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Everything posted by Merovign

  1. I vote for this (and separately for doing the same thing with the rest of the ************** interface). Won't be easy, apparently the keymap is partly in the executable and partly in each of the Flash menus, separately. It's like having each stoplight in your city programmed separately... sometimes stop is red, sometimes it's yellow, sometimes it's green!
  2. P.S. the first time I removed the core to store it, when I came back from a mission, there was another core in the suit. That hasn't happened again since. How about a *key*? You can't lock doors in your settlement, either.
  3. There is some sorting in the inventory, but it basically doesn't work very well. Try sorting by weight while trading, for example. Also, the color of the rad marker on your health bar is the same as the enemies on the compass, so in the corner of your eye s dose of rads looks like an enemy on your compass.
  4. A lot of them are in the wrong categories, too. Almost all retexes, ini editors or files, and... windows icons (?). MIND YOU there are some good ones, and the aspect ratio fixes were pretty important (and ini editors).
  5. There probably is a performance limit, but I hope the limit can be raised substantially, I'm going to run up against the limit before I finish Sanctuary Hills, and I'm not even trying to build a skyscraper or arcology or anything, just houses and walls.
  6. I think they expected modders to fix it. I wish I could at least turn the snap-to-invisible-grid off on walls.
  7. The designed the interface for a controller with 9 buttons, two triggers, and three tiny joysticks (or some variant of that). That requires a lot of compromises. They then handed down those compromises to the PC version because all that talk about optimizing the interface was, get this, a lie. It just isn't. At all. They just remapped the controller to a keyboard, and it doesn't work very well, and it completely breaks if you start remapping.
  8. Someone suggested earlier a craftable work assignment board that was interactive, that listed residents and their tasks. Or a terminal could do the same kind of thing. It's harder because for some crazy reason most of the settlers don't have *names*.
  9. Everybody doesn't want the same things. That's why there are different mods.
  10. AHK doesn't fix the problem, it lets you work around *part* of it, at the cost of having to remember to turn it on and off every time you need to type some words or a name. Also, it can't fix the duplicate or redundant key combos, like Tab, Escape, Enter, or E being used to exit a menu, or Tab being used to store objects and to change menus in the same part of the construction interface. It just has the smell of a lot of designers who didn't talk to each other. AHK has its uses and does let you bind the numpad, though (you have to remember to rebind the quick keys as well).
  11. This was inconsistent in Skyrim as well, you might look to those forums for an answer also. Right now I am getting achievements after using the console, so I can't test this now.
  12. Top priority: 1) Broken keybinding 2) Broken UI, including 3) De-consolize the dialogue system That's actually like the top 20, because there are like 7 or 8 keybinding problems and 10 or 12 separate UI problems. After that, in no particular order: I like the idea of invisible helmets, at least during conversations. I like the idea of Dogmeat as a feral cheetah or a cougar, with different animations and sounds. Ever so slightly story breaking. Dogmeat is cool, though, except when he whines or spends 80% of his time exactly in my way. The construction system will hopefully have many improvements, because it is just sadly inadequate. An actual interface for managing towns and trade routes. Settlers with actual names. A Greener World. Seriously, it's raining or foggy like half the time, why is everything dry and brown? I know, it's Fallout - screw that, this would be a green place. It's freaking Massachusetts. Lots of bugfixes. Lots. Hundreds. Maybe thousands. Better storage. Someone mentioned a dumpster for resources like inventory junk. I would like a weapon rack that's buildable in your player house (or wherever you can build) that shows actual weapons stored on it, like in the pre-menu animation. Alternate start mod. World seems kind of depopulated. I hope someone opens up the buildings in Carson and you could start rebuilding *that* place and moving settlers in. Ability to clean up trash like piles of leaves and broken boards in your house. Better variety in construction, from structures to furniture. The ability to fix swiss cheese walls and roofs in houses, even if it's just tacking corrugated sheet metal over the holes. It doesn't have to be pretty, but I would not live in a house full of holes *in Boston* when I have tons of spare material. They may actually have a vault you can move settlers into, I am now founding a city of swiss cheese houses a stone's throw from an unoccupied vault. Because tato.
  13. I think two mods (three if we're lucky) - one for no voice, one for conversation-only voice, and one for changing the dialogue options to show what's said (or at least the start of it). And maybe one too get Dogmeat to only make whiny noises when he has a reason, not every 20 seconds. I don't like combo mods that do too many things, because it's always 3 you want and 3 you don't.
  14. I don't know how they handle clutter in FO4, hopefully once the GECK is out I can have a house that's not filled with piles of rotting dead leaves. For crying out loud, I even have shovels and brooms. :) Also, I'm building walls and roofs out of raw materials, why do they have big holes in them? It's raining indoors for no good reason. I'll skip the part where metal buildings should shield from the completely nonsensical radiological lightning. ... I know the devs wanted a worn out, broken world and mood, but if I'm building a house from scratch, it's not going to have holes in the roof. It's just not. Sure, it won't look like Miami Vice's rich neighborhoods, but I will find a way to make a roof without 90 irregular skylights. ... When the GECK comes out I will take a look at the textures. So this may be a task I get to myself - but others have far more modding experience than I do (I basically did stuff like minor behavior mods in Skyrim).
  15. There is a trend to do the "What You See Is Not What You Get" thing, like in Deus Ex where it at least didn't break *often*.... but I still found it very annoying. I don't know what the rationale behind it is, since you're guaranteed to end up disappointed sometimes. Probably just wanted bigger text and less of it for consoles, and limiting the number of choices to 4... for consoles. I would much rather have actual dialogue, but that's a *huge* project for a modder - and I'm sure it would require changing the selection menu shape.
  16. In a few cases Dogmeats barking and whining seems to be connected to game events, NPCs, or objects. He will sit down next to an unlooted body, pick up an item, or bark at a hostile dog or NPC. He does do some *very* clever things. Then again, 90% of the time he does that stuff for *no reason*. It's like they put in a cool dog AI and then set "random behavior" to 90%. Hopefully he can be scripted to only do those things when it's a good idea, like barking when someone is behind you, whining when there's a threat and you're sneaking, etc. But not whining every minute, that's just obnoxious. He also loves to park on top of an interaction zone (sigh).
  17. The UI overhaul will hopefully be very comprehensive, but yes the inventory is cramped, and so is the map. PipBoy 9000? Tablet-style Pipboy?
  18. There does seem to be very little variety, at least early on. Maybe more upgradeability of armors with more base armors instead of "leveled" armors per se. Have not explored that much yet.
  19. I found a trader in the middle of nowhere with a tiny farm and shack and a pet cat. I was so excited when I saw that cat, that was the happiest I've been in FO4 yet. Then my strafe left got stuck and I walked off a short cliff trying to stop it, and accidentally got stuck in the quickmenu. (sigh)
  20. Yep. I've reported this in the index thread on the official forums now, someone else had as well. I saw a random report on the internet that someone had one of their townsfolk walk off in the armor.
  21. Starting in the corner was a little annoying, I ran into the "you cannot go there" message several times in the first day. Lame. Haven't explored enough to get a feel for the size. I am a little annoyed that it rains and fogs all the time, but everything is dry and brown. Yes, I know that's their mood, it just makes no sense. Have it be dry if it's dry. I like the rain and the fog. ESO mastered rain/thunder sounds. Anyway, hope we have some mods for the pipboy map coming. I may talk to someone about that who does map art.
  22. As far as the physical character creation, meh. Everybody looks kind of samey, and there's only variations on a few basic haircuts. The body triangle is okay, it's what they use in Elder Scrolls Online (they use it for the face as well). Haven't decided about the special table yet, except it should scroll with the scroll wheel instead of zooming. I don't mind the simplicity but it does seem to lack something. Crappy incomplete UI delenda est. edit: since someone mentioned it, the "hope you guess what the writer intended" dialogue choice thing is ATROCIOUS. Guaranteed you will pick an option and your character will do something completely the opposite of what you intended at some point. Just let me see what I'm going to actually *say*, not a work that may or may not represent what I meant. A lot of people liked that system in Deus Ex and Alpha Protocol, I am the opposite of those people. I did like DX's "personality meter" mechanic, but I hate having to restore the game because a programmer interprets a word differently than I do.
  23. The rumor was that it was more RAM/GPU dependent than CPU dependent, but that may not be quite true. See a lot of i7's here, I have a lowly 860k with a 750Ti(2Gb), and I need to try it on Ultra. On high I had microstuttering, especially with fog or radstorm effects, turning Godrays down mostly removed that (only when moving sideways in the fog, it seems, now).
  24. #MaxHotkeysPerInterval 1000 Up::w Down::s Left::a Right::d Numpad8::Up Numpad2::Down Numpad4::Left Numpad6::Right Numpad0::Space Numpad1::LCtrl RShift::LShift Enter::e NumpadEnter::Enter \::r Delete::LAlt End::Tab Backspace::q PgDn::f AHK has to run as Admin. SendMode matters, input mode apparently doesn't work, you may also have to try both fullscreen and borderless windowed mode. *NOTE* I deleted the sendmode line because it was confusing, the line was commented out in my script but it's not obvious. It doesn't fix everything, by far, and it won't match your choices exactly so you'll have to customize. I know I won't be happy until someone takes apart the UI entirely and puts it together *properly*.
  25. Let us know if it works and if we can help in the testing!
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