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Everything posted by ihateregisteringeverywhere

  1. I'm not yet using OBSE dependant mods myself, but two of my soon-to-be mods allready have OBSE dependant scripts created by other members of the comunity made for them. So I can't realy speak from experience, but from what I understand about the utility it's rather simple. You just need to launch the game using the OBSE launcher and that's basicaly it. As far as scripting using OBSE goes that should be fairly simple as well, you're just using a different script editor/compiler. The rest is identital to normal scripting, you just have more commands/functions at your disposal.
  2. Having all of the nordic mythology things would be sweet lol. Mengigjard, Sleipniir (please excuse me in case I didn't spell that right) etc :). Would make for a nice mod.
  3. Well, it's rather simple, realy, but you'd have to sepparate the mesh into several parts to do that. Meaning that the blade edge would have to have it's own NiTristrips node in nifscope. I realy don't understand the first thing about blender, I'm using max myself, but it should be fairly simple. Try asking arround. I'll navigate you further in case you manage to do that.
  4. The sword is well made - heh and you've claimed that you don't yet understand those things - funny guy. You could add an enviromental map(reflection) to the blade edge though. I think that it might look good on your nice sword. In case you don't know how to do that just ask. The armor is realy nice too, I'd never guess that it's a multiple armor parts patch/retexture job, which IMHO means a job well done :). Oh also, I wanted to propose that left shoulder paldron as well while looking at it. Too bad exanimis did it before me :P.
  5. That's what I thought exactly. One BHC office in IC, one in Anvil and one in Leyawin, the other towns could have small safe houses with one or two agents. one that's mostly outside like a hunter, that can simply vanish for prolonged periods of time and the second one on the inside, either in the guard or owning a shop or something similar.
  6. In that case I'm verry sorry for posting wrong information. I only talked about it with Triforce1 briefly and badly assumpted that you two have agreed on it allready. My fault. Anyway, Triforce1 did want it alot in our mod. So I made it myself. Took some creative liberties with it. It's 9k tri's, but there's alot of overpoly on the bandages that I'll have to fix later. I will also release it as a playable modders resource, one plugin with in a normal version and another one in an obse version that'll let you change the type of the weapon in a context menu. Yes, I'm a modder. However I only started a few months ago - imideately on a large scale mod. Which doesn't leave much space for smaller projects, however I did create a black lightsabre resource and I'm working on equiptable undies and emulated water. And lastly, "junk dump district" wasn't meant to be derogative, merely funny. I placed my black lightsabre there as well. You're just trying to find points in my posts that you can feel offended at. That's not good sport and I most certainly won't fall for your attempts at victimization. A good day to you sir.
  7. Hah, nice screenshot, that's what I mean when I've said "A scarf" back when I was describing how I'd imagine the specops might look like.
  8. I'd suggest scripted arrows just like with adamus. Just script them to work with all targets and bodyguards. And limit the ammount to (targets + all of the guards)/2 or 3. So that the player wouldn't be able to simply slaughter everything in the quests with those arrows. But I suggest making the arrows high - highest even - quality, a tiny bit over daedric. And make them buyable after you finish the questline and give them a scripted 5% instakill ability. Costly and you'd also need to bring something to make them. Reasonable, no?
  9. The tunel's not such a grand idea considering the courriers can ferry orders arround as well. Which's one of the reasons why's it such a grand cover. But underground baracks beneath each front sounds great. Tunnells to the outside for sneaking out sounds logical as well. And I personaly don't realy like naruto it's too filled with fillers, loopholes and cliche, but I liked that the... naruto blackops.... had personisized masks. That's a nice touch I think.
  10. I suspect dez of owning a few cat's'o'nine'tails. I suggest hiding. Even if you don't hand out that adress. Unless you're into that kinda thing :D.
  11. NICE! This would also explain why aren't the blades involved - a brand new section created to investigate theese things - the assasination jobs could you know.. just come up naturaly as the blackops work their way trough the ending of the era aftermath. It would also fullfill the "For the good of the people" part.
  12. Triforce1's planing on including the staff in our mod, so you'll have a quest to get it - if you feel like waiting that long. You'd get it after one of the scripted giant monster boss encounters.
  13. Target practice! Score atleadt 100 pts to go to the next level!
  14. Ah! So you want a "Shhh! I'm an assasin!" type of outfit ;D. I'd personaly go for a darkened breast plate with the rest being leather belts and dark gray/dark green cloth + a punch dagger and buckler gaunlet, a tanto and a darkened bow :D. No shiny parts, even the tanto could be darkened, that would be awesome. Logic behind this: Darkened breastplate = stealth + survivability, dark green / dark gray = camo-like = more stealth, lefthandweapon = survivability that doesn't burden, lets you shoot from a bow and provides additional protection, tanto = small and effective; we're talking akaviri, right? The belts are just to look good :P. Everything boils to looking good in the end lol. Maybe a scarf for a mask?
  15. I dunno, I think Baurus would be more than eager to assasinate people for the emperor :P. But yeah, I see your point.
  16. Aren't... you know.. the blades the secret service of the empire? Undercover agents and all that?
  17. Oh right! Totaly forgot about the picture while writing that, sorry :).
  18. That's alot especialy if those faces are quads, it'll double after the export breaks it down into tri's. Then again the model's realy complicated I'd probably vaste over 1500 tri's on the teeth alone. Anyway, I say scrap the chains :P.
  19. You could either build the chains per normal, which I guess you could do with down to 22 poly's a chain link or simply create them out of two sided single poly planes with a transparent texture. However I gave the chains some thought myself and I probably wouldn't include them either. Not because of the polycount though (frostmourne=15k polygons, works fine for me), but because static chains would look weird on a moving item. What's your polycount thus far anyway?
  20. That's different, they're femenist justice fighters ;D.
  21. Has to look like this <IMG src="Book/MS12AkaviriDiary02.dds" width=490 height=650> Convert your pictures into a dds file with DXT1 compression and no mipmaps. Unless of course you want your picture partialy transparent. In which case (talkin photoshop now) you have to open up your picture, click the chanels tab add another chanel and just select the default name, photoshop should name it Alpha1 automaticaly. Black means transparent, shades of gray are partialy transparent and white is fully visible. Once again if you're done save it as a dds file but with a DXT3 or DXT5 (depends on the level of detail in the alpha map) compression with no mipmaps. In case you're using a simple black and white illustration you can simply copy your whole picture, paste it into the alpha chanel and invert the colours. I usualy paste the picture into a quick mask and save the selection as a new chanel - it does the very same thing in a fewer steps but that might be too confusing for others, so I'm mentioning it you know.. just in case. And yes, I love photoshop. It has more tricks up it's sleeve than you can shake a stick at.
  22. As in - can a companion find a place to sleep eat and find amusement in a single cell? Other than that - this mod is looking very good from the sound of it.
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