I got 2 donation points for November while having 49 unique donwloads.
All my mods are opted-in and not hidden and whatever contrary to what customer service answered me.
It seems it impossible for Nexus to understand the problem. Obviously your Algorythm is heavily bugged. As a side note we can also see that now unique downloads = 1 DP when before it was usually 3 or 4... That's how Nexus try reward better modders by crushing little modders and "stealing" donation point. Not only your algortyhm is not capable onfcounting all the donwloads, the unique DL value have reduce and when you report the problem you have stupid answers like you didn't opt-in. We are making your company win a lot of money by our free work, not only unique donwloads are vlauable for your company when every visists on your website make you win money with ads??? right. For one unique DL my mod have hundreds visits. It seems you have enough money to pay peoples to make stupid answers and can't understand a problem and that my mods that make hundreds peoples visit your website with my free work have not "enough engagement"...
What is this answer seriously??? "It may be that you are not generating DP on your other mods as you are not getting enough engagement, thus showing as only one successful mod. Looking at a few of your mod stats for November, engagement was very low on all cases"
I have 6 mods more downloaded and they count for Zero.
and this: "DP calculations now consider multiple factors which we cannot discuss. Relying on just downloads as a metric is inaccurate. You have to consider what is popular as a whole as the new system is designed to reward mods which are unique and have high engagement. It was made to combat users who were spamming lots of mods in order to generate DP, taking that DP away from other users."
So my mods are not good enough to derserves their donation points??? What BS is this answer.
Not only you're not counting donation points but your answer are disrecpectful.