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Everything posted by pra

  1. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Iguana_bits There is actually some truth to that, lol. Though, Iguana on a stick actually looks how you would expect it: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Iguana-on-a-stick_(Fallout)
  2. Uh what. Are you serious? That would be awesome. I can post some dimensions later when I get home. Also depends on what pieces exactly exist in vanilla. Apparently what I'm thinking of is called a "balloon loop". I think the easest way would be using 4 90° pieces and one short linear piece in the middle. I'm not even sure if such a middle piece exists...
  3. Glowing ghoul horses! That would be ridiculous. Deathclaws are chameleons, and IIRC it's canon that they were actively engineered by the military using FEV. The FEV itself is pretty much magic, it does whatever mutations they want to have in the game. Cats you could explain away that they came from Vault 88. Aka, they did go extinct, but the population from the vault spread over the Commonwealth recently. My headcanon regarding ghouls is: their bodies somehow consume radiation and can use it to stay alive/heal themselves. Now if your brain gets damaged for whatever reason, it can repair itself, but only to some sort of an animalistic "default" state; whatever memory/part of your personality was stored there is gone. That still doesn't explain why they lose their skin, or don't attack each other... That said: this game is utterly unrealistic. You can keep rationalizing, of course, but at some point you should be aware that you are just pulling stuff out of your own ass, and think much more about the setting than Bethesda ever did...
  4. Has anyone ever made/found horizontally curved subway tunnels? Aka, tunnels which go left or right. I wanted to make a turning circle at a subway station once (like, it's the end of the line, pre-war, the trains would have turned here). Are there pieces like that in existence? The only ones I've ever seen were those which go up or down.
  5. Obviously they were trying, and only recently came close to finish it. They probably think: Why should we? We have synths, they are better! Where would they build a vertibird? As for cars: probably same plot hole reason nobody else is using them Why should they? IMO, if anything, they would be enemies. They probably think: but it's all irradiated and dirty! Eww! They literally made the mutants. At least the ones in the Commonwealth. Why would they cure/exterminate them now? As for why, I guess Todd alone knows. My headcanon is that Shaun actively hates the surface and wants to kill all humans there. Not everyone in the Institute agrees, so he tries underhanded methods, like making Super Mutants, attacking random settlements, etc.
  6. The Triggermen? They seem to be mostly ghouls, if not all.
  7. I was about to write literally that very same post. F5/TES6 will most cetainly be some microtransaction-ridden P2W crap, potentially always online, too...
  8. You mean, like, actual in-game objects, not map markers or such? I'm not aware of any, but it shouldn't be too hard. player.placeatme something, with that ForcePersist parameter maybe? Or just store them all in some array/RefCollectionAlias, I'm not 100% sure how to prevent spawned stuff from resetting. Though I'm not going to make it, mostly because I don't see the point for myself :tongue:
  9. this: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7957788-uf4p-nuka-trader-fix-i-think-i-found-a-solution/
  10. Can't remember exactly what it was, but there is code for this whole radio thing in the WorkshopObject script. You will most definitely need to extend it. I think there was either a bool property or a function which returns bool, which determines whenever the radio is on or not. Search for "radio" in the file.
  11. Yes. It corrupts your save. Uninstall it as much as you want, it's too late. Here is an older thread about the same topic, it has more infos, too: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7957788-uf4p-nuka-trader-fix-i-think-i-found-a-solution/
  12. that's a bug in the unofficial patch. supposedly, they have a fix already, but are waiting for the next CC patch before releasing it. Because it might break stuff again?
  13. I'm pretty sure it's hardcoded. For the player, and maybe even for NPCs, you might be able to approximate it using a perk or magic effect, potentially combined with a hazard to apply it. Now, higher jumping and less fall damage should definitely work, actually falling slower, not sure. However, there seems to be a "Mass" AV (2E0), maybe changing it actually works. As for items or movable statics, can't think of any way it could work...
  14. You can also use Mod Organizer 2. But I would absolutely recommend using some mod manager. Dropping stuff into data works, but then you have to edit that load order text file by hand to actually enable the mod. Also, if the mod isn't properly ba2-packed, you end up with lots of loose files, which you can't possibly clean up manually. It gets even worse if you have several mods like this, and they overwrite the same file...
  15. You mean this one? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28125 This sounds like just using scripts to shuffle around workshop contents. This can work, I guess, but I'm not 100% sure whenever this is safe. I think settlers sometimes rely on food etc being present in the workbench*. Horizon has a somewhat similar option, too, but I never dared to actually turn it on. Also, won't it take forever if you move around several thousands of items? Sure, vanilla workshop mode takes forever anyway, but there is this F4SE mod which fixes that. ___ * Idea: use F4SE/Something formlist-based with thousands of compatibility patches to, instead of grabbing everything, only grab scrap. That is, for each existing component, run these getComponentCount/removeComponents functions on the workbench. Then add the correct amount to the main workbench. So basically, make an autoscrapping mod which outputs not back into the original container, but into a different one. If the target container is a workbench, I don't see why it should be unsafe in any way.
  16. Obviously I have to shill my own fast travel mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35109 You need to get a holotape with construction plans, then you can build teleporters. Allows you to travel to any location where you can build and have power.
  17. It seems that the UFO4P team has a) acknowledged that they caused this issue, and b) are planning to release a fix after the pending CC mods updade has happened: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/5518-ufo4p-breaks-nuka-world/ So, there is still hope for us...
  18. Better stay away from the unofficial patch. It itself has reached bethesda level of bugginess by now. ATM it is breaking certain parts of Nuka World, and I don't even know if they even acknowledged that it's their fault yet. Even less when a fix will be available, if ever. However, if you are planning on playing survival, you should definitely get the mods to unlock the console an real saving. Console, because you will run into something where you'll need the console to fix it eventually, and saving because the game will be CTDing. edit: https://www.afkmods.com/index.php?/topic/5518-ufo4p-breaks-nuka-world/ they actually did acknowledge it. And there is even an ETA of sorts. Still, some trust has been lost.
  19. No, I meant: do you actually have an idea for shared storage between two workbenches?
  20. What do you mean by "gemeinsame Speicherlösung" and "globale Werkstatt"?
  21. I see no tags which could be appropriate. I left comments in some mods, though. And yes, there are some modders who get really butthurt and swing the banhammer if you so much as imply that their mod is less than absolutely perfect... Though if the mod really is abandoned, that doesn't matter. But there are those who - rumors say - not only refuse to fix bugs, but also make Nexus take down any unofficial bugfixes...
  22. Nein kann man nicht. Die beiden Werkbänke so zu verlinken dass die Items immer in dasjenige geschaufelt werden wo der Spieler gerade ist ist schon das höchste der Gefühle. Sofern man die innere Werkbank nicht zu einer echten, vollwertigen Siedlung machen will, um sie dann mit nem Provisioner zum Rest der Welt zu verbinden. Ich habe ansonsten auch noch eine Version davon: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29220 Außerdem: du wirst deutlich mehr Antworten bekommen wenn du englisch sprichst
  23. UnscrappabbleObject should work. I'm rather certain that it prevents you from storing objects, not just scrapping. Now THAT sounds like an actual issue. Did you make a recipe to make the vanilla Workshop workshop-buildable? I see absolutely no reason why this would be a good idea, but several potential problems. Like the one you described.
  24. It is safe. It means, all the plugin's forms are within the ESL range, and it could safely be given the ESL header flag, becoming a light plugin/ESL-Flagged ESP/Light-Marked Plugin/ESPFE. This doesn't break save compatibility, not even if you replace it with a normal plugin later by updating the mod. More infos: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Data_File#Light_Plugin
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