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Everything posted by Xaranth

  1. Scratch that, it's more trouble than I thought; Texture sets don't work right with modded weapons somehow, or I'm missing a step. Okay, nothing coming from me, sorry.
  2. Eh, it's easy enough to build a quickfix. Just a matter of making a textureset. It'd be done by now if I hadn't goofed. :smile:
  3. Uhm, let me have a look, I think I can fix this for you.
  4. ...Wow. That's funny. Used as an object condition, it doesn't work right, and if you use it in a script, it can only be used in a menuMode block making it mostly (I can think of a couple cases) redundant. I love this game. Really.
  5. Terminology: menuMode is a blocktype, not a function. menuMode itself: The 'begin menuMode' block executes when the game is in menu mode. Essentially, if the game is not in gameMode, it's in menu mode. Messages are menuModes, as are the PipBoy, dialog, companion wheel, etc. Each TYPE of menu has a specific designation. For example, the message box menu is 1001, that's the numeric code that appears after 'begin menuMode'. A full list of the numbers can be found here. Here's a script I use for handling message buttons in DARC:PH: scn DARC07scptTeleporterActiMobile ref rTarget short sCharge short sMenu short sMyButton short sFBs short sMessageFlag begin onActivate Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges Set sMessageFlag to 1 end begin GameMode if sMessageFlag == 1 Set sMenu to 1 Set sMessageFlag to 0 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUMenu01 sCharge elseIf sMessageFlag == 2 Set sMessageFlag to 0 Set sMenu to 2 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges Set sFBs to Player.getItemCount FissionBattery ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUMenu02 sFBs sCharge elseIf sMessageFlag == 3 Set sMessageFlag to 0 Set sMenu to 3 ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUMenuError elseIf sMessageFlag == 4 Set sMessageFlag to 0 Autosave Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges - 1 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges Set rTarget to DARC07refTeleportMarker DARC07refBunkerMainDoor.Lock 255 Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.bTeleported to 1 player.moveTo rTarget ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUCUCnt sCharge endIf end begin MenuMode 1001 Set sMyButton to GetButtonPressed if sMenu == 1 if sMyButton == 0 if sCharge > 0 Set sMessageFlag to 4 else Set sMessageFlag to 3 endIf elseIf sMyButton == 1 player.addItem DARC07tokenTeleClean 1 1 elseIf sMyButton == 2 Set sMessageFlag to 2 endIf elseIf sMenu == 2 if sMyButton == 0 player.removeItem FissionBattery 2 Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges + 1 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUCUCnt sCharge elseIf sMyButton == 1 player.removeItem FissionBattery 4 Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges + 2 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUCUCnt sCharge elseIf sMyButton == 2 player.removeItem FissionBattery 6 Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges + 3 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUCUCnt sCharge elseIf sMyButton == 3 player.removeItem FissionBattery 8 Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges + 4 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUCUCnt sCharge elseIf sMyButton == 4 player.removeItem FissionBattery 10 Set DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges + 5 Set sCharge to DARC07qstTeleporterControl.sCharges ShowMessage DARC07msgFTUCUCnt sCharge endIf endIf endEdit: Hi Llama. :wink:
  6. If you used any custom meshes or textures, you will need to upload those as well, after ensuring you have permission. A good modder will also include a readme with installation/uninstallation instructions, an overview of the mod, and an advisory of potential conflicts.
  7. Ahhh. Figured it was a token. Okay then, if that's the issue, simply change the script around a bit, use a gamemode block and flag and wait to bring up the workbench menu until player.getItemCount YourFlagItem > 0.
  8. GetLockLevel is also a reference function. Try it this way:set Item to GetCrosshairRef if (Item.GetLockLevel > 0) if (Item.GetLockLevel <= 100) ;Prevents it from unlocking 'requires key' locks. Item.Unlock endIf endIf
  9. Oh, when I pasted in that code the formatting got all messed up, so I had to edit the post. Also, if I'd taken a half-second to read the code rather than just c/ping it... Anyway, try this one: scn NWSDeathclawstartScript int DoOnce float timer short bTimerTrigger ;boolean value to decide if the timer code needs to run. short sFrameSkip ;skip a frame to avoid both blocks trying to execute simultaneously Begin onactivate Player if DoOnce == 0 Set Timer to 5 set bTimerTrigger to 1 ;enables timer code set sFrameSkip to 0 ;initialize frameskip activate DeathclawdoorREF.activate DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Claw1REF.Playgroup TurnRight 1 Set DoOnce to 1 endif End begin gameMode if (bTimerTrigger) if (sFrameSkip < 1) set sFrameSkip to sFrameSkip + 1 else if ( timer > 0 ) set timer to (timer - getSecondsPassed) ; *** THIS IS THE CHANGED LINE *** I missed that Timer wasn't updated properly. else activate DeathclawdoorREF.SetOpenState 3 EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 set bTimerTrigger to 0 ;disables timer code endif endIf endIf endRegarding bTimerTrigger and sFrameSkip: they're simply control variables. Theoretically, sFrameSkip is unneccessary, but... I'm paranoid when it comes to this engine. Anyway. A gameMode block runs every frame. We use bTimerTrigger as a control variable to decide when the timer code will run. sFrameSkip is there to make the gameMode block 'skip' a frame, just in case the activate block and the timer block try to execute simultaneously. It's basically a one-frame delay just to ensure that the Activate code has completely parsed before we try to start parsing the gameMode code.
  10. Item needs to be a ref type, not a short type. Edit: Also, unlock is a reference function, not a global function, so the proper syntax is Item.unlock
  11. I think the simplest, most elegant way (The way I would do it, in other words), is simply to add a menu to your workbench. Create a message form that has the options 'Pack Workbench', 'Use Workbench', and 'Exit'. *Shrug* If you must do it your way (Or simply want to avoid the work), unset the 'Unplayable' flag on your ...er... flag item. :pinch: That's an awkward statement, isn't it? Then you should be able to use it in the recipe without an issue.
  12. I did a test run with Blackout ENB. I suffered, at the most, a 10 FPS reduction from my 'cap' of 30 - that tells me that if I were to bother, I could get a smooth ENB. Almost all retextures are overrides; they have to be to avoid legal issues. Something about FNV slows WAY down when doing a direct-file read, as opposed to an archive swap. When the files are loose, things go pretty slowly. You can read more about my adventures in making FNV behave like a proper game here and here. The bottom line is; the biggest bottleneck is the swapping of data between long-term storage and memory. Texture packs require a whole lot of that.
  13. Neither of those will work, the onActivate block only runs once. You need to shift the timer code into a gameMode block; something like this:scn NWSDeathclawstartScript int DoOnce float timer short bTimerTrigger ;boolean value to decide if the timer code needs to run. short sFrameSkip ;skip a frame to avoid both blocks trying to execute simultaneously Begin onactivate Player if DoOnce == 0 Set Timer to 5 set bTimerTrigger to 1 ;enables timer code set sFrameSkip to 0 ;initialize frameskip activate DeathclawdoorREF.activate DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Claw1REF.Playgroup TurnRight 1 Set DoOnce to 1 endif End begin gameMode if (bTimerTrigger) if (sFrameSkip < 1) set sFrameSkip to sFrameSkip + 1 else if ( timer > 0 ) set timer to getSecondsPassed else activate DeathclawdoorREF.SetOpenState 3 EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 set bTimerTrigger to 0 ;disables timer code endif endIf endIf endEdit: FOR GREAT JUSTICE and formatting bollixing up across pastes.
  14. Okay, I'm going to write a step-by-step instruction list, and you can tell me where or if you deviated from it. If not, we'll look at some other things. Steps marked with an asterisk (*) are OPTIONAL but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. *1) Download The GECK 1 4 PowerUP *2) Install the GECK PU (geckpu-nv-14.exe and geckpu-nv-14.dll) in your FNV directory, alongside FalloutNV.exe, geck.exe, and nvse_loader.exe *3) Install the GECK PU nvse plugin (nvse_plugin_geckpu-nv-14.dll) in your nvse plugins directory (%FNVDirectory%\Data\nvse\plugins\) 4) Right click on 'nvse_loader.exe' and select 'copy'. 5) Right click on the location you want the shortcut to go (Mine is on the desktop) and select 'Paste Shortcut' *6) Rename your shortcut to something that's logical to you (Mine is GECK PU NVSE) 7) Right click your new shortcut and select 'properties' :cool: Click the 'Shortcut' tab if it's not active. 9) Append the '-editor' switch to the shortcut's 'target' field, thus: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/5597757-1361382282.png 10) Run the GECK from your new shortcut and try to script an NVSE function, if it works, everything's good.
  15. Uhm, did you unpack BSAs at all? There is an issue with FNV that hair EGMs MUST be packed into a bsa to be parsed by the game engine. If you unpacked or just overrode the Hair egms, that's the result.
  16. First, can you link the tutorial? Second, there are a couple things to be aware of here; first is file format. FNV is EXTREMELY picky about sound files, and the format is VERY restrictive. They MUST be, for wav files, mono, 16-bit sample size, and 22 or 44.1KHz sample rate. The other thing is, the file paths for voices are SET IN STONE. You may NOT deviate from the following structure: %NewVegasDirectory%\Data\Sound\Voice\ModFile.extension\VoiceType\File.extension Taking as an example Willow, the filepath for her voice files is: %NewVegasDirectory%\Data\Sound\Voice\NVWillow.esp\WillowsVoice\File.extension Also, looking at my installed mods, all of them prefix the voice files with DialogQuestName_file; I suspect that this is a requirement; If it were a few of them, I would suspect a Best Practice, but with ALL of them, I suspect that QuestName_ is an engine requirement.
  17. Have you read and are you following the installation instructions on the NVSE main page?
  18. My specs are pretty close to yours; more CPU, less Video, more RAM, same OS, probably a faster data bus, and personally, I've not bothered with texture packs at all. The biggest bottleneck I have (and you are likely to have with near-identical specs) is retrieving data from long-term storage, and swapping items in and out of memory. I haven't got time to play with ENB and do everything else that I need to do, and since ENB is a frame-killer Out of the Box for me, I'm not bothering with it now. It's not HORRIBLE, so with some tweking, I suspect you could get a good ENB going.
  19. I start by creating a note: Object Window > Items > Notes. Then I create a misc item, duplicating a pre-war book or whatever. To the misc item, you add this object script: scn MyModNotePickupScript begin onAdd player player.addNote MyNote removeMe end
  20. You COULD create a perk, looking at Rapid Reload for the entry point, and set the condition on the entry point as 'GetEquipped == Weapon', then either use a quest to add it to your chara or just call addperk from the console.
  21. This is usually the result of a body/hand mismatch. Make sure you've installed the hand models as well as the body models, and if you're using an armour replacer, ensure that it's working correctly as well.
  22. I'm pretty sure that field is Read only in the GECK, and I tend to assume until proven otherwise that that means it shouldn't be messed with. :smile: Edit: I was mistaken, that one is read/write.
  23. Make the form you want, but change the 'model' patch to the model you want to add to the game. It's that easy (and difficult).
  24. If they originally activated as you describe, and you saved before you managed to make them deactivate, the level cap increase is probably integrated to your game save. AFAIK, setlevel has no quest/game repercussions beyond the obvious. But I make no promises.
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