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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Just look at the site i posted up there. its alot easier than having to research copyright status of each item yourself. Welcome to the Archive's audio and MP3 library. This library contains over two hundred thousand free digital recordings ranging from alternative news programming, to Grateful Dead concerts, to Old Time Radio shows, to book and poetry readings, to original music uploaded by our users. Many of these audios and MP3s are available for free download.
  2. I will do it if it comes to that. Since I am a modeler tho and i am working on a kinda big project i think someone will probably get to it before me. combat ai package can just come from the vanilla child one probably. and you would want to be able to engage it in a dialogue to give it snacks or a pat on the head. There could even be some extra animations to make it funner. There can be a mini questline also where you save gecko buddy from raiders or hunters or something.
  3. Hi! you need to set it as the active file when you load it into geck. :D
  4. What the readme says is that if you use fomm you dont need to do anything else. just play. The part about deleting files is only for people who dont want to use fomm and are doing it the manual way.
  5. Hi! Replace the data\meshes\characters\_male\femaleupperbody.nif with the one from the undies your working on.
  6. you can delete stuff from the bsa by unpacking it and then repacking it without the file. dont do it dont delete the bsa either. You want to have archive invalidation invalidated. and if you have it installed properly there will be a new bsa in your data folder called ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa *edit* I cant believe what u were saying and i looked at the readme for project beauty. Its funny cause some people like you wont have the files they say to delete. You need to read the basic guides on how to use mods so you wont get confused so easily and you need to read readmes morecarefully also. you completely skipped over the part that recommends using fallout mod manager, instead of the manual way. you can get archive invalidation invalidated by installing unofficial fallout 3 patch
  7. Hi! I never made a weapon before but i guess you need to have a custom collision mesh to fit your object better. Whenever i made a world object for my clothing outfit I just mostly followed the Miaxs tutorial here. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6107 Theres a new nifscripts version for blender at least tho so just the part after exporting. You need to use the bsfadenode option when exporting but i guess you do that anyway with weapons. If you make armor you gotta have it off tho. Anyway in that tutorial your supposed to copy the tristripsdatas for both the visual shape and physical shape over to a vanilla mesh that has collision but the havok shape requires a special process. basically when you get to the havok part you gotta get rid of the bhkconvexverticesshape or whatever the vanila collision shape it is with block remove. then you select the bsfadenode and insert a new bhktristripsshape, thats in the havok block menu list. Then you select the bhktristripsshape and change the settings of material to what you want and make it have more than 0 on num strips data. i never tried having more than 1 tho. when you hit enter a stripsdata thingys gonna appear under num strips data. this is where you copy your collision tristripsdata into. so do that. then you go back to the bhknitripsshape and right click it and go havok pack strips. and it creates a bhkpackednitristripshape you delete the bhknitristripsshape with block remove and then block copy the bhkpackednitripsshape u just made. select your bhkrigidbody in the bhkcollisionobject and select the shape thing in block details and paste the branch there. finally you can remove the bhkpackednitristripsshape thats sitting on the root level. Then make sure u got the shaders set right and tangent spaces updated. for me it worked fine in the game with custom collision. You really should look at the tutorial tho cause its got pictures. I wrote all this just cause it makes me remember more and also. woondering if the havok support in the mre recent nifscripts has improved to where you dont gotta do it all or something.
  8. http://www.archive.org/details/audio This site has lotsa good somgs and stuff thats public domain.
  9. I love little gecko!! This one is gonna happen 100%. With different colors even :D
  10. you would just have to find the .DDS file and then pull it up in some sort of program like Photoshop and change the colors, real simple if the plugin to read .DDS files works for you... too bad I can't get my photoshop CS4 to read .DDS files no matter what I do... What's your Graphics Card? Nvidia's plugin works fine with PS CS4. ATI Radeon HD 4800 I tried the plugin you mentioned, and no luck... I have ati gpu also but i dont have photoshop so i never tried to use dds for it. but gimp dds plugin works just fine. you can use gimp for import export of dds and use photoshop for all your image manipulation if you so desire.
  11. I doubt fose causes that problem for you. somehow the mods u are using is causing fose to do bad things. It is possible that adjusting your load order and making merged patch with fo3edit can help you.
  12. I think you could adjust the animations and that will make it accurate. dunno if there is easier way. I am interested in finding more about this.
  13. HI! Just a couple of things. Animated waterfalls are totally possible. Honestly i dont know if there were any waterfalls in vanilla oblivion but Unique landscapes adds alot of waterfalls. You should examine that mod as reference. waterfalls do NOT use havok physics, lol, they are a looping animation. Selling mods would create a huge chilling effect on the modding community. Modding has made great advancement because modders are willing to share their knowlege and resources with one another, if sharing resources means that you will gain less money than you used to many will stop sharing. there are also probably some legal issues.
  14. I think that you are using too many foip patches. use just the one that fits all your needs and disable the rest. When you get the correct foip patch you should have no errors loading your plugins into fo3edit and it will create the merged patch for you. There is nothing to fear about making a merged patch. Fo3edit merged patch creation is fully automated and wont mess anything up. Merged patch goes at the end of your load order. I highly recommend merged patches. It increases my framerate and prevents crashing.
  15. HI!!! Try fo3edit. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 use it to create a merged patch, activate it, go somewhere secluded to wait for cells to reset, and see if that helps.
  16. Yes it does work. use fo3edit instead of geck. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 And load all your mods when you start it.
  17. Alright, well i guess you should make sure that you have the latest versions of niftools and blender cause its really important to to make stuff work smoothly as possible. If you update your gona have to install python 2.6 but you can keep 2.5 installed also cause you might still want to be able to use wryebash for oblivion stuff. Im gonna keep my eye on this thread cause I want to learn stuff also!
  18. Yea it loks just like that until you go to view menu and make sure block list and block details is checked. Then the block details pane will appear at the bottom make your changes in that area. You find the little purple flowers under bssshadertextureset. just expand the treeview.
  19. HI!! Im pretty new to blendering and all that stuff but I love it. Blenders lots of fun and everything! So anyway if you select both of them in object mode and hit control j then you can join em into one object. And then stick the verts together and remove doubles. Hoep that helps u.
  20. Ive never seen a blue x before! Please post screenys! Just make the pic smaller in gimp or something.
  21. From what you said, you are going to need to use nifskope to change the texture paths for the textures. download nifskope u can find it with google. niftools or nifskope now you can do stuf to nifs . go to view and make sure u got block list and block details checked so it shows stuff. for each node except for the bhkcollisionobject you need to expand it and open up nitristrips bsshaderpplightingproperty bssshadertextureset and click on the little purple flowers that appear below to set the new texure paths.
  22. Hi!! You gotta go read the basic tutorials on how to enjoy mods with your fallout 3. You gotta be using fomm. and archive invalidation invalidated. The installation directory i think on your newer windows versions needsta be somehwer other than program files. Also understand that all vanilla resources of the game are stored in archives in the data directory called BSA's Resources added by mods are stored in a directory tree in the data directory. The directory tree is structured the same as the inside of the bsa archive. The basic tutorials you should look over are probably stickied at the top of this or some other part of the fallout 3 forum. its real easy so you wont need to spend much time. and you dont need to wait for days for someone to reply either :D
  23. I recommend that you use fo3edit to get the formid for stuff cause its easier to read.
  24. What a great bit of information to find! Thanks to you and Deacon!!!
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