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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. As soon as they have time to 'go there'. Beth really did not think this through, right during the Christmas Holiday and they expect people to accept a program update that simply will not work until certain other people ( SKSE ) have time to 'go there'? This is bad bad PR for Beth.
  2. Right now - any and all that require SKSE ... as we need to wait for that to be updated. Then any / all mods that operate under SKSE .. then we need to wait for them to catch up, if they need to be updated. Some may not need to. Basically the LIST is too toooo toooooooooo long to even begin to list.
  3. Actually - nothing for the player except to PTO ... big time. They started to put so called content that was already in the game if one wanted them .. but kind of FORCED the issue. But they did give the option to turn them OFF ..... which I did.
  4. I read the posts and sadly I agree with a lot of them. I remember back when they first attempted this with Skyrim and boy did the ...... hit the fan! There was a whole lot of FALLOUT ( pun intended ) over it and I would have thought they had learned their lesson! But it seems .. NOT ... The sad thing is, IF Beth did not have the Mod Community their games would die big time! Fallout 4 is only kept alive because of MOD CREATORS, other wise that one would have died big time. Fallout 76 is still seriously problematic and I hear Starfield is not doing well and Beth is hoping the MOD COMMUNITY once again comes to their rescue! Beth owes the MOD COMMUNITY BIG TIME and not the other way around! I understand based on FO 4 - FO 76 and Starfield that they have totally run out of the ability to tell stories like Skyrim - and the other earlier Elder Scroll games and FO 3. I cannot give them FO NV as Obsidian did that and did a great job. I honestly fear for OS-6 ... I really do .... If they need $$, maybe they should take more time to put together stories that have MEAT and not just piece meal ....
  5. Well I bought my own Hard Copy ... sadly ... it registers through and with Steam. GOG - Store ( Hard DVD Copy ) and such. I cannot tell you since 2020 how many times until 2021 ( Dec ) that I turned off AUTO UPDATE and KEPT IT OFF .... Yet .. seems Steam can OVER RIDE and screw people up anyways.
  6. SKSE - is down, because they need to update. Skyrim SE - is down, because Steam over rode my *NO AUTO UPDATE* and updated anyways. Now mine and many others games are totally trashed.
  7. What literally P... Me Off is that I had / have NO AUTO UPDATE activated and Steam over wrote it!
  8. "Essentially" you are correct. They ( Beth and Steam ) only screwed up a game that was well started. I'm not in my happy place.
  9. I am totally PO'd I had - on purpose - since the first AE update back in 22 ... I turned *OFF* auto Update, so this was not supposed to happen! I too share your pain and now I have to totally start over, even with my mods! Beth and Steam - SO NOT HAPPY WITH YOU! .. and yes, my AUTO-UPDATE is still *OFF* on Steam .. so this should have NEVER HAPPENED!
  10. Yes, I made sure of that ... which is strange - because in one case ... the MOD is version 5.0 - Feb 19, 2018 date / version and had to go back to version 3.2 - March 22, 2017 - which works fine. ??? There are some mods that I did find worked after going to an older version, because the newer version was simply not working. Some simply now, will not work - period.
  11. Okay, I have a new computer that has never seen / had FO-4 on it. Windows 10 - 64 bit, with MAX RAM and Very current video card with max ram. I installed a new game with Steam doing the install of FO 4 and ALL DLC's. I have the most current version of FO4SE. I have the current version of: Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P. So here is the problem: More mods than not, will *NOT* work with the above "current" install. I have to go back to a prior ( older ) versions to get them to work. Some simply will not work at all. Yes, I made sure I had ALL the REQUIREMENTS of said Mods. I tried LOOT and they did not work and I tried moving them down to lower load order and that did not work. Now my prior system - worked with these just fine. So I have to wonder what is going on?
  12. Fallout 4 - I was initially not impressed, when it was released. As I realized they put out a product that had really poor story line and character development. Not to add, the fact they were all out of IMAGINATION, that they had to try ( failed ) in the ( Sim City ) attempt of "Settlements", for which they could not even semi-sorta-kinda get that right! FALLOUT was never meant to be SIM CITY! But I suffered, and yes at times it was suffering ... through it to get to the Quests, which also were slightly incomplete, if we are honest. I got so fed up .. that I took a break ( 2 years ) from it and decided to come back and give it another try. So I saved my BLUE PRINTS from the most excellent mod: >> Transfer Settlements - Shareable Settlement Blueprints BY --- CDante This mod made / makes a good part of the settlements "easier" to get through. So current play, 2 years later, after a "few" hours and days of play, well .... 1 - I have a full proof settlement build. ... Turrets * LOTS OF THEM * ... Very High Walls. * ALL THE WAY AROUND THE SETTLEMENTS. ... Only 1 way in and out. * HEAVILY GUARDED AND I DO MEAN HEAVILY! * ... Settlers are armed with powerful hand weapons. I think you get the picture? Only a fool would try to take these settlement s on and when one does stupid things, one gets stupid prizes. In this case Death or wish you would have died. But I still get the annoying calls of RAIDERS - kidnapping - demanding food and so on. REALLY???? > They, Bethesda, did not know what they were doing. They did not even take into account, "What if they built a solid settlement?" .... Then the "FOOD CRISIS" would have been IF / THEN .. turned *OFF*. .... Then the "KIDNAPPINGS" would have been IF / THEN .. turned *OFF*. Bethesda really did NOT have a clue what they were doing and successfully FAILED in this part. > Then the so called "Bad Ass" Gunners. Seriously???? ... The kids in FO 3 in Little Lamp Light have more balls and could take this idiots on and win! ... I mean when you shoot at a "Gunner" and they run crying, "Daddy!!" o..0 > Then you had a rehash of Fallout 3. Instead of Son looking for Dad, we have Dad/Mom looking for Son. o..0 ... They really did run out of imagination and story ideas. Sad, very sad. I mean here is an idea: * Keep the Institute. * Keep the Railroad. * Keep the BoS. * Keep the Minutemen. But have our main Protagonist still be the "Hero" .. but NOT going after his / her son. Have 3 Paths - Institute - Railroad - BoS or Minutemen. Then actually have QUESTS / Adventures with them. Basic plot ideas: * Institute caused the failure in the vault, looking for a baby but failed. Then you go on a quest to find that "pure blood" and find out Synths are becoming self-aware. And help the Institute take over the Common Wealth! * Railroad. You find Deacon and he actually has a Quest - Backstory to find his wife and child, first child from a human - synth relationship. Maybe a tie in with an Institute Quest. You help recruit and build escape exits for them at various boarder crossing and help set them up. You also find a bit more history that started in Fallout 3. * BoS. You find out what happened to that young kid in FO 3 and how they 'found out' about the Institute? You also have a Quest to find out more about Danse and where he came from. Like Nicky V. * Minutemen and how they got started and rebuild them with some Quests, like Mama Murphy and Preston Garvey might be related, but not known to them? Except maybe to Mama Murphy?? Find out help bring peace of mind, as can be, with the two that lost their son. The "handyman". Find out that maybe Mama Murphy's "the sight" is not just drug related and offers to help "see the future"? * Strong and the "Milk of human kindness" and that being a full quest. Then you have side quests to fully explore the history and such of: Finch - Summerville - Abernathy Farm - Graygardens - Sunshine Tidings Co-Op and The Slog and The Covenant. There were PLENTY OF STORY LINES AND QUESTS waiting to be told and explored and Bethesda missed some GREAT opportunities to have a very HOT GAME! But they made the Sandbox smaller - Quests incomplete and a whole lot of missed opportunities. To further prove the point: * I still have friends trying to play FO 76 and they are still to this day UPSET and NOT HAPPY. Some even bailed as CTD's and such still too much. * I have some friends playing Starfield and the common line: Great graphics but no real story lines to sink your teeth into. You, apparently do get to build awesome ships. Which makes me seriously nervous, IF I live to see it ... the follow-up to the Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Bethesda *NEEDS* to find some new "blood" of people that have GREAT IMAGINATIONS IN STORY TELLING. Sadly like Hollywood - they are just doing "reboots" - "rehash" and well .... ** LET THE FLAME BEGIN! I can handle it, I'm not a "snowflake" or "cupcake". I've survived Cancer - Blood Clots and a whole lot more. I'm tough.
  13. Thank you .. actually what I needed to do is fallback to the recent prior version and all worked just fine. This is like the 4th Mod that I needed to fallback to the last prior version for things to work.
  14. Now I've not played FO 4 for over 2 1/2 years .... Came back to it and kept a list / link of mods that I used in the past. Some still here ... some gone ... Clean install of FO 4 and ALL DLC's ... Now in the past I was able to add "enchantments" ( IE; Legendary: Personality "boost" ) But now, any hat - scarf - wedding ring causes an INSTANT CTD! Thanks ..... I will supply MODS if requested.
  15. I went through a similar issue and then noted the DATE it started: - A.E. was released and it's been a pain to put everything back without AE as I simply do not like it. One of the reasons I don't like A.E. is that in Hearthfires they force the aquariums in the basement and I simply have no use for them and like a different mod that uses that space. I'm still trying to correct the AE back to SE ... but it's proving to be no small challenge as something is FORCING an update that I do not wish to have.
  16. Nothing - that is from LOOT that copies everything that I have loaded and active ... except for FO3 Script Extender ( Current version )
  17. Might help if we had your mod load list. Use the with no spaces: [ spoiler ] hit <return> copy mod list and at end use with no spaces [ / spoiler ]
  18. Just as it says: - ALL Regulator Characters, even the dead one in Arlington will not load. - Regulator HQ is locked and cannot get into it. I can COC zRegulatorHQInterior and I'm inside and the place is EMPTY of all characters and NPC. My Mod List as Loaded by LOOT: Hope someone can help with this one?
  19. I have a mod that works with HEARTHFIRE homes. I really like this mod a lot and is a staple that I just use. So the question is this: Did Bethesda turn off the AQUARIUM cell in the basement or at least made it a choice to have on / off? I found it strange that the Hearthfire let's you make the call on your home except this 1 thing. Sort of annoying 2/b honest. A mod that I use, uses the same cell space and I could give a rats .... about an aquarium .... it's just dead space to me. Thanks ...
  20. Question that you did not supply: If you do a clean install and NO MODS at all ... just the DLC's: -> Does the game work? BTW - the one mod I would use - STOP WINDOWS LIVE - that will indeed cause CTD and such ....
  21. Where specifically are you when you hear this? @MalachiDelcot - is correct, at some of the locations it's ambience. In other places it's the wind ... also depends on if you have any weather MODS??? But there are a couple of places that you need to explore, but that depends where you are hearing it?
  22. Okay, I gave AE a chance, though admittedly I had doubts and I guess they prove, at least to me, accurate. But I did give it a go in hopes that I would be wrong. AE - it seems is nothing more than a Beth's push for C.C. First the Fishing - nice, but .. the fish you catch are basically useless. As there are already food and potions that will do what the fish do in the base game. Second: Survival Mode = I tried to figure out what the rules were. You are tired. Okay, so I go get some sleep. First I do my normal SE / Frostfall - RN&D - CACO 6 hours.Nope, still tired so I go another 4 hours, nope. So I go a full 24 hours ... and NO .. still seens as tired. WTF?So I started my game totally over and removed the afore mentioned mods, thinking they screwed it up.NOPE - once tired / fatigued ... that's it ... found NOTHING that cured it, not even potions or fish.Other things in the SM just did not make sense and nothing seemed to fix it.Okay, so then HEARTHFIRE and they PUSHED no option to say, "No thanks .. to those fish tanks in the basement. Yes, I used another mod that used that space and I'd rather have had the choice to use the mod I liked than those waste of space Fish Tanks. But NO - they PUSHED IT ON YOU NO CHOICE TO BE HAD TO NOT BUILD THERE! Then the basement would NOT finish building. I would build the forge and NO FORGE! No smelter! and such .... By this time I was totally annoyed and said - FORGET THIS! I went back to PRE-AE, as I saved ( Backed up all my files ) and now my game runs like I want it. Do I miss the fishing? No, not really and Frostfall - CACO and RN&D give me the survival challenge that makes sense and works. > Okay - let the flame begin, since I have a feeling some will take me to task.
  23. I did a search, but knowing the right words to choose might be my problem, so I'm posting here first. Does anyone know if there is a PATCH for Realistic Needs & Diseases and CACO so the food is seen as FILLING - SNACK and such? Thanks!
  24. Meaning: I started a Fresh - Clean Game. I got to the 1st 3 Standing stones just outside of Riverwood. The first three you see. Thief - Mage - Warrior. I activated the Mage ... and was instantly teleported back to the cave opening you come out of from Helgan. I went back to the 3 and activated a different one and the same thing happened. I have NO mods that touch Standing Stones at all. The only mod " related " is Helgan Reborn.
  25. Ah the joys of a new computer and trying to get everything to work. :P This is a clean fresh start game. New character and all. So - I'm at the 3 Standing Stones and it does not matter which one I choose .... I choose it and I'm teleported back to the opening of the cave from Helgon. Never had this happen before ... so I'm not even sure where to begin to look? I have not really added any new mods, as there were some Quest - Adventure ones I just wanted to complete.
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