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  1. I never use a controller for XCOM, so I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I took a look at it for you anyway and unfortunately couldn't get it to work. Doesn't seem you can even rebind controller buttons in the options menu? Unless I missed something, that's terrible! God I hate console-esk restrictions lol :sad: When I was making the Hot-Keys mod for ToolBoks, I realised how poor the user input for this game is, with specific keys bound to a specific function from what I remember. If you can't get it to work via the config file, you might need to delve into UPK editing, which seems a bit overkill for something that seems so fundamental. Let me know if you have any luck with the config file route though :smile: EDIT: I think Drakous79 might be the keybinds guru, so maybe ask if he knows in this thread.
  2. You can find the names of the buttons for the XBox controller in that same file :smile: Try these names taken from DefaultInput.ini: -Bindings=(Name="",Command="Use") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_A",Command="Jump") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_B",Command="ChangePosture") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Y",Command="NextWeapon") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Back",Command="") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_Start",Command="|onrelease showmenu") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftShoulder",Command="obj list") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightShoulder",Command="mem") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Up",Command="MoveForward") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Down",Command="MoveBackward") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Left",Command="TurnLeft") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_DPad_Right",Command="TurnRight") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightTrigger",Command="Fire") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftTrigger",Command="ToggleTargetingMode") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_LeftTriggerAxis",Command="Axis aLeftAnalogTrigger Speed=1.0 DeadZone=0.11") -Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_RightTriggerAxis",Command="Axis aRightAnalogTrigger Speed=1.0 DeadZone=0.11")For example: .Bindings=(Name="XboxTypeS_A", Command="slomo 0.5") :smile:
  3. This probably isn't exactly what you're after but it might be sufficient for what you want if the issue is that the Geoscape time goes too fast. Open the file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini ( or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XComGame\Config\DefaultInput.ini for EU ) Under the "[Engine.PlayerInput]" section, paste: .Bindings=(Name="U", Command="slomo 0.5") .Bindings=(Name="I", Command="slomo 1") When you're at the Geoscape, before you hit Scan, press "U" and this will slow time by 0.5 and the scan time will pass by slower . Then just press "I" to return time to normal. You can of course change this to 0.25 or whatever suits you, as well as specify which keys to assign. I think you might have posted a similar request in the ToolBoks thread which I didn't get around to replying to, so I apologise if you did :smile: EDIT: It seems that TB doesn't play well with another "slomo" line being added, so you'll get an error in TB when it tries to load those settings.
  4. This should work :smile: Just use the slider in TB to change it from 15 to what you want. UPK_FILE=XComGame.upk OFFSET=10730920 [MODDED_HEX] A1 UPK_FILE=XComGame.upk OFFSET=10730990 [MODDED_HEX] A1 { Hex Symbol Description A1 += Add Will A2 -= Default. Remove Will }
  5. See this post :smile: I was a big fan of the Amiga too, back in the day, especially a certain XCOM game :)
  6. This is huge and will unlock so much potential for XCOM modding! It's exactly what we need, well done! :D
  7. This is in the next version of ToolBoks, thanks to Amineri updating the modlet :smile: Hoping to release new version of TB over the weekend :smile:
  8. Just to confirm, this is a known bug in TB 1.6.0. This is fixed in the next version 1.6.1 and TB will now read/write the correct loose DGI file :) Update coming soon hopefully :)
  9. Did you correct the virtual size of the function? The wiki seems to be down at the moment, so I can't point you to more info, but the virtual size is at offset 40 (decimal) from the start of the function (I think). I believe Bertilsson has a tool that corrects jump offsets, not sure if it also corrects the virtual size. From what I remember, the virtual size should be one less (or more?) than the last token. It's been ages since I've done this, so sorry about the vague details. Hopefully the wiki will be up soon and I think it might have more specific instructions than I can give you off the top of my head :smile: I might be completely off, but just an idea to double check it has you hadn't mentioned it. Also might help if you post your code and bytecode because "modify some function in the Xcomstrategygame.UPK which means to add something and delete something" is almost as vague as my answer :wink: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Category:XCOM_Modding
  10. Excellent work XMarksTheSpot, keep it up! :smile: For me, this is still the most impressive XCOM mod to date. You and everyone else who have worked on it have done a great job. Really good to see it's being kept alive :smile:
  11. OK cool, just checking. I know how tedious it is manually extracting them one at a time :)
  12. You do realise ToolBoks has an option to export all SWF files from all UPK files? There's no need to upload/download copyright assets, you can quickly and easily extract them yourself :smile:
  13. It's a command-line program. See the Usage section of the documentation.
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