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Posts posted by Jason2112

  1. So I've been doing an ongoing couple of mods Pretty Boys By Drow and Pretty Girls by Drow.


    In these mods I use Skyrim NPC Editor to edit the faces of the NPCs, give them ApachiiSkyHair, and Eyes of Beauty. One problem that I have noticed is that the ApachiiSkyHairs and Eyes of Beauty duplicate in the character creation when you go to make a character. Since earlier in the year I have been trying to find ways in which to fix this. I also have been trying to find a way to combine the modded files into one Esp so that people don't have roughly 40 or more ESPs and BSAs to worry about. Instead there would be just two.


    Now the main problem I am having here has started with this newest update that I've been trying to do. Recently I had begun tweaking all of the NPCs to look better, using some of the new hairs and eyes. Now I get a crash to desktop every time I try to load the Mjoll the Lioness file.


    If there is anyone who would be willing to work with me on any single one of these problems it would be greatly appreciated. Any tips, hints, or even anyone willing to co-work on this mod with me would be amazing.


    Thank you for your time in advance.




    The NPC Editor and the CK were never made for each other. First, there will be a popup telling you there is a problem with the hair file and you can choose not to double load them. (can't pick skip all load errors or you will not see this) Second, once you make your new toon in the NPC Editor and export it from the CK you can not reload it for editing in the NPC Editor. You need to stay within the CK after that. Select your new toon from the ... Object Window, It will show their name in the interface to the right of it ... highlight it and use Ctrl or Alt (I forget) and F4 to save their features to the Skyrim data folder. Then save as a new mod and add to the Data folder.


    As far as your corrupted versions, you could search for the word DUPLICATE and just remove the extra hairs in the CK. Anyways, that's why you CTD. Double hair files in one of the mods. Best just to trash them and start completely over from the NPC Editor. I think you can preset the hair mod to load but still set your mod as default. After you have fixed your hair files the other way. Or with newly made toons.


    Good Luck!

  2. Another great trick to get FPS is to open your Task Manager and click the Process tab. Highlight and delete the entry steam.exe. It will disconnect you from their leachy tendrils, allow you to play with out being forced to shut down at their whim during your game play, and net you up to 12 fps in game. (maybe more if you are on a lower end game)



    Do it while the loader window is still not full screen. Several months back they trapped your mouse to prevent this. But it still works. They don't want you do be disconnected from the collective. They are borg.


    Or someone should write a program to handle all that for you. Hint ... ATTK

  3. Removing auto saves is a golden trick in Skyrim to stop save corruption. Works very very well. Been rolling that way forever would never go back. Mt Skyrim never CTDs and Never creates bad saves. I could leave it on for days and still never see a CTD.


    Very recommended!

    You don't always see a bad save till it way to late and totally burned into the save. It's a known fact auto saves can create bad saves ... even from the first game. I thought this was common knowledge about Skyrim.

  4. Remove the shadows from the game all together.


    Basically what you do is set all the Shadow Resolution inputs to 128

    and every other "shadow" setting to 0. [All of them] in both

    the Skyrim.ini and SkrimPref.ini for it to work right.

    Even removes that fire shadow blur. Should pick you up

    about 10-20 FPS and improves movement dramatically.

    Use the notepad and search for the word "shadow".


    I made a post about this but from the looks of the views not many seen it.



    I've been playing Skyrim like this from the start and have never had a problem with it.

    I do this to most every game I own and they all run better afterwards. Way better!

    This one trick alone is worth everything you have tried to smooth Skyrim out too.

    Add ATTK to this and you have a brand new Skyrim.


  5. ATTK will not do anything with your saves. However the Skyrim Configurator can let you set up alternative saves. Maybe you may have clicked the wrong button with that tool or unknowingly set a new save path. Ether way your old saves should still be there ready to be set back as main saves. Check your Save settings in the Skyrim Configurator. I'm sure that is it.
  6. kickedsaz


    That's a hardcore list you have there ... You will have to do many many tests to get that order right. One mod out of place and it a 1/2 crippled Skyrim. I'd rip them all out but a few of my best and start the testing as I add the rest slowly. If one of then mod don't get along with an other it will mess everything up. I was wondering too if you use the console to PCB every so often. That really save me a lot as building a Skyrim save is like building a card house.


    The only booster out of your list that I have used is HiAlgoBoost, this works for me. I also use ATTK http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27959 which boosts performance quite a bit BUT be wary of what settings you change, if you overload the CPU too much for too long you could find yourself needing a new one.


    ATTK will never overload the CPU. I'm not overclocking anything. Just stealing cycle time from everyone else.

    As far as the CPU functions go.


    Overload was probably a bad term to use. I wasn't intending on giving misinformation about your mod it just seemed irresponsible for me to recommend your mod without giving a warning of what you warn of:


    "Closing Steam while you play is not completely recommended,

    it can/may lead to in game problems and/or save corruption.

    Increasing Game priority can/may lead to shorten CPU life.

    Increasing Game priority can/may lead to shorten GFX card life.

    Pushing your system beyond its capabilities can/may lead to

    shorten Hardware life/Hardware Damage. Priority settings are critical.

    This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied

    warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages

    arising from the use of this software."


    For the record your ATTK loader works very well for me (thank you) but I'm still cautious of how high I'm willing to go with the settings as I don't want to risk damage to my PC while its working well as it is. It would probably be fine but its a risk I won't take and that is what I was getting at.


    I understand, but you have to understand, I have to say that stuff ... there may even be a few 1980 CPU out there that

    just don't support priority.



    I took no offence btw, you have the right to question me.

  8. 99.99% of all CTD come from mod order problems or mod incompatibility. Rip all your mods out and start over. Adding them one by testing one till you find the "bad seed" ...
  9. Delete everything in your Skyrim folder but TESV.exe ... anything else you want to keep pull out for a bit. Go to steam and verify your data. This will rebuild your entire Skyrim back to stock ... Delete/or move your .ini's and start the Skyrim launcher. Change a few options and exit. That should rebuild your .ini files. If not, there are many ways to get a new .ini file online. Or you can use mine My shadows post. ini files are the download You will have to change your GFX card entree, but it's a real good start.


    Put your mods back in and you should be fine. Unless one of the mods is incompatable with another.

  10. it was all working perfectly but i installed ATTK mod and Kaspersky classifies it as having a Trojan Virus or something(somebody told me to get an update from Kaspersky so it would stop blocking that file but at the time i didnt know that) so then i went on the settings and made the steam folder(entire thing actually not just the steam apps) to the exclude rule... and now that my mods stopped showing.. i got all of the mods to show by going to the AppsData and rewriting the DLClist but Skyrim and the Update would not show.. and yes everything are all up to date even before i tried reinstalling it only but Skyrim.esm the only thing that shows up im still missing the update.esm so therefore it still crashes instantly upon running the program


    Ouch ... C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local\Skyrim is where you will find the master lists for what mods are currently installed. I like to from time to time copy the one to the other just to keep the load order correct. Even if it says your loading mods in a order the one list here is the real load order and it can look different. Try looking at them ...


    Btw, ATTK v5.0.1 is out and has no bug flags what so ever. final version.

  11. So, practically I have to make a clean reinstall, to get all the work from start and where I encounter heavy HD textures, I should install "lite" versions or completely forget aout that patch. Did I get this right?


    do any of those performance programs really work? I know for a fact that razer game booster works, as it prevents even worse stuttering.


    You shouldn't need to reinstall the game, start a new game though if you are disabling ESP mods. Installing 'lite' texture packs could mean you are just applying HD textures to 70/100 objects instead of the full amount. It's something you'll have to experiment with to find a good balance, for me I only use HD (2048+) textures for interiors or uncommon armors/objects but I decided on this so I can run warzones without major problems. I can run the Official HD Pack fine but I believe those textures are 1048? Keep in mind that mods that add lots of new objects to cells (7k Whiterun for example) will also impact your performance HD or not.


    The only booster out of your list that I have used is HiAlgoBoost, this works for me. I also use ATTK http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27959 which boosts performance quite a bit BUT be wary of what settings you change, if you overload the CPU too much for too long you could find yourself needing a new one. Skyrim is quite CPU intensive so if you are in a position to buy a new one without problems then it would help with your stuttering. My CPU is an i7 SandyBridge @4.1, it can handle most things but as I've said my system can't manage all HD & Warzones all at the same time without serious lag or stuttering. I wouldn't recommend kitting your PC out only for Skyrim though, it's only a DX9 game on 32bit (doesn't make use of tesselation or more than 4gb of RAM/ DX11 can render higher quality for less resources) so you would soon find it's not your system holding you back but the game engine.


    If you have any .ini tweaks I would double check them also.


    ATTK will never overload the CPU. I'm not overclocking anything. Just stealing cycle time from everyone else.

    As far as the CPU functions go.

  12. I downloaded and installed the Princess of the North set and now I was wondering if it could be upgraded like normal armor sets in the game? Are Mod armors automatically of an armor type so I just need the right Smithing skill? Sorry I don't know much, just started and I have seen talk of making gear Legendary and what not and I wanted to know if Mod armor could do that as well.


    Thanks for any clarity on this subject, I have seen lots of articles on Armor but not one that spells out the Mod armor part.


    Only the games armors have to follow the rules ... Mods can do what ever they like, you could get the armor or the pattern or both. 100% up to the modders wishes and/or skill level.

  13. Anyone?


    I'd like to automatically remove vanilla cell ghost objects on a modded cell load via script.


    The objects aren't in CK and have to be clicked in-game for deletion.


    Any suggestions would be appreciated ty



    There is an easy way to get everything just the way you like it ...

    It's called the CK or Creation Kit. What your talking about would be very simple.

    and only take about 1, 2 min to complete. Time to take the plunge ...


    You could also switch to the Console and click whatever you don't want

    and enter delete or del i forget and save the game ...

    It will however be gone for good.

  14. When you set your overclocking you start low and step up till it crashes ...

    then you step it back a few settings and that's your new overclock speed.

    All normal for setting overclocking.


    Your page file is way to big. that is your problem atm. Get that figured out

    and install the new ATTK v5.0.1 and toss out my old junk.


    You're gonna be fine.


    ATTK will not hurt anything - It just steals cycle time.

    Overclock will blow your rig up! Overclocking is a thing of the past,

    don't fall for the hype. No overclocked computer could hold a candle

    to computers now. Totally and completely unnecessary.


    The second you start in overclocked mode the "your done timer" starts.

    If you set it well that may be hours away. But it will come at some point.

    Why even push systems that are now made to be more stable then ever,

    to be unstable in anyway ?


    The best overclocking I have ever seen was a rig in a mini fridge (for real)

  15. Both game styles have proven to be worthy of any game designer. You need to pick

    the one you yourself will fall in love with. That will end up showing in the final product.


    "Norse" comes with rules ... do this , oh you can't do that ...

    "Sci-Fi" is wide open ... do as you will, it's Sci-Fi ...


    "Norse" comes with a built in player market ...

    "Sci-Fi" is a strange new game you try out of curiosity ...


    Both have pros and cons from a designers point of view.


    Your pole would appear to be pushing the Sci-Fi angle a bit more.

    So, I think you already know your path. Good luck, and good coding!

  16. Skyrim is known to decay in time. The best way to fight this is to use your console command PCB every so often. As this will clear up unwanted quest and/or malformed data from the saves.


    A PBC should be a part of Skyrim's saves automatically ...

  17. attk skse is doing what it take few second to do by yourself with task manager^^

    anyway, you're using :




    DspSob.esp.....this can be a problem only if you are usin Cbbe or Unp body, you need a custom skeleton, but if the problem occur in fight scene it may be relevant


    1nivWICCloaks.esp...this one alone, with WiC you must use only one.esp, you install3 , but use..only one, uncheck the other

    1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp.......this is only necessary if you use "cloak of skyrim" also if not you must have only one .esp


    Lightweight Potions and Poisons.esp

    Lawrens RNG Guards.esp



    Crimson Tide -Blood.esp problem only with vampire side for a few users


    whiterun bug fixes.esp

    Whiterun Repaired Plus.esp



    WRONG! ... Setting the priority is just one option in ATTK.

    But I love your 15 second analogy vs my Masters Degree ...

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