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About aurreth

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  1. A BA2 will only be loaded if there is an associated ESM, so yes, a dummy is needed.
  2. It's a "load door" but it's not linked to another door or cell.
  3. I don't think you understand just how much the British owners of this site hate Nazis. Creating this, even without the symbols, is likely a fast road to a permaban.
  4. Archive2. It comes with the Creation Kit.
  5. Your swf files need to be in a BA2.
  6. Build the outpost management desk, a.k.a. crew station. Your outpost needs one crew station per NPC assigned to it, including robots.
  7. Doesn't exist vanilla. Should be easy to make, just duplicate the existing one, rotate 90 degrees, then rotate the snap template for it 90 degrees.
  8. What I meant is that you could duplicate the outpost, but you'd be placing it on entirely different terrain because of the random generation, which would likely break the outpost. In FO4 the terrain doesn't change, Sanctuary is always Sanctuary.
  9. Fallout 4 didn't have procedural generated terrain that the landscape from player to player, including randomly placed build blocking POIs.
  10. Um, you are aware that Nexus isn't affiliated with Bethesda, right?
  11. Um, you have a spaceship, but you want to land it without doing a full survey of the area from orbit first?
  12. Just take my mod and upload it to Creations. As long as you give me credit, and do NOT charge, you have my permission.
  13. Yes. Weather is actually linked to the biome. It's possible to edit a planet.biom file to get it to allow different biome records. As far as I know there's no way to completely rewrite the planet.biom file. You can edit it to change, for example, all ice biomes to forest biomes, but you can't change where those are located on a planet. So if your tidally locked planet does not already have a hot side, a cold side and a twilight belt there's no way to make that right now. Of course it's possible that someone has figured out how to do it and just isn't sharing. I don't have the time to dig through the narcissistic mess that is Discord hoping to wander across the one channel that explains things.
  14. The Lawn Ranger BASE does what it says. If a mod works as advertised why does it need to be updated?
  15. There are several mods that do this. B.A.S.E., The Lawn Ranger, etc.
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