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Posts posted by DogtoothCG

  1. The issue your experiencing is likely caused by the gradient tinting used for the combat armor. If you have found the combat armor texture files, added archive invalidation, and your edits are still not showing ingame, or are otherwise experiencing results inconsistent with your texture modification (strange color/material patches), you'll need to disable/modify the gradient texture for the armor set by modifying the combat armors material file, which is suffixed ".bgsm" with the material editor found here on the nexus.

  2. So, I've ran into a block here, dealing with adding in new models. Currently, the model is ingame, the .nif has its own unique BGSM linked in the nif, all the texture paths have been input, etc. Initially, while the textures showed up fine in nifskope, ingame the whole thing was purple, save for the goggles; after some fiddling, and creating a unique .bgsm, It managed to start inheriting some material information, global spec and gloss values. At this point, regardless of nifskope appearance (ie, uv's are intact), or which material file is attached to it, the model shows up ingame with a flat brown diffuse value, with the global values for spec/gloss, no normal information either.


    I'm not exactly sure how to proceed at this point, if anyone is familiar with this process, any help would be much appreciated.


    Image linked for reference.




    edit: Bit of an update, apparently unlinking the .bgsm for the mask, caused the eyeglass to render correctly; going to unlink the .bgsm for the glass and see what happens.

  3. I think the topic that needs clarification is the "service providers" topic, and how people can construe the Nexus as being complicit in this whole affair.


    The thing to keep in mind, is that these service providers are in no real way attached to the monetization process, and make no money off of it, outside of what the author decides. I believe the number is like 5% of the Valves (?) cut that an author can authorize to go to a third party. In the past, this has been most prominent in the TF2 and Dota2 workshops when Polycount.com was introduced as a "service provider". They saw no direct financing from it; but due to the enormous amount of content being produced by polycount members (see Polycounts dedicated tf2 and dota 2 subforums), they were included in that list. So when an author releases something for pay on the workshop, they can select which service provider they would like to be supported by the revenue.


    In this case, if this does take off (and valve stops removing links to the nexus), any authors who appreciate the community and style here, may choose to have a portion of revenue put towards the Nexus as a whole.


    Though like Robin said, I'm not sure if nexus will remain a service provider in the eyes of valve after turning down the offer.

  4. Moderator MotoSxorpio has asked me to post this here to help expedite and alleviate the process of reporting mods, images, or users that infringe the ToS we have all agreed to.


    As a person with an excess of time, I do a lot of record keeping. One such place I record is the nexus chatroom, during times that I am available, and no moderator is, I keep an eye out for anything that is a blatant violation of the ToS. If spotted, I jot down the details (as shown below) and ship it off via the report button.


    Formatting your reports in this manner saves the site staff time and effort by presenting them with all the evidence they need to determine if a user has or hasn't violated the ToS. This also allows the us, the users, to take a bit of a break from some of the borderline criminal comments that can be left on our work by being clear, concise, and providing ample evidence. This allows the moderator to make a clear, quick, and concise decision, rather than wade through hours of chat logs, or follow a treasure map of vague descriptions through the forums. In essence, this allows judgement to be swift and fair, and also frees up time for other tasks that need to be done.


    All vague blabber aside, heres a cut and mashed guide to reporting:




    Incident Report: D,M,Y (01/01/15
    Presiding Moderator: Please use only if incident occured while in the Nexus Chatroom
    Report author: Your Username
    Users Involved:
    Offending/rule breaking user,
    profile link for the above user
    Offending/rule breaking user #2, etc
    profile link for the above user

    I, (your username here), do not claim authorization nor entitlement to distribute
    any action against any user of Nexusmods.com or its affilliate boards. I
    keep detailed reports of anything I observe while in the Chatroom (Forums.
    Nexusmods.com/index.php?/chat/) in the case of a moderator being missing,
    away from the keyboard, or otherwise distracted at the time of the incident.
    These reports are transmitted Electronically to Site Staff Millenia,
    Micalov, or TheVampireDante. In the event of a user approaching me in regards
    to questions regarding site rules, offenses, or an incident, I will provide
    the report to them, and recommend they contact a member of the site staff to
    resolve the issue.
    *end optional*

    Note to Moderator:
    This copy of the chatlog has been edited for continuity and relevance; please
    refer to the administrative log if there are any questions regarding the
    completeness of this report.

    Report notes:
    This is the second time the user (username here) has came into chat room,
    spamming, and harassing another user. From my
    perspective, (offending party) is intentionally attempting to grab
    (username of a site user who has come under attack) attention. While his motivation may be innocent,
    ____ has expressed distress and discomfort at the
    hands of new user. It is of my humble opinion, that the user
    _____, while ignorant of the effects his words may have, is
    basing his beratement out of a malovelent intent.

    *********Please Attach at least five minutes of relevant chat logs for ease of access for the reviewing mod and/or admin**********

    has entered the room

    **Plays the piano**

    _______, do you ever leave the chat room?

    Thanks Micalov

    Whos' asking?


    Then no



    I love this

    What if someone else asked?

    Then what?

    Hey ____ do you ever leave the chat room?

    **Enjoys the smooshing, soothing music**

    Why yes _____ I do

    only with an N


    And there it is muzz

    I feel disliked

    evening all btw

    I'll leave now

    Evening ________

    has left the room

    again only with a N


    You know, I would like that fellow just fine if he would leave me alone, instead of purposely trying to irritate me.

    has entered the room

    I couldn't leave you guys

    I hate you so much ________.

    So much.


    **Bites tongue**

    Words cannot express how much i hate you.

    I just hate you so much.

    **Bites tongue harder**

    I see what you posted.

    Your not fooling anyone.

    now now we are all internet nobodies here no need to get nasty

    **Snickers, then bites tongue harder**

    I shudder in disgust whenever I read your name.



    Caps lock is bad, please stop


    cut the capitals


    kicked -----------

    has entered the room




    if you cant follow the rules then your can always leave

    What rule did I break?

    I tikd yiou to cut the caps, and --------- asked you to

    told you

    You told me to cut the caps and then kick me instantly.

    Like I have a chance to stop.

    if you want to keep arguing about it I can remove you from chat permanent if you like?

    Upon completion of these forms, Please send them immediately to a moderator or administrator by using the "report" button, and including the body of your report as the message.



  5. I feel that I need to put this here:


    I will not be using this feature for the foreseeable future; I firmly believe in well mannered reception of critique, and a stony attitude towards cynics.


    While I agree, this feature has been a long time coming, I do worry about the abuse of it. I can welcome the addition due to my personal guidelines on reporting comments on my files (aka, not happening unless they are slanderous or libelous in nature), as comments that infringe on that not only put my big ol ego on the line, but also my reputation, and therefore my livelihood. So I welcome the feature, but hesitantly. I know we have many members here who have not yet reached an age where they really begin to discern between cause and effect and that may potentially jeopardize there relationship with the site. I know the idea of making a "dumb joke" in my own eyes and offending an author to the point of being perma blocked from all of there files is quite daunting, especially when the joker may be under the age of thirteen. Some authors may hold grudges and reject that users download privileges indefinitely, even if the user has become closer to twenty and is (hopefully) quite a bit more tactful.


    I'll cease my ranting now, I'm tired and now unsure of what I've said so take it with a grain of salt.


  6. Typically when people threaten me with legal action I inform them I shall no longer say a single word to them and will instead wait to converse through their lawyers and my lawyers as a communication medium, at which point they get upset that I'm no longer talking to them and demand a direct response. Of course, I don't respond. Come to think of it I'm yet to hear from quite a few people's lawyers.






    I especially like the ones that quote the United States Constitution and their right to "free speech."


    Well...number one...this isn't a U.S. website and two...you have the freedom to say whatever you want here..and the freedom to suffer the consequences of that free speech.


    People love to try to get you on a "technicality." Technically it didn't have "troll" in it but what they did was break the Terms of Service just the same. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.... :tongue:


    Also as to hurting Robin's livelihood if everyone left the Nexus...I'd say that it would probably save him money...at least from here on out. I shudder to think of all the personal money Robin has sunk into this place in the last 10 years or however long. I could probably send my kid to college on it.





    I'm happy to see all these green titles popping in and giving insight; You are the ones in question, and calm me daft, but I am at loss as to how these people can cry litigation, copyright infringement, libel, blasphemy, terror, fascist, and other colorful adjectives.


    Robin, I believe you and I have had some sort of conversation in the past, I've always enjoyed your one in a while posts on the forums, and I applaud your dedication to the site. (I may be imagining our discussion, since it has never been in my inbox, but I will find solace in my mind that it was a good talk.).


    Dante, I've met you twice now. I've seen based on the ban reports you put out, that you are very direct, blunt, and to the point; traits that are very well placed in administration duties; While I may have seen quite a few complaints directed at you, imho, these are quite baseless and seem to play more off of, "Dante doesn't like me" than being banned by an impartial judge. Kudos.


    Lisa, I've met you once. I've enjoyed reading your posts as well, and thanks to your help and discretion, I have avoided any potential incidences due to misuse of the adult content tag in the image share. Also, contradicting many statements I've read online, I am not currently banned for the image share violation we had discussed (speaking of which, I will promptly remove that image; I have since forgotten).


    Ben, I dont know how many times we've spoken, but each interaction I have with you goes smoothly, professionally, and without hassle. Considering one of the more extreme complaints I had read was directed at you, I was somewhat appalled that they had such an agitated opinion. I guess some people will never learn.


    Thandal, don't know your name ;). Directed at you was one of the most vicious and ill founded opinions I have seen in a long time. I believe you and I have had one interaction in the past, and judging by my ability to type this out via my profile, it went well. The complaint towards your moderating behavior was similar to the those directed at Dante, albeit quite a bit more verbose and disgusting.


    Now that you're all here,


    Is there anything you believe you could do to lessen the view of an "evil, fascist moderating team"?

    Is there anything we as a community can do (be it checking the rules bi monthly for updates, reaching out to staff more pro actively, etc).


    Another similar issue,


    I have noticed a rise in vigilante action on behalf of the community, which seems to be making a negative impact on the moderating team; particularly in chat. So if I may, what is a good long course of action to take with this? As seen in the past, vigilantism generally causes conflict. There are cases of members rallying around another who is acting as a vigilante. Cases like this seem to resolve the issue at hand, however, staff does not seem to be alerted and therefore must stumble upon the subject, or be alerted (potentially at a far later date) via the report button. Personally, I see this plausibly creating an enormous issue for staff; being unable to perform duties due to someones righteous attitude.



  7. I am incredibly confused as to the entitlement issues of these people; they go on and on about the staff being overbearing, "walking on eggshells", the three strike suggestion not being enforced, etc.


    Do they not understand that the staff consists of volunteers? The staff works at discretion, the three strikes are not tracked (to my knowledge) by the site, requiring the formal warnings, but this in itself does not require the use of three strikes. Certain offenses would become a liability for the Nexus, ala piracy; no three strikes required to ban someone for that.


    I've read petitions on sites calling for a mass exodus from the nexus, and I have to ask myself why? What would be the point other than to hurt Robins livelyhood. Here we are, on a free site, that has worked its way up from a small niche file hosting website, to the defacto ruler of the the modding community. People enjoy it here, it is a nice place to be, and calling for an exodus is beyond idiocy really.


    Is it the staff? I don't believe so, as I stated in my OP, I've broken just about every rule here, I have made an effort to be a part of the community, and to do my best to streamline the jobs of the staff to reduce the stress. I have never been reprimanded, and I have had multiple discussions via PM with a large portion of the staff.


    My issue is the statements these people are making, such as the requirement of walking on eggshells when posting in the forums. Do I believe this? Not one bit; in fact, I've sworn up and down these halls, when I was younger, I even berated people and called them foolish, immature, and stupid in the requests forums. Does that sound like a good user to you? It doesn't to me. But making an effort to become a part of the community does wonders...


    In fact, a thought just occurred to me. What is the possibility, that the majority of these self entitled users, are those who simply download mods, and only take part in the communal aspect of the site, when they perform the offenses they were banned for?

  8. I was doing some googl'ing earlier tonight and stumbled upon a rather disconcerting subject that seemed far too widespread for me to ignore.


    This subject is an overwhelming consensus that the moderating staff here at the nexus is, "fascist".


    My concern lies not with debating to the hills on whether or not the staff here is iron fisted, etc. My concern lies with the reasons behind these opinions.


    I have been a member of the Nexus for many, many, years now; in fact, in the large scope of things, I have been here most of my life, predating the transformation to the nexus sites. I have read, re read, and read yet again, the terms and conditions, site rules, etc; and in the past, I have broken just about all of them. Never once have I experienced a warning or reprimand for my behavior. I have spoken with quite a few of the site staff in the past, and they have all been nothing but kind, friendly, and helpful.


    One of the reasons that I am writing this, is due to a specific comment I read elsewhere that was rather defamatory, and aimed at our very own Buddha. I've only spoke with him once or twice in my history here, but he has always stood out to me as the pinnacle of forum policy. A great man, a good friend, and a darned good moderator. Why would someone defame someone like him? It's beyond my reasoning and I don't understand.


    In light of my recent return to activity, I've been introduced to a few (not) new friendly faces around here, including some of the staff. I have always felt welcome here, the nexus has spurred my creativity and put me on the path that I'm on; in part due to the staff here.


    In my googl'ing, I've ran across various complaints against most, if not all of the staff, ranging from playing favorites, to being Robins equivalent of the SS, and I am quite legitimately stressing over why there is such an enormous amount of slanderous comments strewn about the internet. Are these people simply playing advocate to a blind cause? Are they all the type of people who violate the rules, are warned, and than go on to attack the acting moderator?


    I would like to abstain from creating waves, so I will not drop any names of those who have said these things, a quick search will suffice. It simply worries me that there exists such a hatred towards the staff who maintain these sites; these men and women have volunteered there time to create an environment that inspires feelings of community and spurs creativity on the individual, and communal levels...



    I've noticed an immense amount of complaints, attacks, and slanderous remarks about the site staff.


    I have questions:


    1. What is the general stereotype of these users?


    2. Based on the above, what is causing them to express such hatred towards the staff here?


    3. Are these users being deliberately harmed? (I certainly don't believe so).


    4. What can be done on all our parts, to reduce this view off the staff (and in some circumstances the community)?




    Please, if you have any incite, please feel free to comment below

    Payton Quinn

  9. I would like to see the imageshares main page broken up into minutely more specific sections.


    I read earlier this month (in chat) that the nexus sites will no longer be allowing users to post extra images in the description section of the page (due to bandwidth concerns). However, this seems like it may be taken the wrong way by some of the users here that enjoy telling stories in that manner. If we could add a "stories" section to the front page of the image share, similar to the categories page for files, I think it would help some of the irritation that can be somewhat common.


    Personally, I am a character artist, and while I enjoy looking through the stories and screenshots pumped full of post proc shaders; I would like to really be able to tell the image share, "I want to look at new models", without going back in time to the top images and looking through Millenias guns.


    At the same time, I'm sure there are users that really don't care about new models until they have been integrated into the game, and released. Choosing a category would allow them to circumvent that.


    Not too mention, setting up the imageshare between categories, while retaining a wholly encompassing "new images", would allow those of us who aren't in the mood to read a story(or vice versa) to quickly find what we want to see, or have the option to simply browse all the images with no hassle.

  10. In which case, you would now calmly depart from your combative attitude, and calmly approach Micalov and ask him for clarification regarding the minute details of your chat ban, and what you need to do to have your chat privileges reinstated.


    Please understand I am not attempting to taunt or attack you. I am trying to help you get back in the chat, you seemed to be having a good time until you mispoke.


    Let me reiterate, you became defensive, combative, whatever adjective you wish to use; but your wording came across as arrogant and questioning. Being told to stop by someone in a place of authority, than questioning there knowledge on the subject is offensive.


    I digress, I will not lecture you, you don't need that. Just calmly approach mic, or any other mod, though Mic would be best considering he was the acting mod at the time. See what needs to be done, and get back in here when time permits.



  11. Forgive me administration and staff for my interjection:




    Moderators exist on sites globally, to do exactly that. They moderate inappropriate comments, belligerent debates, user issues, etc. Another job they are dutifully bound to perform, is to enforce the rules. In this case we will call them law.


    The nexus websites are accessible globally, by anyone, of any age, unless they have been forcefully removed (dutifully) by administration or staff. Local municipal code does not apply here, not for the reason that this is a safehaven for pirates and marauders. The opposite in fact, is true. The nexus websites do there absolute best to enforce a moderate level of discomfort on those who's fingers cannot help but put out vulgarity, by enforcing there own set of laws to comply with the wishes of its users, contributors, staff, parents of users, and the occasional studio or two.


    This means, in short;

    No swearing in chat (there may be a couple of the younger members online),

    no discussion of piracy (this endangers the site, and therefore all its patrons),

    no flaming, trolling, or otherwise cruel and unusual torture for ones own amusement,

    no discussion of illegal or otherwise illicit activities (once again, this can be construed as encouraging behavior)

    no linking or discussion of any content prohibited on the forums, or any content that MAY be considered NSFW.


    This requires a little bit of self control for us all. I'm sure you have been in chat with me before and have seen me break the rules on occasion.

    I am vulgar, however I censor myself as best I can, and may slip up once in a blue moon.

    The nexus sites do not, cannot, and will not, condone piracy of any kind (not saying you do).

    It is up to a staff members discretion to decide upon what constitutes flaming, trolling, and critism. These definitions may change as you interact with different mods.

    Allowing the discussion of illicit activities has a chance of encouraging youth through glorification. I don't know about you, but I don't want any ten year old logging into chat and coming face to face with any sort of mention of illicit activities, legal locally, or not.

    Same applies for nsfw content. Someone links to a bouncy bikini .gif, ten year old boy clicks out of curiosity. Thats one angry parent.



    Now, with all of that said. I want to reiterate that I don't find what you said offensive. Keep in mind, that you agreed to a terms of use agreement upon signing up here, and are bound by those "laws" until you decide to have your account closed, or are forcefully evicted. Those "laws" are enforced by the nexus site staff, we can call them, "police" in this metaphor.


    If you have had any interaction with law enforcement in the past, you will understand that on the spot interpretation of the law, is at the discretion of the officer.

    Knowing this, we can safely say that as an extension of the sites administration team, a moderators word is "law" unless stated otherwise by an administrator, or Robin.


    When a mod, admin, or Robin tells you to stop, you quite simply stop. Regardless of your intent by asking Micalov to look up the law, that law may be circumvented if it is in violation of the site rules, and once again, being at the discretion of the moderator, and those witnessing your discussion, your statement seemed very offensive towards Micalov, and where henceforth banned from chat.


    Coming into this thread with your opening statement reflects poorly on you; your second reply was better, but still came across as combative.

    Please take a step back, evaluate your proceedings, read up on the site rules if you are not confident that you know the gist of them; than request to be allowed back into the chatroom.


    Coming to the administration with an open mind and good intentions will take you places.


    All the best,


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