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    Korea, South

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  1. 'Chemotherapy is over' doesn't mean everything's done(you can say 'mostly done', though). Now I'm taking Tamoxifen(hoping side effects won't take me to worse course).
  2. Chemotherapy is finished.
  3. Hair is growing again. Looks like some white hairs near top of head are longer than others...
  4. Spicy hagfish, hehehe.... **This time, I haven't vomited at all.
  5. Vomited at hospital yesterday while my mom was paying the bill, but I'm doing better than the last time.
  6. Nowadays my life is like: Chemotherapy->feeling sick about a week->eat whenever and whatever I can, gaining more weight(I really need to lose some)->rinse and repeat.
  7. Well, changing the drug is part of chemotherapy schedule. Total cycles are 8, and I've already finished 5th. Means I have to go through this until 2025 January, although finishing all chemotherapy schedule dosen't always mean 'I'm done with cancer'.
  8. After 4 cycles of chemotherapy, they changed drug to different one. I thought I'd be free from feeling nausea and get better, but seems like I was wrong. In the car, all I wanted was dragging myself into my bed. My mom said to me I looked like I was going to collapse when I was holding rail of apartment staircase. I spent most of afternoon at bed, and vomited twice. Not just feeling sick, I felt something was going to be thrown out not long after finishing a bowl of porridge. She called hospital to seek advice, and they told her I may suffer this for (about)a week. Ugh....
  9. Yeah, since I don't have any family history of such cancer, I was a bit afraid of possibility of sporadic mutation. Glad I'm not that case.
  10. Not a side effect of chemotherapy made me vomit yet(I've just finshed my 4th), but last Saturday evening, I overate a bit, then had dyspepsia. My mom called hospital to ask what kind of digestive could I take. Since it was Saturday evening, every pharmacy was closed, so she went to nearby convenience store to buy one. I took the digestive medicine hoping for getting better, only vomited a moment later. I threw everything out, and looked like it wasn't statrted to digest at all(it's only after an hour from supper). I couldn't even feel acid while vomiting. In the hospital, a nurse told me my blood potassium level is low. Don't know if it is because of dyspepsia and vomiting, for I had no problem with eating after that. For several days(about a week) after chemotherapy, I usually eat porridge, cold cereal(with milk), soy milk, toast, and whatever that doesn't make me feel nausea. Nowadays, some food smells make me feel uneasy, so I try to avoid them until I feel better. **The good thing is, I don't have BRCA mutation.
  11. After 3rd chemo, I'm afraid this nausea I'm feeling getting worse. Yesterday, I hardly ate even with help of (anti-vomit)medication. Well, at least I could drink packs of soy milk I brought. Today, plate of salad they provided for breakfast felt better to eat. I am home now, but it may take two or three days for this feeling to go away.
  12. The sample. AI-generated iris texture pasted on existing modder's resource(plus recolor). LORA I used with SD 1.5 can be found here: https://civitai.com/models/87994?modelVersionId=93646 (I admit I can't paint...) Perhaps I'd keep it private for a while if there's problem.
  13. I once used stable diffusion to generate random iris textures, then pasted one I thought 'it's okay' onto Elaborate Eyes psd file. I made several recolors of it, yet haven't decided whether to upload it or not. I want to hear your thoughts about this. **These textures are not tested in-game, by the way.
  14. Discharged from hospital after right breast surgery and second chemo. Due to the hair loss from first chemo session, my mom called her sister's granddaughter to shave my head. It was last friday. And had second chemotherapy at monday. Didn't feel good last evening, almost like I'd vomit whenever I put a spoonful of rice in my mouth(I didn't though). Today is better. **Please, don't talk about Cannabis again even if you're concerning. In South Korea, growing Cannabis(without local goverment permission) and using it for smoking(recreatinal or not) is illegal. I've seen news about singers and celebs arrested for smoking weeds since I was young.
  15. Looks like more bad news to me. Visited hospital for checkup, heard one of tumors removed from right breast was cancerous. Additional surgery is planned at next week. Guess more breast tissues are going to be replaced with some fillers.
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