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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Hi! I think the armguard thing is supposed to be a rigid armor plating thing? Im not sure what you mean by the links on the skeleton thing. i guess you have imported skeleton.nif? Well if you put a screenshot up of weightpaint mode in blender with the object showing then i can see what the problem is for sure. But i dont think there is any problem with all that stuff and it looks pretty clear what the issue is anyway. When you weightpaint it and its all red that sounds fine but maybe you only weightpainted it to BP_RIGHTARM and of course it will be red then but. You gotta select the bip01 Forearm.R vertex group and paint it red for that one also cause that will make it not all bendy when you bend the elbow. all the vertex groups that start with BP are for dismemberment and vats only and the ones that start with bip01 are all for controlling how the vertices move along with the bones during animations.
  2. Hi! I apologize for saying that your plan is terrible and your idea was bad. It was not meant to be as offensive as you read it. My focus in modding is nif stuff u know like meshes and textures and that kinda stuff and If i really need to do some scripting then i think reading some of cipsis' tutes or something like that will satisfy my basic needs. If you only mean to have protection on the contents of the plugin file then it would certainly not be much of a system drain. So maybe the whole issue does not really concern me as a modder. But anyway I am happy to say that this community does not operate by being at each others throats. I hope that you will choose to defend your ideas with just a little less hostility and see if you cant make a friend or two. I hope that you can see that this established nexus modding hub is actually imparting a lot of protection to us just by existing. Maybe the protections are not as oriented toward the scripting side of modding as you would like tho. Though I was not aware of there being a problem in that area, I can see that some scripting work is outstanding and should be respected as much as a cool area design or a story dialogue or a new armor.
  3. I think it is a terrible idea. I understand that any time some company can pop up and start bundling and selling our mods and it would be difficult for the creators to do much about it. Maybe by giving them bad press it would limit the scope of their operations. But your suggestion is just bad. IT will limit the enjoyment of people using mods, increasing strain on hardware. It will limit the innovation of mod authors as well. And make it hard for new modders to learn how to do what they imagine. I am a new modder and I learned so much from the community. I have done almost no scripting work but I think that technical creation and artistic creation belong in different categories. If i have technique to do something I want to let others know about it and help them do the same. When I need to study something I examine mostly vanilla resources but I have also examined modded resources to learn from those and without access to that information i would not have learned the things i have. It will also create unwanted resentment from the people who we would like to enjoy our mods. There will be groups dedicated to circumventing our draconian methods and the entire community will be poorer for it.
  4. I dont know, maybe it depends on how the modeling works in wings. I have heard that its a great modeling program tho so you can totally do this. How about extruding the vertices of a and b and then moving both to the center point between them and merging them? I have heard about extruding in wings maybe a lot of the modeling is focusing around extrusion.
  5. Hi! I like the mod lots! I havent downloaded it for a while tho so my version is probably out of date. been sorta busy working on my stuff and not playing. I think it would be good for you to add modders resources all over. If there is more modders resources to use just put stuff in for decoration or whatever. I have one such project under development. It is just some toys but those added clutter can add flavor u know. Other people like making artwork for the game also. I think i sent u a link to one but maybe your inbox is very full. Maybe, i will start another project of making some really nasty gore also but that wouldnt be until i finish the other stuff first. New traps would be nice, but i dont really understand how the nif starts out in animation mode and then is released into havok. I saw that on this one oblivion breaking plank bridge thing.
  6. Im sorry to hear you have a broken part on your computer. I think you can get one of those surge protector things to have between your psu and the wall socket. but Its probably most important to have a good psu to begin with cause those can have built in protection. So after you figure out whats broken and replace it. Buy a good psu and the surge protector thingy to prevent a future problem when you can afford it.
  7. Hi! You want to make faces between those vertices shown on the red line you drew? I dont know about wings maybe you cant do n gons or whatever. But It is a nice shape. I think you can just make an edge from the right side to the left and then bisect that edge (make a vertex in the middle of the new edge. Then you can have 4 quads inbetween the vertices using the one extra vertex you created.
  8. Hi! Ear mesh looks beautiful! I dont see any tris on it at all. I have been learning lots of stuff about mesh topology from reading this thread. Poles and Loops It has lots of techniques for creating loops in different directions and removing triangles. Thanks for the link on the tutorial. It was especially helpful to see the parts on sculpting. Im glad you finally got around to starting a thread on niftools forum. Maybe you should put a link on there to this thread or some other thread about facemix so they will know more what you are doing.
  9. Hi! Ok here is a picture of it. Note that in blender the double sided texturing does not appear in 3d view. I am in edit mode so you can see the geometry, vertices and have the textures on. The tubular mesh in the center has the parts of the shoelaces that cross over the outside of the lace holes on the outside of the upper layer and the laces that cross underneath on the inside of the lower layer. I think this scheme resulted in a much lower poly count than it would have if i had tried to model the shoelaces without using transparency.
  10. Hi! Theres lotsa modders who have been inspirational for me and i can see some of them listed and some are not. Bethesda blogs has been doing interviews with modders from our community. Morrowind modding interviews Oblivion modding interviews Fallout3 modding interviews You can post and nominate people to be interviewed. I highly respect and have learned a great deal from more modders than i can name. but Also there are meta modders who have devoted themselves to making tools to aid us. My best modder is amorilia who wrote pyffi and leads the niftools development for blender nif scripts and also is active in all areas of niftools projects. Including lots of technical help provided to us modders. I am eternally grateful.
  11. Hi! Maybe you can get it to look ok with a cylinder and a good normal map on it. The silhouette of the cable will look flat though but at least the light reflection on it will give the illusion of wound cables. For smaller lowpoly wires and strings and stuff its good to use a segmented plane subbed down the middle and bent so that it will have thickness from all angles. The texture can use alpha transparency to hide the outer edges of the plane. I did this for shoelaces on my armor.
  12. I really enjoyed your pictures. The stuff you added in the background looks just like part of the picture. Maybe if you get the right perspective you could even add stuff like wolves chasing you or something. that would be awesome. Thanks!
  13. Hi! I wrote a post earlier but i guess i forgot to click the post button after i was done writing. Oh well.. Anyway it sounds like the new system is still being decided on. I like the idea that there would be a new user group for reviewers. It is difficult to write a good review for a mod. Good quality mod reviews would be a valuable asset to the community. You need to have some grasp of the rigors of mod making and some technical understanding; also you gotta have good communication skills to produce a review that is helpful for both the author and player. Also the reviewer would be more successful by being familiar with and respecting the established culture of this modding community. Then the written reviews can be commented on and rated by the community and there can be an award for the top reviewer each month. It will take a long time for all the existing mods to get reviewed and modders will have to submit requests for new reviews if they update their files. I think it is possible with patience and ambition.
  14. Hi! I guess maybe you have a problem installing blender so there is an instructions for it on this page. Nexus wiki Blender installation tut
  15. Hi! Thanks i had forgotten about that thread necroing it now :D I see that the post above me has plagarised part of my own post on page 1 and is trying to advertise some garbage. Reported! Haha that was quick. thanks myr!
  16. Hi! Yeah ok so to clarify, you can either use conformulator or have it weighted to the skeleton. you dont have to do both. With conformulator it will be able to adapt itself to head shapes that the user altered with their facegen settings. The skinned (rigged) one will be able to deform itself depending on animation so if you have straps or tubes going down to the body or whatever it is most useful. The link i provided gives a breakdown of the different headgear biped object slots and what type of headgear the game expects when those are selected in geck. as for not getting the bsdismembermentskininstance. Make sure it has the "bip01 Head" vertex group and the "BP_HEAD" vertex group. Make sure that you have export skin partition selected near the bottom of the left hand column as well as dismember body parts.
  17. Hi! Your nif screenshot shows its parented to scene root as described and there is a bip01 head node on it also like its suposed to have but I am not seeing a bsdismembermentskininstance that you would want to have for a skinned headgear. I think you want to make sure its weightpainted 100% to bip01 head and also add a vertex group called BP_HEAD and paint it 100% to that also and then export it with export skin partition and bodypart vertex groups turned on. If you want to do a conformulated headgear instead then you can do rivens advice and use the conformulator but you should make sure the center of the object is at the position of bip01 head in pose mode. Global position does not matter. Export it unparented from scene root, the name of the root ninode can be whatever. and it does not any skinning or bodypart vertex groups. Whend you have the egm created by conformulator as riven explained, then you gotta put the egm in the same folder as the nif and open your plugin in fnvedit and find at the ref for you item where it says MODD facegen model flags and under that it says head. you can change the data field in there to 1 for both and it will say head when you click enter. then save the plugin. That last part wil make it so the headgear is not rotated strangely and sitting on your shoulder. Also between the 2 choices you have to choose the right selection for the head biped slot. Have a look on this link for a reference on them. Biped object slots and their uses Looking good btw!
  18. Yeah I think your right LHammonds. Nifscripts will create a new object for any faces that have a different material on them.
  19. Hi! I have difficulty imagining what kind of generic sentences can be of meaningful help to a mod author. Real help is not something most people are capable or willing to offer. You know, like a pm with a specific issue described and maybe even some solid advice on how to fix the problem. I think the options currently are quite appropriate for what they really represent.
  20. I dont know but maybe you could also check and see if there are duplicate faces overlapping on that spot. Check what the uv map coordinates are on those faces.
  21. Hi! Those are really cute animations that u make. We mostly do modding for video games in here but Im sure some threads are useful to you and you can offer your expertise also!
  22. Hi! Yea i dont know if the resources are included with nv so please do check the bsa browser to find it in the nv bsa unless its just for personal use. but anyway if you find the ground object in there it makes it easier tho cause you can just choose that one in geck. o0therwise you need in blender to make a colision mesh for it and its good to play around with havok stuff cause thats fun but i think the easy tutorial for doing this is LHammonds video tutorial If you dont want to use a convex colision u can make your own shape but at least do the tutorial to get an idea how its supposed to be in blender. export that one with bsfadenode root selected and default shader presets, clutter collision presets, turn off export skin partition and dismember body parts. And then you select that one to be the ground object and it will be like an object you can kick around and its fun. for the helmet thingy where its on your shoulder you can read that helmet thread stickied in this forum. basically you need to have the egm file in the same folder as the nif and you have to go into fnvedit and turn on the flag for that item that tells it to use the egm. where it says MODD face gen model flags u put a 1 in there iirc and it says head then and you can save the plugin.
  23. Hi! Make sure that your nif is like a clothing, skined properly to the creatres skeleton and has the right shaders and stuff. And then you can just put it into the folder in your data folder that the creature is in. look in bsa browser of fomm to find what the folder needs to be called. Simple as that :D
  24. Hi! Try flipping the normals of those faces. I dont know max but you probably can turn on a cactus view thing to show what direction normals are facing.
  25. Hi! You can have 2 different types of headgear depending on what you need. One type is simply parented to bip01 head and has an egm file with it. this is the kind that you can have the shoulder issue on where the facegen usage flag is not checked. The other kind has the skin data like the regular clothings. It wont deform depending on facegen settings but it will deform like a regular clothing and its useful if you want to have tubes going into a backpack or something like that. It is important to be choosing the correct biped slot for the type of headgear that you are using. Look on this link for the details on it biped slots and their uses at niftools forum
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