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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. I would agree ... but sadly, in order to find out you will need to start a CLEAN NEW GAME with OSA removed and likely you'll find that is the issue.
  2. I found the problem - An Unenchanted armor mod was the issue. I did not realize they had updated and I had a very old ( odd ) version of it.
  3. That's what I thought ... and cleaned magic effects on me and poisons and diseases. I just restarted the game thinking it might be two mods totally unrelated, based on my P.I.T.A. method and will see. Thanks for answering! :)
  4. I've done some basic hunt and peck looking the usual suspects and am coming up empty. The problem is exactly as stated. > With or Without Enchantments, magic will not regenerate except with potions. > I can enchant to regen magic so 50% faster - Nada, the bar stay where I used up magic. If anyone would care to help me figure this out, much appreciated: Load Order Mods. Again thanks if anyone has any ideas at all ....
  5. > Got it fixed. :P Found an article with a guy having similar issues. Had to " force feed " Win. 10 Controller settings 4 times - rebooting each time. Instead of the 3 rd being a charm, it wasn't, I tried ... 4th one was. :)
  6. Here is another question: Users of Skyrim SE and Hand Controllers ... > What hand controllers are you using that works? I am open to getting something that works ... just that Logitech has served me very well up until now ... THANKS! :)
  7. I have searched the net - ... Load unloaded drivers. ... ini settings .... I'm at my wits end on this one. I had / have a Win 8 64 bit system that worked with my Logitech F710 just fine. Still does, as I re-hooked up that system to just check. > Yep all is fine. I bought a new system - sadly - had to go with Win 10 and Skyrim SE just simply will not see it. I even bought a Wired Controller and it will work on games not Steam / Bethesda related: IE > Skyrim SE - Fallout NV - Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 All other games work with the F710. . Crysis 1 - 2- 3 . Any ideas at all would be greatly appreciated
  8. This is strange - NO new mods loaded. Several hours into my game w/lots of saves and no issues: UNTIL NOW. Suddenly my game shows me saved in Breezehome ( but not limited to that ) just about any where now ... and so I load it. It loads me naked and starting totally over in Sleeping Giant Inn - naked and spitting Ice Flames. I have never tried a Different life or such - it's never been in my any of my games. Someone suggested that one of my mods has Alternate Life - Start accidently in their mod? > I would have no idea where to start that one. I don't understand why it's started now - many many hours into the game and such? I have to go back to a prior save and hopefully it works and I can move forward until it suddenly decides to " hit again ". Any thoughts?
  9. I see a lot of mods ( and have some ) that changed Weapons to look more awesome, fitting and such. But I see that Kahvozein's Fang is left in the dust of OLD BETH. It just seems this should be " more " when you stop to think about what it can do. Thanks for reading!
  10. Okay - I found the problem to the WHOLE Quest -> Take It Back and why Liberty Prime was not moving. Oh I had all these work arounds up till the Force Fields. IT WAS : > Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch. :P I started to disable 1 mod at a time and when this was DISABLED - The TAKE IT BACK MOVED FORWARD FLAWLESSLY! :)
  11. I already went there. What I remember reading ... sorry cancer treatment can mess with the mind a bit ... it was a Code that is not listed, you found / find it on Mod Creation and such to test ... It was something along - Find Parent Code - ID of an item. In this case the Blue Force Fields around Jefferson Memorial, by clicking and then typed in this Parent Code. Again I do humbly apologize ... Thanks for your help - very much appreciated!! :)
  12. Okay - stupid cancer, I failed to save the notes on where I Found this .. and after feeling crappy with cancer treatment, I accidentally threw a note out that had this .. :P The Blue Force Fields around Jefferson WILL NOT GO DOWN .. even after moving forward with the rest of the game. There was a code that I found either here or on Steam .. I honestly do not remember which? It was something along - Get Parent ID / to find the parent Field to take it down ( Disable ). It was the one on the Rivet City side and it worked like a charm! But sadly I don't remember - stupid cancer - where I found it or what the Console Command Specifically was. Anyone have any idea? Thanks - ... Jj ...
  13. I have a mod that allows me to have robots, fix them after they are damaged. But the 1 thing about Robobrains are they are seriously SLOW! Someone want to make them and Protectons move a bit faster?
  14. Okay, I'm at a loss. I apparently have a mod that can change the story line of V-112 and Tranquility Lane - vs - James goes out and about. So I get this note that James went to Vault Tech HQ - and he is DEAD. The Specific Quest -> DEAD END. So I'm not sure why someone would create a mod that kills a main quest line. So I cannot continue Water of Life and such. Does anyone know which mod this is? I'm trying to figure out (obviously) it's a bug - but trying to see if there is a fix for it? Thanks ...
  15. 1st - Did you allow LOOT to arrange your mods? ...> Or did you just use it to export your load list? 2nd - I bet a $ to a donut that WICO is likely your issue. ...> That mod is very demanding and specific and if you miss even 1 step it will cause CTD at the stage you are experiencing. It is NOT compatible with a lot of mods, so double and triple check that your mods are okay with WICO.
  16. - Reload game with no MODS just DLC's only. - COC to Riverwood did not work, until I got into Helgen Keep, for which then well. - Only left hand seen Male or Female. - Nexus Mod Manager - Current Version. ... This 'bug' just started mid game. Okay, I think I've determined that it's an .INI file and I have no idea which one, as INI's are "not my thing". But I used Joy Of Perspective ( have not used that for over a year now ) and it fixed it and all is good now. That is why I think it has something to do with some .ini setting that got changed, though again admittedly I have no idea .... THANKS for the help - it got me thinking a bit 'outside the box'. I see you live in the USA - so I HOPE YOU HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVNG!!
  17. Okay, I tried everything. In 1st Person view, only the LEFT arm is suddenly seen. I thought it might have been due to updating: * Fores New Idles in Skyrim SE - FNIS SE Yes, I redid: GenerateFNISforUsers Skyrim SE to update the game as per instruction. So I went back to prior version and nope, still only the left arm is visible. I even started a clean new game ... and still there when I get into Helgen Keep. So I turned OFF all mods and only DLC's active and started a clean game only using the Default Skyrim SE Launcher and once I get into Helgen Keep .. it is only the left arm visible. I even did the Clean - Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini Then I followed: Remove: C:\Steam\appcache And shut down my computer and restarted for Steam to redo the above files and it was done. So any thoughts, I'm not really excited about deleting and reinstalling Skyrim SE ... but that is my last resort. THANKS!
  18. I'm not ignoring this ... I do plan to address the post. BUT ... right now going through chemo ... and am a bit 'out of it' ... I'll hopefully be back at it by Friday. :)
  19. another question for you, what do you get out of making up groundless, barefaced lies? feel free to ignore it as you've ignored all the other questions. Please tell me which one of my points is and I quote... " .. groundless, barefaced lie? .. " Please let me know and I will gladly supply ample evidence, even from BLM founders own lips ...
  20. Again, I find it curious that we are ( on purpose?? ) ... IGNORING: BLM - Has admitted to being a Marxist - Socialist Agenda Organization. .. This is not disputed. BLM - is a recognized TERRORIST organization. .. This too is not even semi-sorta-kinda disputed, even by their founders / leaders. Now we will add: BLM is a RACIST organization that practices Racial Profiling. .. See they say NOT ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER. Only certain ones. This is the basics of Racism. .. But they also practice RACIAL PROFILING. ....> See only BLACKS killed in a certain way are "worthy" and "deserving" of their attention. The countless 100's of 1,000's that are not killed in the very laser focused - narrow view are NOT worthy and thus become 2nd rate / class people. RACIAL PROFILING -> You must be killed only in a very narrow and limited way. Period - Full Stop. .. BLM - apparently does "NOT" condone "Murder" and yet .... their movement has indeed murdered human lives, human dreams, and injured ( sometimes beyond repair ) humans. And guess what, I'm talking what they have done to other BLACKS. Now, the thing is I had a no small heated debate with a Black BLM supporter ... we will call him by his first name only: Gary. After I pointed out the above and Gary did his own homework .. he QUIT SUPPORTING BLM ... but he also now fears for his well being and rightly so.
  21. Two points: AWKWARD AND HARDBALL QUESTIONS. 1 - Obviously BLM is a lie or at least, should choose a different LABEL. Because BLM - BLACK LIVES MATTER is so tunnel visioned and such ... That "BLACK LIVES MATTER" is very EXCLUSIVE in use and not INCLUSIVE. So it's not really about BLACK LIVES ... but a very LIMITED FOCAL POINT, very limited and very EXCLUSIVE! By your own admission, Shadow ... This is really sad ... and boy do the BLM go hurry - scurry to clearing up it's NOT ABOUT ALL BLACK LIVES ... just a very limited and small minority. So .. CHANGE THE NAME, instead of the lame excuses and avoidance that ALL BLACK LIVES are not a part of this. Only a very small limited minority. 2 - - Shadow you posted something that just bothered me. But I also shared it in an Email to a few Black Friends and they all agreed and supported not just the ABOVE ... CHANGE THE NAME! They support this 100% and no I'm not talking 1 or 2 Black Friends ... try 15 - 20 ... and they shared it with their Black Friends too. But this: And I COPY / PASTE: And yet, how many BLACK LIVES and White and and Asians and Hispanic have been KILLED - INJURED physically and such by this so called "BLM Movement"? . o O ( Quite a few actually. In fact the lives affected by death and / or injury have exceeded the Cop on Black stats. But again, it's not about "those Black Lives" is it?) But here is the question: Which is worse? ... Killing a Black or other race in your movement? .... OR .... ... Killing a DREAM and HARD WORK of Black or other races? See, not IF - but when BLM Movements destroyed a business ( Black or otherwise ) ... - BLM KILLED THEIR DREAM! Some have said, " .. I would have rather been killed. I don't know if I can recover from this? ... " See, not IF but when BLM injured someone physically ... - BLM took their dream away from them! So seriously, BLM's acts of Terrorism may not cause a lot of PHYSICAL MURDERS ... but lives are lost, dreams are lost, injuries are inflicted. Maybe BLM needs to rethink ... because the excuses and lame rational that it's not about " ALL BLACK LIVES " is just a very sad admission of a truth BLM does not wish to address. And yes, they do KILL - INJURE and inflict bodily and physical and mental harm and damage. BLM is indeed a TERRORIST movement.
  22. HeyYou ... Thanks! I'll repost just for posterity .... Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race
  23. So bottom line: - Protest / Violence Covid Practices are SAFE and did not / do not spread the virus significantly. - Practicing exactly the same in parks - eateries - churches and such are not safe? I know you don't like this .. and I understand why, I do ... I wouldn't like it either.
  24. Here let me show just how " biased " this can be .... Governor Newsom excludes his winery from the shutdown order. This too is easily verified .. so IF it's so " serious " ... why did the Gov. of CA > EXEMPT < his business ... but not all others? See?
  25. Hey Shadow - I did notice you totally avoided: CDC Inflated Numbers. Florida did the same and so on ... but let's ignore that for now. Also - I read the Forbes Link ... You realize that that article alone shows just how SERIOUS it's not, right? First - all you have to do is look at the MANY MEDIA FILES / VIDEOS and see that Social Distancing was anything but practiced. Oh, ya, here and there in a very LIMITED time / place. So ... since you used FORBES to " prove you point " ... you also realize that it more than proves my point? For those 100's of 1,000's of people and NO real INCREASE .... than ... how is it that " social distancing " in a Coffee Shop - Eatery - Church - Playground would NOT be just as safe? It cannot work " both ways " ... safe for " protesting " ... but practice the same rules - NOT SAFE FOR ... businesses - churches - playgrounds and such ... ??? . o O ( Just asking .. based on your link to FORBES ... )
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