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Everything posted by jjb54

  1. No it's not - only because the facts might not fit the narrative and shows Bethesda is slightly inflating their #'s .... Besides - How does BETHESDA KNOW THIS? Ponder this for 30 seconds, but take longer. You are imply that Bethesda is TRACKING USERS??? .... Also - with the Recent upgrade of both SKYRIM & FALLOUT 4 ->>>> THEY INCLUDED CC-MODS <<<<- so that right there tells you, that their system is FLAWED. Because EVERY SKYRIM - FALLOUT 4 UPDATED, recently - ** HAS MODS ** - . o O ( I was kind of hoping, I would not have had to point this out. As you should be aware of that! ) Also, I did not LIMIT the total number to just Nexus - but also STEAM and there are other sites that also have Skyrim - Fallout mods! So, again - common sense might want to be engaged here!
  2. I'll repeat my post as I did not see an answer to it. Yes, it's annoying and thus why I call it the P.I.T.A. Protocol. Because, first things first: If the game does NOT load and CTD's with no mods turned on, than the base game is some how corrupted. ALSO - > TO DO THIS YOU MUST START A BRAND NEW GAME WITH **** NO ***** Mods loaded / turned on. This must be a Base Game, empty of mods. If the game loads just fine and you can play ... get to the point where you are picking up the Pip-boy and save. Again, this save MUST HAVE NO MODS LOADED!! Then backup - make a copy of this CLEAN NO MODS SAVE for further use if/when you need it. If all is good .. then we begin P.I.T.A. Protocol II ...
  3. ... Yes, and Bethesda NEVER OVER STATES their stats at all. Actually - do the math: See how many reported games are bought / played with Skyrim .. let's say. Then go to sites: Nexus - Steam and Other sites now that do mods for just Skyrim - for this dialog sake. You'll see that yes, Bethesda "reports" are not seriously factual. Supposedly there are 60 MILLION SKYRIM GAMES SOLD: Nexus alone has: 54,596,397 members. So you see ... Out of the 60 Million, only 6 million ( and that's not a lot ) are M.I.A. in Nexus. Now how many are on Steam, using mods? So what Bethesda says - and just doing, even "ballpark" ... Um, I will CHALLENGE their so called " report ".
  4. * Do you have ANY MODS installed at all and active with our restart of the game?
  5. Did you try turning *OFF* - DO NOT REMOVE THEM - your mods and only load the Base Game? Does it load? If it does - then you have a mod conflict and/or load order.
  6. Yes ... you are correct: But they show a PATTERN OF (NOT SO GOOD BEHAVIOR) on Bethesda's part. Skyrim is still their #1 game, if we are honest? BASE and MODDED. It's fantasy / Magic and lore are NOT lost in FO. FALLOUT 4 - has "magic" of FPS weapons. Fallout also has LORE! BoS - Enclave - Vaults - Deathclaws - Mutants ... the LORE IS THERE! FALLOUT 76 = was supposed to be further LORE building and such. ( FAILED ) -> To the point legal actions and such were put on the table - AGAINST BETHESDA over selling and not delivering. Starfield - Again, look at the PRE-HYPE that Bethesda "sold" and what we were told .. and they too, FAILED TO DELIEVER. 3 Different games, yes - but with the Exception of Starfield ( which could have been great ) if they actually TRIED TO TELL STORIES. Elder Scrolls have LORE - Fallout has LORE.
  7. No actually - SKYRIM - is still Bethesda's best and most successful game. FO 4 - WOULD NOT EVEN BE ON THE RADAR, if it wasn't for the MOD COMMUNITY Creators coming to the Rescue. Otherwise, it would have died a painful death. Stop, and take this challenge that I gave users back when FO 4 came out. ... JUST PLAY THE BASE GAME. NO MODS AT ALL. Just the base game and tell me how much you love it?? Strange - of the people ( Diehards ) ( about 60 in all ) all said the same thing in their unique ways: They stopped playing it as it was "crap" - "s#*&#33;" - "why did they f8king do this?" .. to various paraphrased of the afore mentioned quotes. Several players stopped their "pain and agony" after Concord and the rescue. The building of Sanctuary was ... ( use various cuss words here ). Several "forced their way" through Tenpines and stopped. Some did the Clearing out the car mfg ... and stopped. < - I think you get my point? No - FO 4 would not have "gone far" if, again it was *NOT* for the Mod Creators .... which *NO* game should be dependent on that alone! See - here is what you are overlooking: FO 4 - was HYPED and yes I was initially excited .. but I waited 8 month afterwards... and it was BUGGY just to install! I had to go online and find, you *NEED* to take the DVD's and copy them to your hard drive and install that way. Yes, it worked. But I should not have had to 'go there'. So here is what I would challenge you to do: PLAY THE GAME WITH ZERO MODS and get "back to me" with ".. how fun ( it wasn't ) .." for you. >>> I dare you! <<< Understand that I expect, sadly, for you to give me excuses why you won't .. and thus proving, actually my point. Would you still be playing the game w/out the mod community? I would wager you would not, because of the bugs and the frustration of the game not being FALLOUT .. but .. FALLOUT - Meets Sim City ( and failed ) and such. Fallout 76 - was "sold" as WAY MORE THAN IT WAS and the fanbase and such were MAD AS HELL and even legal actions were taken / threatened and such. They Over Sold what they "delivered" and they are still trying to "catch up". Starfield - again, was OVER SOLD as to what it would be, verse what IS! Fan base is not overly excited and happy with that either. No - FO 4 ... FO 76 ... Starfield are all wrapped up in the same issue: Bethesda is NOT able to deliver the "goods". Their ability to tell stories - quests and such are what FALLOUT ( all of them ) are about! Elder Scrolls - Ditto. Starfield - go look at the Pre-market hype and then .. well. IT'S CALLED A PATTERN and it's not good!
  8. Fallout 4 - Fallout 76 - Starfield are SOLID PROOF that Bethesda no longer can tell stories and/or create solid Quest Lines. That is why I'm not wanting to see Elder Scroll IV ... We will have Elder Scrolls - meet - Sim City as they did and failed with FALLOUT 4.
  9. Except that there are NOW mods that Bethesda FORCED on us ... and we have NO SAY! We can *NOT* turn them *OFF* as the game will not load. Sadly, also the Mod Creator can be of no help, because Bethesda HARDSET the mods and they can *NOT* be updated, fixed or anything. I can tell you that all the CC mods HARDSET in the game, are buggy as hell. Quests won't finish - weapons / armor don't work or show up - NPC lag and or freeze to more than TOO MANY CTD's. So *IF* one only wants to play CC - Hardset mods and nothing else, even that has no promise that the game will be stable.
  10. I understand the 1/2 - the problem with that is -> There could be more than 1 mod at play, causing the CTD in their load list.
  11. Well, been slightly busy with health challenges and RL ... So update: > Skyrim - the so called "update" earlier this year or late last, I forget now. I know that I was completely ... well did not even bother trying to update and fix Skyrim until middle of this year. It was NOT an update - it was *CC crap mods hard set into the game that I simply wished they gave us the option. Their survival mode, sucks. I am glad that they allowed it to, at least, be turned off. I will continue to use FROSTFALL - CAMPING - Realistic Needs and D. These are very much more to real life. * I do not fault the MOD CREATORS - I do fault Bethesda for not even understanding how MODS apparently work? If they did, at least in my game, they would not be so buggy and at least with personal installed mods; you can turn them off - on and try to fix. But you can NOT turn them off, because the base game then will not load! Again, I do not fault the Mod Creators. This is 100% Bethesda totally F' -UP Some of ( no, all of them, I think I've got one that worked!! ) mods they forced on us, for me .. do NOT work. Bugs, from a 'pirate city' floating about the base ground. Tried to talk to the creator on Nexus. He was unable to help, since Beth made it so it's part of the game. It cannot be fixed. Some weapons are not able to be achieved. One mod, I'm thankful I make daily saves, got screwed up big time. Usually I can turn OFF a Nexus Mod ... go into the game .. save and turn back ON mod and start again. Not when they are hard set into the game. So in complete honesty, Beth did NOT update or fix anything in Skyrim - They Forced mods that, at least for me. Do NOT work most of the time. What should have happened is, they should have given the players the OPTION to get the "Update" that only involved MODS and nothing more. But if they did that, I am pretty sure 90%+ would have given it a HARD PASS! > FALLOUT 4. This year too, what they hell did they fix? NOTHING! Like with Skyrim, all they did was force CC-Crap Mods that are buggy and incomplete and unable to be fixed or anything ... because they hard set it into our game. Again, if Beth had given us the choice, I still hold that 90%+ would have given the CC-Mod version a HARDPASS! * I do not fault the MOD CREATORS - I do fault Bethesda for not even understanding how MODS apparently work? If they did, at least in my game, they would not be so buggy and at least with personal installed mods; you can turn them off - on and try to fix. But you can NOT turn them off, because the base game then will not load! Again, I do not fault the Mod Creators. This is 100% Bethesda totally F' -UP > I have friends still trying to get into Starfield and '.. it's not going well ..' to a number who have told me, "I'm holding on, hoping they make it worth it. I'm holding on, but ..." So again, Bethesda is not doing the fan base any favors at all! I'm not sure I want to see Elder Scroll IV - as Bethesda's ability to tell stories - Quests and such are proving to be HISTORY!
  12. Thank you --- I figured it out. I needed to move a specific mod lower than I had it ... which made sense, once I thought about it. Thanks again ... have a great week!
  13. Maybe it was removed, I dunno? There was a mod that allowed you to put legendary and such on any armor / clothing / hat / helmet and such. Anyone know the mods name and/or if it's still around?
  14. In Console command: ; default is 20 iConsoleTextSize=30 or whatever size fits what you need.
  15. Okay, first off: Did you try TURNING OFF all mods and see if a NEW GAME starts and loads fine? - IF YES and it does LOAD fine .. then obviously you have mod conflicts. Keep all mods *OFF* and SAVE game at the point where you create your character: "Who are you?" - Then first go to each mods site and look for conflicts and bugs to see if you have any? - Yes, you have to do some homework. - Once you have determined that there is no mod conflicts, then use LOOT and assure your LOAD order is good. But make sure to note any mods that need to be at the bottom of your load list. Usually the MOD CREATOR will make this known on their page. - Then turn your mods back on and see if game works or CTD? - IF it works - GO DRAGON HUNTING! - IF it does not work, then the P.I.T.A. process must begin. .... Once again, turn OFF all mods and assure that game loads just fine. It should, unless you accidently saved. Then redo the NO MODS LOADED and save as stated above. .... Then turn ON 1 mod at a time, Load game ... until you find the cause of the CTD.
  16. Frostfall Camping Realistic Needs & Diseases
  17. When I enter the Dream state and get to the place where the "Pull Chain" and then Take Gem Stone. > THE GEM STONE IS NOT THERE. Thus I am unable to continue the quest of the Skull of Corruption. * it is not on the floor anywhere around. * I tried doing, console command: player.setstage da16 160 and then movetoqt da16 1 > The commands do not remove the barrier. I have tried restarting the quest from the very beginning, meeting E in the Inn. Any help would be appreciated.
  18. I still use NEXUS MOD MANAGER and it works great: Simple - Easy - No issues. You might want to check it out?
  19. I cannot argue with you ... I had my reasons for Skyrim SE - to use my high end computer and such. BUT IF I knew that this is where Bethesda was going to go ... Sadly Bethesda has shown their hand as far as Fallout 4 and Starfield. They can no longer tell stories at all. They can only do stupid things like: Settlement Building ( Fallout 4 ) - They tried to be SimCity and FAILED 100%. They had great potentials for Quests / Stories and didn't go there. Made Sandbox ( useable ) smaller then FO 3 and NV and Skyrim. Oh it "looks bigger" but a lot of that is USELESS WATER. What they had: * Strong ( Mutant ) - Quest to find the Milk of Human Kindness and the lady that helped him. ( a journal or something ) * Deacon - His Synth wife. Was she really killed? OR a quest to find she is still very much alive and that she had a baby by Deacon. Not supposed to happen! * Dance ( Brotherhood of Steel ) - Quest of how / where he came from and his synth history. * Preston Garvey - Originally Mama Murphy was suppose to be a Black Lady. But P.C. stopped Bethesda. IF they had gone to that, Mama Murphy kept from Preston that she is his Grandmother, Quest. But ... they failed in story telling in FO 4 and Starfield. I am actually hoping they don't do Elder Scroll IV ... unless they do a MAJOR UPGRADE in how to tell stories!
  20. You are correct .. but Steam would not have done it, unless Bethesda told them to. I agree 100% with : On a side note - it's one of the reasons why I moved to GOG. Bethesda titles (with few exceptions) are Single Player games - they should never be treated with pushed updates like they are Multi-Player games. So now I back up the current game folder - saved games and such .. to overwrite any new updates!
  21. Yes .. but I also know that Bethesda, through 'agents' visit and read, thus they stand a very good chance of seeing it.
  22. Thanks Bethesda, for screwing up my game play on Skyrim and Fallout 4. So what did you do? You decided to embed some mods that I really honestly DO NOT LIKE OR WOULD EVER PLAY, if given the choice. I am unable to disable these mods, because if I do - the BASE GAMES will *NOT* load!! What made you think I would, or anyone would just like our games loaded with MODS that, well, we could give a rats ass about? So, the problem is this: The mods that I do enjoy causes GLITCHES to my game that either I have to "live with" and/or remove the mod I really want for the crap you gave me! Some of the Mods do not even work correctly. ................................ Weapons don't work. ................................ NPC lock, stutter and such. ................................ Quests are not able to be finished and so on. ................................ Mods that I use, CONFLICT with your mods. Thus taking away MY CHOICE. Even the mods that you gave, are UNSUPPORTED by the MOD CREATORS, because "Bethesda did this, and we have no idea how they programed them into the game." We would have NO IDEA how to 'patch it' and such." So, maybe, you should have GIVEN US THE CHOICE, since we paid for the game to be OUR GAME, not yours! Load this BASE GAME - *IF* you want the following MODS and give an outline of the mods. Load this BASE GAME - *IF* you DO NOT WANT the following mods. Yes, I would be fine with ALL or NOTHING. But here is the issue. I think you KNEW we would not go for the CRAP LOADED MOD version. Mods are subjective and players differ in their game play and mods they want and/or do not want and you FORCED it on us and you ruined *OUR* game! Keep this up and you are going to find, less and less support and a FAN BASE! It took me months to want to go back to Skyrim, because of "the update" you did. Even longer after your F-Up of Fallout 4. I just started it and well the mods I like and want to use, create "issues" with the crap you forced on us. I just may go back to Fallout 3 - NV, because thankfully you've not F'd those games up! . o O ( Please DO NOT! )
  23. Thanks Bethesda, for screwing up my game play on Skyrim and Fallout 4. So what did you do? You decided to embed some mods that I really honestly DO NOT LIKE OR WOULD EVER PLAY, if given the choice. I am unable to disable these mods, because if I do - the BASE GAMES will *NOT* load!! What made you think I would, or anyone would just like our games loaded with MODS that, well, we could give a rats ass about? So, the problem is this: The mods that I do enjoy causes GLITCHES to my game that either I have to "live with" and/or remove the mod I really want for the crap you gave me! Some of the Mods do not even work correctly. ................................ Weapons don't work. ................................ NPC lock, stutter and such. ................................ Quests are not able to be finished and so on. ................................ Mods that I use, CONFLICT with your mods. Thus taking away MY CHOICE. Even the mods that you gave, are UNSUPPORTED by the MOD CREATORS, because "Bethesda did this, and we have no idea how they programed them into the game." We would have NO IDEA how to 'patch it' and such." So, maybe, you should have GIVEN US THE CHOICE, since we paid for the game to be OUR GAME, not yours! Load this BASE GAME - *IF* you want the following MODS and give an outline of the mods. Load this BASE GAME - *IF* you DO NOT WANT the following mods. Yes, I would be fine with ALL or NOTHING. But here is the issue. I think you KNOW we would not go for the CRAP LOADED MOD version. Mods are subjective and players differ in their game play and mods they want and/or do not want and you FORCED it on us and you ruined *OUR* game! Keep this up and you are going to find, less and less support and a FAN BASE! It took me months to want to go back to Skyrim, because of what you did. Even longer after your F-Up of Fallout 4. I just started it and well the mods I like and want to use, create "issues" with the crap you forced on us. I just may go back to Fallout 3 - NV, because thankfully you've not F'd those games up! . o O ( Please DO NOT! )
  24. Do you have a link to the mod that "Turns off the "new" content."? I would really like to do that. I obviously cannot just turn them off or remove them from the DATA FOLDER as then the game will not load but CTD. Thanks! I just posted an OPEN LETTER TO BETHESDA.
  25. Okay, since this a Bethesda CC add-on that has ... well. I finished the quest and it was okay. Except that ONE of the weapons does not work: Baseball Launcher ( Modified Ammo from the Chem Station. ) Yes, I have the right ammo. - The HUD shows that I do and yet it will NOT fire - it just goes CLICK CLICK
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