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Posts posted by baduk

  1. Hi!


    U got some lovely seams there!

    Edit: Ok about your actual separation of body at the gaps I added another suggestion, but i have not experienced it. was only looking at the visible texture seam in the blender pics when i wrote the post. Also on your import settings, you do not want to apply skin deformation to your mesh, Please click the restore default settings button. And then when you import skeleton and then import body parts separately u can just change the 2 buttons for skeleton only or geometry only and leave the rest the way it is by default.


    Yeah i beeen looking into methods for reducing seams on my outfit that are currently like yours, I think i do this as the very last thing before i am finished with it.


    Anyway There are some other methods people have been using to deal with it. Such as copying all their outfit over to an existing body. This is not exactly what i want because first of all you get unnecesary polys underneath the cloths, and also if you have the clothing tight on some areas or otherwise modifying the shape of the body its no good either.


    The other way that i have seen used is to import head and hands and join them to the body removing double vertices at each connecting edge loop. U make sure the datablock for material is different for the head and hands and while blender smooths the normals between the objects as they are joined, the nifscripts exporter will separate the objects for you. You need to discard the head and hands tho afterwards for compatibility reasons, and the head vertex order will be destroyed by the process anyway, but it should get the bodys normals closer to what you want.


    If there is actually a physical seam, then you can use the 3d cursor to snap the vertices on the edge loop to the location to corresponding ones on head and hands meshes before joining em. And it is possible that there may be more vertices on one side than another, well then modify the body to remove the extra vertices.


    Kobayne, in that thread seemed to have accomplished quite a lot with texture work as well.


    The most interesting method was kobaynes last suggestion about making a neck strip to go directly over the gap area and using transparency to fade it out on both sides. I am certainly going to give that one a try.


    This is the thread i was referencing for a lot of the ideas.


  2. Hi!


    I would advise you not to use the mesh scripts for poly reduction cause those will do horrible damage to your topology.


    Not sure what you want to use the subsurfing for? If you want to make the edges rounded there is other ways for doing it from beveling the edges to using a smoothing modifier on it or just makeing it like that manually.


    You can also add a new box mesh and scale it so its the same as your existing one but with only 6 faces.

  3. Hi!


    Yea its a lot similar like u said.


    And for nifs, it is the best reference for you to examine vanilla nifs by using fomm to extract them from meshes.bsa and viewing in nifskope.


    And the other best reference is to use notepad++ opening up nif.xml in blender foundation\blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\pyffi\formats\nif\nifxml\ folder and read it or using search keywords such as havok. U just have to be able to tell what parts is for fo3 and new vegas and what is for other game.

  4. I get that also!


    I dont know how to fix it. I think you need to create a distant lod mod that redoes all of that stuff.


    so it is including a number of aspects of modding, distant lod models are easy to make tho just not in the large quantity that u are talking about. I dunno how much work or how to do the geck part at all.

  5. Ok it must be something different, Just remember tho if you are needing to have a conformulated hat at some point, with the egm file on it then u gotta generate the egm file with the obj of the nitristripsdata with the same vertex order as in the nif or it wont work. One thing about conformulation tho is that u dont have to rig it to the skeleton at all to get it to position correctly cause facegen takes care of it, or so i thought. I guess tho that the game really just parents the headgear to the bip01 head when u put it on tho, and the facegen just adds morphing to that.


    I dont know if its bad to have it both rigged and conformulated. i guess its redundant.



    Ok so. try making it a conformulated one, join the objects into one mesh in blender and then position the center of the object where it should be on the head. Then go into pose mode and select bip01 head bone and shift s to snap cursor to it.


    Object mode and select mask and center the mask on the cursor. Now the center of the mask is positioned right at the head bone. Then u hit n to open the transform properties window and set the loc xyz to 0 for the mask.


    Now the new center of the mask is positioned at xyz000 and the mask is down near the ground. U can delete all the other stuff like skeleton and everything cause u just export the mask mesh and exporter will assign an scene root ninode to it.


    Now if you get the conformulator: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9360

    Then you can export an obj of the mask from nifskope and use that and the tri file of the headmeshes from the meshes bsa to generate an egm file for the headgear and name it as the nif and put it with the nif and you can set the using facegen flags for the equipment reference in fnvedit.


    The thing that confuses me tho is there are lots of headgear mods released on nexus without including egm files, maybe it really depends on how tight a fit the headgear has if u want to use an egm file or not.


    I have one headgear that is rigged but its rigged cause i want it to deform slightly when the head rotates.

  6. Hi!


    The cube maps for fallout 3 are weird. U gotta have all the squares rotated a certain way for orientation and then you gotta line all of em up horizontally. So i guess that a non fallout 3 cube map tutorial will not get the expected results.

  7. Hi!


    ITs something u are gonna want to fix in blender!. The blender smooths normals on you r mesh but when the angle is too extreme it will create this dark spot. So you can limit it by geometry but if you dont want the normal smoothing requirements to controll your geometry! Yea u dont.


    There is a thread with a couple good techinques on dealing with it, read the part about bevelling and smoothing groups.


  8. Hi!


    I think you want cubemap to make it moving like that.


    It would be really cool tho if you could have multiple specular colors depending on the angle of reflection as dictated by the normalmap.


    They probly have stuff like that in some games.

  9. Never had it look like that for me. maybe you can make sure there is a diffuse and normalmap for it and they are in the correct texture slots, and the textures are the right size: 256, 512, 1024, 2048 etc pixel size, exported as dds with dxt5 compression?


    Maybe its one of those things, not really sure what it looks like tho cause ive never seen such an issue.

  10. Hi!


    I havent done a lot of scripting at all so i dont know how to do anything almost. but I did notice that in vanilla game there are anumber of exploding head scenarios.


    Like the exploding slave collars that u got on the slaves in the pen that your supposed to rescue from legion, or the time when the npc head explodes from boone, or the one where you have to wear the exploding collar.


    I think you can find the scripts for those and see how to do it.

  11. Yea u gotta make the alpha channel kinda dark in the normalmap cause it will reflect light a lot otherwise.


    My current outfit i tweaked it a number of times but im gonna go back and do it more myself.


    But anyway when you open the bsshadertextureset in nifskope, u can see it says num textures 6.


    expand the texture list and you will see 6 child textures. u dont assign a texture to the parent texture thingy.


    first one is diffuse (color) and the second one is normalmap. those are the ones you are gonna want to set on an outfit.


    There are other ones you can add also but u have to add multiple texture shader flag.


    This list is the texture slots numbered 0-5


    0: diffuse map(color dds file)

    1: normal map(_n.dds)

    2: glow/skin/hair(_g.dds/_sk.dds/_hl.dds)

    3: heightmap?

    4: environment mask(_em.dds)

    5: environment map (cube map _e.dds)


    Theres sone other stuff i think u can put on the last 3 slots instead, dunno about it really.


    Also on the mipmaps, i just have my dds exporter generate em when i export em and never load em when i open the files. i dont think u actually neeed to look at em unless you are having some specific problem with em or something.

  12. Hi!


    Node hierarchy is fine. ur bip01 head bone thingy is supposed to be a child ninode of scene root.


    I think maybe its a conformulation thing. ok so when you have an egm for a headwear item you name it the same way as the nif except for the file extension.


    But your nif has 2 nitristrips blocks in it, so 2 separate meshes. I know that hair meshes have 2 in em but they also have special block names and there are 2 egm files per nif with names incorporating filename and hat and nohat in em


    So you cn try joining the objects into one before exporting it so that there is only one nitristrips block and then conformulate the mesh.


    Maybe the one node that is positioned on -y is the center of the horns object. you can set the center of objects using the 3d cursor, hit shift s to bring up snapping menu and you can position cursor on what is selected. then there is a button for centuring an object on the cursor in button window edit panel mesh tab.

  13. Hi!


    I dont know how to use water shader, If you look in bsa file you can find water placeable nifs. They are a plane with nitristrips block that has watershaderproperty instead of bsshaderpplightingproperty. There is no texture sets.


    I think the game crashed because you have textures on the mesh that is using water shader.


    The cube map is maybe a good idea to try also. You can specify the _e.dds in the bottom texture slot and have a _em mask file that controls where the reflections occur. the mask goes in the 5th slot.


    It is compatible with other textures when you add the multiple textures shader flag.


    Look on these helpful tutorials for making it. This one is the layout of the cube map, I think you only need to have the 3rd square detailed.



    This one is how you use it. Maybe instead of having an environment mask tho you can use alpha transparency to fade it out at the edges where it is cracked.


  14. Hi!


    Just select the faces that are messed up before going mesh > normals > flip


    ITs looking good, I wonder tho what u can do on the mirror part to make it more glassy looking?


    There is cubemap or maybe putting another mesh ontop of the mirror pane and have water shader or transparent on it?



    btw, whats the difference between recalculating oppositie direction and flip a normal?

    I think the normal is perpendicular to the face so flip is same? and then blender automatically smooths the normals also.

  15. A useable bow would require replacing some existing weapon animation.


    If you do that then any npc using the weapon that had the replaced animation will look pretty funny fighting.


    Its really too bad its set up like this, hope they dont limit weapon animations in skyrim.

  16. Hi!


    Why did the bolt disappear? I omitted the part about fixing shader stuff for the bsshaderpplightingproperty u added, maybe that was the reason, sorry.


    So Anyway about the animations being applied in the game i think that means that the nicontrollermanager is applied in the game for weapons.

    And i dont know if the nicontrollermanager is adding nitransformcontrollers that override the ones in the existing nif, if it does then this may not work.


    If you look inside the nitransformdata of the nitransformcontroller you can see that there are translation, scale and rotation keys, I think that when the game calls for the reloading animation to occur it plays these transformations.


    You can try comparing the values on the bolt one to the values on a similar weapon that you might find in the bsa.


    If there are no translation keys you can type 2 in the num keys field and then click on the green circle arrow thingy to refresh the list.

    You only need 2 keys for the simple translation movement and the game will interpolate points inbetween.


    Put in the time value on the first key and then copy the translation from the working nif probably some -y value for vector i guess. One key is going to have all 0 values and the other u want to put in a change.


    I really dont know if that works unless i try it. hope that it is helping you.

  17. Hi!


    Yeah you can go in geck and then theres some lists of different things.


    Its a static object so u want to go into that list and add a new reference with the right click in the list.

    Then you can name it and select the nif in your folder and everything!


    I know very little about geck but maybe you need to make it an activator to get a script to run off it.. Yeah that thing about it playing piano songs would work.

    Try adding a new activator instead of static object and stuff.


    You then would need to get a colection of legal piano songs to use, add the sounds to game in geck as sound refs, and write a script to display a menu and play the chosen song.

  18. Dang just lost my post.


    Umm.. where was i.


    If u look carefully at the node list then you can see that there are 3 animated nodes on the gun, trigger, bolt and clip


    Except for the ##bolt ninode, each of them has a nitransformcontroller in em and a nitristrips node.


    The nitristrips node ##bolt:0 u have expanded is a direct child of bsfadenode atm.



    I read in a niftools forum post by saiden that i cannot locate atm. That some weapon nifs have animations on them but those are ignored by the game. The character animations involving weapons in the game overrides any animation on the nif. It would be cool if otherwise, but no such luck.


    So anyway. I would just right click > node > add node > nitristrips on the ninode named ##bolt. Then add nimaterialproperty and bsshaderpplightingproperty to the added ninode, name it ##bolt:0 then copy the nitristripsdata from the existing ##bolt:0 nitristrips node into the geometry data field of the one you just added, copy bsshadertextureset into the bsshaderpplightingproperty textureset field. and then remove the old ##bolt:0 block.


    Maybe i am missing some quick and simple way to parent and unparent nodes in nifskope. Wouldnt mind to hear how to do that .

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