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Everything posted by baduk
U can author your own parallax maps. Its greyscale and the skyrim one i looked at is using rgb dxt1 for whatever reason.(is the one channel dds format not compressed?And its probly why ur getting the specular maps on alpha channels a lot in games.) Whiter is high regions and blacker is low regions. Sculpt and bake is best way for this but u can use just photoshoping.
Hi. So u imported nif in blender and export it or something? Maybe u paste blocks for colision and stuff from vanilla nif back on to exported one. This process involves removing the bslightingshaderproperty so u have to put it back on afterwards and maybe ur shader flags isnt set up right. I think u gotta have the skyrim shader type set to heightmap and slsf1 parallax shader flag enabled. Paralax map goes in the texture slot number 4 If u have the paralax on it then u gotta make your own maps or require installation of project parallax from users. Anyway. compare you nif from the project paralax included nif to see whatelse is out of whack.
Yeah, its confusion. I think that your problem is from having a different uvmap on the cbbe from the unp uvmap. This makes it so there is strange textures/visible seams on the body, maybe along inside of legs or bikini region. etc. The whole armor is on the body biped slot that replaces your body mesh when you wear it. you need to replace the body mesh from the outfit with the cbbe body mesh. This can easily be done in the calientes bodyslide. U need to do both the _0 and _1 versions.
The nice looking artowrk u have made is exciting. The texture maps used on the skyrim for this type of asset is having a diffuse map with rgb or rgba with transparency map optional in alpha channel. Normalmap is a tangent space normalmap that is rgba with a specular map in the alpha channel. It is dxt5 format to get interpolation on alpha channel color depth. You are describing the alpha channel of generated normalmap is perhaps white. U want to put a specuilar map into that channel. so mostly black and having shiny parts in speckly or striated white regions.
Hi, Sorry im not able to help much cause i never did fallout 4 stuff yet. I would be surprised if u cant export skin right out of 3dsmax tho. As far as i know the bethesda has nothing to do with any of the many tools that have been released for 3d asset creation since morrowind. We can consider the creators of these to be members of our great modding community. Edit. U said something about skeltons but there is no worry about a skeeleton. a jetpack is generally on ur back so u just put it on the existing vertebral bones. The flat bone ninodes on the outfit nif is just position and name referencing the existing skeleton.nif.
Clipping. I guess you are meaning that the skin body is coming through the surface of the shirt. The shirt is the torso region the biped slot that takes up the body nif. U put the body nif in there and it replaces the naked body whne u wear it. If you dont want that, say u have a pants that has the body already. U can put em together or maybe there is a biped slot to use that doesnt replace body. I dont remember all everything been some years. What u do is. after imported the shirt nif. delete the bones, Delete every vertex group of the shirt. import the naked body nif with bones. Or pants body with bones . whatever u were gonna do. edit mode edit shirt geometry for cleanly covering the body where its supposed to. object mode select shirt and shift select body go in 3d menu mesh ->scripts ->bone weight copy. and use to copy vertex groups for each bone and it approximately copies the weights to the shirt veritces. It also will make the dismemberment group BP_TORSO on the whole shirt. Shirts for male without bouncing boobs is easy bone weight copy script should have excellent result. Harder skins, especially gloves and skirt you want to use more advanced technique. its god to import skeleton.nif with animation attached to test skinning in blender, you can do manual weightpainting. So if you are trying to make the shirt mix matchable with other outfits that are on body replacer slot u export shirt alone. otherwise you can edit the body mesh to remove geometry that is occluded by shirt. It is good on performance and can avoid a clipping on an extreme pose. Control a for apply scale and rotations for object data on all ur objects. make sure the each object is parented to scene root bones. control p to parent em. I think your good to go now. export the nif and test ingame. Oh yeah for nif that has a body on it you are going to want to nifskope em to take just the skin part and make it have the skin shader flags. take example from existing nif.
I am pleased of your success. Glon your probject.
It works right out of blender. Looks like yuour settings are correct except for one thing. Export settings, you have to turn shadowmap on for skinned nifs. So you shouldnt have to do any nifskoping.
Its a fallout 3 /nv nif. It has alot of bogus nodes on the nif.(bone with no vertex influence.) I do not know the explicit meaning of cobbling together. nitristrips node is nammed funny for a shirt. In blender its bigger than supposed to be. You are using blender 2.77 When you export it u need to export with the bones also, the bones are not a skeleton tho. They just say what bones correspond to the skeleton. U can see they do not point in directions or have a hierarchy. I recommend u install blender 2.49b and the nifscripts for that version. not sure what version of nifskope u are on. I think version 1.1.0 is probably good. Fallout 3 and nv is same engine. The niftools for fallout 3 is very good at working. You have really no benefit and possibly loss of compatibility for using more recent versions. Niftools remade the nifscripts for the new blender versions and its not supporting every game, its all i know about that really. Anyway nifscripts 2.5.9 for blender2.49b is having excellent support for fallout 3.
Hi All the nif assets in game is having uv map layouts. This is i think what you are referring to. They are data stored in the uv set inside the nitrishapedata on a nif. so you want to do is having nifskope, open the nif u want and right click on the nitrishape node and select texture -> export uv template. It lets you select filename and some other settings. exports a tga image file. I never do that cause im always importing em into blender and u can export uvs from there also. so try that if this doesnt worrk good for u. Also I havent messed with fallout4 so maybe the nodename is nitristrips instead of nitrishape, cause its that way for fallout 3.
Helo. I am sorry to be slow responding. this has hung for months so hope u read. I never had what seems like what you experienced on my game before. Maybe the issue has to do with mipmaps. those are lower resolution textures that are generated from higher resolution original one. Those are automatically swapped in at greater distances for performance. You can set negative lod bias in enb settings to adjust the threshold. maybe if ur not on enb there is ini setting or gpu setting for this. Anyway the mipmaps are generated automatically when you choose the option to do so in dds export plugin. Its probably a good time to learn about the different maps. Cause there is a movement in 2d digital art that is emulating 3d rendering, making different maps and overlaying them. Anyway i saw some paid courses with youtube videos "digital art with ambient occlusion" (ambient occlusion in game is always procedural btw) the one from "envato tuts" seemed good to me, there was a trailer and it was showing a bunch of different maps that was being used. It had a 9day trial on it also seems nice. I think that if ur experienced with the 2d art and learn from this type of way its slower path than foolowing a straight tutorial but they are aimed at the 2d artist so they are using the language that speaks directly to you and also you are understanding the theoretical background of it all. I am not experienced in the art at all so for me it is totally backward from this. Also there are things that are not covered that you get with 3d work. You need to download blender. its the greatest thing and its free also. You gotta be able to at least export uv map layouts for the models you want to texture, by all means go in further and explore the modelling stuff. In the 3d rendering there are shaders that require a texture map and others are procedural so its calculated on the spot. UV map. This is like if u were going to take cutouts of wallpaper to wrap onto a carved statue what pattern you would cut out of the 2d wallpaper sheet. Uv map is encoded along with the geometry data and other stuff. U edit that in a 3d program like blender. Texture resolution sizes are power of 2 cause of math optimizatoin reasons. so its 128x128 or 4096x4096 u can have em rectangles also like 512x2048 or whatever is convenient when setting up your uv map layout. Ur saving the dds files below as 8 bits per pixel dds images but when you are editing increase the color depth to 16bpp to reduce u from getting banding on ur gradients. Diffuse Map is the color of the texture. It is supposed to be flat colors with no highlights or shadows on it. but people frequently add that stuff for better or worse. Diffuse map is stored as "name.dds" It may include an alpha channel for transparency map. So its RGB or RGBA image. Normal maps. 3d object is made of polygons, Game uses em all as triangles. the normal is the direction each one is facing. polygon is like a mirror for the purpose of bouncing a simulated light ray between the light source and the camera. smoothed normals is like sanding the corners round and polishing em so that there is a gradual difference in normal direction between the faces of adjacent polys. The normal map gives an illusion of higher geometric complexity just like smoothed normals, but it does that by an rgb image that contains highlight and shadows from a light sourse shone from each of 3 xyz axes (right, top , front). the 3d model the light is shone upon is sculpted to have greater details. It is possible to paint your own normalmaps (at least tangent space ones). we usually copy the ingame model and sculpt it at higher polycount for details and then bake the normalmap from xnormal program. Game uses 2 different types of normalmap.(skyrim in particular now). object space normalmaps for skin body and tangentspace normalmaps for other stuff. Tangentspace normalmaps in skyrim and fo3 and stuff have alpha channel containing a specular map. filenames is "name_n.dds" or "name_msn.dds" Specular maps is the one that adds extra highlights to the model to show where it will be shiny reacting to light. This is a very important effect. Every surface in the real world is having the specular effects on it to a degree or another. it is a greyscale image, stored as "name_s.dds" if not included in alpha channel of normalmap. Tangent space normalmaps should be compressed as dxt5 to alow interpolation on alpha channel cause you want color depth. you may be frustrated what compression does to your specular map tho. Subsurface scattering map is coloring of light that is viewed after passing through a translucent object. Its on the body models . U gota have enb or is not working like much other shaders are messed up in vanilla. there is a popular mod that just turns it black for people who dont use enb. it can be pretty low res for game purposes. its an rgb image. Filename is "name_sk.dds" Reflection mapping for mirrorlike objects would be procedural but for speed requirements in a game we are using environment maps or cube maps. These are usually just greyscale image and low resolution U like to put em on eyeballs and the like. its called "name_em.dds" glowmaps lets the object emit light in a pattern dictated by the texture. u can use a black and white image for this. "name_g.dds" Maybe thers more fancyer stuff u can do with em but i never messed with em so i dont know. Like animating them . parallax maps give the illusion of spatial offset from one section of objects surface and another. Its a greyscale image. I seen people doing 3 channel greyscale. I think its for increasing color depth. "name_p.dds" There is probably some stuff i forgot on the list. but its a good sterting point. Fallout 4 is using different textures for PBR shader technology. this is new stuff and i never done it all. Visit 3d artist forums and youtube videos and wiki pages for learning more about the textures. and you might just end up doing 3d modelling also cause why not. Look at peoples game screenshots. also good to go on enbdev forum. Bigly important to examine the existing assets from vannila and from mods to learn how it is on those.
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Hi, I cant help u very much cause i do the 2.49b thing it works for me. I do like 2.77 but havent used the nifscripts on it much Tho they say it works good for skyrim. It would be a good idea for you to add what game ur nif is from. Also describe nif or upload the nif and blend.
Normalmaps is the type of texture that makes the simulated light bounce from a different angle than it would on a flat surface. if u got muscles then the bulges and grooves are going to want emphasis. Just get a body texture pack that says athletic or muscular. this will include the normalmap with muscle definition. make sure u get one that is right for the body mod u are using. its probably cbbe or unp . those body mods have a different mapping from the 2d texture to 3d object. the texture is wrapped around it like wallpaper but the pattern of wrapping is different. so u need the right texture. The description on the file should state clearly whether its compatible with unp or cbbe.
I think there was some problem between windows 10 and the memory management helpers from enboost enbhelper and or the skse memory patch. Dont really remember very well u will have to look around for that stuff. Going on reasonable suspicion that the skyrim remastered is using the engine of fallout 4. The problem with the skyrim remastered is that many mods that contain 3d assets will not work on remastered. The nif version would need conversion and maybe even more porting. Textures using the new pbr technology. bs2 archives stream mipmaps independently of the full resolution textures. Does plugins work? probably not either. Basically every mod needs to be ported individually. This does not happen with any magical incantation.
Hi. Put a mod on your game with a plugin. Then u gotta look a what the mod does. in the game. Load the plugin in the geck and look for the entries that have an asterisk by em. Also open the plugin in fo4edit cause that way you can see the entries organized alot better. Then you look online searching for the different sections where u find the entries in to learn about what those are for and u get the picture of how to make stuff for yourself.
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I think u were talking about installing and using the mods. I didnt make anything for a long time. Just playing mods with oblivion. Coding makes the best mods tho, its really amazing.
I hope that if you have a probelm making a mod and the answer is not found by searching the forum. You make a thread asking about the problem or telling the solution when you solved it. Actually the part about making a thread to tell a solution doesnt really happen tho nobody does that. Bit it is a way that modders can help one another without having to be in collaborations.
Hello. I have heard of that thing before. the game genie. I think its alot like what makes u want to make mods. U can make something different and put it in the game. I think the funnest period is still coming.
Maybe u gotta turn on the adult file. It can be hidden or viewed optionally. Then when you visit the outdated link it confuses you. Bodyslide will give you mass but u also want details for muscles so look at the options for normalmaps.
just reinstalled Skyrim, any mods u guys would recommend?
baduk replied to DGatez's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
usleep -
U are just doing the unp and cbbbe ones ? U have to make sure the obj is rotated properly, bake it with the fallout 3 mesh cause u have to connect the feet if u use the skyrim ones. after baking u have to switch the blue and green channels tho cause bethesda used the special "model space normalmap". I dont know why its switched. If you are getting artifacts or something . ask for more help. please try this again otherwise. Ok sorry i misread your post totally. I never tried converting object space to tangent ones before. What kind of problem are you having? I suppose i can help u with this mod if its a help. Edit 2. Sorry again, Now i remember. Fallout 4 uses pbr so its a different kind of maps. normal, specular and diffuse ones. I need to learn about how to do these also. download BAE from nexus by jonwd7 and read the readme first of all anyway. A solution at this stage would require some experimentation at least. Look for some tools that work on physics based rendering. Also it maybe necessary to convert object space normalmap into tangent space before converting to the pbr map.
Its called subsurf modifier . but makes the topology messed up. which is less of a problem than messed up uvs. but if you can select only nonadjacent uv islands you can convert tris to quads without messing up the uvmap. For your purpose it should not be necessary to subdivide the entire mesh. so just select the problem areas getting an even number of tris and try to make it so u end up with only quads in the area u selected. then hit ctrl r to chop the quads up. If you select adjacent uv islands and convert to quads it will most likely screw up your uvmap. Do the process on only the _1 nif cause last time i tried i lose vertex order exporting both th _1 and _0 Vertex order must be identical for the weight slider to work in game. Use bodyslide for making the _0 version.
Hi. Depens on what game its for . I was doing it on fallout 3 and that one has good nifscrips support. Other game maybe u want to try pasting one from another nif in nifskope. I learned how to do collision meshes from the niftools wiki. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifTools
Looks like its supposed to be one sided texture from the pic. Try flipping the normals.