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Everything posted by Guerlot

  1. Thanks Rasikko. The Clear() command is definitively what I was looking for. I only added HomePlateNote.Clear() in a Stage and doing a manual SetStage in game works just fine. Now I just need a way to call it in game, somehow. I really don't want to add that fragment in the vanilla quest. I'm thinking of adding a marker inside HomePlate (My mod is already adding a few things in it anyway) point an alias to it and use a OnCellLoad script in it that would call the stage Clearing the alias. The Player would naturally go inside HomePlate right after buying it anyway so it could be a good way to call it. I could even use a TRigger Activator in Home Plate that would be deleted once triggered P.S. I wouldn't need the Unread Bool and scripts. It doesn't matter if the note was not read because once the player buys Home Plate, that note becomes irrelevant, Read or not
  2. I'm pretty certain there aren't any .nif files for a Vertibird Door only. BUT If you check under World Objects/Doors, there is BoSVertibirdGroundDoor there. Which is a full Vertibird that you can place on the ground and that you can use as a Teleport Door hope this is what you're looking for
  3. Hi guys, I'm currently working on a Bulletin Board in DC (similar to the boards in Witcher 3) and I'm wondering how to do a specific removal of a note. I'm using the same system than the Wanted quests in DC/Dugout Inn which requires to place a Xmarker, create a simple Alias pointing to it And then create a "Created to Object Alias at the Xmarker" See screenshot: In this specific example, If the player hasn't bought Home Plate yet, a Note will appear on the Board mentioning the house is available. If already bought, the note doesn't appear. Easy peazy. What I'm trying to do is: Once the Note has been created at the Xmarker, if the player buys the house WITHOUT reading/taking the note, I want to remove that note and clear that Xmarker (HomePlateMarker) Alias for later use (meaning that I could add a new Note at that Xmarker, later in the game). And this WITHOUT touching the FFDiamondCity02 quest (Vanilla quest linked to Home Plate's purchase) Like maybe a ChangeLocation script. I just don't know how to do it properly. thoughts?
  4. Hi everyone, Brand new major update today for Radioactive Stories! Update 1.9 Content: 1. New hilarious quest: The Incredible Drunk * Time to go for a Pub Crawl and the Golden Mile! * New small location and boozing shenanigans. * Hordes of Frenzied Drinking Buddies! 2. Added the third group of 5 Vault-71 Bobbleheads. * They are slightly different than the originals (hair color, vault number). * While they don't have a single bonus/perk, getting each group of 5 will be rewarded (two groups, 10 bobbleheads now in total) * Can be found while visiting locations during the quests of this mod OR in locations mentioned in Lore (also from this mod). With this update, there are now 9 Quests in Radioactive Stories! One new creepy Vault, a few other new locations. Weapons (including the Mighty Pen of Doom!), Armor, Magazines, etc... If you haven't tried the mod yet, check it out, follow the links below for full details and installation. NEXUS - for PC Cheers!
  5. Wonderful!! bigandFlabby to the rescue again! You are truly an asset to this community, thank you so much!
  6. Hi guys, I was wondering if there is a better and easier way to do the following: My quest would bring the player into a Vanilla Interior Cell and will be attacked by numerous NPCs that I added. Those NPCs would only appear in that cell at a specific moment during the quest progression to avoid having the player facing them earlier in the playthrough. So far in my mod, I've always placed no more than a couple of NPCs in a Vanilla Cell, disabled them then Enabled them when the time came in a quest. But in the quest I'm working on right now, I'm adding 10 NPCs in one Vanilla cell and I'm just wondering what would be the best way to do it. 10 lines of "NPCProperty01.Enable()" in one Stage for the Quest Fragment is working fine, but it seems to be a lot and somehow, I have the feeling I could do it a better and easier way thoughts?
  7. Hey guys, thanks so much for this thread. I have been following it because I knew I would probably need something like this while making my current quest. I did use it today and it works perfectly. One extra line I added is to reset the Global to 0 once the final stage has been set, I am planning to reuse the same script later and it will avoid creating a new Global each time I want to use the script if myBossDeathCounter.GetValue() >= AmountofBossestoKill myQuest.SetStage(FinalStage) myBossDeathCounter.SetValue(0) Endif One extra line I added is to reset the Global to 0 once the final stage has been set, if you are planning to reuse the same script later and avoid creating a new Global each time
  8. EDIT: I'm an idiot.... move along, move along -------------- Hi guys. Note: I have been using blank .Wav files with Lip files for quite some time now when creating new Dialogue Scenes. I'm doing this to allow the player to skip the dialogues when done reading the subtitles. Been doing this on all my previous mod versions and it was working all fine. Now, I've been working on a few dialogues this morning and just realized the CK is now pointing to .XWM files for the voices in the topic window, INCLUDING all my old dialogues in my mod. I am suspecting this occured with the last update but I can't be 100% certain. I don't think I have worked on dialogues since the update I'm kind of ticked off because even if I convert the Wav to XWM, the Lip files won't work and the dialogue can't be skipped anymore. There's nothing I hate more than waiting on an actor to say his line when I'm done reading its subtitle.... And forcing a player to go through that in my mod is ticking me off even more. Is there a way to make CK point to the .wav files like it was before? Like some entries in the CK ini file?
  9. you could create a misc quest with one stage that runs on start in that stage, just add a Holotape Property (Type: Holotape, Name: Whatever you want) and have its value pointing to your Holotape you want to be put in the player's inventory and in the Stage add this script script fragment: Game.GetPlayer().Additem(HolotapeProperty) where HolotapeProperty is whatever name you gave to your property.
  10. Ooh, nice! Good find, thanks for this! No need to try to make it then :)
  11. MQ106 All stages available here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Reunions
  12. Actually, they could be in the same universe. They are on two different planets after all. Doesn't mean they are in the same time/period. Fallout world which is Earth, could be the descendants of colonists from a futuristic TES World and their magic simply doesn't work on this colonized planet
  13. In theory, creating the actual Stimpak Syringe is super easy. The syringes (Like BleedOut or Berserk) are simple potions with effects using the SyringeAmmo.nif mesh. So a simple duplicate on one of those syringes but using the same effects used by a Stimpak should work (of course, needs the Constr.Object too :tongue:) My only worry would be how would the companion react to being shot at, although, only one shot should be fine. Also could be hilarious when shooting an enemy by mistake :tongue: But since with Inspirational lvl 2, you can't damage your companion, I'm assuming the Stimpak Dart wouldn't have any effect on him/her If I have time later this week, I'll play with it just for the kick of it
  14. I actually just found the culprit: It didn't like the Game.GetPlayer().Kill(), even if the player is still alive, being Set to Essential. Which is odd because it works fine on an NPC I removed that part and it worked. Now I need to find a way to show the player passing out, hopefully in the huge list of Idles :tongue: EDIT: Actually, moving the Game.GetPlayer().SetEssential(False) before moving the player also works. So I just need a Fade to black in there and I'm all set :smile:
  15. Not going to put the entire script but at least the Function itself in which it's being called. Function blackout(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)Utility.Wait(1)GRS_DrunkMsg04.Show()Utility.Wait(5)Game.GetPlayer().SetEssential(true)Game.GetPlayer().Kill()Utility.Wait(5) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(MapmarkerRef)Game.GetPlayer().SetEssential(False)Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 1.0, afDuration = 1.0)Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(GRS_Hangover, false)EndFunction So this function is being called properly in game as everything before and after the MoveTo is working The message will show up, the player would fall after 5 seconds, the camera will shake and the Hangover spell is being applied. But the Player would not move to Vault111Ext (which is where the MapMarkerRef property is pointing to (Object Reference on the MapMarker) I'm working on a Script Effect where the player would pass out after drinking too much alcohol. It's still WIP (like missing Fade to black, etc..) but the essential is there.
  16. Hi guys, I have the feeling I'm missing something really simple but I can't get this to work... I'm simply trying to move the player to another exterior cell location in a script. I thought a simple Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(MapMarkerProperty) would have done the trick but not at all, while there are no compile errors, in-game it won't work. I tried replacing Game.GetPlayer() by akCaster (since it's a script in an Effect), same thing. I tried creating an Actor Property with Player as value, PlayerProperty.Moveto(MapMarkerProperty) but I'm getting compile error saying MoveTo is not a valid function.... Not sure if it's the way I set the Marker property, but I doubt it. ObjectReference Property MapMarkerProperty Auto Const I tried with and without const, same thing. Yes, I did set the Property with the wanted MapMarker (in this case, for testing, I used the Vault111Ext MapMarker) I also tried placing an Xmarker and using this as the Object Reference, still no go. I know the problem is not with the rest of script itself because the Rest is working perfectly. The portions before and After I'm trying to move the player are working as intended I'm at lost here. Any ideas?
  17. Maybe you could try with a quest, script fragments and item conditions. Create an hidden quest (let's call it WhateverQuest) with numerous stages. One Stage for each Entry of your terminal you don't want to be readable again. Each entry would SetStage its own stage Whenever the player reads an entry, you use the Script Fragment WhateverQuestProperty.Setstage(xx) where xx is the actual stage linked to that entry. Then on that same entry in the Item Conditions section, you add a condition: GetStageDone - WhateverQuest - XX - That Entry Stage == 0.000 which means that entry would only show up is its Stage in the quest hasn't been completed. It's totally theorical in my head, never tried it. But that's how I would try for sure and see how it works. Maybe some others would have a better way to do it tho.
  18. Be careful tho, Kodiak412 did mention it may be borked/broken. So if you try it, make a Save before installing it
  19. Actually, -20 is perfect! LOL. Thanks, I really appreciate it :) Cheers
  20. Hi guys, I'm working on my next story for my mod which "may have" a spoof on the Incredible Hulk where an NPC turns into a Behemoth. I'm just running tests at this point to see if it's good enough to use. So far, the transformation is working okay (totally cheesy because I don't have a transformation animation) but I guess it's doing the job. My tiny issue is this: When the Behemoth dies, I'm replacing the Dead Behemoth by a Dead version of the original NPC. I'm disabling the Behemoth and then bring the Dead NPC using "DeadNPC.MoveTo(DeadBehemoth)". The Dead NPC is in a hidden cell I created, in which I ran Havok sim on the body. My issue is, because the Behemoth is so big, the Dead corpse of the NPC appears in the air, not on the ground. Is there any way I could make him appear on the ground? Only other way I could think of, is to have him alive in the hidden cell, kill him using NPC.Kill and move him. But he appears standing then falls right away and it's really not the ideal. But at this point, the entire transformation is cheesy already, lol thoughts?
  21. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15179/?
  22. Have you tried M's Abominations? I have it on Xbox, pretty decent http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22823/?
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