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Everything posted by ShimoOkami

  1. I would also love to see this. I hate how your only real options are A: go through the quest, submit to the guards, and go to jail, or B: ignore the attempt at murder that happens right in front of you.
  2. You'll have to use showracemenu and change the lip type and make any other tweaks you want. If you don't know how to do this, just load the save, press the ~ key and type "showracemenu" without the quotes. The first picture was taken using ENB, which is why the colors look so different.
  3. @Soulsbane: To my knowledge, you can't just switch out textures like that, they need to be two separate items. However, this isn't difficult at all. In fact, it's probably easier than trying to figure out how to switch only the textures if it's even possible (which I'm pretty sure it isn't). @nekollx: It's probably better to do this through crafting recipes. If you need help with this, PM me or make a new topic so we don't hijack this thread.
  4. The mesh edits, with the exception of meat removal, shouldn't be too hard since most of the difficult work can be done through textures and normal maps. I can do all the 2D stuff, but I couldn't figure out how to use Blender to save my life. I just don't understand the interface at all. I really wish I could find a good, free, non-video tutorial for Blender 2.4, but I've had no luck so far. I haven't looked at the Briarheart scripts yet, but if they work the way I assume they do, by checking for a briarheart in their inventory, I can forsee problems with anything that edits the goat deathlist unless there's a way to check for the actual removal of an item. Of course, I'd much rather leave the scripting to someone who actually knows what they're doing.
  5. If you have SkyUI, I'd suggest using STATUS as it gives you much more information. Or maybe this is what you were looking for?
  6. Both of these characters are part of Girls of Skyrim. The first one looks like an edited version of the playable character Stella, and the second is an NPC named Misha. Also, the site you linked to is in Chinese, not Japanese, so I can't read it.
  7. I found this mod a while back. I haven't gotten around to trying it out yet, but it's probably worth a look.
  8. Some people say they can avoid racemenu CTDs by using the command while their character is standing in the water or in a small interior cell. Apparently removing your character's clothes can also help. If those options don't work, you can try disabling your hair mods and see if that fixes it. If it does, you'll need to either disable some of your hair mods or remove some of the hairs in the Creation Kit. If you're using NMM, I've seen it do weird stuff like that on a few rare occasions, but I was able to just reinstall the mods a couple of times until they worked. And to answer your question, not all mods contain a plugin file. Mods that are purely texture or mesh replacers won't have one.
  9. So PCEA used to work with SkyRe, huh? In that case you should probably ignore what I said earlier since I have no idea how that would work. :I
  10. What do you mean when you say SkyRe has worked before? Do you mean it used to work with PCEA? Also, I'm not too familliar with BOSS since I don't use it myself, but this does seem like something that BOSS should be able to detect. You should be able to make these mods compatible by either changing the animation paths for the SkyRe races to use the PCEA folders or editing the PCEA races to include the changes made by SkyRe. I'm not sure if this would actually work since you're getting CTDs when PCEA is loaded after SkyRe. I might have to take a closer look at these mods tomorrow, or rather, later today since it's 2AM right now.
  11. PCEA is incompatible with anything that edits the vanilla races, so it won't work with SkyRe unless you fix this in the CK.
  12. A mod list would be very helpful here. However, I can tell you right off the bat that having a lot of hair meshes installed will cause problems. Even Apachii by itself is enough to make my game CTD. If this is your problem, then I can show you a workaround for it.
  13. You can still play Skryim without an internet connection by using Steam's offline mode. You just won't be able to access the Workshop or backup your saves to the cloud.
  14. Glad I could help, but there's no need to credit me. ^_^; If you want to remove any incompatibility issues you can just create a duplicate of the Dremora race with the Armor Race change and assign your companion to that instead.
  15. Dremora don't normally use the same armor and clothing as other races with the exception of Daedric armor. Have you fixed this in the CK yet? If you haven't, the easiest way to fix this for almost any armor and clothing is to change the Armor Race for Dremora to DefaultRace. If you've already done that, then I have no idea.
  16. This is something that really needs to be done. Skyrim's children are all creepy clones with badly proportioned faces. There's a few improvements out there, but no overhauls that make them really look like kids. I made a quick retex and a tweaked normal map for myself, but it doesn't really help much since the main problem is with the meshes. I've tried editing them in Blender before, but apparently I have no Blender skills whatsoever. I've had it for at least a year now, and I still haven't been able to really figure out how it works. :I Anyways, I'd be willing to give it another shot, but if you can find someone else to do the meshes that would be great.
  17. Alrighty, in that case I'd reccomend Nuska Real Skin and Ethereal Elven Overhaul. EEO also changes the face shape of the elven races, and NRS has similar features which you can download in an optional file. Unfortunately, if you don't like those there isn't much in the way of similar options. There's not a whole lot spanning the gap between flawless skin and HD versions of the original skin. For a body texture, I need to know which body mod you use, if any, and if you're willing to see nudity at least when choosing a texture. Fortunately, eyes are much easier. Try Covereyes, which replaces the original eyes, and Flan's Eyes, which adds completely new eyes. These two can be used together with no problems. Actually, you can use any number of eye texture packs together, but if more than one replaces the original textures, you will have to choose which one of those you want. I personally use both of these along with two other eye packs and a few that I made myself, so I have a ridiculous number of eye textures. I think I have almost 500 eye textures, so don't feel restricted to these two packs. Make sure you read the descriptions thoroughly before you download and install. Let me know if you have any questions that aren't answered there or have trouble getting things to work.
  18. Well, the reason there are so many different mods is because everyone has different preferences. There's no single "best" pack that everyone likes. I can't really give you any recommendations if I don't know what you like, so I have a couple questions for you. 1. Do you like flawless faces, a more natural look, or the original textures? 2. Do you like makeup? 3. Do you like brightly colored "fantasy" eyes or more natural looking ones?
  19. Actually, I have seen a water sphere before. I never bothered to figure out how it works, but you can take a look at it here.
  20. I actually use a house like this. It hasn't been updated in quite a while, but it's certainly usable in its current state. Most of the walkways have invisible walls like in Azura's Star, so you won't fall off, but there's one spot where I fell behind some pillars and had to tcl out. It's still a great house though. You can get it here.
  21. 1) You can actually get the CK to load more than one master file. In your Skyrim folder there is a file called SkyrimEditor.ini. Open this in a text editor like Notepad and add "bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1" (without the quotes) under the [General] heading. 2) Body meshes are determined my the race of the character. You'll need to create a uniquely named race for Galdiir, which can easily be done by duplicating an existing race. A custom body can be created using Caliente's BodySlide tool, which can be found on the main CBBE page along with some tutorials. Making your custom race is a bit complicated. Find the TXST file called SkinBodyFemale_1. Duplicate this and make it use whatever textures and maps you want. Make sure you set the Race dropdown box so that your custom race is selected. You then need to find the NakedTorso ARMA file and create a copy of it. Edit the female Biped Model, Skin Texture, and First Person sections in this file to reference your custom body and the TXST set up in the previous step.. Change the Additional Races section so that only your custom race is selected. Now go back to your custom race and set the Skin dropdown list under the Body tab to reference your edited TXST. You can also set custom hand and foot meshes and textures in a similar fashion, so that shouldn't be too hard to figure out if that's something you want to do. Once you have all that worked out, you'll need to re-export Galdiir's facegen data using this new race. If you don't, this will probably result in a discolored head. I think that's it, I need to go to bed now. If I screwed up somewhere or it doesn't work for whatever reason, just let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
  22. No problem. It's really easy to miss stuff like that in the CK.
  23. Skyrim HD has a sharper and somewhat gritty look while the official HD textures tend to look more smooth and weathered. You should take a look at the comparison images to help you pick. You can find them by clicking on the images tab on Skyrim HD's page. There's a few in the user-submitted section in addition to the ones uploaded by the author.
  24. It sounds like you only edited the ARMO file, which would make the world model (the one you see in your inventory) use your textures and not the ARMA file, which determines the textures used when the armor is being worn. Check to see if you edited the ArmorAddon file to use your new texture. You can find this easily by opening the ARMO file and double clicking on the item listed under "Models" below the word model sections.
  25. Yeah, the way Skryim works can be really irritating sometimes. It (mostly) works for the vanilla game, but for modders, not so well. Of course, the option to change animation paths could very well be in the CK somewhere and I just haven't found it yet.
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