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Everything posted by kat1004

  1. Although you make a good point, there is not enough data to completely support it. Nirn is technically a planet, and Massar and Secunda are technically moons, in the same way that, with TES lore, Earth would be a plane of existence, and so would the Sun and Moon. The beings who live on Nirn have not, as far as lore is concerned, devised a means of space-travel, so they would not know if there are planets or not. Yes, there are Aedra and Daedra, but even our history, before space travel and scientific and mechanical advances to the level of the Dwemer's scientific and mechanical advances, believed that there was just Earth as a plane of existence, and that the stars in the sky were merely angels, while the Sun was God, if going by the Bible. I am not spouting religion, merely using said book as an example.(Only saying this because I, myself, do not believe in the bible, and do not wish to offend anyone) Now, if it is looked at from a scientific perspective, 'our' universe, as to speak of the universe we currently exist in, which is ever-changing due to choices that people make(see Fallout 3 for an example of the universe changing completely due to a choice by humanity), there is presumably an unlimited amount of room for planets and worlds that can sustain life. As Vulcans in Star Trek say, IDIC, or Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations. Who knows for sure what is out there, or what they(extraterrestrial entities such as those found on Nirn) believe to be the truth? My point is, don't say that this is not lore friendly when going off a small bit of lore. Lore is just information made up to explain away what cannot be explained. And to the entities living on Nirn, it could seem that the universe is just made of planes of existence.
  2. I know it's been a while since I've done much in terms of work on this mod, but I've been having severe issues with Skyrim. I'm thinking maybe making a Fallout 3 version first, and then porting it to Skyrim(if I can get said game working again). The whole idea of it being an alternate universe, that's completely plausible. After all, Mirror Mirror was one of the best episodes(imho) and it had a canon AU.
  3. http://pastebin.com/ryTMzCyj Here's my current load order, for those who are willing to help. I've been trying to get it working for some time... :sad: It had been working yesterday... And I installed a bunch of mods today. I don't know what's wrong, it's not even going past the "Please Stand By" screen now. [EDIT] I'm sure that it's an incompatibility with my mod list... <edit 2>Mods/admins, I found out what was up with my load order. Feel free to close this topic :) It was a handful of the Mart's Mutant Mod modules that were part of the FWE module for MMM. Shoot me now...
  4. I don't know if you're a fellow fan of Doctor Who or not, but if you are, I'd have to suggest Fallout Who: The Last Child of Gallifrey, and Fallout Who: Ghosts in the Machine. Both are great mods, and the only issue I've ever had with FOW TLCoG was the TARDIS Library, in which there are far too many Pre-War Book items, and it lags like ****. They really expand the storyline, and they're great mods for anyone who likes FO3 and Dr Who.
  5. I know that in the command prompt there is a code to allow you to reset the quests that get broken. I'd have to check out UESP to find out what it is, but there is a quest 'reset button'-like code.
  6. Actually, Nirn is another planet, with binary moons; Masser, and Secunda, which revolves around Masser. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Nirn#Geography I'm not sure, but I might incorporate Dwemer technology, as well as, possibly, electrical magic to help re-power the engines... Thanks! I'm hoping to get a beta-release done at least by the end of July, but... Maybe the end of summer, if not sooner... :thumbsup:
  7. So, everyone here obviously knows that Nirn is another planet. Why, then, hasn't anyone come up with a mod that has the crew of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 discovering this new planet? I, for one, wish to rectify that. I'm going to be making a Star Trek mod for this wonderful game that takes place in the 2009/2013 movieverse of Star Trek. Nero's arrival into this dimension, and the destruction of Vulcan, didn't only change the fates of our beloved James T. Kirk and Mr. Spock. It changed the fate of another being as well, one who would never have met them if not for Nero. A being known on their home planet as Dovahkiin. The USS Enterprise has crash-landed on a mysterious planet known by the natives as Nirn. There are strange alien beings who can manipulate the energy of the world by willpower alone, an extinct race that once created steam-powered technology, and large beasts akin to the Dragons of Earth-based lore. Legends on this planet tell of a being more powerful than most, able to wield energy with only their voice, known as the Dragonborn. You play as the Dovahkiin(obviously... ^^; ), on a quest to save Tamriel from the dragon, Alduin, and you discover the wreck of a massive, plate-shaped thing. A pair of survivors, dubbing themselves Spock and James T Kirk, appear as if from nowhere and require your assistance with certain things(Yet to be determined). There will be 2 new races, Vulcans and Klingons, that I have planned. I will be making two versions, one for Spirk fans and one for those not fans of Spock/Kirk. If anyone would like to assist with voice-acting and possible modelmaking, it would be greatly appreciated. :excl: [EDIT] Okay, I need a bit of help. I'm trying to figure out how to make Sulu's Katana, the one that folds out, but... I'm having no luck finding tutorials. Any (more)experienced modders want to help me with this? [/EDIT] :excl:
  8. But then you wouldn't be able to stand in a blacksmith's forge... While forging. And I like that... Though I see your point. Not very immersive, is it...
  9. UESP has a guide on taking screenshots. If your resolution in-game is 1366x768, reduce it to 1360x768. That will work, as the game will not recognize screenshots properly in the larger one. Source: UESP I had this exact problem. (PS: Mods, I know I am necroposting, but it's highly useful info that adds to the topic.)
  10. Sherlock, in my mind, would be mainly Conjuration and Illusion, with a touch of Destruction magic, based. John would be a Stormcloak soldier/Restoration mage who got shot in the knee with an arrow, and that's where his limp came from. Unfortunately, I'm unable to think of anything like a crossbow that would work(bolt in shoulder instead of arrow in knee...) if I'm just doing this as requiring Skyrim.esm and ApachiiHair.esm, so it might need Dawnguard...
  11. I'm actually working on one right now~! It's in the works, not quite done yet, but there's going to be a whole quest, too. I could use some help with model-making and Voice Actors, but it's going to be great. (I hope...) If you want... I might do some beta-testers... *nudge-nudge*
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