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Everything posted by Xaranth

  1. :smile: Not since I found the user.config file in AppData and fixed it so FOMM wouldn't throw an IOException every time it launched trying to get installinfo from a non-existent location.
  2. I know for regular sound files, there ate attenuation settings; are there similar settings for voice types or voice files? That's what it sounds like to me, an attenuation issue.
  3. I make frequent use of both the BSA creator and the BSA browser, less frequent use of the Save Game viewer, and frankly have no interest in any of the touted features of NMM - I still do ninety percent of my mod installation manually.
  4. In FOMM click Tools > Save Games, you can read your save's mod list from that.
  5. Open the plugin with the geck, make an easily undone change, and save it. I usually just add a MISC form called 'DeleteMe'. That'll update the plugin to the current version, and then you can do a merge with the FNV Plugin Utility, and use it or FNVEdit to delete the record. EDIT: Also, make sure you get the 1_7 file, not the 1_6 file.
  6. Funny, I think the textures are using relative paths. The path for the upperbody is in bsShaderTextureSet and goes 'textures/tg/cowboyvest_n.dds' I think I may need to make a sort of texture path for THIS outfit instead of just using the texture paths for the components. Something like making a texture file and adding it to a file in the textures folder and then using that as a path. You shouldn't NEED one, just verify that the texture paths that ARE there are also present in your FNV data directory.
  7. Texture paths for a nitristrips or nitrishapes are stored in child node > bsShaderPPLightingProperty > bsShaderTextureSet or rarely childe node > NiTexturingProperty; relative paths are 'textures\somefolder\somesubfolder\sometexture.dds', absolute paths are 'C:\Games\Steam\Steamapps\etc'. Relative paths are GOOD; Absolute paths are BAD. :biggrin:
  8. CTD on startup is almost always a missing master file. Check the readme/descriptions of your companion mods for prerequisites. MANY of them require Anthony Ling's Coiffure for FNV. http://www.moddb.com/mods/lings-coiffure-nv
  9. I half-hesitated to post that, but I figure anyone ELSE having this issue will be smart enough to interpret my square brackets correctly. :smile: I'm still hugely ****ed off that the uninstaller left it there. But there's no usable alternative to FOMM, so I'll cram my anger back into a box for now.
  10. Make sure your texture paths are both correct and relative, and make sure the game is actually loading the assets in question; if you have to, repack them all in a personal BSA associated with your personal mod.
  11. Found it. %UserDirectory%\AppData\Local\FOMM\Fomm.exe_[GIBBERISHYSTRING]\[FOMM_VERSION]\user.config
  12. I reinstall FNV, launch FOMM, FOMM crashes, okay. I can deal with that. I peruse the crash dump, all right, FOMM is looking in a non-existent path for mod install info, fine. I can deal with that. Uninstall FOMM, reinstall. Instant Crash. FOMM IS STILL LOOKING IN THE OLD, NON-EXISTANT PATH FOR MOD INSTALL INFO. IT HAS KEPT THIS DATA ACROSS THREE REINSTALLS! Where the HELL is this data stored so I can hand-fix it? I've been beating my head against regEdit all morning; it's either so well hidden I can't find it or not there. And who the **** are you, FOMM team, to be leaving your crap on MY computer after I told you to uninstall, huh? **** you FOMM, **** you twice. It is MY computer, not yours. God this makes me so ****ing ****ed off I don't even have words.
  13. If you disable the mod and load a save before anything happened in freeside, you'll definitely be all right. But you 'may' be able to just disable the mod and it'll be there, I'd give that a fifty/fifty chance of working.
  14. If you are using content created or owned by someone else (In this case Valve) in your mod, you must have explicit permission from the owner (Which is not necessarily the creator) of that content to publish it. So, yes, you would get in trouble without explicit permission, and note that in these cases the burden of proof falls on you. The owner does not have to provide proof that they didn't give permission, you have to prove that you did get permission.
  15. Object Palettes are the way to go. Don't ask me for more detailed instructions, though, I know what they do and that's it. :smile:
  16. Definitely get a good house mod, especially if you're a packrat like me. :smile:
  17. I would start by checking one more time that your nif's texture paths are correct. If so, have a look at the ESP, and make sure it isn't using TextureSets to override the model texture paths; if so, try making your own ESP to add the hairstyles for testing.
  18. Try reinstalling the original scope meshes and textures as well; if you've changed your FOV, reset that also. What's happening is you're seeing the edges of the scope mesh through the texture.
  19. Thank you for all the advice. An update: I determined that FNV would crash when attempting to save any time a buffer purge was made. I ignored it until the first time I tried to fast travel; the game automatically purges buffers on FT. Solution: I deleted all my saves except the most recent, disabled all mods that didn't have 'progress' I wanted to keep, made a clean save with almost no mods, and then re-enabled all my mods. Seems to be working, now. I have to turn hardcore back on and test that. Re-enabling hardcore re-enabled the problem. Going to try it again without hardcore, just in case it turns out my testing wasn't thorough enough.
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