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Posts posted by baduk

  1. Ok. in nifskope first u gotta turn on block list view and block details view and make the block list view display as a tree. Its best setup.


    And then u go to the bsshaderpplightingproperty of the nitristrips block that u want to set the shaders on.


    now highlight that and look down on the block details window. There are a number of columns on there. U gotta make the value column where the shader flags and stuff are listed narrow enough to see the other end of it.

    find shader type on the list and doubleclick where it says shader default It maks little arrow appear pointing down and u click that to get the list of choices.

    Then right below that is shader flags, do the same thing doubleclick it and u can get the arrow, this one displays a little window with buttons on it so you can select more than one shader flag.


    U should have shader to skin and shader flags just add window environment mapping.

  2. Hi!


    Sounds good!


    I didnt ever have the different race looking thing but I suspect it is only that the nitristrips block for the showing skin part of your armor.


    go into that in nifskope and look at the bsshaderpplightingproperty. There you can set the shader from default to skin. and add the windows environment mapping shader flag also.


    This makes the engine overlay the skin texture once more ontop of the mesh and it makes color changes like skin pigmentation on it also.

  3. Hi!


    Ok your node hierarchy is messed up.



    I think u can fix it in nifskope if u remove the first ninode scene root 8, then remove the other ninode scene root 8 right before all the bones.

    remove headanims 31 and head 33 cause you dont need those either.

    then rename the upperbody2:0 to Scene Root.


    When u removed the second scene root ninode tho before it dropped all the bones into the root level. so you have to copy and paste each one back into your ninode.


    That is kind of a slow way to do it so, open your blend file and clean out all the extra stuff.



    remove all the armatures. hit alt-h to unhide anything that might be hidden, and delete the armatures.

    select each of your objects left over and go ahead and rename them to something that makes sense so its less confusing looking.

    u rename them in the buttons window, object tab, object and links panel. There is a text box you can change the name right next to where it says OB:


    then select all the parts of your outfit and then import a new clothing nif. IT doesnt matter what one, just import one. Make sure that you click the button Import Skeleton only + Parent Selected

    Dont import skeleton.nif cause as i said before that one is for animating and weight painting.


    Now you are ready to export, so use the default settings and make sure shadow map is selected.

  4. Hi!


    Sometimes u can have more than one thing wrong at the same time, so when u fix one thing it stills messed up u know.


    So, make sure u always have shadow map selected for clothing.


    anyway. IT could be that the texture compression is wrong. I never had that issue with fallout but i did before in oblivion.

    I think it depends on if u have alpha channel in the texture, but go ahead and

    Make sure both your textures diffuse and normal ones are compressed with dxt5.


    Also it could be useful if you post screenshots of nifskope block list and block detail windows with relevant nitristirips blocks expanded.

  5. Hi!


    That skeleton u imported is the one u want to use for weight painting and animation.


    All u really need for the armature is just the bone markers and u can get those from off any other outfit in the game.

    U import it with the import nif with armature only and parent selected option.


    The export settings u have is just fine except for one thing.

    Look at the export settings and just get familiar with it. You will learn what they mean more and more when u keep using them.


    Left hand column is the main options, middle column is the collision options, right hand column is the shader options.


    On the right hand column shader options, look at the 3rd row from the top, middle button. Shadow map Just select this one before exporting and it will work in the game like u want it to.

  6. Hi!


    U will be pleasantly surprised to find that there is no conversion necessary for almost all nifs from fallout 3 to new vegas.

    Just some few blocks that i havent come across in any nifs i looked at before.


    So when u are converting armor for differnt body, then just treat it like converting between 2 bodys on fallout 3. ITs the same thing.


    Sorry about max crashing, I dont know about max and anyway it will work if u find out what was making it crash. Maybe its got something to do with installation or nifscripts installation.


    I actually never do any copy pasting for armors in nifskope. I just did it for stuff like animated statics or ragdoll clutters, maybe its good for particle systems tho also.


    If u cant edit the mesh in max to remove clipping its a half measure anyway, same as if u use default shaders and cloth flags then set the showing skin part of the armor to use different texture file.


    I will go ahead and venture to say that it could be the body nif u are importing to max or trying to copy the armor mesh onto is corrupted. U can try using a different nif.

  7. It is my understanding that many types of nifs must have this shader flag enabled to render properly. Some dont, like hairs are not having them, they have non projective shadow on em.


    There is a material combination feature in nifs that may be changing your settings on some of your stuff so u dont notice that it was not set correctly to begin with.


    The shader preset buttons are across the top on right column of nifscripts exporter in blender.


    Oand, there are some shader flags that are not included in the nifscripts exporter and u gotta set those manually with nifskope after exporting em, but thats only for certain nifs, like hairs.

  8. Hi!


    I have to admit that i am one of the many who have not endorsed every mod file that i enjoyed.


    Sometimes i go back and endorse mods i havent endorsed before, but often it turns out i did not login to download it so i login and redownload it and then i have to wait to endorse it.

    I also forget what i was doing during the waiting period.

    Maybe getting automatically logged in at all nexus sites if u log in at one of them would increase endorsements.


    I think it is a good and beneficial strategy to make sure the mod you upload is at least 2 mb.

    Now you must log in to download it so the downloader wont have a problem endorsing it.

    It has an added benefit of making more people want to register on nexus and maybe become more involved on the community.


    If u have a small accesory mod for example, recoulor em or package with another of your things to get over 2 mb. then add a screenshot with download if necessary.


    I know how much work can be involved in making a mod so I do feel that modders deserve to have more and more endorsements to make them happy!


    Also it would be nice to have some additional recognition system for modders resources. Some of them is just that special gem that when incorporated into a mod is shining brightly!

    The creator does know as a modders resource it will not be a popular file as only the creator of a mod can use it.


    I do want to be able to learn more about the people who have created something special behind the scenes.

  9. Hi!


    Good discription to notice the flying parts. Usually people dont say the pieces are flying but u can see em up there somewhere when u look for em.


    Its just one shader flag shadow map. You can choose it on exporting clicking on the cloth shader presets button or chooseing manually.


    With nifskope tho its in the nitristrips block under bsshaderpplightinproperty block details. Look for the list of shader flags. U can double click on the list and dropdown menu lets u select sf shadow map in there also.

  10. Hi!


    What u are having is just a small problem. When it is fixed then it will work!


    Right click a couple times on the armature. does the name change? It means u got an extra one ontop of the other.

    Look in object mode at the buttons window, There is 2 rows of little square buttons. How many have a dot in them?

    You can click on the buttons to select different layers to see what u have in there, although i do believe u must have a layer selected to export from it.

    If you clicked h on something it wil hide it and u cant find it in your 3d view. alt-h wil unhide it tho.


    I like to look at the outliner view to see what all i have in there. u can change window mode with the selector at lower left of the window, and there is a treeview of everything.

    U can see wht is hidden also cause there is a little eye icon on there that you can toggle for hidden/shown.


    In nifskope you can always remove the extra ninode root from your nif tho with right clicking menu also.


    Its always gonna be a good idea to import just only one armature at a time unless you need more ones for animation.

    Use that skeleton only button quetz told u about when u first import something. then when u want to import the meshes, just only select the armature in 3d view and choose the other geometry only button on importer options.

  11. Hi!


    It looks like a few of your faces got unmapped somehow!

    If u accidentaly unwrapped it or something with a few faces next to the inside of the eyehole selected.

    So the uvs that are spanning the whole texture is your problem ones.


    The rest of the uv is fine, the parts that extend above and below the texture are ok also.

    The game tiles the texture so All the stuff on the left sticking up and down is all just getting the left side of the texture.


    Ok so the big blue square is your problem uvs basically.

    The little mini mask shaped part, thats the inside of the mask.


    I would start over on it actually.


    Import it into blender.


    Delet the faces from the nose down, and then open the uv window and select all the stuff so u can see it,

    select the uvs for the little mask inside part and just move it down out of the way.

    grab the bottom vertices of the outside of the mask uv and move them up. Hit g and then y to move em straight up.

    keep moving the vertices up until they reach the brown part of the texture.

    u see the texture stretching as u do this on the 3d view.

    now, when no uv verts are left to move up go into the 3d view, and grab the bottom vertices. hit g and then z to move these up.

    Just keep moving them up until the brown part is about the same width all allong the bottom of the mask.

    U can grab the top of the mask and do the same so the brown part is the same width on the top and bottom.

    Grab the mini mask uv for the inside of the mask and move it back onto the white part of the texture.

    clean up by adding faces on the bottom of the mask where u had deleted the botom part, unwrap the uv for just those faces.

    with just those faces selected scale in uv editor and position it on the brown part of the texture.


    This will make u have a rather nice looking eyemask!




    Oh yea tho be careful of double vertices. the vanila nifs always have lots of em. some are for separating the normal smoothing but others, dunno they just have em.

    using b for box select and deselect is good idea.

  12. I think its easiest to make a character carry the flag on their back.


    If u have em carry it in their hands you could use the weapon animations for it but they would use it as a wepon tho.


    Im on a mod that will require animations but i havent gotten to that part yet.


    It would look best with custom animation, but you could probly just copy the weapon animation and use it as an idle to carry the flag. But you also have to make the flag move if their hands move, im not sure if their hands move cause i dont use melee weapons much.


    I dont know anything about activators or why they need collision.

    Collision is easy to make tho with blender, cause its just a super low poly mesh that has the general shape of the object its surrounding.


    I was posting on a thread that involved making a collision over here.



    I think your supposed to make the collision on only the nif that appears when u throw it on the ground, and when your wearing it u dont want it to have colision. so just make 2 nifs.

  13. Its python error?


    And what blender version u using? i havent upgraded my blender to 2.5 yet so i dunno about what u gotta do I heard that niftools team is switching over to blender 2.5x support tho from now on.


    U gotta have python 2.6, blender 2.49b, and pyffi; before u can install the nifscripts and have em to work for u.




    I think if u follow the directions there it works good for u.

  14. Hi!


    Its sadly not a valid nif.


    What i mean is its valid on oblivion but not on fallout!


    I think u can copy the important stuff over into another nif that is set up for fallout tho.


    Like how havok having nifs are in fallout using the bsfadenode root. and other stuff there probly is and i dont know about it.


    Maybe there is stuff u cant copy over tho. I quicly tried to copy nicontrollermanager to a bsfadenode and it give me nif version error so at least needs some kind of tinkering.


    It could be even harder to do than it seems.


    Ok So i tinker with it u know. and i get this nigeommorphercontroller all set up in the fallout 3 nif.

    But in the nicontrollersequence it has this controlled bloks thingy and u gotta describe the geommorphercontroller.

    Since the nif versions are different, different fields are greyed out between them in nifskope. Thats cause nifskope is able to use different types of nif versions.

    But when i try to go and describe the controller type is not string offset and i cant type in nigeommorphercontroller. I gotta choose the number for the type. start, end, etc


    I mean its interesting and all but I think i should do something more basic and get that to work first cause the nimultitargettransformcontroller on that flag nif has 4 extra targets and the nicontrollersequence has 7 controlled blocks, theres 2 geommorphercontrollers in 2 different places and i dono which one your suppoesed to have or if u need both. I dont even know what all those things are to begin with. Its confusing.


    Yes, but at some point i would like to make a twitching body nailed to the wall with spike through head or something fancy like that.

  15. Hi!!



    I am using the mifskope trick to do more complicated nifs but mostly just using blender for nifmaking.


    Mising armors in just nifskope is okay but I always want to encourage u to do blender cause u gain control over everything!




    I dono anything on obliv nifs so.. I cannot explain it so well relative to the oblivion one. I can just explain what i will try to do on a fallout one.

    Scenario is with ninode scene root and imediate child nitristrip blocks as in regular clothing nif.

    U have source nitristrips block on one nif and target nif to add mesh onto.


    First requirement is the nif is a fallout 3 nif. the nitristrips u are adding must be fallout 3 one, I dont know all the difference, but i do know its gota have the bsdismemberskininstance instead of just niskininstance. This is for vats and dismemberment. To do this it needs blender or similar 3d program.


    right click on ninode scene root. node> attach node> nitristrips

    right click on new nitristrips node. node> add property > bsshaderpplightingproperty

    right click on new nitristrips node. node> add property > nimaterialproperty

    right click on new nitristrips node. node> add property > any other propertie u want it having such as nistencil or nialpha propertys.


    Now u select the new nitristrips node and see in the block details window where it says data and skin instance.

    select the nitristripsdata that is under the nitristrips block of the source nif. right click block > copy

    Select the data section of block details of the new nitristrips node and right click block > paste.

    Do same with bsdismemberskininstance ( select bsdismemberskininstance under nitristrips block of source nif, block > copy; select skin instance section of block details of new nitristrips node, block > paste)

    Expand bsshaderpplightingproperty of the nitristrips of ur source nif. select and copy the bsshadertextureset.

    find texture set in block details of target bsshaderpplightingproperty that u had added earlier. paste the texture block > paste on it.


    Now u fix the little data settings like the name of the nitristrips block, shader flags in the bsshaderpplightingproperty, nimaterial property settings, etc.


    This is making it work well for u in game and everything!

    I hope it is clear to understand.

  16. Oh yeah haha!


    Well u just select the dress go to object and links panel of object tab of buttons window.


    THere u see name of object and parent listed OB: objectname Par: Scene Root


    Delete the part that says scene root on there. Do the same for all the meatcaps objects.


    Then move the bone marker thingys (scene root)


    REparent the other things with ctrl-p or by typing Scene Root back intot he Par field.

  17. Ok heres a nif in nifskope and u can see one nitristrips block expanded, bsshaderpplightingproperty expanded and bsshadertextureset selected.


    There are 3 textures on this one, diffuse (color), normalmap, and glowmap.

    You only have 2 of em, dont worry about the glowmap., just set the other 2 ones.


    (click the flower thingys)


    Nifskope Diagram

  18. If u are wanting to use nifskope to get the texture on the mesh.


    Open the nif and select the textures u made with the flower thingys in the bsshaderpplightingproperty textureset thingumabob of the nitristips block.

    Then u save the nif with a new name that u chose an put it in your folder of your meshes folder.


    When u select that nif for the art of your new sign static, its gonna show up.

  19. Hi!



    Noap! cant tell a darned thing from what u got there!


    Except that on the surface it looks fine.


    U know u can turn on the show blok details list and ur gonna want that on also.

    Both block list with tree view and block details is the way to go!


    btw.. do exactly what Quetzlsacatanango told u to do and then when u wanta check it in geck make sure its located in your data\meshes\ folder area.



    Ok and about datablocks. thats just what all the data in blend files is separated into. its in Blender. material datablocks, geometry datablocs, animation datablocs, etc.

    What i mean is that once i saw someone who had 8 materials set for the same object in blender. the 8th material setting was set up mostly right, but the other 7 ones were blank.

    That blend was exported and created 8 separate nitristrips blocks in the nif all with the same mesh on em, and only one of those had a texture.


    U can set or remove the material on it in the buttons window, edit tab, link and materials panel.

  20. Hi!



    Make sure to check the material datablocks for each object in there if ur joining em.

    Because nifscripts is gona separate the objects that have a different material assigned to them.


    The material includes what texture file is on it so if its using different textures then u cant join em.

    Unless you edit the textures and move the uv maps around also.


    It is very odd to have 10 separate nitristrips blocs on your nif tho!

    Again, check the material datablocks and remove any extra ones you may have added on accident.


    Woups! u posted right while i was posting.

    Wheres your screenshots? Your eclamation mark thingy can be caused by some stuff. like improper node herarchy or just having it in the wrong spot.

  21. Hi!


    Yea its easy and extremely useful to do this stuff.


    What u do is on your diffuse (color) texture. open it up and add alpha channel.

    Edit the alpha channel so that the outside areas is all black, and only the part that u want to have showing is white.

    If u use gray then it will appear translucent and stuff. so u can experiment with that.


    Then on the nitristrips block for where the texture is applied on u right click > add property > nialphaproperty.

    In the nialphaproperty change the flags from 237 or whatever it is by default to. 4845 its what u use most normally.

    4844 i saw on a sign nif tho so that might be good, and 4846 i use on my clothing to fix rendering problems i was having.

    i dont really know what the number means tho.


    Then there is a threshhold that u can change, from 0 to dunno, 0 probly works just fine to u. the higher the threshold, the more shades of gray will be transparent, and i guess u can make even the white part transparent if u wanted to.

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