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Posts posted by DogtoothCG

  1. ? guys without genitalia while still not having a womans genitalia are not guys....i dont know the technical term for that.....there definetly asexual though...but the modders have to take that upon themselves to complete, like if they incorporated the crotch shot in vats, i would so add dismemberment XO
  2. Are you sure your darkening the alpha? you could be darkening the "blue" channel which will definetly not fix your specularity. Also, check the materials in Nifskope and play with them an see if that fixes it.
  3. If slof ports her BONERS! mod to fallout, you can use that, in the mean time, keep your eyes out for something like it, and dont forget the search engine is your friend.
  4. As do jaysus and multiple other modders, as well as myself (i just dont release anything cause im GREEDY! HAHAHAH) the reason its very hush hush around here (could be) that the neo asian game and tv has alot of hyper sexuality in it, and for some reason alot of people dont take kindly to that O.o idk why....but yeah, people are wierd.


    case in point. people dont like people for wierd reasons, example: i dont like slof, not because of the stuff she makes, but because shes so goddamn talented, i wish she would make more mainstream things like her robe trader and horses for oblivion (absolutely beautiful mods). Shes so damn talented, it just hurts that she spends all her time on the more erotic side of games (nothin wrong with that, i do it myself).


    Dont flame me LOL,


  5. hi, just nek here as part of the original Undernethe team, Id like to officially request that you take OUR saurian race out (ill make u a better tex if that's what it takes), since that's even our screen shot which i can prove (sorry ifi sound like an ahole).


    best of luck,




    btw, pm me with specifications on the new tex.

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