good work.
  21. Your are most welcome, I will help out were I can. Ahh... I see what you mean about the racial layout, I understand now lol. Btw, I checked the updated Imperial page, I like it though I was surprise description for both the Colovians and Nibenese word for word Lol I will try and think of other ideas for the races and as soon as the mod is testable, give me shout and i'll give it a try. What sort of problems are you having with the Khajiit?
  22. Hahaha no problems SnippyChris I'm glad you like my ideas and I'm happy to help, I might be a rubbish modder, but I've got a few ideas wracking around my brain. I laid out the colovians and Nibenese the way I did for that exact reason (and for my own benefit Lol) Hmm... I'd say Lockpicking for the Nibenese (because lets face it, Khajiit and Bosmer are already pretty light fingered lol) Oh btw, what do you mean by "layout the racial stats"?
  23. In regards to group roles for the Imperials I have a few ideas, first we must have a look at the differences between the Nibenese and the Colovians. The Nibenese are a civilised and cosmopolitan people who are good at trade and diplomacy, However playing as a noble or a merchant may be boring to some, so maybe Nibenese could make decent thief builds (though not as good as Bosmer or Khajiit skill wise, the Nibenese try and talk their way out of problems using their skills in diplomacy could possibly help them get out of sticky situations easier) The Nibenese are apparently good battle mages (though not as good as Bretons or Elves in regards to magic, the Nibenese could bring a combative element to the fight) The Colovians by comparison are more rough and ready, they are tough, hardy, stubborn and crude by comparison, however the also quite disciplined and ordered as well. The Imperials are described as "less imposing" compared to say the Redguards, Elves, Orcs and Nords, So perhaps focusing on defence, blocking and faster sword movement could be a way of dealing with more ferocious opponents. Colovians are also apparently very religious, so maybe you could have a knight/Templar build who are religious warriors that utilise both Heavy armour, Maces and restorations magics to compensate for a lack of shielding. So if we merge the Colovian and Nibenian builds into the Imperial race, I'd say make the Imperials a "Jack of All Trades" race to play as, which has no major combat, stealth or mage bonuses, but they could be good at everything. These are just my thoughts and ideas so feel free to use them or not, also if I've made any lore mistakes please correct me.
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