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Everything posted by Callighan

  1. With some photos and facegen magic, you can have band members faces in game. Great to see an idea like this being implemented! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif
  2. Try loading your latest savegame without all the mods. And then, save again. Your new seave will be a mod-free savegame. See if that new savegame is playable. :)
  3. mortvent, I suggest you use a new worldspace for an offshore island home. A bit like the commonwealth of modders island.
  4. Thanks for your contribution. This should be in the GECK wiki or someplace.
  5. I agree with this idea... but only if Nietzsche is included.
  6. Neat idea. I think this would be somehow workable.
  7. Gishank, given your extensive background in scripting, I think this will be very do-able even though you work on this alone. I'd only like to wish you perseverance as the fine tuning of cells and navmesh is a load of work that can border on frustration. Good luck and godspeed!
  8. Gishank, how long do you intend to work on this? Will you do this alone or with a team?
  9. Or some of use are just busy doing something else other than gaming..
  10. you know gsmanners, that's quite how it works.
  11. Cakester, bravo to you for being able to implement chatting in game through IRC. Though it's a little rough around the edges, I'm sure some work on UI could help. Or perhaps you can implement IRC features into the FO3's HUD XML? As for client-server interaction, I'm not knowledgeable on that department. However, I'm thinking that perhaps you can use script commands such as GetPos X/X/Z as well as SetPos X/Y/Z and UseWeapon-type NPC commands to Get one player's coordinates on one PC and transpose it on an NPC in another PC. I'm not sure there's a script command for Jumping, but I think it's alright to disable jumping and VATS (which I've no clue how to implement in multiplayer) in order to make a basic FO3 multiplayer work. As a side idea, what if you make a multiplayer FO3 that's not based on deathmatch? I'm thinking a space-invaders / beachhead type of game in which two players cooperate in shooting oncoming creatures from fixed positions. In any case, here's some several problems that needs to be overcome: 1. Getting player coordinates and transpositioning it in another PC 2. Getting what action one player is doing and making its NPC do the same in the other PC 3. How many scripts needed to capture and execute actions.. one script to capture coordinates, one script to capture walking action, one script to capture weapons fire and it's target, etc.
  12. Tony, we need your immortal hand guiding the way. :D
  13. What would be more awesome if we'd get to fight guyver.
  14. There's at least two script commands that can morph an NPC's face and race to resemble yours. The only thing the NPC can't copy is hair. Stats can be copied. So yes, do-able. And not too much effort.
  15. Mmm... well there's a modder here who was able to mod the HUD through xml. I don't know whether the pip boy uses the same system as the HUD, though. But as you can change the HUD, i'm thinking there's also a way to change the Pip Boy.
  16. I don't know. You'll need to erase a few nodes such as quiver and casting. I suggest you just experiment and see if it's possible.
  17. Vent or Skype are good. But in any case, MSN is nice. It's better than yahoo IMO. Skree, sie österreichische?
  18. hehe... I only play second life for its absurdity. It's an absolute fun talking about existentialist philosophy with a two headed cat a furry penguin and a bdsm slave with rainbow eyes.
  19. You know.. most of the prostitution mods are full with detailed scripts. Kind of says what subject matter lures talent, doesn't it? I actually like those mods more than weapon mods. It was jolly good fun raising my bump n'grind skill to gain caps. ;)
  20. Assalamualaikum Ahmad! Welcome :) Cairo sounds lovely. I think a post apocalyptic desert city would look nice. Even better if you can make mummy ghouls. :P
  21. Jay should totally get highly irradiated and gain psychic powers. :) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1928
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