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Posts posted by DogtoothCG

  1. Why not work around the mythos of the Desert rangers, bring an air of mystery to them, similar to the Burned Man. It doesn't have to be even five rangers, just three or four with wander packages in custom armor. Maybe get some voice acting done, some scripting, and some cool glowey eye ranger helms.


    Think of it sort of similar to Orion; Enclave, in secret.


    Same thing, they were considered MIA shortly after the announcement of the ranger unification treaty, and each went there own way, but morals and lifestyle remain, so they spend there days as simple hunters or traders, and at night walk the sandy planes of the mojave as ghosts of a past era.


    Seems Legit Bro,


  2. You and I aren't in disagreement about policy here. I don't have to like the rules to play by them. I do wish Bethesda would release asset packs that people could link to (and buy for a couple of bucks through things like Steam), and that way I could play a mod where all the Brahmin are replaced by cows and MMM could include not only iguanas, but deer as well (FO3 is in the mid Atlantic).


    My complaint, in original, is not about ownership, but how to build a mod, to make all the assets yourself is ludicrous, when those assets already exists or could be simply modified from other sources. This allows a modder to get into the meat of a mod, which is design and play. I am however thinking in terms of assets and tile sets, not whole weapons or levels or such. That may be a fundamental difference in scope. If for instance I wanted to borrow the 'Angel City' Set from the author of the Librarian, you bet your butt I'd ask for permission even if I could take freely.


    What I'm actually getting at is that someone like me thinks in the grandest scope: overhauls. I'd like nothing more than to replace Rivet City as it stands with the USS Abraham Lincoln. Why? Because I wouldn't muddle whether Rivet City was an active aircraft Carrier in 2077, take off the planes, and people would know a late 20th century carrier was a museum piece. For a place like Freeside, I'd want it to look more like a bustling third world slum, with fruit carts and book dealers, and dens of inequity chalked full of slavged and cleaned up crap. Make Freeside worthy of 'Trader's Life.' I need top think more about looking at Nat Geo pictures of third world markets and where to put the assets than to think about building laundry lines, and carts salvaged from the backs of cars like Fallout, or building the pre-war restored assets so the city looked filled and on the way back up, and not like a barely inhabited suburb of Mogadishu.


    I should be spending time studying what a failed state and rebuilding failed state looks like in terms of clothes, and food and economy, and how that factors in with Hoover Dam proving constant cheap power and the replicator vending machines of the pre-war (The Sierra Madre were the most versatile, by according to Elijah, this self assembly mechanism was a common old world convenience. which in turn explains the Vending machines still having drinks in them: they are still assembling them). I should be thinking about how goods get in and out, things like that. I can tell you one thing, the Kings need to be a LOT heavier armed than they are to be the local warlords. They have to act as the cops anyplace they rule the roost.


    It is morally speaking one thing to create a total ripoff of something else, and to take pre-existing ideas and fling them in totally new and novel directions. Not only should people not have to reinvent the wheel, they shouldn't reinvent the wheel for kicks.


    Let me see if I can simply clarify your statement, and defuse this whole shebang.


    What you are stating is:

    Your issue is not that modders do not have a right state what other can or cannot do with a mod, be it art, programming, or design.


    Your issue, is that there are very few modders out there who give out blanket permission, forcing you to go through the run around to get something done because everyone wants a PM, credits, and a link to the original file, which becomes increasingly complicated if the original author is no longer available on the site.


    In conclusion, you are simply stating that you wish more people would allow a general redistribution clause, under fair use, so that you can have access to all the awesome sauce that you want to include, but do not yet have the skills to do so, so that you can release something that in turn, you believe would make at least one persons game that much better.


    Is that correct?

  3. ^

    I agree with you on certain aspects; however I would like to reiterate, that not all content for mods pertains to the subject.


    My work for example, of the images in my gallery, there are very few that have any vanilla content in them (my armors for example). I upload them here, and make things for people, because I think it fits, looks cool, etc. However, they are of my own design, my own hard work, my own IP. As the original content creator, I am well within my rights to distribute these files wherever I see fit, and though there is a certain level of hypocrisy to it, I am within my rights to upload them to websites oriented towards the sale and license of content.


    Now, imagine, if I uploaded an armor, and stated that I do not give permission to use the files on any site other than the nexus, and I than stumbled upon those files on a for-profit website. I would be furious. Not only is that infringing on my wishes and intents, but than it crosses over into something far more morally objectionable, they are making cold hard cash, off of something I invested my own time into. I am not receiving any compensation for the work that I do here, monetarily or otherwise; for someone to bypass my wishes as the content creator is bad enough, but for someone to begin distributing my file for profit brings about a whole new level of anger.


    However, on your topic, mods themselves. Yes, it is against the site rules and EULA to charge for mods, and rightfully so. The intellectual property and therein the right to sale, does not pertain to mods, simply stated, because they use unlicensed assets. The modder does not license the engine, nor any assets included in game files upon purchase of the game, they are licensed use of the game in its purchased state and allowed the ability to legally modify and distribute modifications as long as they do not infringe on the rights of the developer, publisher, or the IP holders of any content licensed in the game. Hence the nexus does not allow mods such as Morrowblivion, or TTW. This is not because of some idiotic tissy fit on behalf of the developer, but because they license a variety of content from a variety of creators and are bound by contract to keep that content out of other games.


    So yes, a mod developer holds IP over the story, told only with the limited permission to redistribute modifications to game files. Any content created by the author, whether it be art, design, story, or programming, is what it really comes down to.


    A mod that simply modifies the 9mm pistol to do an incredible amount of damage. That, I do not see as IP, I do however respect the wishes of the author.

    A mod that adds game functions through complex scripting and design. I would not dare tread on the toes of the author by redistributing, the design and hard work put into those functions is wholly proprietary.

    A mod that adds an enormous storyline but relies on naught but vanilla assets. I would not redistribute due to it being the vehicle in which the author is telling his story, his IP.

    A mod that adds nothing but an 8kb model and texture that doesn't look too great. I would not redistribute, the model and textures are the IP of the author unless it is based on an existing design.

    A mod that adds a variety of high quality handmade art, be it models, textures, animations, or sounds. I would not redistribute, these all fall under the authors IP.


    As an artist, a freelance artist at that, I take these things quite seriously. If I am commissioned to create an asset by an individual, or a group, I will generally include a statement in the contract that alludes to the fact that I am Licensing them the use of my assets, unless I am employed by them, or they are purchasing the rights to my intellectual property. That way, I retain my rights as the developer to edit, reproduce, and distribute my IP as I see fit.


    If I am commissioned to produce an asset, under contract, and they are purchasing the IP, than that asset will never see the light of the internet, as I am bound by contract not to distribute it.

    If I am employed, or otherwise under contract, or NDA, I will not distribute, reproduce, copy, or even distribute images of that asset, as that would entail a breach of contract.


    My heads for example. I do not claim them to be my IP, the models are vanilla (albeit heavily edited), the textures are scratch, and the design is held under copyright law by Bethesda. While the high polygon models that I made are my property, I would not sell them due to the fact that they are based on an existing design (humans from an iconic piece of fallout art, and ghouls from v13 concepts). I am also bound by EULA and license to do everything in my power to keep those designs from being sold for-profit. I doubt that I would be slapped with a lawsuit for breach of contract, but nonetheless, I would be furious if I discovered that someone, somewhere, was distributing my hard work for profit. Also, considering this is the internet, it would be heinously difficult to convince the thief to remove the files, and regardless, the damage would be done, someone, somewhere, would by that time have procured those assets.




  4. ^Regardless of payment, we all hold our rights to IP, I can't sell mods on the nexus, but I can sell my IP (models, textures, etc) elsewhere. Saying I have no rights to my own IP because it's in a mod for a game is absurd, disrespectful, and offensive. I also high believe that the current policy on usage control is there for that reason. Bethsoft, Obsidian, etc, license assets from various places around the world, they are bound by contract to keep those assets from being redistributed due to IP and copyright laws. Same goes for us as authors, having someone take something that we have spent hours designing, and building, and spraying our hard work out across the multiverse, is disproportionately immoral in comparison to even replicating a design and claiming it as your own.

  5. Hey, the head itself has transform discrepencies between nifskope and editors. If you select the vanilla head mesh in the editor, you'll notice that its transform values are not at 0,0,0. To solve the issue your having, simply align the transform of your model, to the vanilla, and move your model to 0,0,0 on export. It should align exactly as it did pre export.

  6. The biggest problem with this idea is clipping. The variation of size and shape of apparel in the game will lead ultimately to major clipping with most armors.


    The Ranger armor for example. Wearing the pants, coupled with most footwear in game, will cause the players boots to stick out around the calf area. Therefore, major concessions would have to be made to prevent clipping, but this would introduce new problems. Altering all the pants in the game to tuck into boots, would cause an odd appearance if worn with sneakers.



    In Fallout 3 I would always get my indiscriminate-kill on with evil-oriented character wearing the ghoul mask, and seeing as how my white-knight character is pretty much completely done, Im sort of missing what it's like to be feared and hated by everyone in the wasteland, turning settlements into proverbial derelicts. Im pretty much asking for a port of the ghoul mask to New Vegas. Im aware that theres already a ghoul mask out as a modder's resource, but it just doesnt give off that menacing yet anonymous look of the Fallout 3 one.

    What could I do to improve it?


    Don't get me wrong, your models are incredibly well-done and detailed, im just missing the original "ghoulificated" look the original would give. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/File:Ghoul_mask_LW.jpg I really liked that brawny ghoul look.


    Oh don't worry about insulting me, you aren't. Personally, I wasn't very satisfied with the final product either. Sure, from a technical perspective it was great, but it didn't look, "better" persay (though I must say, I despise the teeth on the original, looks bucktoothed). What I was asking, was more, what is it that I can change, to make my version more in line with what you had in mind? As far as I know, my model is the only ghoul mask model for NV without porting, and as such, will probably be the only one you find associated with any ghoul mask mods that try to replicate that.


    If you can help me out with some pointers, I'd be more than happy to take some time in the coming weeks to fix it up for your (and hopefully the rest of the communities) standards.

  8. So, working on body replacer/head replacer. Got the head working ingame, but can't get it looking good, because, well. I had to overwrite the original head because my geck crashes.


    It worked last week, I hadn't opened it since than. It starts to open, loads the splash screen, and than stops working. I've tried re-installing it, and removing all files unrelated to the vanilla game (such as enb's). No luck.

  9. In Fallout 3 I would always get my indiscriminate-kill on with evil-oriented character wearing the ghoul mask, and seeing as how my white-knight character is pretty much completely done, Im sort of missing what it's like to be feared and hated by everyone in the wasteland, turning settlements into proverbial derelicts. Im pretty much asking for a port of the ghoul mask to New Vegas. Im aware that theres already a ghoul mask out as a modder's resource, but it just doesnt give off that menacing yet anonymous look of the Fallout 3 one.

    What could I do to improve it?

  10. By pretty, I mean, nice to look at, as far as a dusty, mildly irradiated wasteland goes. Considering the sheer size of this endeavor, and it being my free time stuff (which I don't have alot of), it may be a long while :P

  11. I wouldn't get too excited, but in my spare time, I work on an esp where I'm roughing out all major roads attached to Nevada. I'm hoping I have enough space to get over to the hub (the long 15 is now very long), the approximate location of various DLC areas (by gathering information online, from ingame dialogue, and cross referencing highway and city layout with real world locations) so the player will be able to walk to hopeville and the start of The Lonesome Road, instead of teleporting a few hundred miles, across the border to Arizona, and partway into utah. That gives us coverage for LR, OWB, and HH. I still haven't figured out where the heck the Sierra Madre would be located, aside from some vague comments on the wiki regarding tampico Mexico, Somewhere west of Primm (though I have found references to all DLC's being located northwest of Primm), and north of the Rio Grande. Considering I'm focusing on roadmaps only, it isn't a very fun thing to do, but IF I ever finish it, I'll release it as a resource for people with a bit of prettyness (I am a freelance artist after all. Can't have an ugly environment).

  12. Hi Nexus!


    I'm slowly making my exit from the modding community. As I do this, im workong with a rather secretive group, on a rather secretive project. However, my work is no secret and is updated at least bi weekly in my gallery.


    Here is my conundrum. I have one of the worst computers known to man, and am barely capable of running NV on the lowest settings with Ini tweaks for performance.


    I need at least three seperate members capable of running NV at its highest specs with ENB as i am doing gamma correction on the textures (and I'm a cheauvanistic pig and like seeing my work all pretty).


    I need a total of six members, one for each character model and enb


    So far i have 2 completed ingame models, and i need testers for Blackout, Enhanced shaders, and Somber Vintage.


    If your interested, please send me a pm.


    Using these models in screenshots is acceptable and encouraged, however, sharing or modifying these files is strictly prohibited until public release.


    Thank you,


  13. Xolioul shader v2 supports viewport shaders, its a directx shader for the 3ds max viewport, so you can enable hdr or ibl lighting directly in the interface.


    Marmorset (as you probably know) supports bloom, and can export still images with hdr information for post processing.


    Cryengine and UDK also support hdr, but have a very distinctive style due to the specialization of software.


    I'd stick with marmoset for renders, unless your looking to apply at a company that strictly uses one or the other. If you're just looking to match the rendering style of Fallout, a simple directx viewport shader will suffice, just remember to forget about gloss maps, because fallout can't use them.




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