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Everything posted by CasperTheLich
player.modpcmiscstat 32 -15 (removes 15 murders from your characters stats) check oblivion wiki for more ;) ---edit ok, ok... i'm being nicer. 1 = days passed (doesn't seem to work though) 2 = skill increases 3 = training 4 = largest bounty 5 = creatures killed 6 = people killed 7 =places discovered 8 = lock picked 9 = lockpicks broken 10 = souls trapped 11 = ingredients eaten 12 = potions created 13= oblivion gates closed 14 = horses owned 15 = houses owned 16 = stores invested in big gap in memory 32 = murders
a while back i happened to notice a mod that does exactly what you’re looking for; however I don’t have it, nor do I remember what it’s called. Sorry… but at least it does exist, and I think it is on nexus somewhere. happy hunting ;)
one of the first mods i had changed how the repair system functioned. it replaced repair hammers with a repair bag, the bag had several tools in it. leather & cloth items could be repaired on the spot (in non-combat anyway), to repair metal items such as swords, axes and metal armor you needed either a forge, a campfire or firesalts as well as a jug of water or frost salts. if you had a repair kit that is. you could also find flint rocks or logs (usually found in caves) to form makeshift weapons, like flint knives or a blunt wooden club. i got into the habit of carrying backup weapons and fire & frost salts (i still pack extra weapons with me). i don't know how the mod worked, at the time i figured it was some fancy scripting, or maybe armor was judged by weight? now i really don't have a clue.
thanks for the reply
i've been playing oblivion for, oh... what, like 6 years now, and there are only two things that bug me, well two things i haven't been able to fix, and i've looked for mods that would from the very begining. the main issue i have is with the poisoned apples you can use for killing npcs covertly, and the situations i would really like to use them the npcs either don't eat at all (usually added by mods), or they have infinite supplies of food in their inventory so they never eat it. so is it possible for a character with high personality or speechcraft skills to either using the conversation system to sort of plant a hypnotic suggestion or convince an npc they would like to eat an apple just after you planted one in their inventory, or create a spell that makes someone hungry for an apple or poisoned apple? request # 2 i find it hard to sit here and watch my character repair cloth or leather items with a repair hammer, or watching my character using only a simple hammer to repair armor or weapons. without needing to heat an item before striking it, or without having to cool it afterwards. i know a little about forging and repairing weapons & similar items, and i just find it hard to take. for a while i had a rather large mod that i can't seem to find, so i'm not really looking for it anymore. however, i would be somewhat put at ease if some nice modder out there could replace the mesh, texture & icon for the repair hammer, with i don't know... like some kind of toolkit that rolls-up into a leather satchel or something (note: i don't actually need it to roll up, i just need something that looks like a proper ancient repair/toolkit). well, thanks for your time.
i made a little mod that makes sigil stones a bit more powerful, when you get up towards ascendant or transcendent stones they will basically turn you into a god. i haven't balanced it out at all, and i don't plan to, but you might find it useful, if not overpowered. click here if you'd like to try it out
are you using that akaviri clothing mod that adds a merchant npc to bruma? one of the merchant npc races kind of locks the hair selection in place when you pass over it in the race selection screen. if this happens, after creating your character & closing the race menu, try opening the console and typing showracemenu and just change the character's hair.
if you're looking for a custom race that is more or less designed with an assassin type character in mind, you might try the Xenius Race Compilation. i think it requires the HGEC body mod as well. Xenius Race Comp
if you simply want to give clothes armor protection you could enchant them. using shield or elemental shield spell effects, if that's what you were getting at. or you can use the cs to give clothing the enchantment effects you want. other than that i can't really think of anything.
Does Oblivion Encourage Transvestism
CasperTheLich replied to Zapata935's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
doesn't one of the stock cobl plugins alter something like 1400 npc faces, not just the textures, hair & eyes, but the actual faces? or am i wrong? well, all i can say is the npc faces for the most part look very different from the vanilla faces/heads. (IMHO) -
Does Oblivion Encourage Transvestism
CasperTheLich replied to Zapata935's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
i found cobl dealt with this issue quite well. when i actually started using it that is. -
Oblivion Mod Background Music Help
CasperTheLich replied to Nycimus's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
could mod load order play a part? -
500 things you have learned in Oblivion
CasperTheLich replied to scarhunter92's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
908. if you manage to kill a daedra prince at the end of the invasion in the imperial city, it counts as a murder. (without a fine, i think) 909. and the newly crowned emperor still kills himself to battle absolutely nothing. -
Does Oblivion Encourage Transvestism
CasperTheLich replied to Zapata935's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
i'm a man, not much of a burly one either... so bear that in mind. now as far as chest size, h-cups are a little (or a lot) too large for my taste (speaking form a video game standpoint). i think the largest size i can handle is about an e-cup. not too much or too little. at first i typically played male characters, i started with d&d table-top gaming way back in the day, and by the time oblivion came out i had already noted the fact that videogame modders tend to make the best clothing/armor mods with female characters in mind, so i made the switch, and didn't seem to mind. now, i like the first person view when playing, however i use the vanity view quite frequently when i'm wondering around, so it does matter to me if my character doesn't look as good as he or she could, and i also take a lot of screenshots and turn them into wallpaper, so that to comes into it. as far as clothing goes, i like seductive items, weather i'm playing male or female characters, i just think male characters look better with more coverage. as far as armor goes, it doesn't matter how sexy it looks, or doesn't; as long as it looks like it suits it purpose, if it does that and looks sexy, without looking flimsy, it's just a bonus. i might not be a hardcore RPGer, but i usually do have a background setup for each character before i even create them, and it is usually complex, and they do have their own attitudes, and carry out their own actions as they should. Always in character. and i don't usually use fast travel, i actually like walking or riding around when playing my characters, taking in the views, etc. hmm... lost my train of thought. even forgot the question. i'll stop here. oh, for oblivion i've maybe created about 60 characters, some are rehashes of older characters who had corrupted save files or ini issues, all were female. now in morrowind i had maybe twice that, the male female ratio was about 1-to-1. i asked myself: "what gives?" i answered with: "who the hell really knows." -
after using oblivion for quite some time, and not really swapping out one mod for another, i found i had a pile of mods that i would like to try; however, installing them will undoubtedly conflict with most of the "core" mods i'm using now. from time to time i thought about installing another instance of oblivion in an alternate directory. however, that would involve a lot of work, rebuilding my data folder in a fashion that wouldn't conflict with some of those new mods. so my question would be something along the lines of: if running different instances of oblivion is possible what prep work would be required. mainly, unless i'm missing something; keeping the save folders, & the oblivion.ini files from each instance from overwriting each other would be the big issue right? well if that's all i have to worry about, i think i have everything covered. so could someone let me know if I am actually missing something before i go ahead & do something stupid. -thanks and if this isn't in the right spot for this post, my bad. didn't really get a good grasp of where such a post belongs. so if i'm wrong feel free to move this thread.
the jewelry in that image for the most part comes with the dress. the amulet, however; seems to be the rose necklace from "theRoadstrokers: Rogue Outfit" i'll see if i can dig it up. ---edit found it Rogue outfit
usually i just turn off vampire eyes (using the OBSE disable vampire race plugin), it dosn't sit well with the eye sets i use. but i haven't been looking for anything quite like that though.
thanks for the reply. can't seem to figure out why i'd CTD at that particular part of the plot, but i was right. raiders of cyrodill caused the crash somehow.
I've seen one or two from time to time. they didn't sound very... um, for lack of a kinder word: good. so i didn't really bother to keep tabs on them. i could go back and check my few spots and see if i can find them? keeping in mind i haven't been able to find a decent Imp guard mod as of yet.
i decided to download a few new mods for a fresh play through (i'm over 60 hours in so far). did a few side quest lines, built a really nice character. i've been doing the main quest for a while now, ive just finished MQ-9 (blood of divines, sancre tor) & MQ-11 (allies for bruma), and i'm trying to start MQ-12 (Miscarcand, spelling?), i arrive at Cloud Ruler temple from Sancre tor just fine, i enter either entryway, I can walk between the west & east wings just fine, when i try to leave the temple and enter the exterior cell i get a CTD (no real issues with mods up till this point in this play through), whether or not i've started the next quest line (MQ-12) by talking or not talking to martin, doesn't seem to matter, whenever i try to exit to an exterior, CTD. Im running 85 plugins + or -, so posting them here would take up too much time & space, the latest ones are: Sentient Weapon II, Raiders of Cyrodill v1.5 beta, Werewolf V2, A Brotherhood Renewed, Peril's Flame pt 1: the Blades, & Amaterasu no Yume (that really nice japanese style dream house mod). I know its a lot to install at once, but when I redo the MQ with a new character I tend to really load stuff onto it, for the event. At first I thought it might have something to do with the Raiders mod, but I just cant figure it. Anyone have any ideas? -----edit ment to put this in mod troubleshooting, sigh, *shrugs* i must be tired