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ℹ️ Intermittent Download History issues ×


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Posts posted by Teytame

  1. My guess is that the heel mesh is meant to use NiOverride High heels. If you open the mesh in NifSkope, you will likely see that the bottom of the heels are placed below the floor/ground, and to get them above the ground you need to add some data to one of the tri-shapes in Nifskope. It's a really easy process and you can look online for the tutorial. Takes about 90 seconds. So a search for "NiOverride High heels" "SDTA" and "NiStringExtraData." That should point to a tutorial.

    Thank you very much, I'll look into it.

  2. Hello guys.

    I've created a follower and she functions fine, except her feet are inside the ground. though when I placed her into the world, I made sure she was on the ground not inside it.

    I assume it has something to do with the outfit I gave her, it has high heels, though my another follower, also on high heals, walks properly (and they make her freakishly tall).

    The outfit in question does not have any High Heel dependencies.

    Can anyone suggest a solution for this issue?

  3. So I am trying to figure this same issue out. I made a follower from my player and the body isn't the same. There has to be a way to make the follower have the exact same body as the player. The player body was created in RaceMenu...the meshes were changed by RaceMenu for the body so I would like to think that somewhere...somehow there are meshes saved that RaceMenu caused by changing the original body with the sliders in Racemenu. Otherwise how would the meshes change in the characters body...


    Any Thought or new info beings no posts in over a year?

    I don't know if you found the answer to your question, but did you implement .npc file of your character in your mod?

  4. the only other thing that might be in play here is a lack of windows .net and visual basics support for the programing "Missing" on your system so the setup installer may fail.

    sorry, but I am only covering all the bases.


    to that tune ,I'll provide this. you install each one from top to bottom and some will ask to overwrite, you do so in order to update your system correctly before taking on that challenge.


    Her: https://mega.nz/file/UCoWhQZY#44PUpO1KniVv5RmeewqgqlVzXpzi-pEprvmeKwYHRBQ

    WOW! Thank you, Kitty, for taking the time to gather all this for me, I really appreciate it <3

    Though some of it brought a bit more confusion... I'll take this conversation to PM if you don't mind.

  5. those two tools will also allow you to track down all the complete paths as you asked me.


    Like this:


    Thank you very much, Kitty.

    Seems that I have no other choice but to go through that pain again. Gh, I was so hoping to avoid this... Oh well, will be worth it if it works. Thanks again =).

  6. you can't "move" data fro move spot to another ,that destroys path=...



    If the game was purchased from Bethesda then you need to reinstall the launcher and the game to the new location.

    U I use ssd cards ,the size of my pinky nail. I have no issues , but I did have issues moving the source game from Drive C: to D: exactly as you stated here.


    If your planning on a new setup. I'm sure there's going to be a dvd reader writer also? IF so, you need to reconfigure the drive letters for the drives, make sure drive D: is in fact your ssd drive / external drive. ( " D: ) "

    Install all gaming software to that drive.


    Some programs like GOG galaxy respond to the drive the setup.exe is located. Steam will act the same way.

    when you download the setup programs ,Bethesda launcher and such, always move the *.exe's to the drive D: to solve installation problems.


    The root of the drive is the first instruction encoded within the setup programs.

    This makes the system register keyboard functions to that software's packages. " registry entries"


    Any one is free to test this, learn it , find out how things work.


    Kitty Black


    Thanks Kitty for the answer, though the only thing I moved, was MO2, and I've restored all the paths I could find, everything else was reinstalled. The game works, the CK works also, loads the game and mods without any issues, except that one dysfunction... Is there a way to see all paths the CK is using? Though, I am not sure if this is the path problem but worth exploring.

    The majority of issues with other software as well, came with a particular MVC++ being missing. So I wonder, is there a specific MVC++ version CK requires for its functionality?

  7. No, tbh.


    I hope someone does answer this, though because I'm shortly going to be building a whole new PC. I doubt it's to do with SSD v HDD, but I'm reluctant to move to SSD even now. That function stopping working would be a complete pain!

    I should have probably mentioned that I reinstalled the Windows 10 as well, it was complete makeover, sort of speak. Perhaps that new firewall is blocking something, though it usually tells me when something is blocked and I added CK to the whitelist. Perhaps some Windows file, responsible for this, is deactivated or missing. Or perhaps it's the file from CK.

    I have no clue and hoping that the this community has not lost all of its experts yet, which are willing at least to try helping.

  8. Been following this thread, and I found a different way of making a cell pitch-black.


    Here's what it was at first -




    You can see the colored fog quite clearly.


    Here's the same cell now -




    Fog is gone (?) and cell is much darker. In fact it is completely black with the exception of the placed light objects.


    In my cell I switched off the template which was left-over from duplicating the cell I had originally started with.

    As Purr4Me points out, the settings are now inaccessible, so I was left with only "Fog Max" as an option. I unchecked that box.


    The fog colors were all accessible, so I went about switching them all to black -http://i.imgur.com/UDvkLkE.jpg


    That's all I did.


    Edit - Actually I also changed the "Near" setting to '8000', and "Far" setting to '10000' (just thought I'd see what it might do - I was winging it). (see photo)


    I'm really pleased with the results. :smile: Hope this helps you guys.

    Thank you VERY MUCH, Raff, this helped tremendously.


    Thank you for your reply. Though, saving the preset from Bodyslide sliders is not a problem, that's what I did, since I couldn't find another option. The problem is that my character was shaped in Racemenu, and I want that shape to give to the follower. So I'm wondering if there is a way.



    I'm not exactly sure, how the sliders in Racemenu are applied to the body. But AFAIK, there is no way to export them for use on a follower. The only thing you can do:


    1. Assign separate body meshes to your follower

    2. Try to recreate the body shape you want in Bodyslide.

    3. Build that body and copy it over to the folder where your follower's body meshes are.


    Thank you for your reply. And yes, that's exactly what I am doing, I was hoping to find an easier and more precise alternative to that.

  10. I'll use Sofia as an example. Sofia has both the normal download and a bodyslide replacer version that allows applying other bodies to her. If I save the sliders I use to tweak my female player body into a special version, ie like modifying the sliders for CBBE curvy, then saving that as a version as "CBBE curvy my special variant", which I apply to my player, I can recall it using bodyslide studio and apply it to the Sofia bodyslide. (much like fitting armor)


    So yeah...but you need that special addon mod that allows applying different bodies to the follower, and tbh, I don't know how you create those. They aren't all that common in follower downloads. I've downloaded about three dozen followers and perhaps a half dozen of those have the capability. I have a hard time with some followers I've installed, trying to fit armor for that very reason. (Sha, Elwin, and several others...dunno how to fit armor for them because they have no bodyslide to work with, the key thing here being they have no bodyslide to work with.

    Thank you for your reply. Though, saving the preset from Bodyslide sliders is not a problem, that's what I did, since I couldn't find another option. The problem is that my character was shaped in Racemenu, and I want that shape to give to the follower. So I'm wondering if there is a way.

  11. Hello guys.


    I've created a custom follower out of my character, and everything is great, except she doesn't have the character's body shape. The .npc file doesn't seem to work well, and I could not find any use for .jslot in this matter. I went throw some voodoo in BodySlide, created a separate mesh for her and tried to reshape it to look as original. It's... not the same thing, to say the least, and painfully time consuming.


    Is there a better way to accomplish this and get the follower the precise body from your character?

  12. If you're not going to keep the armor mod as a master then yes, you'll need to add the textures into your own mod, and relink the nif files to the new path.

    Yes, I've done that and it works. I was asking because I looked into other followers with custom armors and none of them use this method, so I was curious if there's another way, perhaps less time consuming.


    Thank you for your reply.

  13. Hey guys.

    I added a custom armor to a standalone follower. In the process it was showing the textures, but after removing the original armor from load order, the armor lost it's textures.

    I linked each NIF to the textures inside the mod, and there they are showing, but not in CK or the game.


    Do I need to create the texture files (under Textures in CK) as I did with the skin/body etc?


    The reason I'm asking is because no guides are mentioning it, and after checking other followers with custom armors, I haven't seen those textures in them, just like the Vanilla armors.


    Am I missing some step or is it the hard way?


    Thank you in advance.

  14. Stop calling this a 'bug'. It is nothing of the sort. It is a result of user-generated errors, ie you, nothing more. The game engine functions perfectly well at all times in regards to its ability to render faces. The fact that the game is not smart enough to dynamically adjust and patch make your npcs compatible on the fly, is an unfortunate limitation, but, that is how what we call 'modding' actually works. You can only have one 'winner' in the engine and their data has to match up internally, or else something will be 'off'.


    Good luck writing a script that can figure out what and how you want your npcs to look, after it wades though all the incompatibles in your load orders. I dont know if it had occurred to you valscarr, but most humans here cannot figure out that 'Grey-face bug' is not even a bug to begin with, and a troubling high percentage cannot figure out how to 'fix it' without complicated and, and ultimately, useless workarounds. These almost always involve the CK in some way or another.


    [spoiler alert] uninstall the conflicting mod. Nothing easier or more permanent than that, right?


    ............ Or learn how to make your own patch , compatibility file in xedit. And learn what the term 'bug' actually means. Those all work too.

    "A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways."


    Term SYSTEM is not limited to the game-engine alone in a modded game, every mod becomes a part of the system. A poorly placed mod causes that system to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, ie BUG. Self inflicted, yes, but still a bug. Seems like the term fits perfectly into description.


    You are indeed a fantastic modder, your creations are the works of art, but is it really an excuse to stomp on people for using a term you simply dislike? (rhetorical question)

    By the way, term PATCH is much more efficient then compatibility file, just like CAR beats internal combustion engine vehicle.




    HadToRegister So, you start your thread, will a plea to any Mod Author to fix the Dark Face "bug", even though it's just a question of Load Order, then you insult a Mod Author for responding.If you don't know, Mebantiza happens to be the author of "Bijin Warmaidens AIO" that was being discussed here.

    I've always enjoyed your inputs, they are informative and straight to the point. But then you decided to spread a religion...




    valscarr Woah woah woah... hold up. Did you just say Mebantiza made Bijin Warmaidens AIO? :O Dude... Mebantiza, you are an amazing modder. Like the Bijin mods are beautiful, and in my opinion completely necessary. Like the vanilla makers of Skyrim making all the NPCs look *Blech* understandable because medieval yada yada, but like they could have at least made the spouses attractive, like come on! lol But honestly, Mebantiza, thank you for doing what they refused to, its an honor to have you replying on my post. I do have a question about the Bijin mods though, how long did it take to make those, and what inspired the particular looks for the spouses?

    Let's face it, the script idea wasn't the most practical one, but I thought you held your ground well, right until the point when your tongue got stuck between someone else's cheeks...


    I have also had the drumbeat music also playing endlessly... It doesn't seem to matter what save I use either... It just keeps going and going.. I finally, after much frustration and wanting to just replay my game to get rid of the monster... I finally figured out which file it is.. The culprit is lagoa v2.xwm in the BSA.. This is the combat music so if that is the only one stuck please feel free to use the remove music command for combat music and it will stop just that set.
    I looked inside the plugin under the heading of Music Type, and there were all the names TG.. I made a quick txt file Called MoonpathMusicEnd and plopped it into the main Skyrim Directory then used the console and typed Bat MoonpathMusicEnd. Worked flawlessly, but apparently I had 3 different tracks stuck so I had to apply the batch file thrice to get it to finally TG.. Go Away.. Here are the commands..
    ;Moonpath To Elsweyr Music Sky And Lighting Fix Music
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathCombat
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathSkies
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathEnding
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathDesert
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathExplore
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathHideout
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathTopalBase
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathTopal
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathAirship
    RemoveMusic MUSMoonpathDungeon
    Happy Gaming Everybody.. Be sure to make a fresh save after you cancel the music..


    Thank you very much for these. But tell me please, do you know of a way to remove music from the mod completely without breaking it?

  16. How did you convert it? I usually just run stuff through the SSE Nif Optimizer.

    I do to. And it's all fixed now. I can't tell you exactly what was wrong, however, I just went back to the original and made a new conversion. I guess I've managed to mess something up in the 1st try but I have no idea what.

  17. Hello guys. I have recently converted this outfit to SE. Not much experience in that field, with a couple of successes but I'm still learning.

    Here is my predicament. At a close look the outfit looks as it should, but when zooming out, this happens:








    The shirt is white, except of a wide belt, or rather corset, and it turns completely black at farthest point. Can someone tell me please what might be causing it and how to fix it?

    ~Thank you in advance.


    I asked if you were using it because I've seen that error come up before and the cause was the fixes mod being out of date and not getting patched any more.

    I see. Well, the Fixes mod is still being worked on, just with the previous version of CK, which is also available in the comments, provided by some wonderful soul. I have adopted that version, installed the mod and the CK seems to be working now. I haven't tried to convert anything yet, but at least it starts as it should.


    Thank you for your replies, which indirectly lead me towards a solution =)

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