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Everything posted by ihateregisteringeverywhere

  1. Whoa! Nice sketches. I wish I had someone like you on my team, it'd make modelling so much easier for me. Anyway, back on topic, I've got one nit to pick. Seeing as Jygalag's the daedric prince of order. And not the good kind of order either - wouldn't it make more sense if all of his realm looked like what the spaces around active obelisks of order looked like? Bleak, lifeless, that kinda stuff. Or am I misunderstanding that last sketch?
  2. HOLY SH- -OOT! That's awesome! Especially the moat looks surprisingly good - to me at least.
  3. "A.O. Lived once, died twice. The second mistake was singing his favorite song while hauting his old house when sain Jiub walked by" Kudos to who'll get the refference ;).
  4. Selena Darkmoor: "Sorry, everyone." Dan Mersorn: "I'll drink the red potion." Mahrud Ecivon: "I'll just take a little break." Kakurdisg: "Desperation no more!" Faeiln Los: "The arena guy told me that I'm too girly, of all things!!" Tenuti Cu: "One might think, that wings of an angel would save you from falling from grace." Ogran-Tav: "I TOLD them I need help..." http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/p/paranoid.gif
  5. I guess it's a preference thing. Most players probably think that Khajits and Argonians are in the game so that there could be more variety in the NPC's. Few players will play those races. Therefore few modders coming from that pool of players will consider creating mods for them. I also think that bethesda didn't really do such a grand job in propagating them; Argonians are just creepy lizards and Khajits are merely silly kittens - not something the majority would search for when deciding upon the race. I liked them more in morowind.
  6. Hm, wonder why this thread got so much attention. Most runescape threads die away without much of a reply. And that's a fine tradition, don't you think?
  7. Male genitalia http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/i/imslow.gif PENIS! Nuff said. Anyway. the body's probably roberts male body . in case you don't have that all ready. You know, I really hate modders leaving, even if I'm not using their mods. Especially if they pull their mods. Now I do understand that they've got no obligations to leave them in tact, but I still can't shake the feeling that it's not really "right", you know? And someone's that has them's bound to read this.. eventually. Wait arround for a day or so.
  8. Nope, penis. And thus related to the stigma that is often attached to such things. However a) I could be wrong, it could be someones else b) But if I'm right, then someone might be nice enough to share the mod with you, I however don't have it and therefore can't. Now that I think about it, the armour looks like one of hers as well. To be honest it's kind of hard for me to tell because I only skimmed trough her galeries; I remember thinking to myself that that's some great craftsmanship but it didn't really suit my tastes, so...
  9. Hm, looks like one of Alien Slofs khajit retexes. Too bad she pulled all of her mods down this month. Or was it the last month?
  10. A race with permanent scars is the best thing anyone could come up with. Perhaps a race that would change the amount of scars based on the age slider; but that's really the best the oblivion Engine could do, sorry.
  11. Wow-Wow Sauce A very potent and highly unstable condiment. One of the main problems with Wow-Wow Sauce is its tendency to turn into an explosive when mixed with charcoal, the only element of gunpowder that it lacks. The ingredients are: . Matured Scumble . Pickled Cucumbers . Capers . Mustard . Mangoes . Figs . Grated Wahoonie . Anchovy Essence . Asafetida . A good deal of Sulfur and Saltpeter ALCHEMY!! ;D God how I love discworld
  12. Lol, I was contemplating for a while how long would animating the luggage take :D.
  13. Try to be more specific. The simpler the request the higher the chance of someone willing to do it. A hat with stars and moons and the inscription "Wizzard" shouldn't prove to be that complicated. Creating the whole unseen university in its full glory however wold probably take well over a month. And the whole Ank-Morpok? Oh my!
  14. I was sort of referencing myself/the idea, but yeah, I guess everyone occasionally is. Some more often than the others. Couldn't you try to fix the UV map bug in another way than changing the geometry of the mesh?
  15. Ok, ok, I'll try to refrain from foot fetish jokes ;D However, the anatomy still isn't ...perfect... Especially the ankles and heels, try here, I ... er.. yeah, it's a slightly retarded tutorial about drawing them, but I think you'll get the idea. As far as my name suggestion goes... TPX was meant to be a .. you know, acronym, like uh... The Philantropy=X! Stupid, huh?
  16. What a wonderful list! Kudos! This calls for a toast! And a pin/article ofc. However, one nitpick: isn't it Wrye? ;D
  17. Damn, those are some hot screenshots. You know, I'm really glad that I understand german all of a sudden ;D.
  18. Funny stuff, real animals would be more likely to get the poop out of your way. Even a bear is more likely to run away if you shout at it than to attack you. Unless it's rabid, really hungry or with cubs. Tbh, the behaviour of animals in OB is more than just strange.
  19. I'd be verily surprised if he made any money from making mods. But anyway, CrazyBump - is it any good? I usually only come across the bake-it-from-high-polly kinda attitude and such guys - as you might've guessed - look down upon such practices.
  20. 'S what I was saying before everyone had his way with me -_-. It's practically finished, gdarknight is texturing it for me now - TBH it's a real prostitute to texture, I'll try to texture it myself in Zbrush if he gives up :).
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