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Everything posted by baduk
congrats! It must be a good feeling to have it working.
LE Clover Texture on Exported Mesh
baduk replied to RedBag's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
you need to add nialphaproperty to it. the vanilla nif should have one and u can just use the same flags. -
Never tried that deleting verts in nifskope, a number of things in nif will reference the vertices indicated and if those get updated automatically you should be ok. So maybe you are a bit tired. of troubleshooting, so take a day off. but it would be a shame to give up since you are close to getting it working. I dont think there is anyone who is educated about the issue we are talking about. each person has to get the thing working and everyone has experienced the problems similar to yours. I have of course struggled to get nifs to import, mostly years ago with fallout 3 and also oblivion. but again with skyrim because the tutorials are outdated. and i will probably have some trouble when i try to work with fallout 4 or the new version of skyrim. but once u get it working once, its easier than before. cause if u never got it working before it seems almost as if there is just another problem waiting once you solve the one infront of you. Anyway, I have helped people get it working before, and then the thread is probably seen by some other people helping them also. its pretty worthwhile i think. but only if u eventually succeed.
Its specific to the 2.49b workflow. One of steps to use the fallout 3 nif file format as a bridge for reaching the skyrim nif format. for example, naming the vertex group BO_TORSO instead of SBP_32_BODY as you would call it for skyrim. Maybe you have not properly installed the versions of nif.xml This is specific to 2.49b workflow. for nifscope each nif.xml exists in the same folder as nifsikope.exe and you should download this from the source i gave y9ou because the correct nif.xml is included. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/download/11599 Though you may have but one nifskope installed in the registry you dont have to install the nifskope, just run various versions without installing em. to install the modified nifskripts from http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/download/1000129945 This nif.xml must be placed in in Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats/nifxml\ The import and export scripts are installed into their own Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\import\ and \export\ folders Keep a backup of the original files you replaced so you can uninstall this and work on different nif versions if you want to. so u must have many different versions of nif.xml installed here and there . I guess it could have been confusing you i probably should have been explicit about this earlier.
Try making it like the eye nif. Having the sss map, cube map and environment mask. The shader is set up for environment map with different flags set also.
hi The fox has a tangent space normalmap on it. and on skyrim there is a specular map in the alpha channel of the normalmaps. maybe you need to add specular map. if u do that save the dds with dxt5 format to get interpolation on alpha channel. I vaguely remember having a shiny artifacts problem before that was different. solved that from updating tangent space in nifskope.
there is 3 ways i am aware of to use blender for skyrim. The way redrakiton125 suggests, and the other 2 i have mentioned earlier. since these ways do work. its just your choice what way to use. i think people just end up doing what works for them. so as far as i know, there is no dead end u are asking about. I dont understand why you get an error with 1.1.0 revision 1bbf520 that i downloaded from that link i gave u on nexus. i get no error My recommendation is to try with a different nif, a vanilla one perhaps. Import that to blender, export it and successfully into game without malfunction, and u know that the problem is not in the tools or your usage of them, but with the specific nif u were trying to use. Edit: Oh, and your screenshot. click the "combine ninode + shapes to single mesh" button so its dark (turned on) This is default settings. Or you could expand the window downward and there is a button u can click to restore default settings.
glad to hear it!
Hi. Theres supposed to be different types of bumpo maps but the ones i used are the tangent space and object space normalmaps. Those 2 are in skyrim but in skyrim they call the object space model space, its same thing tho they just switched some channels. Normal map is rgb image and each of 3 channels is showing illumination from one direction of each xyz axes. For tangent space type the axes are oriented differently for each face of the model. Object space one is the whole model is having one 3d axes for this measurement nof illumination. This causes the object space one to have more extreme coloration. U can make the object space normalmap with a camera and a flashlight. but if the scene is too complicated u get bugs. I dont know why skyrim is using the object space one for the skin shader meshes. It makes u have artifacts when u go into poses. The parallax map is from a heightmap. so its one channel greyscale, the parallax mods i downloaded have rgb but its mostly black and white . its probably caused by saving as dxt compression dds file that all have 3or 4 channels. parallax calculates displacement of the uv mapping depending on the heightmap. It just makes the texture muddy when viewing the surface from a more oblique angle. I dont think parallax terrain is a good idea cause u are always going to have an oblique view of the ground no matter where ur standing at.. I always really like programmers who are into the 3d art cause they are the ones who make all the great tools.
Hi, Thanks for making video about learning to make mods. The nice new fox mesh u are making should end up working just fine in the game. All u need is to have a niskininstance on the nitrishape node. That is the part that has vertex groups for each bone that animates the fox in the game. the vertices on the new mesh need to be weighted and added to the correct vertex groups. You can see how they are organized by compareing the nifs with nifskope . Also u probably need to turn off the vertex colors for the nitrishapedata. You have some choices for tools to use for the job. Its 3dsmax or maya or blender2.77 or blender 2.49b Since you are already doing the whole obj file thing u might be interested to try anton0028's tools. Skinextractor and skininjector, those are for blender 2.77. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62065/? I didnt use em myself tho cause i was doing another way but basicaly u import the vanilla mesh and the skin into blender with the tools. Import your mesh into blender. doesnt have to be same blend file, i dont know if there is a limitation with the tool there. Blend files can be linked from another so u can import any specific element from any blend file into a current one. So u can save them separate blend files and combine later. I think there is no bone weight copy script in 2.77 but there is a weight transfer tool and thats supposed to work good. found a tutorial. https://ainetutorials.blogspot.jp/2015/09/tutorial-blender-274-weight-tranfer.html If u want to hear about other options there is this thread i posted in and links and stuff. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4752985-3ds-max-vs-blender/ Maybe someone will come by and add info about the 3dsmax part also.
The tools u show in top image are blender nifscripts latest version and in 2.77. Since 2.49b works for me as I have exactly described for skyrim in previous post. I have had no reason to try to use the nifscripts 2.6 for newer blender. It works differently tho. You have to set the different settings for the nif in menus spread out through the interface. It is probably harder to learn to use but more convenient when you are familiar with it. It is not clear how well this version supports skyrim because niftools supports many different games. Many gamebryo games exist in world. And to clarify my first post yes i did mention you should use 2 different versions of nifskope at different stages. So if u follow my directions for 2.49b it will work, If u want to use 2.77 you should check out the toolspack from anton0028 in the link above. His tools do not import nif directly, it imports data to blender and back out of blender but in separate parts.
Hi Its really good to learn all this stuff and start making everything just how u want it. I have no experience with 3dsmax at the moment. gota use it tho cause u can export collision with that. everything else, blender works tho thanks to various tools and stuff. Currently im making armor stuff. anyway to import an armor with blender 2.49b u want to: use nifskope version 1.1.0 with the skyrim nif.xml from throttlekitty http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3790/? In nif header change nif version from 12 to 11 and 83 to 34 delete the bslightingshaderproperty blocks from all the geometry nodes. import the nif with default settings for fallout 3 with nifscripts 2.5.9 except for u want to turn off stripify trishapes. Install first this modification for nifscripts to get enough bones in a partition and reduce amount of nifskoping. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45355/? For exporting u want to assign the dismemberment partition vertex group for your item as a fallout 3 nif. then export it with default settings for fallout 3 open with nifskope 1.1.0 and change nif versions back to 12 and 83 next part i really dont understand why, i should have tested this really but.. you edit scene root to have 0 children and then delete scene root. Maybe the modified nifscripts and stuff makes it so u dont have to do this. probly good to test. save nif and open nif in nifskope 1.2.0 alpha 2. you have installed the modified nif.xml for this nifskope. in the nitrishape block details u turn off vertex colors unless u got vertex colors. turn off normals if the nitrishape is going to use flesh body shader settings. now you can change the dismemberment partition vertex group names to skyrim ones in the bsdismemberskininstance. Add the bslightingshaderproperties to the geometry nodes. add the bsshadertextureset and add that to the bslightingshaderproperty. u can assign the textures. Adjust the shader flags where appropriate, u can look other nifs to find em. flesh body is different, etc. Add other stuff like nialphaproperty where appropriate. add a ninode to the nif and call it scene root. giving it the right number of children, updating the array and adding the child nodes. set flags to 14 look nif over, sanitize it, remove a bogus nodes, like unskinned bones and save nif. If outfit go ahead and use bodyslide to make the skinny version. for weight slider. male nifs u will need to convert a male body into bodyslide if there is none. The reason is that if you export both fat and thin versions of nif from blender you will probably have different vertex order, and weight slider will not work. There is probably male bodys for bodyslide tho i would guess. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62065/? You should try anton0028 tools tho for blender. It has everything u need for working with nifs in blender 2.77 and it should be faster and easier to use. and blender 2.77 is better than 2.49b. The meshinjector has some thing where it creates a uvmap tho and i would prefer to disable such a thing. i think u can disable it . why not. it injects an obj file into the nitrishape node obj will contain uvmap already. Skininjector allows u to export a skin data as text file and then into the bsdismemberskininstance. U can even export animations with those tools. I used the tri tools alot and those work like a dream. Anyway im planning to switch to this way even tho im familiar with the other one. U may find other tools on loverslab. There is alot to lern tho about what u are doing and what stuff is. u gota know what is a uv map and normals and whats a diffuse map, normalmap, specular map etc. what is skin?(skin is the vertex groups named after bones telling which vertices move and how much they move for bones during animation) has nothing to do with textures. what is this and that.. its kindof alot. I recently wrote a reply to someone detailing a bunch of different concepts. to help understanding. https://www.loverslab.com/topic/65463-questions-about-character-modding-technicalities-body-skeleton-textures-etc/ Anyway. i hope it all works out for u to be making great stuff.
Mod authors do not cater for any group. They simply make mod for own enjoyment. These admirable creations are not driven by the audience, unlike in a commercial scenario. There is satisfaction of creativity and accomplishment, improvement of objective quality compared to previous work. And fascination of learning. This accusation of a status quo inclines me to mistrust you. Or maybe you simply misunderstand what is the meaning of an artist community in the internet. Nobody is stopping you from making the mods that you would prefer.
Blame it on enb cause of the working sss shader. Also its mor work to make something that covers entire body. But in the end its only people are gonna make what they want to make its probly better not to pay attention to what goes on on someones game. Anyway. Male fashion is totally suck compared to womens fashion even in the real world.
LE Creating Armor / Texture prob
baduk replied to Hitanaxu's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Screenshots is from skyrim? All you have to do is move some vertices forward y axis for the place pants is clipping. Look bootom of shirt armhole. its vertex is too far out on x axis ., move em in so armhole fits inside armpit. That was first thought. Now look on tiny nifskope pic and i can see its different. Your skin weight is screwed up in the armpit. So after adjust vertices, adjust weight painting. Your problem having nothing to do with the shader settings. -
LE Player Only Collision with Object
baduk replied to teleporter2145's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
The game has different types of collision. its called oblivion layers. I think its not possible to do what u are asking tho. cause the havok layers are hard coded. Its a good idea to try a different way to get your result. -
Hi. I can understand what u mean. It seems llike there is not as many modders who are interested in making the male mods. I am same way, only interested in making mods for female. Its kind of sad. Anyway. ITs a more reason for you to make mods for skyrim. This idea of having a more glamorous or flamboyant style of male outfits is legitimate. It is an idea to take existing female mods and alter them creating mashups that are more manly but are still having the fancy appearance. But you have to make it yourself, and also its needed to have permission to use assets from other mods if releasing them. having more modders in community is only way for solving the issue you describe.
[LE] playable insect race mod [WIP]
baduk replied to 12vegeta12's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Thank you for this extensive commentary! These tips will really help me, since it's my first time making a mod, for Skyrim at least. It's a good idea to have the extra arms be smaller and on a looping animation, and to put them in the tail slot. I'm gonna make some extra concept art based on these tips and research how to best make the meshes and animations. I'll post when I've got something new to show! Thanks for the comment. Hi. The being able to connect additional skeleton with anchor bone is my speculation. I have seen this work for just the hdt hair or armor stuff. If there is a problem with this technique. you can try the other option from anton0028 that involves adding a niStringsExtraData to bsfadenode nif. Name it AttachT and add the string NamedNode&"bone name" Download his mods for examples and tools.- 11 replies
Weather was decidedly bad as i upped into falkreath to appreciate their large graveyard and chat the locals. The mood was sorrow to hear the tale of mathies with his poor wife indara caerellia. Their daughter young Lavinia recently slain in a most brutal manner by a foul agent of the Hircine. I then approach and had not but uttered the first syllable of my condolences to indara when a lighning bolt blasts down from the heavens. I recoiled in shock and instant pain, while Mathies was flung to the ground momentarily insensate. Indara Carellia stood for a moment transfixed, a blinding bolt protruding directly in the top of her head, arcs of white energy dancing from and between her limbs. She slumped to the ground retracting to huddle against the freshly carved headstone of her daughters grave. I moved to aid her, looking pon a face, Where was tears of sorrow dripping from eyes was now thick black drips of boiled blood. I helped Mathies to his feet. and in his eyes he knew. There was no word to say. I gazed in solemn contemplation as he made his way back to his humble farm to tend his meager crops.
It sounds like the alpha blending problem on transparency. Because you have trnasparency on your hair or armor while inside the vertiberd and it also has transparency probaby from the windows or something. You might try altering some of the flags in nialphaproperty of your vertiberd. There kindof alot of options for this so u may end up having to experiment a bit. I had one different problem before involving water and 4846 worked for me.
LE Is this possible that I put the other games animation
baduk replied to asdxcil's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
If u hack game to change skeleton game uses then everything becomes incompatible with it including animations, armors, body models, weapons, furniture and crafting stations, mounts, probably other stuff also. How bout you just create animations that are similar to the ones in other game. but for skyrim. -
[LE] playable insect race mod [WIP]
baduk replied to 12vegeta12's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Loks like a big project to me. Making that a playable character. There is a bit of an issue with the deformation of the body. If you want body deformation to be stiff with joints you have to skin mesh different than other races and all playable races use same body meshes m/f versions. To avoid having to make a different version of every armor and clothing and devising a way for switching the version U probably want to use just existing body meshes. I understand its a very big limitation. Id want to make ur extra limbs maybe have more than 2 and have em really small like vestigial so they show up when you are wearing nothing in the body biped slot. I never messed with khajits or argonians armors but i think there is a separate dismemberment partition u can add to make the tail appear when the body is being replaced by item in biped slot. Beast races are also requiring to have all new helmets created. Playable bodys are the same mesh as all other races. so you have to make texture for supported uvmap types if supporting body mods. Maybe you can add spines and bristles on the tail slot tho. along with ur mini arms. You can probably put mini arms onto a Looping animation. Because with hdt stuff you can put the first bone as keyframed for an anchor and have other bones animated from different transformation like havok or lag. Head u have to make the morph targets for facial expression and lyp synching. The head is really important. I think you can potentially have an incredible awesome result. You dont need egm files like in earlier games, just the tri files. Compound eyes are interesting. Can you effectively animate a compound eye so it looks alive? The body meshes in skrim are not using tangent space normalmaps so you cant do tricks with normals. Anyway, Its just what i think each part of your poroject entails, to help understand what the scope is, for conceptualization. I hope it is helping.- 11 replies
The modding community is not at the mercy of any company to enable us to mod their game. and will never be. With nifskope you may b needing a specific version of nif.xml or other specialy modified tools because its fallout 4. I just recengly got back into modding and the skyrim with blender i am using 2 versions of nifskope, both are older versions , and my export scripts have been modified 2.49b version. And i still am going to have to use 3dsmax, and ripped from our grasp by microsoft havok sdk in order to add hdt physiced floppy parts to an armors. Niftools is havingt to support not just fallout 4, its every game in the world that u havent heard of them but is using the gamebryo engine. So i get ur frustration. I been feeling it before and most of other ppl who did a mod or another one. I want to explain to you that no company is going to help u ever. I mean in real life it may happen but not intentionally. The ppl who did help u are doing so for free of money and its alot like how it is when u make a mod and decided to release it. Behd released the creation kits and gecks but even if they never released em there are programmers in community who would create this software even if it takes a coupla few years to get it finished. and it would end up being alot better than the janky software we got from beth. So advice fixing your problem. i cant do much but its maybe just a small detail. but it can easily be caused by not having the correct version of tools or even a component of tools such as nif.xml. Hope this points ur direction good.
Hi. in left panel where it says ninode sceneroot there is a little triangle. click that and it will display the nodes of the nif file in a hierarchal biew. Find the geometry node thats a nitrishape or nitristrips and make sure its the one for the part you want to hide, click the node in tree view and at bottom there is the properties of node. find flags and should have option to set it hidden in there.
How do I get UV maps exported as an image now?
baduk replied to dragonslayer2k12's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
u can export uv map with just nifskope. right click the nitristrips or nitrishape node Texture -> Export Template and it will appear the dialog box for selecting filename image resolution etc. u export tga of uv map layout! If u cant find uv map option on the 2.0 beta 5 then install 1.2.0 alpha 2 or whatever. U can have more than one nifskpe installed at a time btw. each with different nif.xml files also. Edit. This just dawned on me, that u may not be able to open the fallout 4 nif into the older nifskoep? ?No prolem with that Just export obj file cause its containing the uv map information. Use any simple method to export uv map layout from an obj file.