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Everything posted by flameshiva

  1. I have installed onto a different drive and not in program files. Thank You everything installed ok. It's a pity that Steam defaults to program files.
  2. Maybe it's a coincidence about the windows update but it seem strange. Anyway I hope someone can help with this annoying problem. I receive the following messages when trying to install, '' Destination folder access denied You need to provide administrator permission, you need permission to perform this action. '' and it wont allow installation. I checked permissions and it seems I do have full access so I don't know what is going on but it is very stressful. Also I noticed that I cannot remove read only from folders like Skyrim SE now, it just reverts back to read only always
  3. I went wrong somewhere. I flagged the plugins in F4edit to ESM's and also renamed them as here it said at some point the creation kit changed the way it looks for masters. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6360096-cant-make-esp-to-esm-anymore// but maybe that is out of date ? anyway when I used hex to change them back my changes were removed also. I think my problem was in the last stage somewhere as my mod did reference to look for the esp's I needed in the creation kit (and not the esm's) but then replacing/renaming the esm's with the esp's reset everything.
  4. Ok thanks, I got that but I'm a little bit confused with the last stage. When I have flagged the esp's as esm's and made my changes I need to either keep them as esm's or use something like an older version of F4 Edit to reference them back to the ESP's ? and that would be ok ? I don't know how to change the master table but i can search for it.
  5. When creating an NPC's appearance, it's not easy as many things are not showed in the preview window, not until you get into game. Is there any easier way to do this so you can see all your changes as they happen or any tips would be welcome and If I create an NPC and then later decide I want to give them a weapon/item or hairstyle etc from another mod how do I incorparate that into the mod because when I activate other mods it never saves any changes from them into my plugin.
  6. When making a building Is there any tiles in the F4 creation kit where you can turn a corner at 45 degress instead of 90 degrees ? Sorry I not been able to find any and I am new to this.
  7. A good portion of mods I tried before are not working but many do still work also. Can you update them yourself if they have been abandonded ? or is it just down to mod authors to choose to update them. With the fluffy manager I did update game files and reinstalled mods in case there were any patches but that did not help.
  8. For example using some of the officer races for a heavy or a specialist for an assault. It doesn't look quite the same as swapping hero skins and I can't find any tutorials on it.
  9. I could not find one and companions seem very powerful. The best I can do for now is JIPCCC and activate true passive mode.
  10. Solved or at least I found a solution. I noticed in NVEdit that it was using a different Biped model so I switched it over. I didn't notice in the geck because I thought it should of been the same as the T45. Ah well. Thanks for your replys.
  11. Ok. Is there a way around or to merge that when making non replacer armors so that they can be lncluded with mods that change meshes ?
  12. I wanted to create a new armor , in this case a T45 power armor (new form) with a few stat changes which is fine but I also use a mod which changes some of the power armor meshes and that mods meshes don't carry over to my new armor despite using the same models as the base T45 etc. Why is this ? and I was wondering how can I have the mods meshes affect my new armor too ? The mesh changes come after my armor in the my load order.
  13. As the title sais everytime I snap tiles together they overlap even a little and then there is flickering. Using snap to grid and snap to angle and also I have tried lowering the snap to grid but thats not doing much for me. I spent hours being careful which turned out didn't help too. To think I am only trying to make a small room but it's very frustrating when interior tiles are very difficult to snap together adequately. Any suggestions ? :sad: Update: After lowering the snap settings to obscenely low numbers I got something to an acceptable standard. Not great, just acceptable. At this stage I don't know if it was just Luck. Maybe it's the tiles I am using (office) but anyway snapping has been more difficult than it should be. Even a very slight overlapse causes flickering and slight gaps cause black lines. So i am still looking for ideas or perhaps suggestions on something that I may have overlooked. Thanks.
  14. Duplicating an item effect and changing the pop up message would be great too but I am getting ahead of myself. Thank you both for the information, using the not showing function of adding and equiping ingestibles will work for now.
  15. Console commands or Geck functions. Is there anyway to '' add '' tempory boosts such as magazines, well rested, the effects of chems, etc etc. ? maybe even a custom boost. I am making an NPC and doing the buff through Dialogue. Think something like the Dragon Slayer Buff that Esbern gives the player in Skyrim but yeah thats Skyrim. Also as this seems quite complicated I was going to leave this for now as I'm new to the Geck , is there a way for a custom sound file to be played while talking to an NPC. I could link to the character topic but of course the sounds stop as soon as you change subject or exit conversation and I want it to keep playing. Besides that replaces their dialogue. Thanks :smile:
  16. A great game by default but the QOL and flexibility/mods and options added to this so every player can make it somewhat their own such as TES games have been shows some real passion. Congratulations and also Thank You.
  17. When i get to the back for a cave, there is a small area that enters into a Dwarven ruin and as soon as I enter the very small passage to that area the game brightness fades to black like someone turning down the brightness very quickly. I can still see the characters hands and what they are holding but its like they are blind or walking in an empty void, until I leave that area again. I have not encountered this problem before and turning off various mods have not helped. Has anyone had this problem or found a solution or any ideas ? thanks. I am using darker nights+patch with vivid weathers but thats all for lighting and nothing specifically interior.
  18. I prefer the old layout. How can I stop the '' you are viewing the old layout '' message from appearing at the top ? :)
  19. Well I'm not a techy :laugh: but 6 GB Vram is not enough ? I'm playing at 1080 and not using any High resolution textures and never had that problem in the many hours I played before. . I have heard of ENB Boost I'll give it a try. :happy:
  20. I'm using a 980 TI 6GB and I have 16 GB of RAM in case thats relevant. Also why would it be a memory issue if changing the INI's fixes it ? could they of been set to use low memory ? AFAIK My INI's are set to as much as they were before. Maybe it is some mod conflict or maybe mods like Scrap Everything do have negative effects. This was a first time for this effect anyway.
  21. LOl I was going to say my character was not intoxicated at the time. I tried changing the ambient occlusion but no luck there. I do have '' Scrap everything '' maybe that is a cause if people have been problems with such mods. For now I'm just using different INI's as I mentioned before but its still good to try and solve these problems directly and to prevent in the future.
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