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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. Sorry for the late post - RL is busy. I did go back to a very early save and was able to move forward with the CC - Saints & Seducers and was able to do the quest correctly. I just lost a lot of game time ... but back to normal. . o O ( What ever "normal" means??? )
  2. No - This is not correct, *IF* it's the newer version of Skyrim AE. They are indeed HARDSET into the game and no you cannot "remove the file from the data directory" .. as the game then will simply CTD and not load. -> I know this for a fact. I even tried w/a brand new game. Beth in their stupidity HARDSET it into the game.
  3. My Bad: Skyrim Recycling and I had it "installed". But apparently it did not activate when it showed that it was. So all is good in Who's Ville.
  4. I had a mod that broke down: Baskets -> Straw Tankards -> Metal Ingot .. and so on .... But I cannot seem to find it?
  5. I got ( sadly ) the latest version that is on STEAM - thus it is packaged and locked into the base program. > No, at least I've not been able to Disable and/or move them to a different directory and have the game load. IT CTD's and does not even get to any screen.
  6. When building the Hearthfire homes or other specific home mods, say that I get from Nexus ... I always do incremental saves - then check it out to be sure all is good. That way I only have to back a save, that is maybe 2 minutes old.
  7. Okay - are these CC's that you bought / got or like me did this / they come preinstalled w/the current version of Skyrim SE/AE??
  8. Nope .. Beth in their infinite stupidity - hard set the CC into the base game. You take 1 out and the game will not load.
  9. Yes, I am doing that ... but I had suffered loss of Lakeview being done and few other side quests. Hopefully this will work ... but that is the problem with CC - embedded mods ... you cannot just "Turn it off" ... go in Save Game and then Turn it back on, without suffering major loss of game time.
  10. So I started ( wrongly ) the Saints & Seducers quest and did it wrong. So normally I would simply Turn OFF the given mod ... save without it and go back and Turn back ON and start over. . o O ( Simple huh? ) Well no, I found out too late that it's Creation Club built into the game and you can *NOT* do that. So now I either have to start over ( hopefully an earlier game ) and will revert. Bethesda - I know you are not reading this ... but STOP MESSING WITH ** OUR ** game.
  11. Here is the best answer - If this problem does not happen w/the Mod not installed ( I did see your Bug Post on the Mod Page ) .. I would simply stop using it for now. Yes, I understand it looks cool and all ... but. I had a similar problem with a mod ... it gave me all the dialogs of NPC's accept that it would not display the Buy - Sell option at all. So I simply had to stop using it, until the Mod Creator and I could work to find the problem out.
  12. Did you try restarting your game and NOT USE THE CONSOLE COMMAND? I do know at times, that when Console Commands .. and save games, it can / does at times saves those commands. So try playing a Saved game where you did NOT start using the command. Does it still happen? BTW - when posting long Data use the / Spoiler command to hide it, so people can read it if they choose and then have it go back into hiding and thus keep the screen smaller.
  13. Google this: - < Skyrim SE how to change console font color You will get your answer.
  14. Okay, w/the list that you have .. 1st - Did you use LOOT to organize your mods? ... if you did .. Then you are not going to like the answer at all, trust me. I call it the P.I.T.A. Protocol. 2nd - Backup all your current saved game, if any, to a different directory. 3rd - Initiate the P.I.T.A. by doing the following: > Turn *OFF* ( DO NOT REMOVE THEM ) ALL your mods. > Start a new game. Yes from the beginning. > Then see if the game will start with NO MODS active. > IF it does, then you have one or more Mod Conflicts. > IF the game does not start, then you have a corrupt file in the base game. > If the game starts then go to the point where you create your character. ( Still NO - ZERO mods active ) > SAVE THE GAME. > Then turn on 2 - 4 mods at a time and see when / what mod(s) are creating the issue. Understand that it could be more than 1 mod.
  15. Thanks @753Leonidas - For others who might need this SSE ENGINE FIXES (SKSE64 PLUGIN) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230
  16. Thanks - I tried a few search terms - but I like your term better - will give it a try!
  17. I would be careful using the mod suggested. There are some serious issues with it ... and IF you should try it: >> Back up all your saved games before you use the mod ... so that when you find it does not work ... you can go back to your original saved games AFTER you uninstall the mod. Especially since SKYRIM SE has been totally screwed up by the so called Bethesda "Update" .... be very careful.
  18. You could also - just use the command console and click on the trees ( one at a time ) and use the DISABLE option to clear the view you want.
  19. Use the "Spoiler" command and list your mods. Likely you have a mod that is the cause/effect of this?
  20. I admittedly may not have gone back far enough in the posts and I admit that. I save a game: I get this "IMAGE" save and it's "corrupted" and cannot load the prior Save. - but it's not. I simply have to close the game and reload. Anyone figure out what is going on and how to fix it? Thanks!
  21. Thanks - as that is pretty much what I was reading ... even those who apparently liked it, their reviews were less then convincing.
  22. Okay, so after Beth screwed up my game last year .. I took some serious time off, and then Beth messed up my FO 4 game! But, okay ... I see there is AE that is $20.00 and the reviews are seriously mixed and I'm wondering if it's worth it? I'm leaning towards NO. Even just getting SE to work .. I've had to un-install and re-install twice. Grrr ...... Anyways - AE worth it or not and please be specific as to why or why not.
  23. Actually I am .. just because I disagree with you and Sim City in FO 4, does not make one "un-fun" ... but I guess you have a very limited supply of fun friends if that is how you judge people?
  24. 1st - The execution of the settlements, did 100% suck .. they literally had no clue what they were doing and did NOT think it through. ... Thus I seriously do not like it at all. I do use Transfer Settlement mod, just so I don't waste game time .. well wasting time. 2nd - Fallout is about Quests - Stories ... and as I posted above, FO 4 had some great Quests/Stories that could have / should have been told. 3rd - The Settlements, I can maybe see that there is a Mayor of the said settlements - and quests and such could revolve around them? But to have the main character be everything, from builder, guard, babysitter, ... is/was wrong.
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