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Posts posted by Jason2112

  1. http://www3.picturepush.com/photo/a/12134666/1024/ATTK/ATTK11.png


    UPDATE 505 ...

    The attk.exe is a replacement file for attk.exe in the AttkUI 501 package.

    Replace/overwrite the [skyrim/data/ATTK/ attk.exe ]

    with the new 505 [attk.exe] from this download.


    Removed ATTK pop requester.

    Fixed "Hanging" on the Offline Mode confirm request.

    Integrated the pause.exe (you no longer need the pause.exe file)

  2. 1. Run Boss

    2. Validate Skyrim data via Steam.

    3. Update SKSE.


    Load up a save then console command: PCB ... save game and restart.

    (PCB your save from time to time as you play Skyrim)


    ATTK never needs an update but loads SKSE and that will need an update

    if Skyrim updates.


    Sidenote: You may have already corrupted your save beyond repair. But from what you have said sounds more like a mod problem then anything else. Keep in mind "Boss" isn't always 100%. You need to build your Skyrim mods collection slowly testing as you go. Just as you need to build (per say), your save by PCB cleaning and backing up (in game).


    Corrupting something in Skyrim that has nothing to do with your mod is completely possible ... and easy to do. Even a very small charge coupled with some other mods "small change" can bring problems. Then there is the all out mod mistakes, again very easy to do. (yes, the mod can still work fine and not even show the mistake to the mods creator) It's just the way the CK edits. Anyways what I'm saying is overmoding is a common mistake. You kind of put yourself in a no mans land of no help too. Who really knows what your error is with all them mods. Could be almost anything. That's why you need to start off with only a few mods test them to death then add more and so on.


    IDK, this works for me, good luck with everything!

  3. Yes, Just happen to get a Steam update and a Skyrim update at the same time.

    that trigged a SKSE update. Updates should be done in that order. ATTK will never need an update. If you set things to not update automatically. It's a step wise process to update. Steam update via Steam menu. Then a right-click on Skyrim (in Steam) to turn on updates. Update SKSE then run Skyrim via Steam once. This will totally get you up to date ... You then can turn off your updates again. ATTK will run like a champ again after that.

  4. To get the biggest fps boost, go into SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini, and change all the shadow distance settings to 0.






    And then change the ishadowmapresolution settings to 1.






    That will disable shadows, and will net you the biggest FPS gain. I'm using a 6670 DDR3, and I can keep a steady 60fps at all times @ 1024x768 with shadows disabled. With them enabled, however, my framerate plummets to the 30s. Me? I prefer smooth action without blocky blackness everywhere, rather than juddery action with blocky blackness everywhere.

    This works well but change resolution setting to 128 not 1. Also the hires pack is a killer on everything. consider how much you really need it. And test without it just to see. Grass is also something you can nerf for better FPS.

  5. Modifying your skeleton is the better solution. In that a "weapon adjust" may fix one weapon but completely mess up others. This was a huge issues for me with Skyrim. I ended up creating a new skeleton with NifSkope to fix all my clipping issues. Also fix the placement and quiver float. Really did it up nice. Problem is for you my main toon is female, so I never created a male version.

    BBBWPS ... http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27029

    Anyways, check it out to see how well this works. Really did my homework on this mod and feel it is the best placement skeleton (for females) you could have. There is also on that mods Main Page a weight trick that may work as well in your case.

  6. Good question ... Myself I never used to update my mods, figured if they work now I'm set. But after designing the ATTK program here on the Nexus have a whole new respect for updating your mods and programs. 65,000+ Nexus users downloaded versions 1.0 to 3.0. ... Now that 5.0.1 is done the program is completely finished, but only a handful have yet to upgrade. Knowing full well the latter version is the better package. I fear many didn't understand what was meant by "work in progress". The Nexus is a unique way to introduce Mods and Programs. But users have to understand that may take time and to keep tracking their favorites to its conclusion. This may seem like a hassle but, nothing compared to a hidden bug or mis-value that can create a unsolvable CTD issue. Debugging your ​mods and mod order is hard enough without creating impossible to track down seemly normal value errors.


    Myself I watch my Mods and Programs well now, until they state they are finished or final.

    (keep in mind there is a percentage that will in the end fail all together, you need to know that)

  7. Just a guess here ... But I'm sure your problem is with the followers flag/script related to following your character. I totally forget where but, remember a follower flag/script related to distance and speed of a follower no matter what their real speed is. I would assume that is an over writing stats to the followers movement as a whole.
  8. Easy, two Skyrim folders ... or simply use the Skyrim launcher to tick un-tick Mods as needed.

    I have 4 Skyrim folders ... one named Skyrim (the one I'm using, atm) and 3 others, I rename to "Skyrim" when I want to use them. Works great for editing on a clean slate and for them mods less used and more for show.

  9. If this is for a class with a dead line you may want to curve your goals a bit. A quick interface understanding could be achieved by simply loading a Mod with an interface and backwards engineering it. As for the latter Modders have been on that one for over a year with limited success.

    Skyrim has a wonderful set of tutorials that can take you up to the point you need to be, to understand expanding concepts like menus. Beyond that Google is your friend in this case ...

    Good luck, happy coding.

    Side note: Be warned, this is a huge can of worms ... To successfully design your project you will have to learn multiple languages and applications. Time table would be 1 to 12 months (give or take on experience)

    If your looking for a easier way to go, I'd suggest an example of how powerful and easy it is for a full blown creation kit like the "CK" to create structures such as homes. With working switches on a few effects. You should be able to learn that within a few hours from said tutorials. Again, good luck with your project!

  10. In most cases the Items are linked to the code that creates the effect of the mod. If the designer included it as a part of the mod you can be sure it is needed, as no modders add unused resources as a norm.


    Exp: A book in your inventory can have a script embedded as a part of a larger effect. Triggered by a different object (or spell call) within all the Mod adds as apart of it's design.

  11. There was one line in the description that said something like ... setting will be permanent

    This icon sat on my desktop for 5 days ... even if I hovered over it, I couldn't get my finger to click it.


    There is one rule all programmers must adhere to no matter what ...

    You have to be able to undo what ever you do just as easily as you did it, if you plan to go public.


    In this case put a value back to what ever setting it was prior to changing. A seemly easy task considering the ability to change it in the first place. This would lead one to believe the programmer has a limited ability to create the code (the cart before the horse thing). These two "red flags" where unmistakable and solid proof to really read a programs description. Looking for these kind of inconsistencies.


    I know none of this helps now and I'm not trying to throw salt in the wound ... but ...

    Always set a backup point when added anything that says it will change your system when testing.(not that I think that would have totally saved you in this case) For the ones who tried this program there is only one possible solutions that is FOR SURE. Your windows install disk has a repair option that will set your system back to default.


    This may be something the Nexus may want to screen as it really has a huge impact.

    For other programs that are made with strict guidelines and the end users as well.


    Side note:

    I have many types of program of this type and for simplicity would suggest you try.

    Game Fire (good program, terrible install - just say no/decline to all the extra offers)

  12. Are we playing the same game ... Stormcloaks are lames to the wolves to vs the Imperials.

    But the Imperials are messed up by working with the Elfs. The real problem is the Elfs.

    The Stormcloaks and Imperials are playing right into the Elfs hands as the story unfolds.

    Oldest trick in the book have your enemies kill each other off then wipe out what's left.


    You're Dragonborn ... Death to the Elfs!!! ... Restore balance.

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